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Arbitration, mediation, conciliation, and other forms of ADR
- ADR Resources
Contains on-line materials for alternative dispute resolution and mediation
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators [Search]
Promotes and facilitates the determination of disputes by arbitration and alternative means of dispute resolution. Includes case list and other documents.
- Dispute Resolution Magazine [Search]
homepage contents some full texts subscription details (American Bar Association)
- [Search]
Offers comprehensive information on international arbitration and mediation and international litigation
- Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA) [Search]
Promotes global adherence to the world's principal arbitration treaties and to educate business executives, government officials and lawyers about arbitration as a means of resolving transnational business disputes
- interarb [Search]
An information provider in the area of arbitration and dispute resolution. Includes the electronic newsletter European Arbitration and WWW Virtual Library Arbitration Database
- International Commercial Arbitration: Locating the Resources
A guide to international arbitration resources maintained by Jean M. Wenger (on Law Library Resource Xchange -
- International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) [Search]
Organisation that promotes international arbitration and other forms of disputeresolution
- kluwerArbitration [Search]
Provides information on treaties, national arbitration laws, judicial decisions and arbitral awards, institutions and rules, model clauses, arbitrators, addresses of national government bodies, recent articles and books, and upcoming conferences, events and seminars
- Michigan Journal of Law Reform [Search]
Focuses on publishing law reform oriented articles
- Programmes d'Informations Juridiques de Serge Braudo [Search]
Provides information, articles, links and regulation on arbitration (in French)