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- Australian Federation Full Text Database [Search]
Search and browse key primary source texts of Australian Federation, including the official reports of the debates of the 1890s, the major participants' accounts and memoirs, as well as a number of important related texts (University of Sydney)
- Barton Papers [Search]
Sir Edmond Barton - Includes correspondence during the period 1898-1905 which covers Barton's leadership of the Federation campaign, the work of the Australian delegates in London and Barton's term of office as Prime Minister (National Library)
- Federation [Search]
Annotated bibliography of resources held in the University of Melbourne collections (on Legal History Resources Online)
- National Library of Australia's Federation Gateway [Search]
A chronology of events, online databases and links to other resources including books, websites, pictures, manuscripts, maps and film relating to the Federation of Australia
- Records of the Australasian Federation Conferences of 1890s [Search]
Browsable database containing records of the Australasian Federation Conference of 1890 and the Australasian Federal Conventions of 1891 and 1897/8 (Parliament of Australia)