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4. Researching legislation

The aim of this section is to help you find legislation on a subject from many countries.

4.1. Browsing legislation

Go to the Categories >> Legislation page.

  1. Browse to find the legislation available from your two countries, on your two subjects of interest.
  2. Task - By browsing to the relevant sites, find the telecommunications legislation from the USA (it's in the Federal Code), Viet Nam, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and your two countries of interest.

4.2. Searching for legislation

Go to the Categories >> Legislation page, so as to search over legislation from many countries.

  1. Task:
  2. Search for all legislation concerning one of your two subjects, using both types of searches used in the previous exercise.

4.3. Finding commentary on legislation

Change your search scope so you are searching All World Law for the full name of an Act, or its popular name, it may be possible to find articles or other commentary on that legislation. Then do the same using the All WorldLII and Law on Google search scope options.

  1. Task: Find commentary on any of the following pieces of legislation that interest you:
  2. Search for commentary on a piece of legislation of interest to you.

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