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- About the House 1999- [Search
] By subscription, published by House of Representatives Liaison and Projects Office (on AGIS Plus Text, Informit)
- ACCC ejournal [Search
] Free, monthly online journal published by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) covering the latest developments in trade practices law and consumer issues. Includes new, ongoing and finalised cases in relation to enforcement, speeches, news releases, mergers and other regulatory issues
- Admin Review [Search
] Law bulletin of the Administrative Review Council, by subscription (on AGIS Plus Text, Informit)
- High Court of Australia Bulletins 1995-
Special leave decisions etc (On AustLII)
- High Court Review [Search
] Electronic journal (Bond University School of Law)
- Reform [Search
] Bi-annual subscription journal of the Australian Law Reform Commission. Full articles from past issues are available online, however links to more recent issues only contain a short summary of each edition (on ALRC site)
- Reform
Bi-annual, subscription journal of the Australian Law Reform Commission. Full articles from past issues are available online (on AustLII)
- VeRBosity [Search
] A quarterly journal of the Veterans' Review Board. It contains news and case reports relating to veterans' law and related issues. Full text in PDF (on Veterans' Review Board)