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5. Researching law reform documents

Many countries have specialised organisations responsible for investigating areas where new laws are needed, and where old laws need reform. The reports they publish recommending law reforms are one of the most valuable sources of comparative international legislative materials. In different countries these organisations are called Law Reform Commissions, Law Revision Commissions, Uniform Law Commissioners Conferences and so on. There are also international law reform bodies such as UNCITRAL.

This section aims to help you find these valuable comparative materials.

5.1 Browsing for law reform

Collections of law reform materials can be accessed from the Categories >> Law Reform page.

  1. Task: Browse to the New Zealand Law Reform Commission site and find reports relevant to your subjects of interest. (The NZ reports cannot be searched because they are in PDF format.)
  2. Are law reform documents available from your countries of interest?

5.2 Searching for law reform

  1. Task: The aim is to find material concerning discrimination and HIV / AIDS:
  2. Task: Find Australian law reform reports concerning arbitration, mediation or alternative dispute resolution.
  3. Find law reform materials from all countries on your subjects of interest.

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