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- Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society [Search]
An interdisciplinary group of scholars who share an interest in the connnections between law and history. Annual conferences are held and proceedings are published in the ANZLH E-Journal
- Francis Forbes Society for Australian Legal History [Search]
Aims to encourage the study and advance the knowledge of the history of Australian law
through publications, including a quarterly online Newsletter, promotions and lectures
- Geelong Lawyers Collection [Search]
Comprises interviews, biographies, photographs, certificates and other documents relating to the legal profession in Geelong, Victoria, Australia, from 1840 to the present
- Legal History Resources Online [Search]
Bibliographical project listing archival records, rare books and special collections covering law firms, judges, lawyers and professional legal bodies, federation documents, early law reports and trials (University of Melbourne)
- The Victorian Bar Oral History [Search]
Includes interviews (video) and transcripts, articles and photos