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International Court of Justice - Selected Bibliography [2003] PICTRes 20 (15 December 2003)

Last updated 12/15/03




International Court of Justice   – Selected Bibliography





Ab’u al-Waf’a, A. h., La non-comparution devant la Cour internationale de justice (Paris, Libr. générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1986).

Abi Saab, Georges, “The Court and the bomb: a case of mutual deterrence?,” 7(2) Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 429-57 (Fall 1997).

      “De l'évolution de la Cour internationale. Réflexions sur quelques tendances récentes”, 96 Revue générale de droit international public 273-298 (1992).

      Les exceptions preliminaires dans la procedure de la Cour Inter­nationale: Etude de notions fondamentales de procedure et des moyens de leur mise en oeuvre (Paris: Pedone, 1967).

Ago, Robert, “Binding Advisory Opinions of the International Court of Justice,” 85 American Journal of International Law 439 (1985).

Akande, D., “The International Court of Justice and the Security Council: is there room for judicial control of decisions of the political organs of the United Nations?,” 46 The International & Comparative Law Quarterly 309-43 (April 1997).

Alexandrov, S. A., “Accepting the Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice with Reservations: an Overview of Practice with a Focus on Recent Trends and Cases”, 1 Leiden Journal of International Law 89-124 (2001).

      Non-appearance before the International Court of Justice,” 33 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 41-72 (1995).

      Reservations in Unilateral Declarations Accepting the Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (Dordrecht; Boston, M. Nijhoff, 1995).

Alford, N.H., “Fact Finding by the World Court”, 4 Villanova Law Review 37-91 (1958).

Allsebrook, M., Prototypes of Peacemaking: the First Forty Years of the United Nations (Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex, U.K., Longman, 1986).

Alvarez, J.E., “Judging the Security Council,” 90 American Journal of International Law 1-39 (January 1996).

American Bar Association Section of International and Comparative Law, Report on the Self-judging Aspect of the United States’ Domestic Jurisdiction Reservation with Respect to the International Court of Justice (1959).

Anand, Ram Prakash, Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (New York: Asia Publications House, 1962).

      International Courts and Contemporary Conflicts: the Potentialities of Third-party Decision in Promoting a World Public Order of Human Dignity (New Haven, 1964)

      “Attitude of “New” Asian-African Countries toward the International Court of Justice”, in: F.E. Snyder & S. Sathirathai (eds.), Third World Attitudes toward International Law: an Introduction (Dordrecht: Nijhoff, 1987), pp. 163-177.

Anderson, D. H., “The Icelandic Fisheries Cases: Professor Jaenicke as Agent and Counsel before the International Court of Justice”, Liber amicorum Günther Jaenicke zum 85. Geburtstag, pp. 445-463.

Arend, Anthony C. (ed.), The United States and the Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (Lanham: University Press of America, 1986).

Askew, L.A., “The ECJ, the ICJ and intellectual property: is harmonization the key?,” 7(2) Tulsa Journal of Comparative & International Law 375-412 (Spring 2000).

Audeoud, Olivier, “La Cour internationale de justice et le reglement des differends au sein des organisations internationales,” 81 Revue Generale de Droit International Public 945‑1006 (1977).

Bastid, Suzanne, Les problèmes territoriaux dans la jurisprudence de la Cour international de Justice (Leyde, 1963).

      La jurisprudence de la Cour Internationale de Justice (Paris, 1952).

       “Les problemes territoriaux dans la jurisprudence de la Cour Internationale de Justice,” Recueil des Cours de l'Academie de Droit International de La Haye 361‑495 (1962­).

Bedi, S. R. S., “African Participation in the International Court of Justice: A Statistical Appraisal (1946-1998),” 6 African Yearbook of International Law 181-222 (1998).

Bedjaoui, M., “Expediency in the decisions of the International Court of Justice,” 71 The British Yearbook of International Law 1-27 (2000).

      “Les relations entre la Cour internationale de Justice et les autres organes principaux des Nations Unies” in: Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Amicorum discipulorumque liber: paix, développement, démocratie, vol. 1 (Bruxelles: Bruylant, 1998), pp. 175-225.

      “L’opportunité dans les décisions de la Cour internationale de Justice,” in: Georges Abi-Saab, The International Legal System in Quest of Equity and Universality: Liber Amicorum, pp. 563-589.

      & F. Ouguergouz, “Le forum prorogatum devant la Cour internationale de Justice: les ressources d'une institution ou la face cachée du consensualisme,” 5 African Yearbook of International Law  91-114 (1997).

      “L’Afrique et l’Asie face à la Cour internationale de justice,” 4 African Yearbook of International Law, 251-256 (1996).

      “Le cinquantième anniversaire de la Cour internationale de Justice (communication),” 257 Recueil des Cours de l'Academie de Droit International de La Haye 9 (1996).

Bekker, Peter H. F., “Recent Developments at the World Court,” American Society of International Law Newsletter, Mar.-Apr. 1997.

      International legal aid in practice: the ICJ Trust Fund,” 87 American Journal of International Law 659-68 (October 1993).

Benvenuti, P., L'accertamento del diritto mediante i pareri consultivi della Corte internazionale di giustizia (Milano: A. Giuffrè, 1985).

Berlia, G., Jurisprudence des tribunaux internationaux en ce qui concerne leur competence (Leyde, 1956).

Bilder, R., “The United States and the World Court in the Post “Cold War” Era”, 40 Catholic University Law Review 251 (1991).

Bleichert, M.A., “The effectiveness of voluntary jurisdiction in the ICJ: El Salvador v. Honduras {1992 I.C.J. 351}, a case in point,” 16 Fordham International Law Journal 799-847 (1992/1993).

Bloed, A. & P. v. Dijk, Forty years International Court of Justice: Jurisdiction, Equity and Equality (Utrecht: Europa Intituut, 1988).

Blokker, N., “The 1996 Elections to the International Court of Justice: New Tendencies in the Post-Cold War Era?,” 47 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 211-223 (1998).

Bodie, Thomas J., Politics and the Emergence of an Activist International Court of Justice (Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers, 1995).

Boffi Boggero, L. M., United Nations., et al., ?Está en crisis la Corte Internacional de Justicia? (Buenos Aires, Editorial Astrea, 1975).

Boisson de Chazournes, L. & P. Sands (eds.), International law, the International Court of Justice and Nuclear Weapons (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999).

Bosco, Giorgio, La soluzione delle controversie giuddiche intemazionali nel quadro delle Nazioni Unite (Padova: Cedam, 1989).

Bowett, D. (ed.), The International Court of Justice: Process, Practice and Procedure (London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 1997).

Brauer, R.H., “International Conflict Resolution: the ICJ Chambers and the Gulf of Maine Dispute,” 23 Virginia Journal of International Law 463-486 (1983).

Briggs, Herbert W., “Reservations to the Acceptance of Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice,” 93 Hague Academy of International Law, Collected Courses (1958-I), pp. 223-367.

Brown, Colton, “Enforcement of ICJ Decisions in United States Courts,” 11 Maryland Journal of International Law and Trade 73‑92 (1987).

Bruggen, E. v. d., “Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in Tax Cases: Do We Already Have an ‘International Tax Court’?,” 8 Intertax 250-267 (2001).

Bufferne, J., “La fonction de la Cour internationale de justice dans l’ordre juridique international: quelques reflexions,” 15(1) Revue Quebecoise de Droit International, 141-78 (2002).

Bulterman, M. K., M. Kuijer, et al., Compliance with Judgments of International Courts: Proceedings of the Symposium Organized in Honour of Professor Henry G. Schermers by Mordenate College and the Department of International Public Law of Leiden University (The Hague; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 1996).

Burmester, H., “Australia and the International Court of Justice,” 17 Australian Yearbook of International Law 19-37 (1996).

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of International Law, and W. H. Zeydel,  Annotation of the Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice (Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1947).

Casado Raigon, Rafael, La jurisdiccion contenciosa de la Corte Internacional de Justicia: estudio de las reglas de competencia (Cordoba: Servido de Publ. de la Universidad de Cordoba, 1987).

Cellamare, Giovanni, Le forme di intervento nel processo dinanzi alla Corte Intemazionale di Giustizia (Bari: Cacucci Editore, 1991).

Cereste, S., “The International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, and the ad hoc tribunals,” 17(3) New York Law School Journal of Human Rights 911-15 (Summer 2001).

Charney, Jonathan,  “Compromissory Clauses and the Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice,” 81 American Journal of International Law 855 (1987).

Churchill, R. R., “The Fisheries Jurisdiction Cases. The Contribution of the International Court of Justice to the Debate on Coastal States' Fisheries Rights,” 24 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 82-105 (1975).

Cilliers, A. C., “Whither the International Court?” Inaugural Address Delivered before the University of Port Elizabeth on June 18, 1971 (Port Elizabeth: the University of Port Elizabeth, 1971).

Chinkin, Christine M., “Third‑Party Intervention before the International Court of Justice,” 80 American Journal of International Law 495‑531 (1986).

Clemons, H.V., “The ethos of the International Court of Justice is dependent upon the statutory authority attributed to its rhetoric: a metadiscourse,” 20 Fordham International Law Journal 1479-510 (April 1997).

Committee for Effective Use of the International Court by Repealing the Self-Judging Reservation, Report on the Connally Amendment: Views of Deans of Law Schools and Professors of Law, International Law and Related Subjects, in Law Schools, Colleges and Universities (New York, The Committee, 1961)

Connell, B., “A Small Country Applicant: The Immense Task of Proceeding before the International Court of Justice”, in: Anghie, A., (ed.), Legal Visions of the Twenty-First Century: Essays in Honour of Judge Christopher Weeramantry (The Hague: Kluwer, 1998), pp. 681-699.

Cot, J.-P., “À propos de l'ordonnance du 15 mars 1996: a contribution de la Cour internationale de Justice au maintien de la paix et de la sécurité en Afrique,” 5 African Yearbook of International Law 115-136 (1997).

      “Affaires des essais nucléaires: Demandes en indication des mesures conservatoires. Ordonnances du 22 juin 1973,” 19 Annuaire français de droit international 252-271 (1973).

Crawford, J., “The Legal Effect of Automatic Reservations to the Jurisdiction of the International Court”, 50 British Yearbook of International Law 63-86 (1979).

Crockett, G. H., “The Effects of Interim Measures of Protection in the International Court of Justice,” 7 California Western Law Journal 348‑84 (1977).

Crook, J.R., “The 2002 judicial activity of the International Court of Justice,” 97(2) American Journal of International Law 352-64 (April 2003).

Daillier, P., “L’intervention du Secretaire General des Nations Unies, dans la procedure consultative devant la Cour international de Justice,” 19 Annuaire Francais de Droit International 376‑410 (1973).

D’Amato, Anthony,  “The United States Should Accept, by a New Declaration, the General Compulsory Jurisdiction of the World Court,” 80 American Journal of International Law 331‑6 (1986).

Damrosch, Lori, The election of Thomas Buergenthal to the International Court of Justice,” 94(3) American Journal of International Law 579-82 (July 2000).

      The justiciability of Paraguay's claim of treaty violation [appeal attempts dealing with the conviction of Paraguayan citizen A. F. Breard for the murder and attempted rape of R. Dickie],” 92(4) American Journal of International Law 607-704 (October 1998).

      (ed.), The International Court of Justice at a Crossroads (Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Transnational Publishers, 1987).

Daniele, L., “L’ordonnance sur la demande d'examen de la situation dans l’affaire des essais nucléaires et le pouvoir de la Cour internationale de Justice de régler sa propre procédure”, 100 Revue générale de droit international public 653-671 (1996).

Davì, Angelo, L'intervento davanti alla Corte internazionale di giustizia (Napoli: Jovene, 1984).

David, M., “Passport to justice: internationalizing the political question doctrine for application in the World Court,” 40(1) Harvard International Law Journal 81-150 (Winter 1999).

De Visscher, Ch., Aspects récents du droit prodédural de la Cour internationale de justice (Paris: Pedone, 1966).

DeWeese, G.S., “The failure of the International Court of Justice to effectively enforce the Genocide Convention,” 26(4) Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 625-54 (Summer 1998).

Delbez, L., Les principes généraux du contentieux international (Paris, Libr. générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1962).

Dillard, Hardy Cross, “The World Court: Reflections of a Professor Turned Judge,” 27 American University Law Review 205‑50 (1978).

Dolzer, Rudolf. "Connally Reservation," in Bernhardt (ed.), Encyclopedia in Public International Law 1 (1981), pp. 55‑7.

Donner, Ruth, International Adjudication: Using the International Court of Justice, with Special Reference to Finland (Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1988).

Doussis, E., “Intérêt juridique et intervention devant la Cour Internationale de Justice”, 1 Revue Générale de Droit International Public 55-91 (2001).

Dubisson, M., La cour internationale de justice (Paris: Pichon et Durand‑Anzias, 1964).

Dugard, J. & E. M. Grosskopf, South West Africa and the International Court: Two Viewpoints on the 1971 Advisory Opinion (Johannesburg: South African Institute of International Affairs, 1973).

Dupuy, P.M., “The Danger of Fragmentation or Unification of the International Legal System and the International Court of Justice,” 31 NYU Journal of International Law and Politics 791-808 (1999).

      “L’affaire des essais nucléaires français et le contentieux de la responsabilité internationale publique”, 20 German Yearbook of International Law 375-405 (1977).

Eisemann, P.M., “Les effets de la non-comparution devant la Cour internationale de Justice”, 19 Annuaire français de droit international 351-375 (1973).

      & V. Coussirat-Coustère, et al., Petit manuel de la jurisprudence de la Cour internationale de justice 2nd ed. (Paris: A. Pedone, 1980).

Elian, G., The International Court of Justice (Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff, 1971).

Elias, T. O., The United Nations Charter and the World Court (Lagos: Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 1989).

      “The Role of the International Court of Justice in Africa,” I African Journal of International and Comparative Law 1‑12 (1989).

      “How the International Court of Justice Deals with Requests for Advisory Opinions,” in Jerzy Makarczyk (ed.), Essays in International Law in Honour of Judge Marifted Lachs (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1984), pp. 355‑74.

      The International Court of Justice and Some Contemporary Problems: Essays on International Law (The Hague; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1983).

Elkind, Jerome B., “The Duty to Appear before the International Court of Justice,” 37 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 674‑81 (1988).

      Non-appearance before the International Court of Justice: Functional and Comparative Analysis (Dordrecht; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1984).

      Interim Protection: A Functional Approach (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1981).

Elkind, Jerome B. “The Aegean Sea Case and Article 41 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice,” 32 Revue des Droits de l’Homme. Droit International et Droit Compare 285‑345 (1979).

Elsen, Theodor J. H., Litispendence between the International Court of Justice and the Security Council (The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Instituut, 1986).

Evensen, Jens, “The International Court of Justice Main Characteristics and Its Contribution to the Development of the Modern Law of Nations,” 57 Nordic Journal of International Law 3‑64 (1988).

Eyffinger, A. & A. Witteveen, La Cour internationale de Justice, 1946-1996 (La Haye; Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1999).

Falk, R. A., Reviving the World Court (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1986).

Falsafi, H., L'affaire des essais nucléaires devant la Cour internationale de justice (Neuchâtel: Impr. H. Messeiller, 1978).

Fatiþc, A., Reconciliation via the War Crimes Tribunal? (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000).

Fitzmaurice, G., The Law and Procedure of the International Court of Justice (Cambridge: Grotius Publications, 1986).

      “The Problem of the ‘Non‑Appearing’ Defendant Government,” 51 British Yearbook of International Law 89‑122 (1980).

Fitzmaurice, M., “The optional clause system and the law of treaties: issues of interpretation in recent jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice,” 20 Australian Yearbook of International Law 127-159 (1999).

Fleisch-Hauer, C.-A., “The constitutional relationship between the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the International Court of Justice”, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Amicorum discipulorumque liber: paix, développement, démocratie, vol. 1 (Bruxelles: Bruylant, 1998),  pp. 451-474.

Fleming, Denna Frank, The United States and the World Court 1920­-1961, Rev. ed. (New York: Russell & Russell, 1968).

Ford, C.A., “Judicial discretion in international jurisprudence: Article 38(1)(C) and "general principles of law,” 5 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 35-86 (Fall 1994).

      Adjudicating jus cogens,” 13 Wisconsin International Law Journal 145-81 (Fall 1994).

Frank, J.A., “A return to Lockerbie and the Montreal Convention in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks: ramifications of past Security Council and International Court of Justice action,” 30(4) Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 532-46 (Summer/Fall 2002).

Franck, Thomas M., “The ‘powers of appreciation’: who is the ultimate guardian of UN legality? [Libya v. U.S. and Libya v. U.K.],” 86 American Journal of International Law 519-23 (July 1992).

      Judging the World Court (New York, Priority Press Publications, 1986).

      “World Made Law: The Decision of the ICJ in the Nuclear Tests Cases”, 69 American Journal of International Law 612-620 (1975).

Frankel, K.D., “International Court of Justice has Preliminary Jurisdiction to Indicate Interim Measures of Protection: The Nuclear Tests Cases”, 7 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 163-176 (1974).

Fritzemeyer, Wolfgang, Die Intervention vor dem Internationalen Gerichtshof: eine international-verfahrensrechtliche Untersuchung auf rechtsvergleichender Grundlage (Baden-Baden, Nomos, 1984).

Gaffikin, B., “The International Court of Justice and the crisis in the Balkans: Case Concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v Yugoslavia, 32 I.L.M. 1599 (1993)}),” 17 The Sydney Law Review 458-72 (September 1995).

Gamble, J. K., “The International Court of Justice: A Test of Suggested Reforms,” 11 International Lawyer 163‑78 (1977).

      & D. D. Fischer, The International Court of Justice: An Analysis of a Failure (Lexington, Mass., Lexington Books, 1976).

Garcia Arias D., Luis, Balance y perspectivas del Tribunal Internacional de Justicia (Madrid: Real Academia de Jurisprudencia, 1972).

Gharbi, F., “Le declin des declarations d'acceptation de la juridiction obligatoire de la Cour internationale de justice,” 43(3) Les Cahiers de Droit 433-502 (September 2002).

Gill, Terry D., Litigation Strategy at the International Court: A Case Study of the Nicaragua v. United States Dispute (Dordrecht; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1989).

Gillespie, A., “The 1995 Nuclear Tests Case: the ICJ Fails to Address the Merits of an International Environmental Concern”, New Zealand Law Journal 195-200 (1996).

Giraud, C., “French Nuclear Testing in the Pacific and the 1995 International Court of Justice Decision”, 1 Asia-Pacific Journal of Environmental Law 125-133 (1996).

Giuffrida, R., La ricevibilità generale nella giurisprudenza della Corte internazionale di Giustizia (Milano, 1995).

Goldie, L. F. E., “The Connally Reservation: A Shield for An Adversary,” 9 University of California Los Angeles Law Review 277- ­359 (1962).

Goldsworthy, Peter J., “Interim Measures of Protection in the International Court of Justice,” 68 American Journal of International Law 258‑77 (1974).

Gomula, J., “The International Court of Justice and administrative tribunals of international organizations,” 13 Michigan Journal of International Law 83-121 (Fall 1991).

Gordon, Edward, “Observation on the Independence and Impartiality of the Members of the International Court of Justice,” 2 Connecticut Journal of International Law 397‑426 (1987).

      “The World Court and the Interpretation of Constitutive Treaties,” 59 American Journal of International Law 794‑833 (1965).

Govindaraj, V. C., Judge Nagendra Singh of the World Court: His Contribution to the Development of Contemporary International Law (New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications, 1999).

Gowlland-Debbas, V., “The relationship between the International Court of Justice and the Security Council in the light of the Lockerbie {Libya v. United States, {1992} I.C.J. 114; Libya v. United Kingdom, {1992} I.C.J. 1} case,” 88 American Journal of International Law 643-77 (October 1994).

Goy, Ramond, La Cour internationale de Justice et les Droits de l’Homme (Bruxelles: Emile Bruylant, 2002).

Gray, C., The Lockerbie case {Cases Concerning Questions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Jurisdiction and Admissiblitiy) {{1998} I.C.J. Rep.} continues,” 57(3) The Cambridge Law Journal 433-6 (November 1998).

Greig, D. W., “The Balancing of Interests and the Granting of Interim Protection by the International Court,” 11 Australian Yearbook of International Law 108‑40 (1991).

      “Third Party Rights and Intervention before the International Court,” 32 Virginia Journal of International Law 285‑376 (1992).

Grief, N., “The World Court Project,” 24 Bracton Law Journal 53-8 (1992).

Griffith, G., “Modernising the general business of the International Court of Justice: a critical evaluation,” 17 Australian Yearbook of International Law 75-86 (1996).

Grisel, É., Les exceptions d'incompétence et d'irrecevabilité dans la procédure de la Cour internationale de justice (Berne: Lang, 1968).

Gross, E. A., Ethiopia and Liberia vs. South Africa: the South West Africa Cases (Los Angeles: African Studies Center University of California Los Angeles, 1968).

Gross, Leo, “Underutilization of the International Court of Justice”, 27(2) Harvard International Law Journal 571-597 (1986).

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      (ed.), The Future of the International Court of Justice (2 vols) (Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publications, 1976).

      “The International Court of Justice: Consideration of Requirements for Enhancing Its Role in the International Legal Order,” 65 American Journal of International Law 253‑326 (1971).

      “Review of the Role of the International Court of Justice,” 66 American Journal of International Law 479‑90 (1972).

      “The International Court of Justice and the United Nations,” 120 Recueil des Cours de l'Academie de Droit International de La Haye 313‑440 (1967‑1).

      “Some Observations on the International Court of Justice,” 56 American Journal of International Law 33‑62 (1962).

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Guillaume, G., “De l'indépendance des membres de la Cour internationale de Justice,” Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Amicorum discipulorumque liber: paix, développement, démocratie, vol. 1 (Bruxelles: Bruylant, 1998), pp. 475-487.

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Harland, C., “International Court of Justice Elections: a Report of the First Fifty Years” 34 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 303-367 (1996).

Henkin, L., “Provisional measures, U.S. treaty obligations, and the states [appeal attempts dealing with the conviction of Paraguayan citizen A. F. Breard for the murder and attempted rape of R. Dickie],” 92(4) American Journal of International Law 679-83 (October 1998).

Hensley, Thomas R., “Bloc Voting on the International Court of Justice,” 22 Journal of Conflict Resolution 39‑60 (1978).

Higgins, Rosalyn, “The ICJ, the ECJ, and the Integrity of International Law”, 52 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 1-20 (January 2003).

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Hurlock, W.L., “The International Court of Justice: effectively providing a long overdue remedy for ending state-sponsored genocide (Bosnia-Herzegovina v. Yugoslavia {32 I.L.M. 1599 (1993)},” 12 The American University Journal of International Law and Policy 299-328 (1997).

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Irwin, J.C., “An alternate role for the International Court of Justice: applied to Cameroon v. Nigeria {{1996} I.C.J. 13},” 26(4) Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 759-73 (Summer 1998).

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Jennings, Robert Y., “The role of the International Court of Justice,” 68 The British Yearbook of International Law 1-63 (1997).

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Jiménez de Aréchaga, E., “The Work and Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice, 1946-1986”, 58 British Yearbook of International Law (1987), pp. 1-38.

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Selected Cases



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Barcelona Traction (Belgium v. Spain)

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Continental Shelf (Libya/Malta)

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Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libya)

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Corfu Channel (UK v. Albania)

Bernhardt, Rudolf, “Corfu Channel Case,” in: Bernhardt (ed.), Encyclopedia of Public International Law 2 (1981), p. 614.

Waldock, C. H. M., “Forum Prorogatum or Acceptance of a Unilateral Summons to Appear before the International Court of Justice,” 2 International Law Quarterly 377‑91 (1948).


Elettronica Sicula (US v. Italy)

Adler, Matthew H., “The Exhaustion of the Local Remedies Rule after the International Court of Justice Decision in ELSI,” 39 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 641‑53 (1990).

Jeancolas, Catherine, “L’arret Elettronica Sicula S.p.A. (ELSI) du 20 juillet 1989 (Etats Unis d’Amerique c. Italie),” 94 Revue Generale de Droit International Public 701‑42 (1990).

Murphy, Sean D., “The ELSI Case: An Investment Dispute at the International Court of Justice,” 16 Yale Journal of International Law 391‑452 (1991).


Fisheries (UK v. Norway)

Bourquin, M., “La portee generale de Parret rendu le 18 decembre 1951 par la Cour internationale de Justice dans Paffaire anglo­-norvegienne des pecheries,” 22 Nordisk Tidskrift for International Ret 101‑32 (1952).

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Fisheries Jurisdiction (UK v. Iceland;‑ Fed, Rep. of Germany v. Iceland)

Bilder, R. B., “The Anglo‑Icelandic Fisheries Dispute,” 37 Wisconsin Law Review 37‑132 (1973).

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Gulf of Maine (Canada/US)

Alexander, Lewis M.(ed.), The Gulf of Maine Case. An International Discussion (Studies in Transnational Legal Policy) (St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1988).

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Clain, Levi E., “Gulf of Maine: A Disappointing First in the Delimitation of a Single Maritime Boundary,” 25 Virginia Journal of International Law 521‑620 (1985).

Costi, Alberto, “L’arret de la Cour internationale de Justice dans l'affaire du Golfe du Maine (Canada c. Etats‑Unis D’Amerique),” 2 Revue Quebecoise de Droit Intemational 323‑70 (1985).

Robinson, Davis R., David A. Colson & Bruce C. Rashkow, “Some Perspectives on Adjudicating before the World Court: The Gulf of Maine Case,” 79 American Journal of International Law 539‑77 (1985).

Schneider, Jan, “The Gulf of Maine Case: The Nature of an Equitable Result,” 79 American Journal of International Law 539‑77 (1985).

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Vorsey, Louis de & Megan C. de Vorsey, “The World Court Decision in the Canada‑United States Gulf of Maine Seaward Boundary Dispute: A Perspective from Historical Geography,” 18 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 415-42 (1986).


Interhandel (Switzerland v. VS)

Briggs, Herbert W., “Interhandel: The Court’s Judgment of March 21, 1959 on the Preliminary Objections of the United States,” 53 American Journal of International Law 547‑63 (1959).

Perrin, G., “L’affaire de l'Interhandel, Phase des exceptions preliminaires,” 16 Schweizerisches Jahrbuch fiir internationales Recht 73‑208 (1959).

Simmonds, K R., “The Interhandel Case,” 10 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 495‑547 (1961).

Weber, Ludwig, “Interhandel Case,” in: Bernhardt (ed.), Encyclopedia of Public International Law 2 (1981), pp. 111‑8.


Military and Paramilitary Activities (Nicaragua v. VS)

Czaplinski, Wladyslaw, “Sources of International Law in the Nicaragua Case,” 38 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 151‑66 (1989).

Eisemann, Pierre Michel, “L’arret de la C.I.J. du 27 juin 1986 (fond) dans l'affaire des activites militaires et

paramilitaires au Nicaragua et contre celui‑ci,” 32 Annuaire Francais de Droit International 153‑91 (1986).

GA Terry D., “The Law of Armed Conflict in the Context of the Nicaragua Case,” 1 Hague Yearbook of International Law 30‑58 (1988).

      Litigation Strategy at the International Court. A Case Study of the Nicaragua v. United States Dispute (Dordrecht: Nijhoff, 1989).

Greig, D. W., “Nicaragua and the United States: Confrontation over the Jurisdiction of the International Court,” 62 British Yearbook of International Law 119‑281 (1992).

      “The Advisory Jurisdiction of the International Court and the Settlement of Disputes between States,” 15 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 325‑68 (1966).

Highet, Keith, “Evidence, the Court, and the Nicaragua Case,” 81 American Journal of International Law 1‑56 (1987).

      “Reflections on Jurisprudence for the Third World: The World Court, the ‘Big Case,’ and the Future,” 27 Virginia Journal of International Law 287‑304 (1987).

      “You Can Run but You Can’t Hide’ ‑ Reflections on the U.S. Position in the Nicaragua Case,” 27 Virginia Journal of International Law 551‑72 (1987).

Janis, Mark W., “Somber Reflections on the Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice,” 81 American Journal of International Law 144‑6 (1987).

“The Jurisprudence of the Court in the Nicaragua Decision,” 81 ASIL Proceedings 258‑77 (1987) (Various Contributors).

Kahn, Paul W., “From Nuremberg to the Hague: The United States Position in Nicaragua v. United States and the Development of International Law,” 12 Yale Journal of International Law 1‑62 (1987).

Lang, Caroline, L’affaire Nicaragual (sic) Etats‑Unis devant la Cour internationale de Justice (Paris: Libraire generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1990).

Macdonald, R. St. J., “The Nicaragua Case: New Answers to Old Questions?,” 24 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 127‑60 (1986).

Maier, Harold G. (ed.), “Appraisals of the ICJ’s Decision: Nicaragua v. United States (Merits),” (16 contributors), 81 American Journal of International Law 77‑183 (1987).

Nicaragua v. the United States before the International Court of Justice,” 148 World Affairs 1‑70 (1985). (Special issue with several contributors).

Norton, Patrick M., “The Nicaragua Case: Political Questions before the International Court of Justice,” 27 Virginia Journal of International Law 459‑526 (1987).

O’Connell, Mary Ellen, “The Prospects for Enforcing Monetary Judgments of the International Court of Justice: A Study of Nicaragua’s Judgment against the United States,” 30 Virginia Journal of International Law 891­940(1990).

Rowles, James P., “Nicaragua versus the United States: Issues of Law and Policy,” 20 International Lawyer 1245‑88 (1986).

Tama, Noreen M., “Nicaragua v. United States: The Power of the International Court of Justice to Indicate Interim Measures in Political Disputes,” 4 Dickinson Journal of International Law 65‑87 (1985).

Turner, Robert F., “Peace and the World Court: A Comment on the Paramilitary Activities Case,” 20 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 53‑79 (1987).


Minquiers and Ecrehos (France/UK)

Bishop, William W. Jr., “The Minquiers and Ecrehos Case,” 48 American Journal of International Law 316‑26 (1954).

Herndl Kurt, “Minquiers and Ecrehos Case,” in Bernhardt (ed.), 2 Encyclopedia of Public International Law 1924 (1981).

Hudson, Manley 0., “The Minquiers and Ecrehos Case,” 48 American Journal of International Law 6‑12 (1954).

Johnson, D. H. N., “The Minquiers and Ecrehos Case,” 3 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 189­216 (1954).

Roche, A., The Minquiers and Ecrehos Case (Geneva: Librairie Droz, 1959).


North Sea Continental Shelf (Fed. Rep. of Germany v. Denmark and v. Netherlands)

Eustache, Francois, “L’affaire du plateau continental de la mer du Nord devant la Cour internationale de Justice,” 74 Revue Generale de Droit International Public 590‑639 (1970).

Friedmann, Wolfgang, “The North Sea Continental Shelf ‑ A Critique,” 64 American Journal of International Law 229 (1970).

Goldie, L. F. E., “The North Sea Continental Shelf Cases,” 16 New York Law Forum 326‑77 (1970).

Grisel, Etienne, “The Lateral Boundaries of the Continental Shelf and the Judgment of the International Court of Justice in the North Sea Continental Shelf Cases,” 64 American Journal of International Law 562‑93 (1970).

Jaenicke, Gunther, “North Sea Continental Shelf Case,” in Bernhardt (ed.), 2 Encylopedia of Public International Law 205-8 (1981).

Manin, P., “Le juge international et la regle generale. Reflexions a partir des arrets rendus par la C.I.J. dans l’affaire du plateau continental de la mer du Nord (1969) et dans l'affaire des pecheries,” 80 Revue Generale de Droit International Public 7‑54 (1976).

Merrills, J. G., “Images and Models in the World Court: the Individual Opinions in the North Sea Continental Shelf Cases,” 41 Modern Law Review 639‑59 (1978).

Rothpfeffer, Tomas, “Equity in the North Sea Continental Shelf Cases: A Case Study in the Legal Reasoning of the International Court of Justice,” 42 Nordisk Tidskrift for International Ret 81‑137 (1972).

Schenk, D. von, “Die vertragliche Abgrenzung des Festlandsockels unter der Nordsee zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Danemark und den Niederlanden nach dem Urteil des Internationalen Gerichtshofes vom 20. Februar 1969,” 15 Jahrbuch fur internationales Recht 370-­98 (1970).


Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala)

Bastid, Suzanne. “L’affaire Nottebohm devant la Cour Internationale de Justice,” 15 Revue critique de droit international prive 607‑33 (1956).

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Visscher, Charles De, “L’affaire Nottebohm,” 60 Revue Generale de Droit International Public 238‑66 (1956).


Nuclear Tests (Australia v. France, New Zealand v. France)

Berg, Axel, “Nuclear Tests Cases (Australia v. France, New Zealand v. France),” in Bernhardt (ed.), 2 Encyclopedia of Public International Law 216-9 (1981).

Dupuy, Pierre Marie, “L’affaire des essais nucleaires francais et le contentieux de la responsabilite internationale publique,” 20 German Yearbook of International Law 375-405 (1977).

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Right of Passage (Portugal v. India)

Cot, J.‑P., “Affaire de droit de passage sur territoire indien,” 6 Annuaire Francais de Droit International 315‑37 (1960).

Visscher, Charles De, “L’affaire de droit de passage sur territoire indien devant la Cour internationale de Justice,” 64 Revue Generale de Droit International Public 693­-710 (1960).

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Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thailand)

Cot, J.‑P., “Affaire de temple de Preah Vihear (Cambodge c. Thailande),” 7 Annuaire Francais de Droit International 229‑51 (1961); 8 Annuaire Francais de Droit International 217‑47 (1962).

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US Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (US v. Iran)

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Gross, Leo, “The Case of United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran. Phase of Provisional Measures,” 74 American Journal of International Law 395‑410 (1980).

Janis, Mark W., “The Role of the International Court in the Hostages Case,” 13 Connecticut Law Review 263‑289 (1981).

Jeffery, Anthea, “The American Hostages in Tehran: The I.C.J. and the Legality of Rescue Missions,” 30 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 717‑29 (1981).

Morelli, Gaetano, “L’elemento della controversia. Nell’affare degli ostaggi americani in Iran,” 64 Rivista di Diritto Internazionale 5‑13 (1981).

Munson, Valerie J., “The Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran,” 3 California Western International Law Journal 543‑68 (1981).

Oellers‑Frahm, Karin, “United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran Case,” in Bernhardt (ed.), 2 Encyclopedia of Public International Law 282-6 (1981).

Roling, B. V. A., “Aspects of the Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran,” 11 Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 125‑53 (1980).

Stein, Ted L., “Contempt, Crisis, and the Court: The World Court and the Hostage Rescue Attempt,” 76 American Journal of International Law 499‑531 (1982).

Wegen, Gerhard, “Discontinuance of International Proceedings: The Hostages Case,” 76 American Journal of International Law 499‑531 (1982).

Zoller, E., “L’affaire du personnel diplomatique et consulaire des Etats‑Unis A Tehran,” 84 Revue Generale de Droit International Public 973‑1026 (1980).


LaGrand Case (Germany v. US)

Addo, M.K., “Interim measures of protection for rights under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations,” 10(4) European Journal of International Law  713-32 (1999).

Baker, S., “Germany v. United States in the International Court of Justice: an international battle over the interpretation of Article Thirty-six of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and provisional measures orders,” 30(2) Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 277-304 (2002).

Duxbury, A., “Saving lives in the International Court of Justice: the use of provisional measures to protect human rights,” 31(1) California Western International Law Journal 141-76 (Fall 2000).

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Yang, X., “Thou shalt not violate provisional measures,” 60(3) The Cambridge Law Journal  441-6 (November 2001).


Other Cases

Benedek, Wolfgang, “Northern Cameroon Case,” in Bernhardt (ed.), 2 Encyclopedia of Public International Law 208-210 (1981).

Berg, Axel, “Antarctica Cases (U.K. v. Argentina; U.K. v. Chile),” in Bernhardt (ed.), 2 Encyclopedia of Public International Law 17-8 (1981).

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      “L’arret de la Chambre de la Cour internationale de Justice dans l’affaire du differend frontalier (Burkina Faso/Republique du Mali) (Arret du 22 decembre 1986),” 32 Annuaire Francais de Droit International 215‑37 (1986).

Delaume, G. P., “Jurisdiction of Courts and International Loans: A Study of Lenders’ Practice,” 6 American Journal of Comparative Law 189‑214 (1957).

Gross, Leo, “Bulgaria Invokes the Connally Amendment,” 56 American Journal of International Law 357‑82 (1962).

Hailbronner, Kay, “Aerial Incident Cases (U.S. v. Hungary, U.S. v. U.S.S.R.; U.S. v. Czechoslovakia),” in Bernhardt (ed.), 2 Encyclopedia of Public International Law 7-9 (1981).

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      “Jurisdiction of the ICAO Council Case,” in Bernhardt (ed.), 2 Encyclopedia of Public International Law 161-3 (1981).

Hamrock, Kurt J., “The ELSI Case: Toward an International Definition of ‘Arbitrary’ Conduct,” 27 Texas International Law Journal 837‑64 (1992).

Hofmann, Rainer, “Electricite de Beyrouth Company Case,” in Bernhardt (ed.), 2 Encyclopedia of Public International Law 85-6 (1981).

Johnson, D. H. N., “Case Concerning the Arbitral Award Made by the King of Spain on December 23, 1906,” 10 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 328‑37 (1961).

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Individual Advisory Opinions

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