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  • Bills [Search]
    Includes House and Senate Daily Bills List Senate Daily Bills Update, Senate Bills List Current Bills by Title,Portfolio or Private Member, Old Bills, Excise Tariff proposals Customs Tariff proposals and Bills Digest (Parliament of Australia)
  • Current Issues Briefs [Search]
    Publications in HTML and PDF since 1994 (Parliamentary Library)
  • Hansard [Search]
    Transcripts of proceedings of the Senate, House of Representatives and Committee hearings online
  • Index to Parliamentary Papers (1992-) [Search]
    Covers the Parliamentary Papers Series and a selection of documents presented to Parliament but not printed (Parliamentary Library)
  • Parliament of Australia [Search]
    Official website
  • Parliamentary Library [Search]
    Publications include the Parliamentary Handbook, Bills Digests, Background Papers, Current Issues Briefs, Chronologies ONline, Research Notes, Research Papers and E-Briefs
  • Statute Law [Search]
    Contains information about the drafting of bills and their passage through federal Parliament, delegated legislation, the process of Parliamentary scrutiny and statutory interpretation (Parliamentary Library)

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Generated: Sun Jul 21 02:15:07 2024