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Recent United Nations General Assembly Resolutions
October 2009
Observer Status for the International Olympic Committee in the General Assembly [2009] UNGA 54; A/RES/64/3 (19 October 2009)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations: Requests Under Article 19 of the Charter [2009] UNGA 53; A/RES/64/2 (8 October 2009)
High-Level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation [2009] UNGA 52; A/RES/64/1 (6 October 2009)
September 2009
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the African Union [2009] UNGA 51; A/RES/63/310 (14 September 2009)
System-Wide Coherence [2009] UNGA 50; A/RES/63/311 (14 September 2009)
The Responsibility to Protect [2009] UNGA 49; A/RES/63/308 (14 September 2009)
Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly [2009] UNGA 48; A/RES/63/309 (14 September 2009)
Status of Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia and the Tskhinvali Region/South Ossetia, Georgia [2009] UNGA 47; A/RES/63/307 (9 September 2009)
Multilingualism [2009] UNGA 46; A/RES/63/306 (9 September 2009)
July 2009
Establishment of an Ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group of the General Assembly to Follow Up on the Issues Contained in the Outcome of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development [2009] UNGA 45; A/RES/63/305 (31 July 2009)
Implementation of the Recommendations Contained in the Report of the Secretary-General on the Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa [2009] UNGA 44; A/RES/63/304 (23 July 2009)
2010 High-Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly [2009] UNGA 43; A/RES/63/302 (9 July 2009)
Outcome of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development [2009] UNGA 42; A/RES/63/303 (9 July 2009)
June 2009
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2009] UNGA 41; A/RES/63/257 B (30 June 2009)
Rates of Reimbursement to Troop-Contributing Countries [2009] UNGA 40; A/RES/63/285 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the Activities Arising from Security Council Resolution 1863 (2009) [2009] UNGA 39; A/RES/63/275 B (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [2009] UNGA 38; A/RES/63/295 (30 June 2009)
Estimates in Respect of Special Political Missions, Good Offices and Other Political Initiatives Authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council [2009] UNGA 37; A/RES/63/283 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [2009] UNGA 36; A/RES/63/300 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste [2009] UNGA 35; A/RES/63/292 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [2009] UNGA 34; A/RES/63/298 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2009] UNGA 33; A/RES/63/291 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in CôTe DIvoire [2009] UNGA 32; A/RES/63/289 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan [2009] UNGA 31; A/RES/63/273 B (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia [2009] UNGA 30; A/RES/63/296 (30 June 2009)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [2009] UNGA 29; A/RES/63/287 (30 June 2009)
Timely Submission of Documents [2009] UNGA 28; A/RES/63/284 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti [2009] UNGA 27; A/RES/63/294 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone [2009] UNGA 26; A/RES/63/299 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia [2009] UNGA 25; A/RES/63/293 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Burundi [2009] UNGA 24; A/RES/63/288 (30 June 2009)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2009] UNGA 23; A/RES/63/246 B (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus [2009] UNGA 22; A/RES/63/290 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [2009] UNGA 21; A/RES/63/297 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy [2009] UNGA 20; A/RES/63/286 (30 June 2009)
Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur [2009] UNGA 19; A/RES/63/258 B (30 June 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad [2009] UNGA 18; A/RES/63/274 B (30 June 2009)
Situation in Honduras: Democracy Breakdown [2009] UNGA 17; A/RES/63/301 (29 June 2009)
The Peacebuilding Fund [2009] UNGA 16; A/RES/63/282 (17 June 2009)
Climate Change and its Possible Security Implications [2009] UNGA 15; A/RES/63/281 (3 June 2009)
May 2009
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [2009] UNGA 14; A/RES/63/280 (8 May 2009)
April 2009
International Cooperation and Coordination for the Human and Ecological Rehabilitation and Economic Development of the Semipalatinsk Region of Kazakhstan [2009] UNGA 13; A/RES/63/279 (24 April 2009)
International Mother Earth Day [2009] UNGA 12; A/RES/63/278 (22 April 2009)
Report of the Joint Inspection Unit for 2008 and Programme of Work for 2009 [2009] UNGA 11; A/RES/63/272 (7 April 2009)
Amendments to the Staff Regulations [2009] UNGA 10; A/RES/63/271 (7 April 2009)
Capital Master Plan [2009] UNGA 9; A/RES/63/270 (7 April 2009)
Information and Communications Technology, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity for the United Nations: Arrangements for the Secondary Data Centre at Headquarters [2009] UNGA 8; A/RES/63/269 (7 April 2009)
Organization of the United Nations Conference at the Highest Level on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development [2009] UNGA 7; A/RES/63/277 (7 April 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad [2009] UNGA 6; A/RES/63/274 A (7 April 2009)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan [2009] UNGA 5; A/RES/63/273 A (7 April 2009)
Financing of the Activities Arising from Security Council Resolution 1863 (2009) [2009] UNGA 4; A/RES/63/275 A (7 April 2009)
Accountability Framework, Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control Framework, and Results-Based Management Framework [2009] UNGA 3; A/RES/63/276 (7 April 2009)
Special Subjects Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 2008-2009 [2009] UNGA 2; A/RES/63/268 (7 April 2009)
March 2009
New Partnership for Africa's Development: Progress in Implementation and International Support [2009] UNGA 1; A/RES/63/267 (31 March 2009)
December 2008
Human Resources Management [2008] UNGA 306; A/RES/63/250 (24 December 2008)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [2008] UNGA 305; A/RES/63/245 (24 December 2008)
Development-Related Activities [2008] UNGA 304; A/RES/63/260 (24 December 2008)
Conditions of Service and Compensation for Officials Other Than Secretariat Officials: Members of the International Court of Justice and Judges and Ad Litem Judges of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda [2008] UNGA 303; A/RES/63/259 (24 December 2008)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2008-2009 [2008] UNGA 302; A/RES/63/264 A-C (24 December 2008)
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [2008] UNGA 301; A/RES/63/243 (24 December 2008)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January and 31 December 1994 [2008] UNGA 300; A/RES/63/254 (24 December 2008)
Towards an Arms Trade Treaty: Establishing Common International Standards for the Import, Export and Transfer of Conventional Arms [2008] UNGA 299; A/RES/63/240 (24 December 2008)
Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on its Activities [2008] UNGA 298; A/RES/63/265 (24 December 2008)
Unpaid Assessed Contributions of the Former Yugoslavia [2008] UNGA 297; A/RES/63/249 (24 December 2008)
Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur [2008] UNGA 296; A/RES/63/258 A (24 December 2008)
Doha Declaration on Financing for Development: Outcome Document of the Follow-Up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus [2008] UNGA 295; A/RES/63/239 (24 December 2008)
United Nations Pension System [2008] UNGA 294; A/RES/63/252 (24 December 2008)
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 2008-2009 [2008] UNGA 293; A/RES/63/263 (24 December 2008)
Programme Planning [2008] UNGA 292; A/RES/63/247 (24 December 2008)
United Nations Common System: Report of the International Civil Service Commission [2008] UNGA 291; A/RES/63/251 (24 December 2008)
Committee on the Rights of the Child [2008] UNGA 290; A/RES/63/244 (24 December 2008)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2008] UNGA 289; A/RES/63/246 A (24 December 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2008] UNGA 288; A/RES/63/257 A (24 December 2008)
Global Efforts for the Total Elimination of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and the Comprehensive Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action [2008] UNGA 287; A/RES/63/242 (24 December 2008)
Rights of the Child [2008] UNGA 286; A/RES/63/241 (24 December 2008)
Comprehensive Proposal on Appropriate Incentives to Retain Staff of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [2008] UNGA 285; A/RES/63/256 (24 December 2008)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [2008] UNGA 284; A/RES/63/255 (24 December 2008)
Pattern of Conferences [2008] UNGA 283; A/RES/63/248 (24 December 2008)
Strengthening the Department of Political Affairs [2008] UNGA 282; A/RES/63/261 (24 December 2008)
Information and Communications Technology (ICT)/Enterprise Resource Plannning (ERP/Security, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity (DRBC) [2008] UNGA 281; A/RES/63/262 (24 December 2008)
Proposed Programme Budget Outline for the Biennium 2010-2011 [2008] UNGA 280; A/RES/63/266 (24 December 2008)
Administration of Justice at the United Nations [2008] UNGA 279; A/RES/63/253 (24 December 2008)
Credentials of Representatives to the Sixty-Third Session of the General Assembly [2008] UNGA 278; A/RES/63/238 (23 December 2008)
Recognition of Sickle-Cell Anaemia as a Public Health Problem [2008] UNGA 277; A/RES/63/237 (22 December 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the International Organization of La Francophonie [2008] UNGA 276; A/RES/63/236 (22 December 2008)
Agriculture Development and Food Security [2008] UNGA 275; A/RES/63/235 (22 December 2008)
2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa [2008] UNGA 274; A/RES/63/234 (22 December 2008)
Preventing and Combating Corrupt Practices and Transfer of Assets of Illicit Origin and Returning Such Assets, in Particular to the Countries of Origin, Consistent with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption [2008] UNGA 273; A/RES/63/226 (19 December 2008)
Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development [2008] UNGA 272; A/RES/63/212 (19 December 2008)
International Labour Organization Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization [2008] UNGA 271; A/RES/63/199 (19 December 2008)
Second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2008-2017) [2008] UNGA 270; A/RES/63/230 (19 December 2008)
Development Cooperation with Middle-Income Countries [2008] UNGA 269; A/RES/63/223 (19 December 2008)
Groups of Countries in Special Situations: Specific Actions Related to the Particular Needs and Problems of Landlocked Developing Countries: Outcome of the International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries and Donor Countries and International Financial and Development Institutions on Transit Transport Cooperation [2008] UNGA 268; A/RES/63/228 (19 December 2008)
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Caribbean Sea for Present and Future Generations [2008] UNGA 267; A/RES/63/214 (19 December 2008)
International Year of Chemistry [2008] UNGA 266; A/RES/63/209 (19 December 2008)
Natural Disasters and Vulnerability [2008] UNGA 265; A/RES/63/217 (19 December 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Pacific Islands Forum [2008] UNGA 264; A/RES/63/200 (19 December 2008)
Commodities [2008] UNGA 263; A/RES/63/207 (19 December 2008)
International Migration and Development [2008] UNGA 262; A/RES/63/225 (19 December 2008)
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction [2008] UNGA 261; A/RES/63/216 (19 December 2008)
Oil Slick on Lebanese Shores [2008] UNGA 260; A/RES/63/211 (19 December 2008)
Report of the Twelfth Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [2008] UNGA 259; A/RES/63/204 (19 December 2008)
High-Level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation [2008] UNGA 258; A/RES/63/233 (19 December 2008)
Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [2008] UNGA 257; A/RES/63/218 (19 December 2008)
Information and Communication Technologies for Development [2008] UNGA 256; A/RES/63/202 (19 December 2008)
Implementation of the Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and Strengthening of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) [2008] UNGA 255; A/RES/63/221 (19 December 2008)
International Cooperation to Reduce the Impact of the El NiñO Phenomenon [2008] UNGA 254; A/RES/63/215 (19 December 2008)
Role of the United Nations in Promoting Development in the Context of Globalization and Interdependence [2008] UNGA 253; A/RES/63/222 (19 December 2008)
Follow-Up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus [2008] UNGA 252; A/RES/63/208 (19 December 2008)
Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab Population in the Occupied Syrian Golan Over Their Natural Resources [2008] UNGA 251; A/RES/63/201 (19 December 2008)
Implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010 [2008] UNGA 250; A/RES/63/227 (19 December 2008)
Towards a New International Economic Order [2008] UNGA 249; A/RES/63/224 (19 December 2008)
External Debt and Development: Towards a Durable Solution to the Debt Problems of Developing Countries [2008] UNGA 248; A/RES/63/206 (19 December 2008)
Role of Microcredit and Microfinance in the Eradication of Poverty [2008] UNGA 247; A/RES/63/229 (19 December 2008)
International Trade and Development [2008] UNGA 246; A/RES/63/203 (19 December 2008)
International Financial System and Development [2008] UNGA 245; A/RES/63/205 (19 December 2008)
Convention on Biological Diversity [2008] UNGA 244; A/RES/63/219 (19 December 2008)
Reliable and Stable Transit of Energy and its Role in Ensuring Sustainable Development and International Cooperation [2008] UNGA 243; A/RES/63/210 (19 December 2008)
Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its Tenth Special Session [2008] UNGA 242; A/RES/63/220 (19 December 2008)
Operational Activities for Development [2008] UNGA 241; A/RES/63/232 (19 December 2008)
Industrial Development Cooperation [2008] UNGA 240; A/RES/63/231 (19 December 2008)
Follow-Up to and Implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [2008] UNGA 239; A/RES/63/213 (19 December 2008)
Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order [2008] UNGA 238; A/RES/63/189 (18 December 2008)
Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions [2008] UNGA 237; A/RES/63/182 (18 December 2008)
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [2008] UNGA 236; A/RES/63/166 (18 December 2008)
Report of the Human Rights Council [2008] UNGA 235; A/RES/63/160 (18 December 2008)
Strengthening the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, in Particular its Technical Cooperation Capacity [2008] UNGA 234; A/RES/63/195 (18 December 2008)
Enhancement of International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights [2008] UNGA 233; A/RES/63/180 (18 December 2008)
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance [2008] UNGA 232; A/RES/63/186 (18 December 2008)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2008] UNGA 231; A/RES/63/148 (18 December 2008)
Inadmissibility of Certain Practices That Contribute to Fuelling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [2008] UNGA 230; A/RES/63/162 (18 December 2008)
Effective Promotion of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities [2008] UNGA 229; A/RES/63/174 (18 December 2008)
Preparations for the Twelfth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice [2008] UNGA 228; A/RES/63/193 (18 December 2008)
Supporting Efforts to End Obstetric Fistula [2008] UNGA 227; A/RES/63/158 (18 December 2008)
International Cooperation Against the World Drug Problem [2008] UNGA 226; A/RES/63/197 (18 December 2008)
The Role of the Ombudsman, Mediator and Other National Human Rights Institutions in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [2008] UNGA 225; A/RES/63/169 (18 December 2008)
Follow-Up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing [2008] UNGA 224; A/RES/63/151 (18 December 2008)
National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [2008] UNGA 223; A/RES/63/172 (18 December 2008)
The Right to Development [2008] UNGA 222; A/RES/63/178 (18 December 2008)
Combating Defamation of Religions [2008] UNGA 221; A/RES/63/171 (18 December 2008)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2008] UNGA 220; A/RES/63/146 (18 December 2008)
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism [2008] UNGA 219; A/RES/63/185 (18 December 2008)
Follow-Up to the Implementation of the International Year of Volunteers [2008] UNGA 218; A/RES/63/153 (18 December 2008)
Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [2008] UNGA 217; A/RES/63/190 (18 December 2008)
Globalization and its Impact on the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights [2008] UNGA 216; A/RES/63/176 (18 December 2008)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2008] UNGA 215; A/RES/63/164 (18 December 2008)
Trafficking in Women and Girls [2008] UNGA 214; A/RES/63/156 (18 December 2008)
Intensification of Efforts to Eliminate All Forms of Violence Against Women [2008] UNGA 213; A/RES/63/155 (18 December 2008)
Election by the General Assembly of Seven Members of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission: Term of Office [2008] UNGA 212; A/RES/63/145 (18 December 2008)
Supporting the United Nations International School in Enhancing International Education and Promoting Multicultural Interaction [2008] UNGA 211; A/RES/63/198 (18 December 2008)
Follow-Up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and Full Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly [2008] UNGA 210; A/RES/63/159 (18 December 2008)
Equitable Geographical Distribution in the Membership of the Human Rights Treaty Bodies [2008] UNGA 209; A/RES/63/167 (18 December 2008)
Missing Persons [2008] UNGA 208; A/RES/63/183 (18 December 2008)
Improving the Coordination of Efforts Against Trafficking in Persons [2008] UNGA 207; A/RES/63/194 (18 December 2008)
Indigenous Issues [2008] UNGA 206; A/RES/63/161 (18 December 2008)
Moratorium on the Use of the Death Penalty [2008] UNGA 205; A/RES/63/168 (18 December 2008)
Realizing the Millennium Development Goals for Persons with Disabilities through the Implementation of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities [2008] UNGA 204; A/RES/63/150 (18 December 2008)
United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [2008] UNGA 203; A/RES/63/196 (18 December 2008)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [2008] UNGA 202; A/RES/63/191 (18 December 2008)
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol Thereto [2008] UNGA 201; A/RES/63/192 (18 December 2008)
The Right to Food [2008] UNGA 200; A/RES/63/187 (18 December 2008)
Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief [2008] UNGA 199; A/RES/63/181 (18 December 2008)
Respect for the Right to Universal Freedom of Travel and the Vital Importance of Family Reunification [2008] UNGA 198; A/RES/63/188 (18 December 2008)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [2008] UNGA 197; A/RES/63/149 (18 December 2008)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2008] UNGA 196; A/RES/63/163 (18 December 2008)
Human Rights and Extreme Poverty [2008] UNGA 195; A/RES/63/175 (18 December 2008)
Implementation of the Outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the Twenty-Fourth Special Session of the General Assembly [2008] UNGA 194; A/RES/63/152 (18 December 2008)
International Year of Human Rights Learning [2008] UNGA 193; A/RES/63/173 (18 December 2008)
Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures [2008] UNGA 192; A/RES/63/179 (18 December 2008)
New International Humanitarian Order [2008] UNGA 191; A/RES/63/147 (18 December 2008)
Regional Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [2008] UNGA 190; A/RES/63/170 (18 December 2008)
United Nations Literacy Decade: Education for All [2008] UNGA 189; A/RES/63/154 (18 December 2008)
Subregional Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa [2008] UNGA 188; A/RES/63/177 (18 December 2008)
The Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [2008] UNGA 187; A/RES/63/165 (18 December 2008)
Future Operation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women [2008] UNGA 186; A/RES/63/157 (18 December 2008)
Protection of Migrants [2008] UNGA 185; A/RES/63/184 (18 December 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Economic Cooperation Organization [2008] UNGA 184; A/RES/63/144 (15 December 2008)
Legal Empowerment of the Poor and Eradication of Poverty [2008] UNGA 183; A/RES/63/142 (11 December 2008)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [2008] UNGA 182; A/RES/63/129 (11 December 2008)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [2008] UNGA 181; A/RES/63/130 (11 December 2008)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its Sixtieth Session [2008] UNGA 180; A/RES/63/123 (11 December 2008)
Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Armed Conflicts [2008] UNGA 179; A/RES/63/125 (11 December 2008)
Observer Status for the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea in the General Assembly [2008] UNGA 178; A/RES/63/133 (11 December 2008)
The Law of Transboundary Aquifers [2008] UNGA 177; A/RES/63/124 (11 December 2008)
Nationality of Natural Persons in Relation to the Succession of States [2008] UNGA 176; A/RES/63/118 (11 December 2008)
Sport as a Means to Promote Education, Health, Development and Peace [2008] UNGA 175; A/RES/63/135 (11 December 2008)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [2008] UNGA 174; A/RES/63/140 (11 December 2008)
Consideration of Effective Measures to Enhance the Protection, Security and Safety of Diplomatic and Consular Missions and Representatives [2008] UNGA 173; A/RES/63/126 (11 December 2008)
Humanitarian Assistance and Reconstruction of Liberia [2008] UNGA 172; A/RES/63/136 (11 December 2008)
Observer Status for the South Centre in the General Assembly [2008] UNGA 171; A/RES/63/131 (11 December 2008)
Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel and Protection of United Nations Personnel [2008] UNGA 170; A/RES/63/138 (11 December 2008)
The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels [2008] UNGA 169; A/RES/63/128 (11 December 2008)
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea [2008] UNGA 168; A/RES/63/122 (11 December 2008)
Reports of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its Resumed Fortieth and its Forty-First Sessions [2008] UNGA 167; A/RES/63/120 (11 December 2008)
Criminal Accountability of United Nations Officials and Experts on Mission [2008] UNGA 166; A/RES/63/119 (11 December 2008)
International Cooperation on Humanitarian Assistance in the Field of Natural Disasters, from Relief to Development [2008] UNGA 165; A/RES/63/141 (11 December 2008)
Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [2008] UNGA 164; A/RES/63/121 (11 December 2008)
Observer Status for the University for Peace in the General Assembly [2008] UNGA 163; A/RES/63/132 (11 December 2008)
The Role of Diamonds in Fuelling Conflict: Breaking the Link Between the Illicit Transaction of Rough Diamonds and Armed Conflict as a Contribution to Prevention and Settlement of Conflicts [2008] UNGA 162; A/RES/63/134 (11 December 2008)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [2008] UNGA 161; A/RES/63/127 (11 December 2008)
Strengthening Emergency Relief, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Prevention in the Aftermath of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster [2008] UNGA 160; A/RES/63/137 (11 December 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries [2008] UNGA 159; A/RES/63/143 (11 December 2008)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the United Nations [2008] UNGA 158; A/RES/63/139 (11 December 2008)
Sixtieth Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [2008] UNGA 157; A/RES/63/116 (10 December 2008)
Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights [2008] UNGA 156; A/RES/63/117 (10 December 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [2008] UNGA 155; A/RES/63/114 (5 December 2008)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [2008] UNGA 154; A/RES/63/103 (5 December 2008)
Questions Relating to Information a. Information in the Service of Humanity B. United Nations Public Information Policies and Activities [2008] UNGA 153; A/RES/63/100 A-B (5 December 2008)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [2008] UNGA 152; A/RES/63/89 (5 December 2008)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [2008] UNGA 151; A/RES/63/90 (5 December 2008)
Persons Displaced as a Result of the June 1967 and Subsequent Hostilities [2008] UNGA 150; A/RES/63/92 (5 December 2008)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands a. General B. Individual Territories [2008] UNGA 149; A/RES/63/108 A-B (5 December 2008)
Question of Western Sahara [2008] UNGA 148; A/RES/63/105 (5 December 2008)
Oceans and the Law of the Sea [2008] UNGA 147; A/RES/63/111 (5 December 2008)
The Occupied Syrian Golan [2008] UNGA 146; A/RES/63/99 (5 December 2008)
Applicability of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Other Occupied Arab Territories [2008] UNGA 145; A/RES/63/96 (5 December 2008)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [2008] UNGA 144; A/RES/63/101 (5 December 2008)
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001-2010 [2008] UNGA 143; A/RES/63/113 (5 December 2008)
Palestine Refugees' Properties and Their Revenues [2008] UNGA 142; A/RES/63/94 (5 December 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons [2008] UNGA 141; A/RES/63/115 (5 December 2008)
Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [2008] UNGA 140; A/RES/63/93 (5 December 2008)
Question of New Caledonia [2008] UNGA 139; A/RES/63/106 (5 December 2008)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees [2008] UNGA 138; A/RES/63/91 (5 December 2008)
Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem [2008] UNGA 137; A/RES/63/98 (5 December 2008)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [2008] UNGA 136; A/RES/63/110 (5 December 2008)
Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan [2008] UNGA 135; A/RES/63/97 (5 December 2008)
Economic and Other Activities which Affect the Interests of the Peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories [2008] UNGA 134; A/RES/63/102 (5 December 2008)
Question of Tokelau [2008] UNGA 133; A/RES/63/107 (5 December 2008)
Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [2008] UNGA 132; A/RES/63/95 (5 December 2008)
Sustainable Fisheries, Including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and Related Instruments [2008] UNGA 131; A/RES/63/112 (5 December 2008)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [2008] UNGA 130; A/RES/63/109 (5 December 2008)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [2008] UNGA 129; A/RES/63/104 (5 December 2008)
Prohibition of the Development and Manufacture of New Types of Weapons of Mass Destruction and New Systems of Such Weapons: Report of the Conference on Disarmament [2008] UNGA 128; A/RES/63/36 (2 December 2008)
Convention on Cluster Munitions [2008] UNGA 127; A/RES/63/71 (2 December 2008)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia [2008] UNGA 126; A/RES/63/63 (2 December 2008)
Follow-Up to the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [2008] UNGA 125; A/RES/63/49 (2 December 2008)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction [2008] UNGA 124; A/RES/63/42 (2 December 2008)
Observance of Environmental Norms in the Drafting and Implementation of Agreements on Disarmament and Arms Control [2008] UNGA 123; A/RES/63/51 (2 December 2008)
Renewed Determination Towards the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons [2008] UNGA 122; A/RES/63/73 (2 December 2008)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [2008] UNGA 121; A/RES/63/38 (2 December 2008)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [2008] UNGA 120; A/RES/63/40 (2 December 2008)
Reducing Nuclear Danger [2008] UNGA 119; A/RES/63/47 (2 December 2008)
Report of the Disarmament Commission [2008] UNGA 118; A/RES/63/83 (2 December 2008)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific [2008] UNGA 117; A/RES/63/77 (2 December 2008)
Problems Arising from the Accumulation of Conventional Ammunition Stockpiles in Surplus [2008] UNGA 116; A/RES/63/61 (2 December 2008)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction [2008] UNGA 115; A/RES/63/88 (2 December 2008)
Confidence-Building Measures in the Regional and Subregional Context [2008] UNGA 114; A/RES/63/45 (2 December 2008)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons [2008] UNGA 113; A/RES/63/75 (2 December 2008)
Assistance to States for Curbing the Illicit Traffic in Small Arms and Light Weapons and Collecting Them [2008] UNGA 112; A/RES/63/66 (2 December 2008)
United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education [2008] UNGA 111; A/RES/63/70 (2 December 2008)
Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures in Outer Space Activities [2008] UNGA 110; A/RES/63/68 (2 December 2008)
Missiles [2008] UNGA 109; A/RES/63/55 (2 December 2008)
Compliance with Non-Proliferation, Arms Limitation and Disarmament Agreements and Commitments [2008] UNGA 108; A/RES/63/59 (2 December 2008)
Report of the Conference on Disarmament [2008] UNGA 107; A/RES/63/82 (2 December 2008)
Regional Disarmament [2008] UNGA 106; A/RES/63/43 (2 December 2008)
Transparency in Armaments [2008] UNGA 105; A/RES/63/69 (2 December 2008)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [2008] UNGA 104; A/RES/63/85 (2 December 2008)
Consolidation of Peace through Practical Disarmament Measures [2008] UNGA 103; A/RES/63/62 (2 December 2008)
United Nations Disarmament Fellowship, Training and Advisory Services [2008] UNGA 102; A/RES/63/79 (2 December 2008)
Promotion of Multilateralism in the Area of Disarmament and Non Proliferation [2008] UNGA 101; A/RES/63/50 (2 December 2008)
Decreasing the Operational Readiness of Nuclear Weapons Systems [2008] UNGA 100; A/RES/63/41 (2 December 2008)
Information on Confidence-Building Measures in the Field of Conventional Arms [2008] UNGA 99; A/RES/63/57 (2 December 2008)
Regional Confidence-Building Measures: Activities of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa [2008] UNGA 98; A/RES/63/78 (2 December 2008)
Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security [2008] UNGA 97; A/RES/63/37 (2 December 2008)
Relationship Between Disarmament and Development [2008] UNGA 96; A/RES/63/52 (2 December 2008)
The Hague Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile Proliferation [2008] UNGA 95; A/RES/63/64 (2 December 2008)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean [2008] UNGA 94; A/RES/63/74 (2 December 2008)
Effects of the Use of Armaments and Ammunitions Containing Depleted Uranium [2008] UNGA 93; A/RES/63/54 (2 December 2008)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [2008] UNGA 92; A/RES/63/87 (2 December 2008)
United Nations Regional Centres for Peace and Disarmament [2008] UNGA 91; A/RES/63/76 (2 December 2008)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [2008] UNGA 90; A/RES/63/84 (2 December 2008)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas [2008] UNGA 89; A/RES/63/65 (2 December 2008)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction [2008] UNGA 88; A/RES/63/48 (2 December 2008)
The Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects [2008] UNGA 87; A/RES/63/72 (2 December 2008)
Preventing and Combating Illicit Brokering Activities [2008] UNGA 86; A/RES/63/67 (2 December 2008)
Mongolia's International Security and Nuclear-Weapon-Free Status [2008] UNGA 85; A/RES/63/56 (2 December 2008)
Nuclear Disarmament [2008] UNGA 84; A/RES/63/46 (2 December 2008)
United Nations Disarmament Information Programme [2008] UNGA 83; A/RES/63/81 (2 December 2008)
Measures to Uphold the Authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol [2008] UNGA 82; A/RES/63/53 (2 December 2008)
Measures to Prevent Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons of Mass Destruction [2008] UNGA 81; A/RES/63/60 (2 December 2008)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa [2008] UNGA 80; A/RES/63/80 (2 December 2008)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [2008] UNGA 79; A/RES/63/39 (2 December 2008)
Conventional Arms Control at the Regional and Subregional Levels [2008] UNGA 78; A/RES/63/44 (2 December 2008)
Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: Accelerating the Implementation of Nuclear Disarmament Commitments [2008] UNGA 77; A/RES/63/58 (2 December 2008)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [2008] UNGA 76; A/RES/63/86 (2 December 2008)
November 2008
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Caribbean Community [2008] UNGA 75; A/RES/63/34 (26 November 2008)
The Syrian Golan [2008] UNGA 74; A/RES/63/31 (26 November 2008)
Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat [2008] UNGA 73; A/RES/63/28 (26 November 2008)
Peaceful Settlement of the Question of Palestine [2008] UNGA 72; A/RES/63/29 (26 November 2008)
Global Health and Foreign Policy [2008] UNGA 71; A/RES/63/33 (26 November 2008)
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [2008] UNGA 70; A/RES/63/26 (26 November 2008)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations [2008] UNGA 69; A/RES/63/32 (26 November 2008)
Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat [2008] UNGA 68; A/RES/63/27 (26 November 2008)
Jerusalem [2008] UNGA 67; A/RES/63/30 (26 November 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations [2008] UNGA 66; A/RES/63/35 (26 November 2008)
Commemoration of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [2008] UNGA 65; A/RES/63/25 (24 November 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union [2008] UNGA 64; A/RES/63/24 (18 November 2008)
Promoting Development through the Reduction and Prevention of Armed Violence [2008] UNGA 63; A/RES/63/23 (17 November 2008)
Promotion of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue, Understanding and Cooperation for Peace [2008] UNGA 62; A/RES/63/22 (13 November 2008)
Special Economic Assistance for Yemen [2008] UNGA 61; A/RES/63/20 (11 November 2008)
Report of the International Criminal Court [2008] UNGA 60; A/RES/63/21 (11 November 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the League of Arab States [2008] UNGA 59; A/RES/63/17 (10 November 2008)
The Situation in Central America: Progress in Fashioning a Region of Peace, Freedom, Democracy and Development [2008] UNGA 58; A/RES/63/19 (10 November 2008)
The Situation in Afghanistan [2008] UNGA 57; A/RES/63/18 (10 November 2008)
Sixtieth Anniversary of United Nations Peacekeeping [2008] UNGA 56; A/RES/63/16 (7 November 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Eurasian Economic Community [2008] UNGA 55; A/RES/63/15 (3 November 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System [2008] UNGA 54; A/RES/63/12 (3 November 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Council of Europe [2008] UNGA 53; A/RES/63/14 (3 November 2008)
Commemoration of the Fifteenth Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development [2008] UNGA 52; A/RES/63/9 (3 November 2008)
Smoke-Free United Nations Premises [2008] UNGA 51; A/RES/63/8 (3 November 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization [2008] UNGA 50; A/RES/63/11 (3 November 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization [2008] UNGA 49; A/RES/63/10 (3 November 2008)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization [2008] UNGA 48; A/RES/63/13 (3 November 2008)
October 2008
Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America Against Cuba [2008] UNGA 47; A/RES/63/7 (29 October 2008)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [2008] UNGA 46; A/RES/63/6 (27 October 2008)
Permanent Memorial to and Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade [2008] UNGA 45; A/RES/63/5 (20 October 2008)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations: Requests Under Article 19 of the Charter [2008] UNGA 44; A/RES/63/4 (13 October 2008)
Request for an Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on Whether the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Kosovo is in Accordance with International Law [2008] UNGA 43; A/RES/63/3 (8 October 2008)
Outcome Document of the Midterm Review of the Almaty Programme of Action: Addressing the Special Needs of Landlocked Developing Countries Within a New Global Framework for Transit Transport Cooperation for Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries [2008] UNGA 42; A/RES/63/2 (3 October 2008)
September 2008
Political Declaration on Africa's Development Needs [2008] UNGA 41; A/RES/63/1 (22 September 2008)
Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly [2008] UNGA 40; A/RES/62/276 (15 September 2008)
System-Wide Coherence [2008] UNGA 39; A/RES/62/277 (15 September 2008)
Mandate Review [2008] UNGA 38; A/RES/62/278 (15 September 2008)
Implementation of the Recommendations Contained in the Report of the Secretary-General on the Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa [2008] UNGA 37; A/RES/62/275 (11 September 2008)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [2008] UNGA 36; A/RES/62/273 (11 September 2008)
Strengthening Transparency in Industries [2008] UNGA 35; A/RES/62/274 (11 September 2008)
The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy [2008] UNGA 34; A/RES/62/272 (5 September 2008)
July 2008
Sport as a Means to Promote Education, Health, Development and Peace [2008] UNGA 33; A/RES/62/271 (23 July 2008)
June 2008
Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad [2008] UNGA 32; A/RES/62/233B (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [2008] UNGA 31; A/RES/62/265 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur [2008] UNGA 30; A/RES/62/232B (20 June 2008)
Global Forum on Migration and Development [2008] UNGA 29; A/RES/62/270 (20 June 2008)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [2008] UNGA 28; A/RES/62/250 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2008] UNGA 27; A/RES/62/259 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor [2008] UNGA 26; A/RES/62/257 (20 June 2008)
Procurement Reform [2008] UNGA 25; A/RES/62/269 (20 June 2008)
Reformed Procedures for Determining Reimbursement to Member States for Contingent-Owned Equipment [2008] UNGA 24; A/RES/62/252 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia [2008] UNGA 23; A/RES/62/260 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in CôTe d'Ivoire [2008] UNGA 22; A/RES/62/254 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia [2008] UNGA 21; A/RES/62/263 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [2008] UNGA 20; A/RES/62/262 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2008] UNGA 19; A/RES/62/256 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste [2008] UNGA 18; A/RES/62/258 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy [2008] UNGA 17; A/RES/62/251 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [2008] UNGA 16; A/RES/62/264 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan [2008] UNGA 15; A/RES/62/267 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Burundi [2008] UNGA 14; A/RES/62/253 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone [2008] UNGA 13; A/RES/62/266 (20 June 2008)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2008] UNGA 12; A/RES/62/223B (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [2008] UNGA 11; A/RES/62/268 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus [2008] UNGA 10; A/RES/62/255 (20 June 2008)
Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti [2008] UNGA 9; A/RES/62/261 (20 June 2008)
May 2008
Status of Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia [2008] UNGA 8; A/RES/62/249 (15 May 2008)
April 2008
Strengthening Investigations [2008] UNGA 7; A/RES/62/247 (3 April 2008)
Report of the Joint Inspection Unit for 2007 and Programme of Work for 2008 [2008] UNGA 6; A/RES/62/246 (3 April 2008)
Human Resources Management [2008] UNGA 5; A/RES/62/248 (3 April 2008)
Special Subjects Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 2008-2009 [2008] UNGA 4; A/RES/62/245 (3 April 2008)
March 2008
Improving Global Road Safety [2008] UNGA 3; A/RES/62/244 (31 March 2008)
The Situation in the Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan [2008] UNGA 2; A/RES/62/243 (14 March 2008)
Modalities, Format and Organization of the High-Level Meeting on Africa's Development Needs [2008] UNGA 1; A/RES/62/242 (4 March 2008)
December 2007
Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy [2007] UNGA 292; A/RES/62/231 (22 December 2007)
Report of the Human Rights Council [2007] UNGA 291; A/RES/62/219 (22 December 2007)
Programme Planning [2007] UNGA 290; A/RES/62/224 (22 December 2007)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January and 31 December 1994 [2007] UNGA 289; A/RES/62/229 (22 December 2007)
Global Efforts for the Total Elimination of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and the Comprehensive Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action [2007] UNGA 288; A/RES/62/220 (22 December 2007)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa [2007] UNGA 287; A/RES/62/216 (22 December 2007)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [2007] UNGA 286; A/RES/62/222 (22 December 2007)
Questions Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 2008-2009 [2007] UNGA 285; A/RES/62/236 (22 December 2007)
Questions Related to the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund [2007] UNGA 284; A/RES/62/241 (22 December 2007)
United Nations Common System: Report of the International Civil Service Commission [2007] UNGA 283; A/RES/62/227 (22 December 2007)
Special Subjects Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 2008-2009 [2007] UNGA 282; A/RES/62/238 (22 December 2007)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2007] UNGA 281; A/RES/62/223A (22 December 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad [2007] UNGA 280; A/RES/62/233A (22 December 2007)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2006-2007 a. Final Budget Appropriations for the Biennium 2006-2007 B. Final Income Estimates for the Biennium 2006-2007 [2007] UNGA 279; A/RES/62/235 A-B (22 December 2007)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2008-2009 [2007] UNGA 278; A/RES/62/237 A-C (22 December 2007)
Unforeseen and Extraordinary Expenses for the Biennium 2008-2009 [2007] UNGA 277; A/RES/62/239 (22 December 2007)
Pattern of Conferences [2007] UNGA 276; A/RES/62/225 (22 December 2007)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [2007] UNGA 275; A/RES/62/218 (22 December 2007)
Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur [2007] UNGA 274; A/RES/62/232A (22 December 2007)
Reports of the Office of Internal Oversight Services and Financing of the Procurement Task Force [2007] UNGA 273; A/RES/62/234 (22 December 2007)
Subregional Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa [2007] UNGA 272; A/RES/62/221 (22 December 2007)
Oceans and the Law of the Sea [2007] UNGA 271; A/RES/62/215 (22 December 2007)
Working Capital Fund for the Biennium 2008-2009 [2007] UNGA 270; A/RES/62/240 (22 December 2007)
Administration of Justice at the United Nations [2007] UNGA 269; A/RES/62/228 (22 December 2007)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [2007] UNGA 268; A/RES/62/217 (22 December 2007)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [2007] UNGA 267; A/RES/62/230 (22 December 2007)
Joint Inspection Unit [2007] UNGA 266; A/RES/62/226 (22 December 2007)
United Nations Comprehensive Strategy on Assistance and Support to Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by United Nations Staff and Related Personnel [2007] UNGA 265; A/RES/62/214 (21 December 2007)
The Role of the United Nations in Promoting a New Global Human Order [2007] UNGA 264; A/RES/62/213 (21 December 2007)
Credentials of Representatives to the Sixty-Second Session of the General Assembly [2007] UNGA 263; A/RES/62/212 (21 December 2007)
Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development [2007] UNGA 262; A/RES/62/189 (19 December 2007)
Convention on Biological Diversity [2007] UNGA 261; A/RES/62/194 (19 December 2007)
2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa [2007] UNGA 260; A/RES/62/180 (19 December 2007)
Information and Communication Technologies for Development [2007] UNGA 259; A/RES/62/182 (19 December 2007)
Groups of Countries in Special Situations: Specific Actions Related to the Particular Needs and Problems of Landlocked Developing Countries: Outcome of the International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries and Donor Countries and International Financial and Development Institutions on Transit Transport Cooperation [2007] UNGA 258; A/RES/62/204 (19 December 2007)
Organization of the 2008 Comprehensive Review of the Progress Achieved in Realizing the Declaration of Commitment on Hiv/Aids and the Political Declaration on Hiv/Aids [2007] UNGA 257; A/RES/62/178 (19 December 2007)
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction [2007] UNGA 256; A/RES/62/192 (19 December 2007)
Towards Global Partnerships [2007] UNGA 255; A/RES/62/211 (19 December 2007)
Human Resources Development [2007] UNGA 254; A/RES/62/207 (19 December 2007)
Implementation of the Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and Strengthening of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) [2007] UNGA 253; A/RES/62/198 (19 December 2007)
Preventing and Combating Corrupt Practices and Transfer of Assets of Illicit Origin and Returning Such Assets, in Particular to the Countries of Origin, Consistent with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption [2007] UNGA 252; A/RES/62/202 (19 December 2007)
International Financial System and Development [2007] UNGA 251; A/RES/62/185 (19 December 2007)
South-South Cooperation [2007] UNGA 250; A/RES/62/209 (19 December 2007)
Sustainable Mountain Development [2007] UNGA 249; A/RES/62/196 (19 December 2007)
International Year of Astronomy, 2009 [2007] UNGA 248; A/RES/62/200 (19 December 2007)
Follow-Up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus [2007] UNGA 247; A/RES/62/187 (19 December 2007)
Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [2007] UNGA 246; A/RES/62/193 (19 December 2007)
Eradication of Poverty and Other Development Issues: Women in Development [2007] UNGA 245; A/RES/62/205 (19 December 2007)
Unilateral Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Coercion Against Developing Countries [2007] UNGA 244; A/RES/62/183 (19 December 2007)
Oil Slick on Lebanese Shores [2007] UNGA 243; A/RES/62/188 (19 December 2007)
Triennial Comprehensive Policy Review of Operational Activities for Development of the United Nations System [2007] UNGA 242; A/RES/62/208 (19 December 2007)
Follow-Up to and Implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [2007] UNGA 241; A/RES/62/191 (19 December 2007)
New Partnership for Africa's Development: Progress in Implementation and International Support [2007] UNGA 240; A/RES/62/179 (19 December 2007)
Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries [2007] UNGA 239; A/RES/62/203 (19 December 2007)
Science and Technology for Development [2007] UNGA 238; A/RES/62/201 (19 December 2007)
Training and Research: United Nations Institute for Training and Research [2007] UNGA 237; A/RES/62/210 (19 December 2007)
International Trade and Development [2007] UNGA 236; A/RES/62/184 (19 December 2007)
Globalization and Interdependence [2007] UNGA 235; A/RES/62/199 (19 December 2007)
Agricultural Technology for Development [2007] UNGA 234; A/RES/62/190 (19 December 2007)
Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab Population in the Occupied Syrian Golan Over Their Natural Resources [2007] UNGA 233; A/RES/62/181 (19 December 2007)
Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its Twenty-Fourth Session [2007] UNGA 232; A/RES/62/195 (19 December 2007)
External Debt and Development: Towards a Durable Solution to the Debt Problems of Developing Countries [2007] UNGA 231; A/RES/62/186 (19 December 2007)
Women in Development [2007] UNGA 230; A/RES/62/206 (19 December 2007)
Promotion of New and Renewable Sources of Energy [2007] UNGA 229; A/RES/62/197 (19 December 2007)
United Nations Development Fund for Women [2007] UNGA 228; A/RES/62/135 (18 December 2007)
Enhancement of International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights [2007] UNGA 227; A/RES/62/160 (18 December 2007)
International Cooperation Against the World Drug Problem [2007] UNGA 226; A/RES/62/176 (18 December 2007)
Cooperatives in Social Development [2007] UNGA 225; A/RES/62/128 (18 December 2007)
Globalization and its Impact on the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights [2007] UNGA 224; A/RES/62/151 (18 December 2007)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2007] UNGA 223; A/RES/62/123 (18 December 2007)
Strengthening United Nations Action in the Field of Human Rights through the Promotion of International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [2007] UNGA 222; A/RES/62/165 (18 December 2007)
Follow-Up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and Full Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly [2007] UNGA 221; A/RES/62/137 (18 December 2007)
Moratorium on the Use of the Death Penalty [2007] UNGA 220; A/RES/62/149 (18 December 2007)
Human Rights in the Administration of Justice [2007] UNGA 219; A/RES/62/158 (18 December 2007)
Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures [2007] UNGA 218; A/RES/62/162 (18 December 2007)
Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [2007] UNGA 217; A/RES/62/167 (18 December 2007)
International Covenants on Human Rights [2007] UNGA 216; A/RES/62/147 (18 December 2007)
World Autism Awareness Day [2007] UNGA 215; A/RES/62/139 (18 December 2007)
Inadmissibility of Certain Practices That Contribute to Fuelling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [2007] UNGA 214; A/RES/62/142 (18 December 2007)
International Year of Human Rights Learning [2007] UNGA 213; A/RES/62/171 (18 December 2007)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2007] UNGA 212; A/RES/62/124 (18 December 2007)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2007] UNGA 211; A/RES/62/145 (18 December 2007)
Policies and Programmes Involving Youth: Youth in the Global Economy - Promoting Youth Participation in Social and Economic Development [2007] UNGA 210; A/RES/62/126 (18 December 2007)
Follow-Up to the Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and Preparations for the Twelfth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice [2007] UNGA 209; A/RES/62/173 (18 December 2007)
Human Rights and Cultural Diversity [2007] UNGA 208; A/RES/62/155 (18 December 2007)
Protection of and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons [2007] UNGA 207; A/RES/62/153 (18 December 2007)
Implementation of the Outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the Twenty-Fourth Special Session of the General Assembly [2007] UNGA 206; A/RES/62/131 (18 December 2007)
Eliminating Rape and Other Forms of Sexual Violence in All Their Manifestations, Including in Conflict and Related Situations [2007] UNGA 205; A/RES/62/134 (18 December 2007)
The Girl Child [2007] UNGA 204; A/RES/62/140 (18 December 2007)
Follow-Up to the Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family and Beyond [2007] UNGA 203; A/RES/62/129 (18 December 2007)
Intensification of Efforts to Eliminate All Forms of Violence Against Women [2007] UNGA 202; A/RES/62/133 (18 December 2007)
Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief [2007] UNGA 201; A/RES/62/157 (18 December 2007)
The Right to Food [2007] UNGA 200; A/RES/62/164 (18 December 2007)
Strengthening the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, in Particular its Technical Cooperation Capacity [2007] UNGA 199; A/RES/62/175 (18 December 2007)
Respect for the Purposes and Principles Contained in the Charter of the United Nations to Achieve International Cooperation in Promoting and Encouraging Respect for Human Rights and for Fundamental Freedoms and in Solving International Problems of a Humanitarian Character [2007] UNGA 198; A/RES/62/166 (18 December 2007)
The Right to Development [2007] UNGA 197; A/RES/62/161 (18 December 2007)
Improvement of the Situation of Women in Rural Areas [2007] UNGA 196; A/RES/62/136 (18 December 2007)
Strengthening the Role of the United Nations in Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Periodic and Genuine Elections and the Promotion of Democratization [2007] UNGA 195; A/RES/62/150 (18 December 2007)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [2007] UNGA 194; A/RES/62/168 (18 December 2007)
Supporting Efforts to End Obstetric Fistula [2007] UNGA 193; A/RES/62/138 (18 December 2007)
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism [2007] UNGA 192; A/RES/62/159 (18 December 2007)
Sustainable Fisheries, Including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and Related Instruments [2007] UNGA 191; A/RES/62/177 (18 December 2007)
Promotion of Peace as a Vital Requirement for the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights by All [2007] UNGA 190; A/RES/62/163 (18 December 2007)
Situation of Human Rights in Belarus [2007] UNGA 189; A/RES/62/169 (18 December 2007)
Report of the Human Rights Council on the Preparations for the Durban Review Conference [2007] UNGA 188; A/RES/62/143 (18 December 2007)
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [2007] UNGA 187; A/RES/62/148 (18 December 2007)
Follow-Up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing [2007] UNGA 186; A/RES/62/130 (18 December 2007)
The Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [2007] UNGA 185; A/RES/62/146 (18 December 2007)
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol [2007] UNGA 184; A/RES/62/170 (18 December 2007)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [2007] UNGA 183; A/RES/62/125 (18 December 2007)
Combating Defamation of Religions [2007] UNGA 182; A/RES/62/154 (18 December 2007)
Rights of the Child [2007] UNGA 181; A/RES/62/141 (18 December 2007)
United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [2007] UNGA 180; A/RES/62/174 (18 December 2007)
Technical Assistance for Implementing the International Conventions and Protocols Relating to Terrorism [2007] UNGA 179; A/RES/62/172 (18 December 2007)
Implementation of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons: Realizing the Millennium Development Goals for Persons with Disabilities [2007] UNGA 178; A/RES/62/127 (18 December 2007)
Violence Against Women Migrant Workers [2007] UNGA 177; A/RES/62/132 (18 December 2007)
Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [2007] UNGA 176; A/RES/62/152 (18 December 2007)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2007] UNGA 175; A/RES/62/144 (18 December 2007)
Protection of Migrants [2007] UNGA 174; A/RES/62/156 (18 December 2007)
Recommendations on Enhancing the Practice of States and International Intergovernmental Organizations in Registering Space Objects [2007] UNGA 173; A/RES/62/101 (17 December 2007)
Question of Tokelau [2007] UNGA 172; A/RES/62/121 (17 December 2007)
Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel and Protection of United Nations Personnel [2007] UNGA 171; A/RES/62/95 (17 December 2007)
Question of Western Sahara [2007] UNGA 170; A/RES/62/116 (17 December 2007)
Palestine Refugees' Properties and Their Revenues [2007] UNGA 169; A/RES/62/105 (17 December 2007)
Persons Displaced as a Result of the June 1967 and Subsequent Hostilities [2007] UNGA 168; A/RES/62/103 (17 December 2007)
Questions Relating to Information a. Information in the Service of Humanity B. United Nations Public Information Policies and Activities [2007] UNGA 167; A/RES/62/111 A-B (17 December 2007)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [2007] UNGA 166; A/RES/62/114 (17 December 2007)
Non-Legally Binding Instrument on All Types of Forests [2007] UNGA 165; A/RES/62/98 (17 December 2007)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [2007] UNGA 164; A/RES/62/93 (17 December 2007)
Economic and Other Activities which Affect the Interests of the Peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories [2007] UNGA 163; A/RES/62/113 (17 December 2007)
Graduation of Samoa [2007] UNGA 162; A/RES/62/97 (17 December 2007)
Applicability of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Other Occupied Arab Territories [2007] UNGA 161; A/RES/62/107 (17 December 2007)
Strengthening Emergency Relief, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Prevention in the Aftermath of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster [2007] UNGA 160; A/RES/62/91 (17 December 2007)
Permanent Memorial to and Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade [2007] UNGA 159; A/RES/62/122 (17 December 2007)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the United Nations [2007] UNGA 158; A/RES/62/94 (17 December 2007)
Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem [2007] UNGA 157; A/RES/62/109 (17 December 2007)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [2007] UNGA 156; A/RES/62/100 (17 December 2007)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [2007] UNGA 155; A/RES/62/115 (17 December 2007)
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001-2010 [2007] UNGA 154; A/RES/62/89 (17 December 2007)
Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [2007] UNGA 153; A/RES/62/104 (17 December 2007)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees [2007] UNGA 152; A/RES/62/102 (17 December 2007)
International Cooperation on Humanitarian Assistance in the Field of Natural Disasters, from Relief to Development [2007] UNGA 151; A/RES/62/92 (17 December 2007)
The Occupied Syrian Golan [2007] UNGA 150; A/RES/62/110 (17 December 2007)
Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [2007] UNGA 149; A/RES/62/106 (17 December 2007)
Assistance in Mine Action [2007] UNGA 148; A/RES/62/99 (17 December 2007)
Question of New Caledonia [2007] UNGA 147; A/RES/62/117 (17 December 2007)
Assistance to Survivors of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda, Particularly Orphans, Widows and Victims of Sexual Violence [2007] UNGA 146; A/RES/62/96 (17 December 2007)
Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan [2007] UNGA 145; A/RES/62/108 (17 December 2007)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands a. General B. Individual Territories [2007] UNGA 144; A/RES/62/118 A-B (17 December 2007)
Promotion of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue, Understanding and Cooperation for Peace [2007] UNGA 143; A/RES/62/90 (17 December 2007)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [2007] UNGA 142; A/RES/62/119 (17 December 2007)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [2007] UNGA 141; A/RES/62/112 (17 December 2007)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [2007] UNGA 140; A/RES/62/120 (17 December 2007)
Declaration of the Commemorative High-Level Plenary Meeting Devoted to the Follow-Up to the Outcome of the Special Session on Children [2007] UNGA 139; A/RES/62/88 (13 December 2007)
Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat [2007] UNGA 138; A/RES/62/81 (10 December 2007)
The Syrian Golan [2007] UNGA 137; A/RES/62/85 (10 December 2007)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [2007] UNGA 136; A/RES/62/86 (10 December 2007)
Peaceful Settlement of the Question of Palestine [2007] UNGA 135; A/RES/62/83 (10 December 2007)
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [2007] UNGA 134; A/RES/62/80 (10 December 2007)
Capital Master Plan [2007] UNGA 133; A/RES/62/87 (10 December 2007)
Jerusalem [2007] UNGA 132; A/RES/62/84 (10 December 2007)
Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat [2007] UNGA 131; A/RES/62/82 (10 December 2007)
Observer Status for the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf in the General Assembly [2007] UNGA 130; A/RES/62/78 (6 December 2007)
Observer Status for the Regional Centre on Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Great Lakes Region, the Horn of Africa and Bordering States in the General Assembly [2007] UNGA 129; A/RES/62/73 (6 December 2007)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its Fortieth Session [2007] UNGA 128; A/RES/62/64 (6 December 2007)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [2007] UNGA 127; A/RES/62/69 (6 December 2007)
United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law [2007] UNGA 126; A/RES/62/62 (6 December 2007)
Observer Status for the Italian-Latin American Institute in the General Assembly [2007] UNGA 125; A/RES/62/74 (6 December 2007)
Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts [2007] UNGA 124; A/RES/62/61 (6 December 2007)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its Fifty-Ninth Session [2007] UNGA 123; A/RES/62/66 (6 December 2007)
Observer Status for the Eurasian Development Bank in the General Assembly [2007] UNGA 122; A/RES/62/76 (6 December 2007)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [2007] UNGA 121; A/RES/62/71 (6 December 2007)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [2007] UNGA 120; A/RES/62/72 (6 December 2007)
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, Done at New York on 10 June 1958 [2007] UNGA 119; A/RES/62/65 (6 December 2007)
The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels [2007] UNGA 118; A/RES/62/70 (6 December 2007)
Criminal Accountability of United Nations Officials and Experts on Mission [2007] UNGA 117; A/RES/62/63 (6 December 2007)
Consideration of Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities and Allocation of Loss in the Case of Such Harm [2007] UNGA 116; A/RES/62/68 (6 December 2007)
Diplomatic Protection [2007] UNGA 115; A/RES/62/67 (6 December 2007)
Observer Status for the Energy Charter Conference in the General Assembly [2007] UNGA 114; A/RES/62/75 (6 December 2007)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Eurasian Economic Community [2007] UNGA 113; A/RES/62/79 (6 December 2007)
Observer Status for the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia in the General Assembly [2007] UNGA 112; A/RES/62/77 (6 December 2007)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction [2007] UNGA 111; A/RES/62/41 (5 December 2007)
Follow-Up to Nuclear Disarmament Obligations Agreed to at the 1995 and 2000 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [2007] UNGA 110; A/RES/62/24 (5 December 2007)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [2007] UNGA 109; A/RES/62/56 (5 December 2007)
Preventing the Acquisition by Terrorists of Radioactive Materials and Sources [2007] UNGA 108; A/RES/62/46 (5 December 2007)
United Nations Regional Centres for Peace and Disarmament [2007] UNGA 107; A/RES/62/50 (5 December 2007)
Observance of Environmental Norms in the Drafting and Implementation of Agreements on Disarmament and Arms Control [2007] UNGA 106; A/RES/62/28 (5 December 2007)
Reducing Nuclear Danger [2007] UNGA 105; A/RES/62/32 (5 December 2007)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction [2007] UNGA 104; A/RES/62/60 (5 December 2007)
Confidence-Building Measures in the Regional and Subregional Context [2007] UNGA 103; A/RES/62/45 (5 December 2007)
Objective Information on Military Matters, Including Transparency of Military Expenditures [2007] UNGA 102; A/RES/62/13 (5 December 2007)
Report of the Disarmament Commission [2007] UNGA 101; A/RES/62/54 (5 December 2007)
Assistance to States for Curbing the Illicit Traffic in Small Arms and Light Weapons and Collecting Them [2007] UNGA 100; A/RES/62/22 (5 December 2007)
Decreasing the Operational Readiness of Nuclear Weapons Systems [2007] UNGA 99; A/RES/62/36 (5 December 2007)
Conventional Arms Control at the Regional and Subregional Levels [2007] UNGA 98; A/RES/62/44 (5 December 2007)
Promotion of Multilateralism in the Area of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation [2007] UNGA 97; A/RES/62/27 (5 December 2007)
Effects of the Use of Armaments and Ammunitions Containing Depleted Uranium [2007] UNGA 96; A/RES/62/30 (5 December 2007)
Follow-Up to the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [2007] UNGA 95; A/RES/62/39 (5 December 2007)
Convening of the Fourth Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament [2007] UNGA 94; A/RES/62/29 (5 December 2007)
Regional Confidence-Building Measures: Activities of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa [2007] UNGA 93; A/RES/62/53 (5 December 2007)
African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty [2007] UNGA 92; A/RES/62/15 (5 December 2007)
Prohibition of the Dumping of Radioactive Wastes [2007] UNGA 91; A/RES/62/34 (5 December 2007)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [2007] UNGA 90; A/RES/62/19 (5 December 2007)
Nuclear Disarmament [2007] UNGA 89; A/RES/62/42 (5 December 2007)
Relationship Between Disarmament and Development [2007] UNGA 88; A/RES/62/48 (5 December 2007)
Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security [2007] UNGA 87; A/RES/62/17 (5 December 2007)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [2007] UNGA 86; A/RES/62/58 (5 December 2007)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [2007] UNGA 85; A/RES/62/57 (5 December 2007)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons [2007] UNGA 84; A/RES/62/51 (5 December 2007)
The Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects [2007] UNGA 83; A/RES/62/47 (5 December 2007)
Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: Accelerating the Implementation of Nuclear Disarmament Commitments [2007] UNGA 82; A/RES/62/25 (5 December 2007)
Prevention of the Illicit Transfer and Unauthorized Access to and Use of Man-Portable Air Defence Systems [2007] UNGA 81; A/RES/62/40 (5 December 2007)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [2007] UNGA 80; A/RES/62/20 (5 December 2007)
Report of the Conference on Disarmament [2007] UNGA 79; A/RES/62/55 (5 December 2007)
Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [2007] UNGA 78; A/RES/62/14 (5 December 2007)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction [2007] UNGA 77; A/RES/62/23 (5 December 2007)
Measures to Prevent Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons of Mass Destruction [2007] UNGA 76; A/RES/62/33 (5 December 2007)
Regional Disarmament [2007] UNGA 75; A/RES/62/38 (5 December 2007)
Verification in All its Aspects, Including the Role of the United Nations in the Field of Verification [2007] UNGA 74; A/RES/62/21 (5 December 2007)
National Legislation on Transfer of Arms, Military Equipment and Dual-Use Goods and Technology [2007] UNGA 73; A/RES/62/26 (5 December 2007)
Consolidation of the Regime Established by the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) [2007] UNGA 72; A/RES/62/16 (5 December 2007)
Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures in Outer Space Activities [2007] UNGA 71; A/RES/62/43 (5 December 2007)
Treaty on the South-East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (Bangkok Treaty) [2007] UNGA 70; A/RES/62/31 (5 December 2007)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean [2007] UNGA 69; A/RES/62/49 (5 December 2007)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific [2007] UNGA 68; A/RES/62/52 (5 December 2007)
Renewed Determination Towards the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons [2007] UNGA 67; A/RES/62/37 (5 December 2007)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [2007] UNGA 66; A/RES/62/18 (5 December 2007)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [2007] UNGA 65; A/RES/62/59 (5 December 2007)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas [2007] UNGA 64; A/RES/62/35 (5 December 2007)
November 2007
The Role of Diamonds in Fuelling Conflict: Breaking the Link Between the Illicit Transaction of Rough Diamonds and Armed Conflict as a Contribution to Prevention and Settlement of Conflicts [2007] UNGA 63; A/RES/62/11 (26 November 2007)
World Day of Social Justice [2007] UNGA 62; A/RES/62/10 (26 November 2007)
Report of the International Criminal Court [2007] UNGA 61; A/RES/62/12 (26 November 2007)
Strengthening of International Cooperation and Coordination of Efforts to Study, Mitigate and Minimize the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster [2007] UNGA 60; A/RES/62/9 (20 November 2007)
Overview of United Nations Activities Relating to Climate Change [2007] UNGA 59; A/RES/62/8 (19 November 2007)
Support by the United Nations System of the Efforts of Governments to Promote and Consolidate New or Restored Democracies [2007] UNGA 58; A/RES/62/7 (8 November 2007)
The Situation in Afghanistan [2007] UNGA 57; A/RES/62/6 (5 November 2007)
October 2007
Building a Peaceful and Better World through Sport and the Olympic Ideal [2007] UNGA 56; A/RES/62/4 (31 October 2007)
Peace, Security and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula [2007] UNGA 55; A/RES/62/5 (31 October 2007)
Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America Against Cuba [2007] UNGA 54; A/RES/62/3 (30 October 2007)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [2007] UNGA 53; A/RES/62/2 (29 October 2007)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations: Requests Under Article 19 of the Charter [2007] UNGA 52; A/RES/62/1 (15 October 2007)
September 2007
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the African Union [2007] UNGA 51; A/RES/61/296 (17 September 2007)
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [2007] UNGA 50; A/RES/61/295 (13 September 2007)
Prevention of Armed Conflict [2007] UNGA 49; A/RES/61/293 (13 September 2007)
Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic [2007] UNGA 48; A/RES/61/294 (13 September 2007)
August 2007
Revitalizing the Role and Authority of the General Assembly and Strengthening its Performance [2007] UNGA 47; A/RES/61/292 (2 August 2007)
July 2007
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [2007] UNGA 46; A/RES/61/291 (24 July 2007)
Comprehensive Review of a Strategy to Eliminate Future Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations [2007] UNGA 45; A/RES/61/267B (24 July 2007)
June 2007
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [2007] UNGA 44; A/RES/61/287 (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste [2007] UNGA 43; A/RES/61/249C (29 June 2007)
Terms of Reference for the Independent Audit Advisory Committee and Strengthening the Office of Internal Oversight Services [2007] UNGA 42; A/RES/61/275 (29 June 2007)
Commemorative High-Level Plenary Meeting Devoted to the Follow-Up to the Outcome of the Special Session on Children [2007] UNGA 41; A/RES/61/272 (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2007] UNGA 40; A/RES/61/281 (29 June 2007)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Cross-Cutting Issues [2007] UNGA 39; A/RES/61/276 (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in CôTe d'Ivoire [2007] UNGA 38; A/RES/61/247B (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2007] UNGA 37; A/RES/61/248B (29 June 2007)
Consolidation of Peacekeeping Accounts [2007] UNGA 36; A/RES/61/278 (29 June 2007)
Comprehensive Proposal on Appropriate Incentives to Retain Staff of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [2007] UNGA 35; A/RES/61/274 (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor [2007] UNGA 34; A/RES/61/282 (29 June 2007)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2007] UNGA 33; A/RES/61/233B (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [2007] UNGA 32; A/RES/61/285 (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti [2007] UNGA 31; A/RES/61/284 (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [2007] UNGA 30; A/RES/61/250C (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia [2007] UNGA 29; A/RES/61/286 (29 June 2007)
Special Subjects Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 2006-2007 [2007] UNGA 28; A/RES/61/273 (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus [2007] UNGA 27; A/RES/61/280 (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan [2007] UNGA 26; A/RES/61/289 (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone [2007] UNGA 25; A/RES/61/288 (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy [2007] UNGA 24; A/RES/61/277 (29 June 2007)
Strengthening the Capacity of the United Nations to Manage and Sustain Peacekeeping Operations [2007] UNGA 23; A/RES/61/279 (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia [2007] UNGA 22; A/RES/61/283 (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [2007] UNGA 21; A/RES/61/290 (29 June 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Burundi [2007] UNGA 20; A/RES/61/9B (29 June 2007)
The Ethiopian Millennium [2007] UNGA 19; A/RES/61/270 (15 June 2007)
International Day of Non-Violence [2007] UNGA 18; A/RES/61/271 (15 June 2007)
May 2007
United Nations Population Award [2007] UNGA 17; A/RES/61/268 (25 May 2007)
High-Level Dialogue on Interreligious and Intercultural Understanding and Cooperation for Peace [2007] UNGA 16; A/RES/61/269 (25 May 2007)
Comprehensive Review of a Strategy to Eliminate Future Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations [2007] UNGA 15; A/RES/61/267A (16 May 2007)
Multilingualism [2007] UNGA 14; A/RES/61/266 (16 May 2007)
April 2007
Administration of Justice at the United Nations [2007] UNGA 13; A/RES/61/261 (4 April 2007)
Strengthened and Unified Security Management System [2007] UNGA 12; A/RES/61/263 (4 April 2007)
Audit and Investigative Reviews of the Tsunami Relief Operations Conducted by the United Nations Secretariat, Funds and Programmes and the Specialized Agencies [2007] UNGA 11; A/RES/61/265 (4 April 2007)
Conditions of Service and Compensation for Officials Other Than Secretariat Officials: Members of the International Court of Justice and Judges and Ad Litem Judges of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda [2007] UNGA 10; A/RES/61/262 (4 April 2007)
Programme of Work of the Joint Inspection Unit for 2007 [2007] UNGA 9; A/RES/61/260 (4 April 2007)
Liabilities and Proposed Funding for After-Service Health Insurance Benefits [2007] UNGA 8; A/RES/61/264 (4 April 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [2007] UNGA 7; A/RES/61/250B (2 April 2007)
Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste [2007] UNGA 6; A/RES/61/249B (2 April 2007)
March 2007
Observer Status for the Islamic Development Bank Group in the General Assembly [2007] UNGA 5; A/RES/61/259 (28 March 2007)
Estimates in Respect of Special Political Missions, Good Offices and Other Political Initiatives Authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council [2007] UNGA 4; A/RES/61/258 (26 March 2007)
Strengthening of the Capacity of the Organization to Advance the Disarmament Agenda [2007] UNGA 3; A/RES/61/257 (15 March 2007)
Strengthening of the Capacity of the Organization on Peacekeeping Operations [2007] UNGA 2; A/RES/61/256 (15 March 2007)
January 2007
Holocaust Denial [2007] UNGA 1; A/RES/61/255 (26 January 2007)
December 2006
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2006] UNGA 299; A/RES/61/233A (22 December 2006)
Comprehensive Review of Governance and Oversight Within the United Nations and its Funds, Programmes and Specialized Agencies [2006] UNGA 298; A/RES/61/245 (22 December 2006)
United Nations Common System: Report of the International Civil Service Commission [2006] UNGA 297; A/RES/61/239 (22 December 2006)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [2006] UNGA 296; A/RES/61/232 (22 December 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [2006] UNGA 295; A/RES/61/250A (22 December 2006)
2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa [2006] UNGA 294; A/RES/61/228 (22 December 2006)
Implementation of the Recommendations Contained in the Report of the Secretary-General on the Causes of Conflict and Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa [2006] UNGA 293; A/RES/61/230 (22 December 2006)
Proposed Programme Budget Outline for the Biennium 2008-2009 [2006] UNGA 292; A/RES/61/254 (22 December 2006)
Pattern of Conferences [2006] UNGA 291; A/RES/61/236 (22 December 2006)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January and 31 December 1994 [2006] UNGA 290; A/RES/61/241 (22 December 2006)
Credentials of Representatives to the Sixty-First Session of the General Assembly [2006] UNGA 289; A/RES/61/227 (22 December 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste [2006] UNGA 288; A/RES/61/249A (22 December 2006)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2006-2007 a: Revised Budget Appropriations for the Biennium 2006–2007 B: Revised Income Estimates for the Biennium 2006–2007 C: Financing of the Appropriations for the Year 2007 [2006] UNGA 287; A/RES/61/253 A-C (22 December 2006)
Capital Master Plan [2006] UNGA 286; A/RES/61/251 (22 December 2006)
Enhancing the Role of the Subregional Offices of the Economic Commission for Africa [2006] UNGA 285; A/RES/61/234 (22 December 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in CôTe d'Ivoire [2006] UNGA 284; A/RES/61/247A (22 December 2006)
Procurement Reform [2006] UNGA 283; A/RES/61/246 (22 December 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2006] UNGA 282; A/RES/61/248A (22 December 2006)
New Partnership for Africa's Development: Progress in Implementation and International Support [2006] UNGA 281; A/RES/61/229 (22 December 2006)
Human Resources Management [2006] UNGA 280; A/RES/61/244 (22 December 2006)
Joint Inspection Unit [2006] UNGA 279; A/RES/61/238 (22 December 2006)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations [2006] UNGA 278; A/RES/61/243 (22 December 2006)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [2006] UNGA 277; A/RES/61/231 (22 December 2006)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [2006] UNGA 276; A/RES/61/242 (22 December 2006)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [2006] UNGA 275; A/RES/61/237 (22 December 2006)
Support by the United Nations System of the Efforts of Governments to Promote and Consolidate New or Restored Democracies [2006] UNGA 274; A/RES/61/226 (22 December 2006)
Programme Planning [2006] UNGA 273; A/RES/61/235 (22 December 2006)
United Nations Pension System [2006] UNGA 272; A/RES/61/240 (22 December 2006)
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 2006-2007 [2006] UNGA 271; A/RES/61/252 (22 December 2006)
Promotion of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue, Understanding and Cooperation for Peace [2006] UNGA 270; A/RES/61/221 (20 December 2006)
Role of Microcredit and Microfinance in the Eradication of Poverty [2006] UNGA 269; A/RES/61/214 (20 December 2006)
International Year of Sanitation 2008 [2006] UNGA 268; A/RES/61/192 (20 December 2006)
International Year of Natural Fibres, 2009 [2006] UNGA 267; A/RES/61/189 (20 December 2006)
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Caribbean Sea for Present and Future Generations [2006] UNGA 266; A/RES/61/197 (20 December 2006)
Commodities [2006] UNGA 265; A/RES/61/190 (20 December 2006)
Improving the Coordination of Efforts Against Trafficking in Persons [2006] UNGA 264; A/RES/61/180 (20 December 2006)
United Nations University [2006] UNGA 263; A/RES/61/216 (20 December 2006)
International Cooperation to Reduce the Impact of the El NiñO Phenomenon [2006] UNGA 262; A/RES/61/199 (20 December 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries [2006] UNGA 261; A/RES/61/223 (20 December 2006)
Working Group of the Commission on Human Rights to Elaborate a Draft Declaration in Accordance with Paragraph 5 of General Assembly Resolution 49/214 of 23 December 1994 [2006] UNGA 260; A/RES/61/178 (20 December 2006)
United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [2006] UNGA 259; A/RES/61/182 (20 December 2006)
Humanitarian Assistance and Reconstruction of Liberia [2006] UNGA 258; A/RES/61/218 (20 December 2006)
Integration of the Economies in Transition into the World Economy [2006] UNGA 257; A/RES/61/210 (20 December 2006)
International Trade and Development [2006] UNGA 256; A/RES/61/186 (20 December 2006)
World Diabetes Day [2006] UNGA 255; A/RES/61/225 (20 December 2006)
Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab Population in the Occupied Syrian Golan Over Their Natural Resources [2006] UNGA 254; A/RES/61/184 (20 December 2006)
Convention on Biological Diversity [2006] UNGA 253; A/RES/61/204 (20 December 2006)
Oil Slick on Lebanese Shores [2006] UNGA 252; A/RES/61/194 (20 December 2006)
Groups of Countries in Special Situations: Specific Actions Related to the Particular Needs and Problems of Landlocked Developing Countries: Outcome of the International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries and Donor Countries and International Financial and Development Institutions on Transit Transport Cooperation [2006] UNGA 251; A/RES/61/212 (20 December 2006)
External Debt Crisis and Development [2006] UNGA 250; A/RES/61/188 (20 December 2006)
Natural Disasters and Vulnerability [2006] UNGA 249; A/RES/61/200 (20 December 2006)
Preventing and Combating Corrupt Practices and Transfer of Assets of Illicit Origin and Returning Such Assets, in Particular to the Countries of Origin, Consistent with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption [2006] UNGA 248; A/RES/61/209 (20 December 2006)
Implementation of the Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and Strengthening of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) [2006] UNGA 247; A/RES/61/206 (20 December 2006)
Follow-Up to and Implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [2006] UNGA 246; A/RES/61/196 (20 December 2006)
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction [2006] UNGA 245; A/RES/61/198 (20 December 2006)
Participation of Volunteers, "White Helmets", in the Activities of the United Nations in the Field of Humanitarian Relief, Rehabilitation and Technical Cooperation for Development [2006] UNGA 244; A/RES/61/220 (20 December 2006)
International Cooperation in the Prevention, Combating and Elimination of Kidnapping and in Providing Assistance to Victims [2006] UNGA 243; A/RES/61/179 (20 December 2006)
Strengthening the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, in Particular its Technical Cooperation Capacity [2006] UNGA 242; A/RES/61/181 (20 December 2006)
Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [2006] UNGA 241; A/RES/61/202 (20 December 2006)
Follow-Up to and Implementation of the Outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development [2006] UNGA 240; A/RES/61/191 (20 December 2006)
Industrial Development Cooperation [2006] UNGA 239; A/RES/61/215 (20 December 2006)
International Cooperation Against the World Drug Problem [2006] UNGA 238; A/RES/61/183 (20 December 2006)
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance [2006] UNGA 237; A/RES/61/177 (20 December 2006)
Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its Ninth Special Session [2006] UNGA 236; A/RES/61/205 (20 December 2006)
Oceans and the Law of the Sea [2006] UNGA 235; A/RES/61/222 (20 December 2006)
International Year of Forests, 2011 [2006] UNGA 234; A/RES/61/193 (20 December 2006)
Special Economic Assistance for the Philippines [2006] UNGA 233; A/RES/61/217 (20 December 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons [2006] UNGA 232; A/RES/61/224 (20 December 2006)
Role of the United Nations in Promoting Development in the Context of Globalization and Interdependence [2006] UNGA 231; A/RES/61/207 (20 December 2006)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [2006] UNGA 230; A/RES/61/201 (20 December 2006)
Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development [2006] UNGA 229; A/RES/61/195 (20 December 2006)
International Assistance for the Economic Rehabilitation of Angola [2006] UNGA 228; A/RES/61/219 (20 December 2006)
Proclamation of International Years [2006] UNGA 227; A/RES/61/185 (20 December 2006)
Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries [2006] UNGA 226; A/RES/61/211 (20 December 2006)
International Migration and Development [2006] UNGA 225; A/RES/61/208 (20 December 2006)
International Year of Biodiversity, 2010 [2006] UNGA 224; A/RES/61/203 (20 December 2006)
Implementation of the First United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997-2006) [2006] UNGA 223; A/RES/61/213 (20 December 2006)
International Financial System and Development [2006] UNGA 222; A/RES/61/187 (20 December 2006)
Trafficking in Women and Girls [2006] UNGA 221; A/RES/61/144 (19 December 2006)
Missing Persons [2006] UNGA 220; A/RES/61/155 (19 December 2006)
Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions [2006] UNGA 219; A/RES/61/173 (19 December 2006)
Enhancement of International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights [2006] UNGA 218; A/RES/61/168 (19 December 2006)
Combating Defamation of Religions [2006] UNGA 217; A/RES/61/164 (19 December 2006)
United Nations Literacy Decade: Education for All [2006] UNGA 216; A/RES/61/140 (19 December 2006)
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism [2006] UNGA 215; A/RES/61/171 (19 December 2006)
Rights of the Child [2006] UNGA 214; A/RES/61/146 (19 December 2006)
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [2006] UNGA 213; A/RES/61/153 (19 December 2006)
Respect for the Right to Universal Freedom of Travel and the Vital Importance of Family Reunification [2006] UNGA 212; A/RES/61/162 (19 December 2006)
Follow-Up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing [2006] UNGA 211; A/RES/61/142 (19 December 2006)
Subregional Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa [2006] UNGA 210; A/RES/61/158 (19 December 2006)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2006] UNGA 209; A/RES/61/151 (19 December 2006)
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [2006] UNGA 208; A/RES/61/148 (19 December 2006)
New International Humanitarian Order [2006] UNGA 207; A/RES/61/138 (19 December 2006)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2006] UNGA 206; A/RES/61/136 (19 December 2006)
Promotion of Equitable and Mutually Respectful Dialogue on Human Rights [2006] UNGA 205; A/RES/61/166 (19 December 2006)
Situation of Human Rights in Belarus [2006] UNGA 204; A/RES/61/175 (19 December 2006)
Regional Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [2006] UNGA 203; A/RES/61/167 (19 December 2006)
The Right to Food [2006] UNGA 202; A/RES/61/163 (19 December 2006)
Implementation of the Outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the Twenty-Fourth Special Session of the General Assembly [2006] UNGA 201; A/RES/61/141 (19 December 2006)
Composition of the Staff of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights [2006] UNGA 200; A/RES/61/159 (19 December 2006)
Intensification of Efforts to Eliminate All Forms of Violence Against Women [2006] UNGA 199; A/RES/61/143 (19 December 2006)
Globalization and its Impact on the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights [2006] UNGA 198; A/RES/61/156 (19 December 2006)
Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief [2006] UNGA 197; A/RES/61/161 (19 December 2006)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [2006] UNGA 196; A/RES/61/139 (19 December 2006)
Follow-Up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and Full Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly [2006] UNGA 195; A/RES/61/145 (19 December 2006)
Human Rights and Extreme Poverty [2006] UNGA 194; A/RES/61/157 (19 December 2006)
Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures [2006] UNGA 193; A/RES/61/170 (19 December 2006)
Hostage-Taking [2006] UNGA 192; A/RES/61/172 (19 December 2006)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2006] UNGA 191; A/RES/61/137 (19 December 2006)
The Human Rights Situation Arising from the Recent Israeli Military Operations in Lebanon [2006] UNGA 190; A/RES/61/154 (19 December 2006)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [2006] UNGA 189; A/RES/61/176 (19 December 2006)
Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order [2006] UNGA 188; A/RES/61/160 (19 December 2006)
The Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [2006] UNGA 187; A/RES/61/152 (19 December 2006)
Inadmissibility of Certain Practices That Contribute to Fuelling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [2006] UNGA 186; A/RES/61/147 (19 December 2006)
Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [2006] UNGA 185; A/RES/61/174 (19 December 2006)
Protection of Migrants [2006] UNGA 184; A/RES/61/165 (19 December 2006)
The Right to Development [2006] UNGA 183; A/RES/61/169 (19 December 2006)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2006] UNGA 182; A/RES/61/150 (19 December 2006)
Global Efforts for the Total Elimination of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and the Comprehensive Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action [2006] UNGA 181; A/RES/61/149 (19 December 2006)
Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem [2006] UNGA 180; A/RES/61/119 (14 December 2006)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees [2006] UNGA 179; A/RES/61/112 (14 December 2006)
International Cooperation on Humanitarian Assistance in the Field of Natural Disasters, from Relief to Development [2006] UNGA 178; A/RES/61/131 (14 December 2006)
Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [2006] UNGA 177; A/RES/61/114 (14 December 2006)
Tribute to Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations [2006] UNGA 176; A/RES/61/107 (14 December 2006)
United Nations Platform for Space-Based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response [2006] UNGA 175; A/RES/61/110 (14 December 2006)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [2006] UNGA 174; A/RES/61/124 (14 December 2006)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [2006] UNGA 173; A/RES/61/109 (14 December 2006)
Question of New Caledonia [2006] UNGA 172; A/RES/61/126 (14 December 2006)
Applicability of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Other Occupied Arab Territories [2006] UNGA 171; A/RES/61/117 (14 December 2006)
Palestine Refugees' Properties and Their Revenues [2006] UNGA 170; A/RES/61/115 (14 December 2006)
Strengthening Emergency Relief, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Prevention in the Aftermath of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster [2006] UNGA 169; A/RES/61/132 (14 December 2006)
Persons Displaced as a Result of the June 1967 and Subsequent Hostilities [2006] UNGA 168; A/RES/61/113 (14 December 2006)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the United Nations [2006] UNGA 167; A/RES/61/134 (14 December 2006)
Questions Relating to Information a. Information in the Service of Humanity B. United Nations Public Information Policies and Activities [2006] UNGA 166; A/RES/61/121 A-B (14 December 2006)
Economic and Other Activities which Affect the Interests of the Peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories [2006] UNGA 165; A/RES/61/123 (14 December 2006)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [2006] UNGA 164; A/RES/61/130 (14 December 2006)
University for Peace [2006] UNGA 163; A/RES/61/108 (14 December 2006)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [2006] UNGA 162; A/RES/61/111 (14 December 2006)
Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan [2006] UNGA 161; A/RES/61/118 (14 December 2006)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands a. General B. Individual Territories [2006] UNGA 160; A/RES/61/128 A-B (14 December 2006)
Question of Western Sahara [2006] UNGA 159; A/RES/61/125 (14 December 2006)
The Occupied Syrian Golan [2006] UNGA 158; A/RES/61/120 (14 December 2006)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [2006] UNGA 157; A/RES/61/135 (14 December 2006)
Question of Tokelau [2006] UNGA 156; A/RES/61/127 (14 December 2006)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [2006] UNGA 155; A/RES/61/122 (14 December 2006)
Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel and Protection of United Nations Personnel [2006] UNGA 154; A/RES/61/133 (14 December 2006)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [2006] UNGA 153; A/RES/61/129 (14 December 2006)
Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [2006] UNGA 152; A/RES/61/116 (14 December 2006)
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities [2006] UNGA 151; A/RES/61/106 (13 December 2006)
Sustainable Fisheries, Including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and Related Instruments [2006] UNGA 150; A/RES/61/105 (8 December 2006)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa [2006] UNGA 149; A/RES/61/93 (6 December 2006)
Promotion of Multilateralism in the Area of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation [2006] UNGA 148; A/RES/61/62 (6 December 2006)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [2006] UNGA 147; A/RES/61/100 (6 December 2006)
Measures to Prevent Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons of Mass Destruction [2006] UNGA 146; A/RES/61/86 (6 December 2006)
Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures in Outer Space Activities [2006] UNGA 145; A/RES/61/75 (6 December 2006)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia [2006] UNGA 144; A/RES/61/88 (6 December 2006)
Relationship Between Disarmament and Development [2006] UNGA 143; A/RES/61/64 (6 December 2006)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [2006] UNGA 142; A/RES/61/57 (6 December 2006)
Transparency in Armaments [2006] UNGA 141; A/RES/61/77 (6 December 2006)
United Nations Disarmament Information Programme [2006] UNGA 140; A/RES/61/95 (6 December 2006)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction [2006] UNGA 139; A/RES/61/102 (6 December 2006)
Measures to Uphold the Authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol [2006] UNGA 138; A/RES/61/61 (6 December 2006)
The Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects [2006] UNGA 137; A/RES/61/66 (6 December 2006)
Regional Confidence-Building Measures: Activities of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa [2006] UNGA 136; A/RES/61/96 (6 December 2006)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [2006] UNGA 135; A/RES/61/103 (6 December 2006)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [2006] UNGA 134; A/RES/61/101 (6 December 2006)
Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament [2006] UNGA 133; A/RES/61/55 (6 December 2006)
Assistance to States for Curbing the Illicit Traffic in Small Arms and Light Weapons and Collecting Them [2006] UNGA 132; A/RES/61/71 (6 December 2006)
Nuclear Disarmament [2006] UNGA 131; A/RES/61/78 (6 December 2006)
Observance of Environmental Norms in the Drafting and Implementation of Agreements on Disarmament and Arms Control [2006] UNGA 130; A/RES/61/63 (6 December 2006)
Confidence-Building Measures in the Regional and Subregional Context [2006] UNGA 129; A/RES/61/81 (6 December 2006)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction [2006] UNGA 128; A/RES/61/68 (6 December 2006)
Follow-Up to the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [2006] UNGA 127; A/RES/61/83 (6 December 2006)
Report of the Disarmament Commission [2006] UNGA 126; A/RES/61/98 (6 December 2006)
Maintenance of International Security - Good-Neighbourliness, Stability and Development in South-Eastern Europe [2006] UNGA 125; A/RES/61/53 (6 December 2006)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [2006] UNGA 124; A/RES/61/58 (6 December 2006)
United Nations Disarmament Fellowship, Training and Advisory Services [2006] UNGA 123; A/RES/61/91 (6 December 2006)
United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education [2006] UNGA 122; A/RES/61/73 (6 December 2006)
Renewed Determination Towards the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons [2006] UNGA 121; A/RES/61/74 (6 December 2006)
Reducing Nuclear Danger [2006] UNGA 120; A/RES/61/85 (6 December 2006)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean [2006] UNGA 119; A/RES/61/92 (6 December 2006)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [2006] UNGA 118; A/RES/61/56 (6 December 2006)
Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security [2006] UNGA 117; A/RES/61/54 (6 December 2006)
Consolidation of Peace through Practical Disarmament Measures [2006] UNGA 116; A/RES/61/76 (6 December 2006)
Mongolia's International Security and Nuclear-Weapon-Free Status [2006] UNGA 115; A/RES/61/87 (6 December 2006)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific [2006] UNGA 114; A/RES/61/94 (6 December 2006)
Towards an Arms Trade Treaty: Establishing Common International Standards for the Import, Export and Transfer of Conventional Arms [2006] UNGA 113; A/RES/61/89 (6 December 2006)
Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: Accelerating the Implementation of Nuclear Disarmament Commitments [2006] UNGA 112; A/RES/61/65 (6 December 2006)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons [2006] UNGA 111; A/RES/61/97 (6 December 2006)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [2006] UNGA 110; A/RES/61/104 (6 December 2006)
2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and its Preparatory Committee [2006] UNGA 109; A/RES/61/70 (6 December 2006)
Information on Confidence-Building Measures in the Field of Conventional Arms [2006] UNGA 108; A/RES/61/79 (6 December 2006)
Convening of the Fourth Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament [2006] UNGA 107; A/RES/61/60 (6 December 2006)
Conventional Arms Control at the Regional and Subregional Levels [2006] UNGA 106; A/RES/61/82 (6 December 2006)
Regional Disarmament [2006] UNGA 105; A/RES/61/80 (6 December 2006)
Declaration of a Fourth Disarmament Decade [2006] UNGA 104; A/RES/61/67 (6 December 2006)
Missiles [2006] UNGA 103; A/RES/61/59 (6 December 2006)
Problems Arising from the Accumulation of Conventional Ammunition Stockpiles in Surplus [2006] UNGA 102; A/RES/61/72 (6 December 2006)
United Nations Regional Centres for Peace and Disarmament [2006] UNGA 101; A/RES/61/90 (6 December 2006)
Report of the Conference on Disarmament [2006] UNGA 100; A/RES/61/99 (6 December 2006)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas [2006] UNGA 99; A/RES/61/69 (6 December 2006)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction [2006] UNGA 98; A/RES/61/84 (6 December 2006)
Criminal Accountability of United Nations Officials and Experts on Mission [2006] UNGA 97; A/RES/61/29 (4 December 2006)
Allocation of Loss in the Case of Transboundary Harm Arising Out of Hazardous Activities [2006] UNGA 96; A/RES/61/36 (4 December 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations [2006] UNGA 95; A/RES/61/46 (4 December 2006)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its Fifty-Eighth Session [2006] UNGA 94; A/RES/61/34 (4 December 2006)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [2006] UNGA 93; A/RES/61/41 (4 December 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization [2006] UNGA 92; A/RES/61/47 (4 December 2006)
Commemoration of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the International Court of Justice [2006] UNGA 91; A/RES/61/37 (4 December 2006)
Observer Status for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in the General Assembly [2006] UNGA 90; A/RES/61/44 (4 December 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [2006] UNGA 89; A/RES/61/49 (4 December 2006)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [2006] UNGA 88; A/RES/61/40 (4 December 2006)
Revised Articles of the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, and the Recommendation Regarding the Interpretation of Article II, Paragraph 2, and Article VII, Paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, Done at New York, 10 June 1958 [2006] UNGA 87; A/RES/61/33 (4 December 2006)
Diplomatic Protection [2006] UNGA 86; A/RES/61/35 (4 December 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Southern African Development Community [2006] UNGA 85; A/RES/61/51 (4 December 2006)
Observer Status for the Indian Ocean Commission in the General Assembly [2006] UNGA 84; A/RES/61/43 (4 December 2006)
Consideration of Effective Measures to Enhance the Protection, Security and Safety of Diplomatic and Consular Missions and Representatives [2006] UNGA 83; A/RES/61/31 (4 December 2006)
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001-2010 [2006] UNGA 82; A/RES/61/45 (4 December 2006)
The Role of Diamonds in Fuelling Conflict: Breaking the Link Between the Illicit Transaction of Rough Diamonds and Armed Conflict as a Contribution to Prevention and Settlement of Conflicts [2006] UNGA 81; A/RES/61/28 (4 December 2006)
Observer Status for the Opec Fund for International Development in the General Assembly [2006] UNGA 80; A/RES/61/42 (4 December 2006)
The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels [2006] UNGA 79; A/RES/61/39 (4 December 2006)
Return or Restitution of Cultural Property to the Countries of Origin [2006] UNGA 78; A/RES/61/52 (4 December 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Pacific Islands Forum [2006] UNGA 77; A/RES/61/48 (4 December 2006)
Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Armed Conflicts [2006] UNGA 76; A/RES/61/30 (4 December 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Caribbean Community [2006] UNGA 75; A/RES/61/50 (4 December 2006)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [2006] UNGA 74; A/RES/61/38 (4 December 2006)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its Thirty-Ninth Session [2006] UNGA 73; A/RES/61/32 (4 December 2006)
The Syrian Golan [2006] UNGA 72; A/RES/61/27 (1 December 2006)
Peaceful Settlement of the Question of Palestine [2006] UNGA 71; A/RES/61/25 (1 December 2006)
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [2006] UNGA 70; A/RES/61/22 (1 December 2006)
Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat [2006] UNGA 69; A/RES/61/23 (1 December 2006)
Jerusalem [2006] UNGA 68; A/RES/61/26 (1 December 2006)
Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat [2006] UNGA 67; A/RES/61/24 (1 December 2006)
November 2006
Commemoration of the Two-Hundredth Anniversary of the Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade [2006] UNGA 66; A/RES/61/19 (28 November 2006)
Commemoration of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Operations of the United Nations Children's Fund [2006] UNGA 65; A/RES/61/20 (28 November 2006)
Renovation of the Residence of the Secretary-General [2006] UNGA 64; A/RES/61/21 (28 November 2006)
The Situation in Afghanistan [2006] UNGA 63; A/RES/61/18 (28 November 2006)
Report of the International Criminal Court [2006] UNGA 62; A/RES/61/15 (20 November 2006)
International Year of Reconciliation, 2009 [2006] UNGA 61; A/RES/61/17 (20 November 2006)
Strengthening of the Economic and Social Council [2006] UNGA 60; A/RES/61/16 (20 November 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Council of Europe [2006] UNGA 59; A/RES/61/13 (13 November 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Economic Cooperation Organization [2006] UNGA 58; A/RES/61/12 (13 November 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the League of Arab States [2006] UNGA 57; A/RES/61/14 (13 November 2006)
Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America Against Cuba [2006] UNGA 56; A/RES/61/11 (8 November 2006)
Sport as a Means to Promote Education, Health, Development and Peace [2006] UNGA 55; A/RES/61/10 (3 November 2006)
October 2006
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Burundi [2006] UNGA 54; A/RES/61/9A (31 October 2006)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [2006] UNGA 53; A/RES/61/8 (30 October 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the International Organization of La Francophonie [2006] UNGA 52; A/RES/61/7 (20 October 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization [2006] UNGA 51; A/RES/61/5 (20 October 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization [2006] UNGA 50; A/RES/61/4 (20 October 2006)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union [2006] UNGA 49; A/RES/61/6 (20 October 2006)
Appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations [2006] UNGA 48; A/RES/61/3 (13 October 2006)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations: Requests Under Article 19 of the Charter [2006] UNGA 47; A/RES/61/2 (12 October 2006)
September 2006
Declaration of the High-Level Meeting of the Sixty-First Session of the General Assembly on the Midterm Comprehensive Global Review of the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010 [2006] UNGA 46; A/RES/61/1 (19 September 2006)
The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy [2006] UNGA 45; A/RES/60/288 (8 September 2006)
Comprehensive Review of a Strategy to Eliminate Future Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations [2006] UNGA 44; A/RES/60/289 (8 September 2006)
The Peacebuilding Fund [2006] UNGA 43; A/RES/60/287 (8 September 2006)
Revitalization of the General Assembly [2006] UNGA 42; A/RES/60/286 (8 September 2006)
The Situation in the Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan [2006] UNGA 41; A/RES/60/285 (7 September 2006)
Prevention of Armed Conflict [2006] UNGA 40; A/RES/60/284 (7 September 2006)
July 2006
Investing in the United Nations: For a Stronger Organization Worldwide: Detailed Report [2006] UNGA 39; A/RES/60/283 (7 July 2006)
June 2006
Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [2006] UNGA 38; A/RES/60/275 (30 June 2006)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [2006] UNGA 37; A/RES/60/268 (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus [2006] UNGA 36; A/RES/60/270 (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [2006] UNGA 35; A/RES/60/277 (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2006] UNGA 34; A/RES/60/272 (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone [2006] UNGA 33; A/RES/60/279 (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Burundi [2006] UNGA 32; A/RES/60/269 (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission [2006] UNGA 31; A/RES/60/274 (30 June 2006)
Estimates in Respect of Special Political Missions, Good Offices and Other Political Initiatives Authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council [2006] UNGA 30; A/RES/60/281 (30 June 2006)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2006] UNGA 29; A/RES/60/234B (30 June 2006)
Cross-Cutting Issues [2006] UNGA 28; A/RES/60/266 (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia [2006] UNGA 27; A/RES/60/276 (30 June 2006)
Follow-Up to the Development Outcome of the 2005 World Summit, Including the Millennium Development Goals and the Other Internationally Agreed Development Goals [2006] UNGA 26; A/RES/60/265 (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [2006] UNGA 25; A/RES/60/280 (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [2006] UNGA 24; A/RES/60/278 (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti [2006] UNGA 23; A/RES/60/18B (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy [2006] UNGA 22; A/RES/60/267 (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2006] UNGA 21; A/RES/60/121B (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor [2006] UNGA 20; A/RES/60/271 (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in CôTe d'Ivoire [2006] UNGA 19; A/RES/60/17 B (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan [2006] UNGA 18; A/RES/60/122B (30 June 2006)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia [2006] UNGA 17; A/RES/60/273 (30 June 2006)
Capital Master Plan [2006] UNGA 16; A/RES/60/282 (30 June 2006)
Admission of the Republic of Montenegro to Membership in the United Nations [2006] UNGA 15; A/RES/60/264 (28 June 2006)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [2006] UNGA 14; A/RES/60/263 (6 June 2006)
Political Declaration on Hiv/Aids [2006] UNGA 13; A/RES/60/262 (2 June 2006)
May 2006
Special Subjects Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 2006-2007 [2006] UNGA 12; A/RES/60/255 (8 May 2006)
Programme Planning [2006] UNGA 11; A/RES/60/257 (8 May 2006)
Pattern of Conferences [2006] UNGA 10; A/RES/60/236B (8 May 2006)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services [2006] UNGA 9; A/RES/60/259 (8 May 2006)
Investing in the United Nations: For a Stronger Organization Worldwide [2006] UNGA 8; A/RES/60/260 (8 May 2006)
Review of the Efficiency of the Administrative and Financial Functioning of the United Nations [2006] UNGA 7; A/RES/60/254 (8 May 2006)
Election of Seven Members of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission [2006] UNGA 6; A/RES/60/261 (8 May 2006)
Joint Inspection Unit [2006] UNGA 5; A/RES/60/258 (8 May 2006)
Capital Master Plan [2006] UNGA 4; A/RES/60/256 (8 May 2006)
Support by the United Nations System of the Efforts of Governments to Promote and Consolidate New or Restored Democracies [2006] UNGA 3; A/RES/60/253 (2 May 2006)
March 2006
World Summit on the Information Society [2006] UNGA 2; A/RES/60/252 (27 March 2006)
Human Rights Council [2006] UNGA 1; A/RES/60/251 (15 March 2006)
December 2005
2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa [2005] UNGA 296; A/RES/60/221 (23 December 2005)
Human Resources Management [2005] UNGA 295; A/RES/60/238 (23 December 2005)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [2005] UNGA 294; A/RES/60/233 (23 December 2005)
Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: High-Level Meeting on the Midterm Comprehensive Global Review of the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010 [2005] UNGA 293; A/RES/60/228 (23 December 2005)
Pattern of Conferences [2005] UNGA 292; A/RES/60/236A (23 December 2005)
Unforeseen and Extraordinary Expenses for the Biennium 2006-2007 [2005] UNGA 291; A/RES/60/249 (23 December 2005)
Rights of the Child [2005] UNGA 290; A/RES/60/231 (23 December 2005)
Transparency in Armaments [2005] UNGA 289; A/RES/60/226 (23 December 2005)
Estimates in Respect of Special Political Missions, Good Offices and Other Political Initiatives Authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council: United Nations Office in Timor-Leste [2005] UNGA 288; A/RES/60/244 (23 December 2005)
Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the Inspection of Programme and Administrative Management of the Subregional Offices of the Economic Commission for Africa [2005] UNGA 287; A/RES/60/235 (23 December 2005)
Preparations for and Organization of the 2006 Follow-Up Meeting on the Outcome of the Twenty-Sixth Special Session: Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on Hiv/Aids [2005] UNGA 286; A/RES/60/224 (23 December 2005)
Working Capital Fund for the Biennium 2006-2007 [2005] UNGA 285; A/RES/60/250 (23 December 2005)
Second Performance Report for the Biennium 2004-2005 on the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January and 31 December 1994 [2005] UNGA 284; A/RES/60/240 (23 December 2005)
Questions Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 2006-2007 [2005] UNGA 283; A/RES/60/246 (23 December 2005)
Second Performance Report for the Biennium 2004-2005 on the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [2005] UNGA 282; A/RES/60/242 (23 December 2005)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2004-2005 a: Final Budget Appropriations for the Biennium 2004-2005 B: Final Income Estimates for the Biennium 2004-2005 [2005] UNGA 281; A/RES/60/245 A-B (23 December 2005)
Future Operation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women [2005] UNGA 280; A/RES/60/229 (23 December 2005)
New Partnership for AfricaS Development: Progress in Implementation and International Support [2005] UNGA 279; A/RES/60/222 (23 December 2005)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [2005] UNGA 278; A/RES/60/237 (23 December 2005)
Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities [2005] UNGA 277; A/RES/60/232 (23 December 2005)
Special Subjects Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 2006-2007 [2005] UNGA 276; A/RES/60/248 (23 December 2005)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [2005] UNGA 275; A/RES/60/230 (23 December 2005)
International Migration and Development [2005] UNGA 274; A/RES/60/227 (23 December 2005)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [2005] UNGA 273; A/RES/60/243 (23 December 2005)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2006-2007 a: Budget Appropriations for the Biennium 2006-2007 B: Income Estimates for the Biennium 2006-2007 C: Financing of Appropriations for the Year 2006 [2005] UNGA 272; A/RES/60/247 A-C (23 December 2005)
Implementation of the Recommendations Contained in the Report of the Secretary-General on the Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa [2005] UNGA 271; A/RES/60/223 (23 December 2005)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2005] UNGA 270; A/RES/60/234A (23 December 2005)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January and 31 December 1994 [2005] UNGA 269; A/RES/60/241 (23 December 2005)
Assistance to Survivors of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda, Particularly Orphans, Widows and Victims of Sexual Violence [2005] UNGA 268; A/RES/60/225 (23 December 2005)
Implementation of the Recommendations of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on its Management Audit of the Regional Commissions [2005] UNGA 267; A/RES/60/239 (23 December 2005)
Specific Actions Related to the Particular Needs and Problems of Landlocked Developing Countries: Outcome of the International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries and Donor Countries and International Financial and Development Institutions on Transit Transport Cooperation [2005] UNGA 266; A/RES/60/208 (22 December 2005)
External Debt Crisis and Development [2005] UNGA 265; A/RES/60/187 (22 December 2005)
Humanitarian Assistance and Rehabilitation for Ethiopia [2005] UNGA 264; A/RES/60/218 (22 December 2005)
Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its Twenty-Third Session [2005] UNGA 263; A/RES/60/189 (22 December 2005)
Facilitation and Reduction of the Cost of Transfer of Migrant Remittances [2005] UNGA 262; A/RES/60/206 (22 December 2005)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research [2005] UNGA 261; A/RES/60/213 (22 December 2005)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [2005] UNGA 260; A/RES/60/197 (22 December 2005)
Sustainable Mountain Development [2005] UNGA 259; A/RES/60/198 (22 December 2005)
Human Resources Development [2005] UNGA 258; A/RES/60/211 (22 December 2005)
Global Code of Ethics for Tourism [2005] UNGA 257; A/RES/60/190 (22 December 2005)
Towards Global Partnerships [2005] UNGA 256; A/RES/60/215 (22 December 2005)
Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab Population in the Occupied Syrian Golan Over Their Natural Resources [2005] UNGA 255; A/RES/60/183 (22 December 2005)
Promotion of New and Renewable Sources of Energy, Including the Implementation of the World Solar Programme [2005] UNGA 254; A/RES/60/199 (22 December 2005)
Role of the United Nations in Promoting Development in the Context of Globalization and Interdependence [2005] UNGA 253; A/RES/60/204 (22 December 2005)
International Year of Planet Earth, 2008 [2005] UNGA 252; A/RES/60/192 (22 December 2005)
Unilateral Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Coercion Against Developing Countries [2005] UNGA 251; A/RES/60/185 (22 December 2005)
Economic Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Djibouti [2005] UNGA 250; A/RES/60/217 (22 December 2005)
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction [2005] UNGA 249; A/RES/60/195 (22 December 2005)
Convention on Biological Diversity [2005] UNGA 248; A/RES/60/202 (22 December 2005)
Implementation of the First United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997-2006) [2005] UNGA 247; A/RES/60/209 (22 December 2005)
Preventing and Combating Corrupt Practices and Transfer of Assets of Illicit Origin and Returning Such Assets, in Particular to the Countries of Origin, Consistent with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption [2005] UNGA 246; A/RES/60/207 (22 December 2005)
International Financial System and Development [2005] UNGA 245; A/RES/60/186 (22 December 2005)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief and the Economic and Social Rehabilitation of Somalia [2005] UNGA 244; A/RES/60/219 (22 December 2005)
International Year of Deserts and Desertification, 2006 [2005] UNGA 243; A/RES/60/200 (22 December 2005)
Natural Disasters and Vulnerability [2005] UNGA 242; A/RES/60/196 (22 December 2005)
Implementation of the Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and Strengthening of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) (Onu-HáBitat) [2005] UNGA 241; A/RES/60/203 (22 December 2005)
Follow-Up to and Implementation of the Outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development [2005] UNGA 240; A/RES/60/188 (22 December 2005)
South-South Cooperation [2005] UNGA 239; A/RES/60/212 (22 December 2005)
Science and Technology for Development [2005] UNGA 238; A/RES/60/205 (22 December 2005)
Humanitarian Assistance and Rehabilitation for El Salvador and Guatemala [2005] UNGA 237; A/RES/60/220 (22 December 2005)
Women in Development [2005] UNGA 236; A/RES/60/210 (22 December 2005)
Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [2005] UNGA 235; A/RES/60/201 (22 December 2005)
United Nations System Staff College in Turin, Italy [2005] UNGA 234; A/RES/60/214 (22 December 2005)
International Year of the Potato, 2008 [2005] UNGA 233; A/RES/60/191 (22 December 2005)
Follow-Up to and Implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [2005] UNGA 232; A/RES/60/194 (22 December 2005)
Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development [2005] UNGA 231; A/RES/60/193 (22 December 2005)
International Cooperation and Coordination for the Human and Ecological Rehabilitation and Economic Development of the Semipalatinsk Region of Kazakhstan [2005] UNGA 230; A/RES/60/216 (22 December 2005)
International Trade and Development [2005] UNGA 229; A/RES/60/184 (22 December 2005)
The Peacebuilding Commission [2005] UNGA 228; A/RES/60/180 (20 December 2005)
Credentials of Representatives to the Sixtieth Session of the General Assembly [2005] UNGA 227; A/RES/60/181 (20 December 2005)
The Role of Diamonds in Fuelling Conflict: Breaking the Link Between the Illicit Transaction of Rough Diamonds and Armed Conflict as a Contribution to Prevention and Settlement of Conflicts [2005] UNGA 226; A/RES/60/182 (20 December 2005)
Follow-Up to the Implementation of the International Year of Volunteers [2005] UNGA 225; A/RES/60/134 (16 December 2005)
Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2005] UNGA 224; A/RES/60/170 (16 December 2005)
Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [2005] UNGA 223; A/RES/60/161 (16 December 2005)
Protection of and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons [2005] UNGA 222; A/RES/60/168 (16 December 2005)
Providing Support to Afghanistan with a View to Ensuring Effective Implementation of its Counter-Narcotic Implementation Plan [2005] UNGA 221; A/RES/60/179 (16 December 2005)
International Covenants on Human Rights [2005] UNGA 220; A/RES/60/149 (16 December 2005)
Strengthening the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, in Particular its Technical Cooperation Capacity [2005] UNGA 219; A/RES/60/175 (16 December 2005)
Implementation of the Outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the Twenty-Fourth Special Session of the General Assembly [2005] UNGA 218; A/RES/60/130 (16 December 2005)
In-Depth Study on All Forms of Violence Against Women [2005] UNGA 217; A/RES/60/136 (16 December 2005)
Human Rights in the Administration of Justice [2005] UNGA 216; A/RES/60/159 (16 December 2005)
Strengthening the Role of the United Nations in Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Periodic and Genuine Elections and the Promotion of Democratization [2005] UNGA 215; A/RES/60/162 (16 December 2005)
Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law [2005] UNGA 214; A/RES/60/147 (16 December 2005)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [2005] UNGA 213; A/RES/60/128 (16 December 2005)
Cooperatives in Social Development [2005] UNGA 212; A/RES/60/132 (16 December 2005)
Respect for the Principles of National Sovereignty and Diversity of Democratic Systems in Electoral Processes as an Important Element for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [2005] UNGA 211; A/RES/60/164 (16 December 2005)
Human Rights and Cultural Diversity [2005] UNGA 210; A/RES/60/167 (16 December 2005)
Violence Against Women Migrant Workers [2005] UNGA 209; A/RES/60/139 (16 December 2005)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2005] UNGA 208; A/RES/60/129 (16 December 2005)
Globalization and its Impact on the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights [2005] UNGA 207; A/RES/60/152 (16 December 2005)
Inadmissibility of Certain Practices That Contribute to Fuelling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [2005] UNGA 206; A/RES/60/143 (16 December 2005)
Situation of Human Rights in Uzbekistan [2005] UNGA 205; A/RES/60/174 (16 December 2005)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2005] UNGA 204; A/RES/60/145 (16 December 2005)
Combating Defamation of Religions [2005] UNGA 203; A/RES/60/150 (16 December 2005)
Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures [2005] UNGA 202; A/RES/60/155 (16 December 2005)
Follow-Up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and Full Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly [2005] UNGA 201; A/RES/60/140 (16 December 2005)
United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [2005] UNGA 200; A/RES/60/176 (16 December 2005)
International Cooperation Against the World Drug Problem [2005] UNGA 199; A/RES/60/178 (16 December 2005)
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [2005] UNGA 198; A/RES/60/148 (16 December 2005)
Follow-Up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing [2005] UNGA 197; A/RES/60/135 (16 December 2005)
Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [2005] UNGA 196; A/RES/60/173 (16 December 2005)
Protection of Migrants [2005] UNGA 195; A/RES/60/169 (16 December 2005)
The Right to Development [2005] UNGA 194; A/RES/60/157 (16 December 2005)
The Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [2005] UNGA 193; A/RES/60/146 (16 December 2005)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2005] UNGA 192; A/RES/60/127 (16 December 2005)
Implementation of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons: Realizing the Millennium Development Goals for Persons with Disabilities [2005] UNGA 191; A/RES/60/131 (16 December 2005)
Establishment of a United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region [2005] UNGA 190; A/RES/60/153 (16 December 2005)
United Nations Development Fund for Women [2005] UNGA 189; A/RES/60/137 (16 December 2005)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [2005] UNGA 188; A/RES/60/171 (16 December 2005)
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism [2005] UNGA 187; A/RES/60/158 (16 December 2005)
Effective Promotion of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities [2005] UNGA 186; A/RES/60/160 (16 December 2005)
Improvement of the Situation of Women in Rural Areas [2005] UNGA 185; A/RES/60/138 (16 December 2005)
Promotion of Peace as a Vital Requirement for the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights by All [2005] UNGA 184; A/RES/60/163 (16 December 2005)
The Girl Child [2005] UNGA 183; A/RES/60/141 (16 December 2005)
Global Efforts for the Total Elimination of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and the Comprehensive Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action [2005] UNGA 182; A/RES/60/144 (16 December 2005)
Follow-Up to the Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice [2005] UNGA 181; A/RES/60/177 (16 December 2005)
National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [2005] UNGA 180; A/RES/60/154 (16 December 2005)
Subregional Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa [2005] UNGA 179; A/RES/60/151 (16 December 2005)
Follow-Up to the Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family and Beyond [2005] UNGA 178; A/RES/60/133 (16 December 2005)
The Right to Food [2005] UNGA 177; A/RES/60/165 (16 December 2005)
Programme of Action for the Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People [2005] UNGA 176; A/RES/60/142 (16 December 2005)
Situation of Human Rights in Turkmenistan [2005] UNGA 175; A/RES/60/172 (16 December 2005)
Enhancement of International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights [2005] UNGA 174; A/RES/60/156 (16 December 2005)
Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief [2005] UNGA 173; A/RES/60/166 (16 December 2005)
International Cooperation on Humanitarian Assistance in the Field of Natural Disasters, from Relief to Development [2005] UNGA 172; A/RES/60/125 (15 December 2005)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [2005] UNGA 171; A/RES/60/126 (15 December 2005)
Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel and Protection of United Nations Personnel [2005] UNGA 170; A/RES/60/123 (15 December 2005)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the United Nations [2005] UNGA 169; A/RES/60/124 (15 December 2005)
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research [2005] UNGA 168; A/RES/60/89 (8 December 2005)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [2005] UNGA 167; A/RES/60/93 (8 December 2005)
Consolidation of the Regime Established by the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) [2005] UNGA 166; A/RES/60/50 (8 December 2005)
Reducing Nuclear Danger [2005] UNGA 165; A/RES/60/79 (8 December 2005)
Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [2005] UNGA 164; A/RES/60/104 (8 December 2005)
Nuclear Disarmament [2005] UNGA 163; A/RES/60/70 (8 December 2005)
Renewed Determination Towards the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons [2005] UNGA 162; A/RES/60/65 (8 December 2005)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [2005] UNGA 161; A/RES/60/43 (8 December 2005)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [2005] UNGA 160; A/RES/60/95 (8 December 2005)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [2005] UNGA 159; A/RES/60/118 (8 December 2005)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [2005] UNGA 158; A/RES/60/53 (8 December 2005)
Economic and Other Activities which Affect the Interests of the Peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories [2005] UNGA 157; A/RES/60/111 (8 December 2005)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands a. General B. Individual Territories [2005] UNGA 156; A/RES/60/117 A-B (8 December 2005)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [2005] UNGA 155; A/RES/60/113 (8 December 2005)
Compliance with Non-Proliferation, Arms Limitation and Disarmament Agreements [2005] UNGA 154; A/RES/60/55 (8 December 2005)
Prevention of the Illicit Transfer and Unauthorized Access to and Use of Man-Portable Air Defence Systems [2005] UNGA 153; A/RES/60/77 (8 December 2005)
The Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects [2005] UNGA 152; A/RES/60/81 (8 December 2005)
Question of Antarctica [2005] UNGA 151; A/RES/60/47 (8 December 2005)
National Legislation on Transfer of Arms, Military Equipment and Dual-Use Goods and Technology [2005] UNGA 150; A/RES/60/69 (8 December 2005)
Assistance in Mine Action [2005] UNGA 149; A/RES/60/97 (8 December 2005)
The Occupied Syrian Golan [2005] UNGA 148; A/RES/60/108 (8 December 2005)
Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism [2005] UNGA 147; A/RES/60/120 (8 December 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2005] UNGA 146; A/RES/60/121A (8 December 2005)
Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security [2005] UNGA 145; A/RES/60/45 (8 December 2005)
Information on Confidence-Building Measures in the Field of Conventional Arms [2005] UNGA 144; A/RES/60/82 (8 December 2005)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa [2005] UNGA 143; A/RES/60/86 (8 December 2005)
Problems Arising from the Accumulation of Conventional Ammunition Stockpiles in Surplus [2005] UNGA 142; A/RES/60/74 (8 December 2005)
African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty [2005] UNGA 141; A/RES/60/49 (8 December 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan [2005] UNGA 140; A/RES/60/122A (8 December 2005)
Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: Accelerating the Implementation of Nuclear Disarmament Commitments [2005] UNGA 139; A/RES/60/56 (8 December 2005)
Question of Western Sahara [2005] UNGA 138; A/RES/60/114 (8 December 2005)
Assistance to States for Curbing the Illicit Traffic in Small Arms and Light Weapons and Collecting Them [2005] UNGA 137; A/RES/60/71 (8 December 2005)
Observance of Environmental Norms in the Drafting and Implementation of Agreements on Disarmament and Arms Control [2005] UNGA 136; A/RES/60/60 (8 December 2005)
Report of the Conference on Disarmament [2005] UNGA 135; A/RES/60/90 (8 December 2005)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [2005] UNGA 134; A/RES/60/99 (8 December 2005)
Persons Displaced as a Result of the June 1967 and Subsequent Hostilities [2005] UNGA 133; A/RES/60/101 (8 December 2005)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean [2005] UNGA 132; A/RES/60/84 (8 December 2005)
Regional Disarmament [2005] UNGA 131; A/RES/60/63 (8 December 2005)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas [2005] UNGA 130; A/RES/60/58 (8 December 2005)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [2005] UNGA 129; A/RES/60/92 (8 December 2005)
Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament [2005] UNGA 128; A/RES/60/51 (8 December 2005)
Follow-Up to Nuclear Disarmament Obligations Agreed to at the 1995 and 2000 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [2005] UNGA 127; A/RES/60/72 (8 December 2005)
Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [2005] UNGA 126; A/RES/60/102 (8 December 2005)
Question of Tokelau [2005] UNGA 125; A/RES/60/116 (8 December 2005)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons [2005] UNGA 124; A/RES/60/88 (8 December 2005)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [2005] UNGA 123; A/RES/60/94 (8 December 2005)
The Hague Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile Proliferation [2005] UNGA 122; A/RES/60/62 (8 December 2005)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific [2005] UNGA 121; A/RES/60/85 (8 December 2005)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [2005] UNGA 120; A/RES/60/119 (8 December 2005)
Palestine Refugees' Properties and Their Revenues [2005] UNGA 119; A/RES/60/103 (8 December 2005)
Measures to Prevent Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons of Mass Destruction [2005] UNGA 118; A/RES/60/78 (8 December 2005)
Follow-Up to the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [2005] UNGA 117; A/RES/60/76 (8 December 2005)
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel [2005] UNGA 116; A/RES/60/42 (8 December 2005)
Conventional Arms Control at the Regional and Subregional Levels [2005] UNGA 115; A/RES/60/75 (8 December 2005)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [2005] UNGA 114; A/RES/60/110 (8 December 2005)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [2005] UNGA 113; A/RES/60/52 (8 December 2005)
Applicability of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Other Occupied Arab Territories [2005] UNGA 112; A/RES/60/105 (8 December 2005)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction [2005] UNGA 111; A/RES/60/80 (8 December 2005)
Confidence-Building Measures in the Regional and Subregional Context [2005] UNGA 110; A/RES/60/64 (8 December 2005)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction [2005] UNGA 109; A/RES/60/96 (8 December 2005)
Prohibition of the Development and Manufacture of New Types of Weapons of Mass Destruction and New Systems of Such Weapons: Report of the Conference on Disarmament [2005] UNGA 108; A/RES/60/46 (8 December 2005)
Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan [2005] UNGA 107; A/RES/60/106 (8 December 2005)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction [2005] UNGA 106; A/RES/60/67 (8 December 2005)
Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem [2005] UNGA 105; A/RES/60/107 (8 December 2005)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [2005] UNGA 104; A/RES/60/54 (8 December 2005)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [2005] UNGA 103; A/RES/60/112 (8 December 2005)
Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures in Outer Space Activities [2005] UNGA 102; A/RES/60/66 (8 December 2005)
Preventing the Risk of Radiological Terrorism [2005] UNGA 101; A/RES/60/73 (8 December 2005)
Questions Relating to Information a. Information in the Service of Humanity B. United Nations Public Information Policies and Activities [2005] UNGA 100; A/RES/60/109 A-B (8 December 2005)
Question of New Caledonia [2005] UNGA 99; A/RES/60/115 (8 December 2005)
Prohibition of the Dumping of Radioactive Wastes [2005] UNGA 98; A/RES/60/57 (8 December 2005)
Addressing the Negative Humanitarian and Development Impact of the Illicit Manufacture, Transfer and Circulation of Small Arms and Light Weapons and Their Excessive Accumulation [2005] UNGA 97; A/RES/60/68 (8 December 2005)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [2005] UNGA 96; A/RES/60/98 (8 December 2005)
Objective Information on Military Matters, Including Transparency of Military Expenditures [2005] UNGA 95; A/RES/60/44 (8 December 2005)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees [2005] UNGA 94; A/RES/60/100 (8 December 2005)
Regional Confidence-Building Measures: Activities of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa [2005] UNGA 93; A/RES/60/87 (8 December 2005)
Promotion of Multilateralism in the Area of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation [2005] UNGA 92; A/RES/60/59 (8 December 2005)
Relationship Between Disarmament and Development [2005] UNGA 91; A/RES/60/61 (8 December 2005)
Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [2005] UNGA 90; A/RES/60/48 (8 December 2005)
United Nations Regional Centres for Peace and Disarmament [2005] UNGA 89; A/RES/60/83 (8 December 2005)
Report of the Disarmament Commission [2005] UNGA 88; A/RES/60/91 (8 December 2005)
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [2005] UNGA 87; A/RES/60/36 (1 December 2005)
The Syrian Golan [2005] UNGA 86; A/RES/60/40 (1 December 2005)
Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat [2005] UNGA 85; A/RES/60/38 (1 December 2005)
Jerusalem [2005] UNGA 84; A/RES/60/41 (1 December 2005)
Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat [2005] UNGA 83; A/RES/60/37 (1 December 2005)
Peaceful Settlement of the Question of Palestine [2005] UNGA 82; A/RES/60/39 (1 December 2005)
November 2005
Public Administration and Development [2005] UNGA 81; A/RES/60/34 (30 November 2005)
A. The Situation in Afghanistan and its Implications for International Peace and Security B. Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Reconstruction of War-Stricken Afghanistan [2005] UNGA 80; A/RES/60/32 A-B (30 November 2005)
Deferral of the Smooth Transition Period for the Graduation of Maldives from the List of Least Developed Countries [2005] UNGA 79; A/RES/60/33 (30 November 2005)
Enhancing Capacity-Building in Global Public Health [2005] UNGA 78; A/RES/60/35 (30 November 2005)
Sustainable Fisheries, Including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and Related Instruments [2005] UNGA 77; A/RES/60/31 (29 November 2005)
Oceans and the Law of the Sea [2005] UNGA 76; A/RES/60/30 (29 November 2005)
Report of the International Criminal Court [2005] UNGA 75; A/RES/60/29 (23 November 2005)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its Thirty-Eighth Session [2005] UNGA 74; A/RES/60/20 (23 November 2005)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its Fifty-Seventh Session [2005] UNGA 73; A/RES/60/22 (23 November 2005)
Observer Status for the Common Fund for Commodities in the General Assembly [2005] UNGA 72; A/RES/60/26 (23 November 2005)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [2005] UNGA 71; A/RES/60/24 (23 November 2005)
United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts [2005] UNGA 70; A/RES/60/21 (23 November 2005)
United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law [2005] UNGA 69; A/RES/60/19 (23 November 2005)
Observer Status for the Ibero-American Conference in the General Assembly [2005] UNGA 68; A/RES/60/28 (23 November 2005)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [2005] UNGA 67; A/RES/60/23 (23 November 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti [2005] UNGA 66; A/RES/60/18A (23 November 2005)
Observer Status for the Latin American Integration Association in the General Assembly [2005] UNGA 65; A/RES/60/25 (23 November 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in CôTe d'Ivoire [2005] UNGA 64; A/RES/60/17A (23 November 2005)
Observer Status for the Hague Conference on Private International Law in the General Assembly [2005] UNGA 63; A/RES/60/27 (23 November 2005)
Eight Hundred Years of Mongolian Statehood [2005] UNGA 62; A/RES/60/16 (14 November 2005)
Strengthening of International Cooperation and Coordination of Efforts to Study, Mitigate and Minimize the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster [2005] UNGA 61; A/RES/60/14 (14 November 2005)
Strengthening Emergency Relief, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Prevention in the Aftermath of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster [2005] UNGA 60; A/RES/60/15 (14 November 2005)
Strengthening Emergency Relief, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Prevention in Pakistan in the Aftermath of the South Asian Earthquake Disaster [2005] UNGA 59; A/RES/60/13 (14 November 2005)
Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America Against Cuba [2005] UNGA 58; A/RES/60/12 (8 November 2005)
Sport as a Means to Promote Education, Health, Development and Peace [2005] UNGA 57; A/RES/60/9 (3 November 2005)
Promotion of Religious and Cultural Understanding, Harmony and Cooperation [2005] UNGA 56; A/RES/60/11 (3 November 2005)
Promotion of Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace [2005] UNGA 55; A/RES/60/10 (3 November 2005)
Building a Peaceful and Better World through Sport and the Olympic Ideal [2005] UNGA 54; A/RES/60/8 (3 November 2005)
Holocaust Remembrance [2005] UNGA 53; A/RES/60/7 (1 November 2005)
October 2005
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [2005] UNGA 52; A/RES/60/6 (31 October 2005)
Improving Global Road Safety [2005] UNGA 51; A/RES/60/5 (26 October 2005)
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001-2010 [2005] UNGA 50; A/RES/60/3 (20 October 2005)
Global Agenda for Dialogue Among Civilizations [2005] UNGA 49; A/RES/60/4 (20 October 2005)
Policies and Programmes Involving Youth [2005] UNGA 48; A/RES/60/2 (6 October 2005)
September 2005
2005 World Summit Outcome [2005] UNGA 47; A/RES/60/1 (16 September 2005)
Draft Outcome Document of the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly of September 2005 [2005] UNGA 46; A/RES/59/314 (13 September 2005)
A Strengthened and Revitalized General Assembly [2005] UNGA 45; A/RES/59/313 (12 September 2005)
July 2005
World Programme for Human Rights Education [2005] UNGA 44; A/RES/59/113B (14 July 2005)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Economic Community of Central African States [2005] UNGA 43; A/RES/59/310 (14 July 2005)
International Meeting to Review the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [2005] UNGA 42; A/RES/59/311 (14 July 2005)
Requests for Exemption Under Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations [2005] UNGA 41; A/RES/59/312 (14 July 2005)
June 2005
Capital Master Plan [2005] UNGA 40; A/RES/59/295 (22 June 2005)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Cross-Cutting Issues [2005] UNGA 39; A/RES/59/296 (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina [2005] UNGA 38; A/RES/59/302 (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2005] UNGA 37; A/RES/59/285B (22 June 2005)
Reformed Procedures for Determining Reimbursement to Member States for Contingent-Owned Equipment [2005] UNGA 36; A/RES/59/298 (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia [2005] UNGA 35; A/RES/59/304 (22 June 2005)
Multilingualism [2005] UNGA 34; A/RES/59/309 (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in CôTe d'Ivoire [2005] UNGA 33; A/RES/59/16B (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone [2005] UNGA 32; A/RES/59/14B (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy [2005] UNGA 31; A/RES/59/299 (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [2005] UNGA 30; A/RES/59/286B (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia [2005] UNGA 29; A/RES/59/305 (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus [2005] UNGA 28; A/RES/59/284B (22 June 2005)
Comprehensive Review of a Strategy to Eliminate Future Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations [2005] UNGA 27; A/RES/59/300 (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Burundi [2005] UNGA 26; A/RES/59/15B (22 June 2005)
Special Subjects and Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 2004-2005 [2005] UNGA 25; A/RES/59/294 (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [2005] UNGA 24; A/RES/59/307 (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2005] UNGA 23; A/RES/59/303 (22 June 2005)
Peacekeeping Reserve Fund [2005] UNGA 22; A/RES/59/297 (22 June 2005)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [2005] UNGA 21; A/RES/59/301 (22 June 2005)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2005] UNGA 20; A/RES/59/264B (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor [2005] UNGA 19; A/RES/59/13B (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [2005] UNGA 18; A/RES/59/306 (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti [2005] UNGA 17; A/RES/59/17B (22 June 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [2005] UNGA 16; A/RES/59/308 (22 June 2005)
May 2005
Modalities for the High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development [2005] UNGA 15; A/RES/59/293 (27 May 2005)
April 2005
Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan [2005] UNGA 14; A/RES/59/292 (21 April 2005)
Preparation for and Organization of the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly [2005] UNGA 13; A/RES/59/291 (15 April 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [2005] UNGA 12; A/RES/59/286A (13 April 2005)
Special Subjects Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 2004-2005 [2005] UNGA 11; A/RES/59/282 (13 April 2005)
Outsourcing Practices [2005] UNGA 10; A/RES/59/289 (13 April 2005)
International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism [2005] UNGA 9; A/RES/59/290 (13 April 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus [2005] UNGA 8; A/RES/59/284A (13 April 2005)
Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on Strengthening the Investigation Functions in the United Nations [2005] UNGA 7; A/RES/59/287 (13 April 2005)
Procurement Reform [2005] UNGA 6; A/RES/59/288 (13 April 2005)
Administration of Justice at the United Nations [2005] UNGA 5; A/RES/59/283 (13 April 2005)
Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2005] UNGA 4; A/RES/59/285A (13 April 2005)
March 2005
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [2005] UNGA 3; A/RES/59/281 (29 March 2005)
United Nations Declaration on Human Cloning [2005] UNGA 2; A/RES/59/280 (8 March 2005)
January 2005
Strengthening Emergency Relief, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Prevention in the Aftermath of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster [2005] UNGA 1; A/RES/59/279 (19 January 2005)
December 2004
2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa [2004] UNGA 322; A/RES/59/256 (23 December 2004)
Programme Planning [2004] UNGA 321; A/RES/59/275 (23 December 2004)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January and 31 December 1994 [2004] UNGA 320; A/RES/59/273 (23 December 2004)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2004] UNGA 319; A/RES/59/264A (23 December 2004)
Pattern of Conferences [2004] UNGA 318; A/RES/59/265 (23 December 2004)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2004-2005 a: Revised Budget Appropriations for the Biennium 20042005 B: Revised Income Estimates for the Biennium 20042005 C: Financing of the Appropriations for the Year 2005 [2004] UNGA 317; A/RES/59/277 A-C (23 December 2004)
United Nations Common System: Report of the International Civil Service Commission [2004] UNGA 316; A/RES/59/268 (23 December 2004)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Activities of the Office of the Internal Oversight Services [2004] UNGA 315; A/RES/59/271 (23 December 2004)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [2004] UNGA 314; A/RES/59/263 (23 December 2004)
Proposed Programme Budget Outline for the Biennium 2006-2007 [2004] UNGA 313; A/RES/59/278 (23 December 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Latin American Economic System [2004] UNGA 312; A/RES/59/258 (23 December 2004)
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 2004-2005 [2004] UNGA 311; A/RES/59/276 (23 December 2004)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [2004] UNGA 310; A/RES/59/274 (23 December 2004)
Intenational Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families [2004] UNGA 309; A/RES/59/262 (23 December 2004)
United Nations Pension System [2004] UNGA 308; A/RES/59/269 (23 December 2004)
New Partnership for Africa's Development: Progress in Implementation and International Support [2004] UNGA 307; A/RES/59/254 (23 December 2004)
Future Operation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women [2004] UNGA 306; A/RES/59/260 (23 December 2004)
Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit [2004] UNGA 305; A/RES/59/267 (23 December 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization [2004] UNGA 304; A/RES/59/259 (23 December 2004)
Review of the Implementation of General Assembly Resolutions 48/218b and 54/244 [2004] UNGA 303; A/RES/59/272 (23 December 2004)
Reports of the Secretary-General on the Activities of the Office of the Internal Oversight Services [2004] UNGA 302; A/RES/59/270 (23 December 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of American States [2004] UNGA 301; A/RES/59/257 (23 December 2004)
Human Resources Management [2004] UNGA 300; A/RES/59/266 (23 December 2004)
Scale of Assesments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [2004] UNGA 299; A/RES/59/1B (23 December 2004)
Rights of the Child [2004] UNGA 298; A/RES/59/261 (23 December 2004)
Implementation of the Recommendations Contained in the Report of the Secretary-General on the Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa [2004] UNGA 297; A/RES/59/255 (23 December 2004)
Role of the United Nations in Promoting Development in the Context of Globalization and Interdependence [2004] UNGA 296; A/RES/59/240 (22 December 2004)
International Cooperation to Reduce the Impact of the El NiñO Phenomenon [2004] UNGA 295; A/RES/59/232 (22 December 2004)
Implementation of the Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and Strengthening of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) [2004] UNGA 294; A/RES/59/239 (22 December 2004)
Assistance for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Liberia [2004] UNGA 293; A/RES/59/219 (22 December 2004)
International Financial System and Development [2004] UNGA 292; A/RES/59/222 (22 December 2004)
Humanitarian Assistance and Rehabilitation for Ethiopia [2004] UNGA 291; A/RES/59/217 (22 December 2004)
Implementation of the First United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997-2006) [2004] UNGA 290; A/RES/59/247 (22 December 2004)
Role of Microcredit and Microfinance in the Eradication of Poverty [2004] UNGA 289; A/RES/59/246 (22 December 2004)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research [2004] UNGA 288; A/RES/59/252 (22 December 2004)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [2004] UNGA 287; A/RES/59/234 (22 December 2004)
Commodities [2004] UNGA 286; A/RES/59/224 (22 December 2004)
Triennial Comprehensive Policy Review of Operational Activities for Development of the United Nations System [2004] UNGA 285; A/RES/59/250 (22 December 2004)
Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [2004] UNGA 284; A/RES/59/235 (22 December 2004)
Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries [2004] UNGA 283; A/RES/59/244 (22 December 2004)
United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development [2004] UNGA 282; A/RES/59/237 (22 December 2004)
Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [2004] UNGA 281; A/RES/59/229 (22 December 2004)
International Migration and Development [2004] UNGA 280; A/RES/59/241 (22 December 2004)
Promoting an Integrated Management Approach to the Caribbean Sea Area in the Context of Sustainable Development [2004] UNGA 279; A/RES/59/230 (22 December 2004)
World Summit on the Information Society [2004] UNGA 278; A/RES/59/220 (22 December 2004)
Assistance to Mozambique [2004] UNGA 277; A/RES/59/214 (22 December 2004)
International Assistance for the Economic Rehabilitation of Angola [2004] UNGA 276; A/RES/59/216 (22 December 2004)
Follow-Up to and Implementation of the Outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development [2004] UNGA 275; A/RES/59/225 (22 December 2004)
World Survey on the Role of Women in Development [2004] UNGA 274; A/RES/59/248 (22 December 2004)
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction [2004] UNGA 273; A/RES/59/231 (22 December 2004)
External Debt Crisis and Development [2004] UNGA 272; A/RES/59/223 (22 December 2004)
Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development [2004] UNGA 271; A/RES/59/227 (22 December 2004)
Natural Disasters and Vulnerability [2004] UNGA 270; A/RES/59/233 (22 December 2004)
Specific Actions Related to the Particular Needs and Problems of Landlocked Developing Countries: Outcome of the International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries and Donor Countries and International Financial and Development Institutions on Transit Transport Cooperation [2004] UNGA 269; A/RES/59/245 (22 December 2004)
United Nations University [2004] UNGA 268; A/RES/59/253 (22 December 2004)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief and the Economic and Social Rehabilitation of Somalia [2004] UNGA 267; A/RES/59/218 (22 December 2004)
International Trade and Development [2004] UNGA 266; A/RES/59/221 (22 December 2004)
Humanitarian and Special Economic Assistance to Serbia and Montenegro [2004] UNGA 265; A/RES/59/215 (22 December 2004)
Convention on Biological Diversity [2004] UNGA 264; A/RES/59/236 (22 December 2004)
Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab Population in the Occupied Syrian Golan Over Their Natural Resources [2004] UNGA 263; A/RES/59/251 (22 December 2004)
Preventing and Combating Corrupt Practices and Transfer of Assets of Illicit Origin and Returning Such Assets to the Countries of Origin [2004] UNGA 262; A/RES/59/242 (22 December 2004)
Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its Eighth Special Session [2004] UNGA 261; A/RES/59/226 (22 December 2004)
Integration of the Economies in Transition into the World Economy [2004] UNGA 260; A/RES/59/243 (22 December 2004)
Rendering Assistance to Poor Mountain Countries to Overcome Obstacles in Socio-Economic and Ecological Areas [2004] UNGA 259; A/RES/59/238 (22 December 2004)
Industrial Development Cooperation [2004] UNGA 258; A/RES/59/249 (22 December 2004)
Activities Undertaken During the International Year of Freshwater, 2003, Preparations for the International Decade for Action, "Water for Life", 2005-2015, and Further Efforts to Achieve the Sustainable Development of Water Resources [2004] UNGA 257; A/RES/59/228 (22 December 2004)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the United Nations System [2004] UNGA 256; A/RES/59/164 (20 December 2004)
Strengthening International Cooperation and Technical Assistance in Promoting the Implementation of the Universal Conventions and Protocols Related to Terrorism Within the Framework of the Activities of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime [2004] UNGA 255; A/RES/59/153 (20 December 2004)
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [2004] UNGA 254; A/RES/59/182 (20 December 2004)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2004] UNGA 253; A/RES/59/178 (20 December 2004)
Preparations for the Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice [2004] UNGA 252; A/RES/59/151 (20 December 2004)
Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2004] UNGA 251; A/RES/59/207 (20 December 2004)
United Nations Literacy Decade: Education for All [2004] UNGA 250; A/RES/59/149 (20 December 2004)
United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [2004] UNGA 249; A/RES/59/158 (20 December 2004)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2004] UNGA 248; A/RES/59/169 (20 December 2004)
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [2004] UNGA 247; A/RES/59/176 (20 December 2004)
Smooth Transition Strategy for Countries Graduating from the List of Least Developed Countries [2004] UNGA 246; A/RES/59/209 (20 December 2004)
Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities [2004] UNGA 245; A/RES/59/198 (20 December 2004)
Celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family and Beyond [2004] UNGA 244; A/RES/59/147 (20 December 2004)
Preventing, Combating and Punishing Trafficking in Human Organs [2004] UNGA 243; A/RES/59/156 (20 December 2004)
Globalization and its Impact on the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights [2004] UNGA 242; A/RES/59/184 (20 December 2004)
The Situation of and Assistance to Palestinian Children [2004] UNGA 241; A/RES/59/173 (20 December 2004)
Enhancing the Role of Regional, Subregional and Other Organizations and Arrangements in Promoting and Consolidating Democracy [2004] UNGA 240; A/RES/59/201 (20 December 2004)
Follow-Up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing [2004] UNGA 239; A/RES/59/150 (20 December 2004)
Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions [2004] UNGA 238; A/RES/59/197 (20 December 2004)
Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order [2004] UNGA 237; A/RES/59/193 (20 December 2004)
Enhancement of International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights [2004] UNGA 236; A/RES/59/187 (20 December 2004)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2004] UNGA 235; A/RES/59/170 (20 December 2004)
Measures to be Taken Against Political Platforms and Activities Based on Doctrines of Superiority and Violent Nationalist Ideologies which are Based on Racial Discrimination or Ethnic Exclusiveness and Xenophobia, Including Neo-Nazism [2004] UNGA 234; A/RES/59/175 (20 December 2004)
International Cooperation on Humanitarian Assistance in the Field of Natural Disasters, from Relief to Development [2004] UNGA 233; A/RES/59/212 (20 December 2004)
Credentials of Representatives to the Fifty-Ninth Session of the General Assembly [2004] UNGA 232; A/RES/59/208 (20 December 2004)
Report of the Committee for Development Policy on its Sixth Session [2004] UNGA 231; A/RES/59/210 (20 December 2004)
Elimination of All Forms of Violence Against Women, Including Crimes Identified in the Outcome Document of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly, Entitled "Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the Twenty-First Century" [2004] UNGA 230; A/RES/59/167 (20 December 2004)
New International Humanitarian Order [2004] UNGA 229; A/RES/59/171 (20 December 2004)
Human Rights and Terrorism [2004] UNGA 228; A/RES/59/195 (20 December 2004)
Follow-Up on Strengthening the Systems of Control Over Chemical Precursors and Preventing Their Diversion and Trafficking [2004] UNGA 227; A/RES/59/162 (20 December 2004)
Missing Persons [2004] UNGA 226; A/RES/59/189 (20 December 2004)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2004] UNGA 225; A/RES/59/180 (20 December 2004)
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism [2004] UNGA 224; A/RES/59/191 (20 December 2004)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [2004] UNGA 223; A/RES/59/205 (20 December 2004)
Working Towards the Elimination of Crimes Against Women and Girls Committed in the Name of Honour [2004] UNGA 222; A/RES/59/165 (20 December 2004)
Respect for the Right to Universal Freedom of Travel and the Vital Importance of Family Reunification [2004] UNGA 221; A/RES/59/203 (20 December 2004)
International Cooperation in the Fight Against Transnational Organized Crime: Assistance to States in Capacity-Building with a View to Facilitating the Implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols Thereto [2004] UNGA 220; A/RES/59/157 (20 December 2004)
Respect for the Purposes and Principles Contained in the Charter of the United Nations to Achieve International Cooperation in Promoting and Encouraging Respect for Human Rights and for Fundamental Freedoms and in Solving International Problems of a Humanitarian Character [2004] UNGA 219; A/RES/59/204 (20 December 2004)
The Right to Food [2004] UNGA 218; A/RES/59/202 (20 December 2004)
Strengthening United Nations Action in the Field of Human Rights through the Promotion of International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [2004] UNGA 217; A/RES/59/190 (20 December 2004)
Subregional Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa [2004] UNGA 216; A/RES/59/183 (20 December 2004)
The Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [2004] UNGA 215; A/RES/59/179 (20 December 2004)
International Cooperation Against the World Drug Problem [2004] UNGA 214; A/RES/59/163 (20 December 2004)
International Cooperation in the Prevention, Combating and Elimination of Kidnapping and in Providing Assistance to Victims [2004] UNGA 213; A/RES/59/154 (20 December 2004)
The Right to Development [2004] UNGA 212; A/RES/59/185 (20 December 2004)
Situation of Human Rights in Turkmenistan [2004] UNGA 211; A/RES/59/206 (20 December 2004)
Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel and Protection of United Nations Personnel [2004] UNGA 210; A/RES/59/211 (20 December 2004)
Action Against Corruption: Assistance to States in Capacity-Building with a View to Facilitating the Entry into Force and Subsequent Implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption [2004] UNGA 209; A/RES/59/155 (20 December 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the African Union [2004] UNGA 208; A/RES/59/213 (20 December 2004)
Control of Cultivation of and Trafficking in Cannabis [2004] UNGA 207; A/RES/59/160 (20 December 2004)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [2004] UNGA 206; A/RES/59/199 (20 December 2004)
Global Efforts for the Total Elimination of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and the Comprehensive Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action [2004] UNGA 205; A/RES/59/177 (20 December 2004)
Assistance to Least Developed Countries to Ensure Their Participation in the Sessions of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and the Sessions of Conferences of States Parties [2004] UNGA 204; A/RES/59/152 (20 December 2004)
Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures [2004] UNGA 203; A/RES/59/188 (20 December 2004)
Protection of Migrants [2004] UNGA 202; A/RES/59/194 (20 December 2004)
Policies and Programmes Involving Youth: Tenth Anniversary of the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and Beyond [2004] UNGA 201; A/RES/59/148 (20 December 2004)
Regional Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [2004] UNGA 200; A/RES/59/196 (20 December 2004)
Second International Decade of the WorldS Indigenous People [2004] UNGA 199; A/RES/59/174 (20 December 2004)
Human Rights and Extreme Poverty [2004] UNGA 198; A/RES/59/186 (20 December 2004)
Implementation of the Outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the Twenty-Fourth Special Session of the General Assembly [2004] UNGA 197; A/RES/59/146 (20 December 2004)
Equitable Geographical Distribution in the Membership of the Human Rights Treaty Bodies [2004] UNGA 196; A/RES/59/181 (20 December 2004)
Strengthening the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, in Particular its Technical Cooperation Capacity [2004] UNGA 195; A/RES/59/159 (20 December 2004)
Question of Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [2004] UNGA 194; A/RES/59/200 (20 December 2004)
Trafficking in Women and Girls [2004] UNGA 193; A/RES/59/166 (20 December 2004)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [2004] UNGA 192; A/RES/59/172 (20 December 2004)
Follow-Up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and Full Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly [2004] UNGA 191; A/RES/59/168 (20 December 2004)
Providing Support to the Government of Afghanistan in its Efforts to Eliminate Illicit Opium and Foster Stability and Security in the Region [2004] UNGA 190; A/RES/59/161 (20 December 2004)
Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [2004] UNGA 189; A/RES/59/192 (20 December 2004)
Modalities, Format and Organization of the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the Sixtieth Session of the General Assembly [2004] UNGA 188; A/RES/59/145 (17 December 2004)
The Role of Diamonds in Fuelling Conflict: Breaking the Link Between the Illicit Transaction of Rough Diamonds and Armed Conflict as a Contribution to Prevention and Settlement of Conflicts [2004] UNGA 187; A/RES/59/144 (15 December 2004)
Promotion of Religious and Cultural Understanding, Harmony and Cooperation [2004] UNGA 186; A/RES/59/142 (15 December 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Southern African Development Community [2004] UNGA 185; A/RES/59/140 (15 December 2004)
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001-2010 [2004] UNGA 184; A/RES/59/143 (15 December 2004)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the United Nations [2004] UNGA 183; A/RES/59/141 (15 December 2004)
Question of Tokelau [2004] UNGA 182; A/RES/59/133 (10 December 2004)
Questions Relating to Information: A: Information in the Service of Humanity B: United Nations Public Information Policies and Activities [2004] UNGA 181; A/RES/59/126 A-B (10 December 2004)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands a. General B. Individual Territories [2004] UNGA 180; A/RES/59/134 A-B (10 December 2004)
Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [2004] UNGA 179; A/RES/59/121 (10 December 2004)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [2004] UNGA 178; A/RES/59/114 (10 December 2004)
Question of Western Sahara [2004] UNGA 177; A/RES/59/131 (10 December 2004)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [2004] UNGA 176; A/RES/59/127 (10 December 2004)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees [2004] UNGA 175; A/RES/59/117 (10 December 2004)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [2004] UNGA 174; A/RES/59/129 (10 December 2004)
Assistance to Survivors of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda, Particularly Orphans, Widows and Victims of Sexual Violence [2004] UNGA 173; A/RES/59/137 (10 December 2004)
Persons Displaced as a Result of the June 1967 and Subsequent Hostilities [2004] UNGA 172; A/RES/59/118 (10 December 2004)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [2004] UNGA 171; A/RES/59/135 (10 December 2004)
Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan [2004] UNGA 170; A/RES/59/123 (10 December 2004)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [2004] UNGA 169; A/RES/59/116 (10 December 2004)
Palestine Refugees Properties and Their Revenues [2004] UNGA 168; A/RES/59/120 (10 December 2004)
World Programme for Human Rights Education [2004] UNGA 167; A/RES/59/113A (10 December 2004)
The Occupied Syrian Golan [2004] UNGA 166; A/RES/59/125 (10 December 2004)
Economic and Other Activities which Affect the Interests of the Peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories [2004] UNGA 165; A/RES/59/128 (10 December 2004)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [2004] UNGA 164; A/RES/59/130 (10 December 2004)
Applicability of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Other Occupied Arab Territories [2004] UNGA 163; A/RES/59/122 (10 December 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Council of Europe [2004] UNGA 162; A/RES/59/139 (10 December 2004)
Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [2004] UNGA 161; A/RES/59/119 (10 December 2004)
Question of New Caledonia [2004] UNGA 160; A/RES/59/132 (10 December 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Caribbean Community [2004] UNGA 159; A/RES/59/138 (10 December 2004)
Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem [2004] UNGA 158; A/RES/59/124 (10 December 2004)
Application of the Concept of the "Launching State" [2004] UNGA 157; A/RES/59/115 (10 December 2004)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [2004] UNGA 156; A/RES/59/136 (10 December 2004)
Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Reconstruction of War-Stricken Afghanistan and the Situation in Afghanistan and its Implications for International Peace and Security a: The Situation in Afghanistan and its Implications for International Peace and Security B: Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Reconstruction of War-Stricken Afghanistan [2004] UNGA 155; A/RES/59/112 A-B (8 December 2004)
Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family [2004] UNGA 154; A/RES/59/111 (6 December 2004)
Estimates in Respect of Special Political Missions, Good Offices and Other Political Initiatives Authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council: United Nations Advance Team in the Sudan [2004] UNGA 153; A/RES/59/58 (3 December 2004)
United Nations Disarmament Fellowship, Training and Advisory Services [2004] UNGA 152; A/RES/59/97 (3 December 2004)
Measures to Uphold the Authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol [2004] UNGA 151; A/RES/59/70 (3 December 2004)
Reducing Nuclear Danger [2004] UNGA 150; A/RES/59/79 (3 December 2004)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons [2004] UNGA 149; A/RES/59/102 (3 December 2004)
Verification in All its Aspects, Including the Role of the United Nations in the Field of Verification [2004] UNGA 148; A/RES/59/60 (3 December 2004)
Observance of Environmental Norms in the Drafting and Implementation of Agreements on Disarmament and Arms Control [2004] UNGA 147; A/RES/59/68 (3 December 2004)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [2004] UNGA 146; A/RES/59/109 (3 December 2004)
Follow-Up to the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [2004] UNGA 145; A/RES/59/83 (3 December 2004)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons, which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [2004] UNGA 144; A/RES/59/107 (3 December 2004)
National Legislation on Transfer of Arms, Military Equipment and Dual-Use Goods and Technology [2004] UNGA 143; A/RES/59/66 (3 December 2004)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific [2004] UNGA 142; A/RES/59/100 (3 December 2004)
Measures to Prevent Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons of Mass Destruction [2004] UNGA 141; A/RES/59/80 (3 December 2004)
Regional Disarmament [2004] UNGA 140; A/RES/59/89 (3 December 2004)
Conventional Arms Control at the Regional and Subregional Levels [2004] UNGA 139; A/RES/59/88 (3 December 2004)
Bilateral Strategic Nuclear Arms Reductions and the New Strategic Framework [2004] UNGA 138; A/RES/59/94 (3 December 2004)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [2004] UNGA 137; A/RES/59/106 (3 December 2004)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [2004] UNGA 136; A/RES/59/64 (3 December 2004)
Assistance to States for Curbing the Illicit Traffic in Small Arms and Collecting Them [2004] UNGA 135; A/RES/59/74 (3 December 2004)
Nuclear Disarmament [2004] UNGA 134; A/RES/59/77 (3 December 2004)
The Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects [2004] UNGA 133; A/RES/59/86 (3 December 2004)
The Hague Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile Proliferation [2004] UNGA 132; A/RES/59/91 (3 December 2004)
Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament [2004] UNGA 131; A/RES/59/62 (3 December 2004)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction [2004] UNGA 130; A/RES/59/110 (3 December 2004)
Report of the Conference on Disarmament [2004] UNGA 129; A/RES/59/104 (3 December 2004)
Information on Confidence-Building Measures in the Field of Conventional Arms [2004] UNGA 128; A/RES/59/92 (3 December 2004)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas [2004] UNGA 127; A/RES/59/85 (3 December 2004)
Maintenance of International Security Good-Neighbourliness, Stability and Development in South-Eastern Europe [2004] UNGA 126; A/RES/59/59 (3 December 2004)
United Nations Regional Centres for Peace and Disarmament [2004] UNGA 125; A/RES/59/98 (3 December 2004)
Relationship Between Disarmament and Development [2004] UNGA 124; A/RES/59/78 (3 December 2004)
Promotion of Multilateralism in the Area of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation [2004] UNGA 123; A/RES/59/69 (3 December 2004)
Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security [2004] UNGA 122; A/RES/59/61 (3 December 2004)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa [2004] UNGA 121; A/RES/59/101 (3 December 2004)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction [2004] UNGA 120; A/RES/59/84 (3 December 2004)
Missiles [2004] UNGA 119; A/RES/59/67 (3 December 2004)
Convening of the Fourth Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament [2004] UNGA 118; A/RES/59/71 (3 December 2004)
Regional Confidence-Building Measures: Activities of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa [2004] UNGA 117; A/RES/59/96 (3 December 2004)
The Conference on Disarmament Decision (Cd/1547) of 11 August 1998 to Establish, Under Item 1 of its Agenda Entitled "Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and Nuclear Disarmament", an Ad Hoc Committee to Negotiate, on the Basis of the Report of the Special Coordinator (Cd/1299) and the Mandate Contained Therein, a Non-Discriminatory, Multilateral and Internationally and Effectively Verifiable Treaty Banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices [2004] UNGA 116; A/RES/59/81 (3 December 2004)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction [2004] UNGA 115; A/RES/59/72 (3 December 2004)
Consolidation of Peace through Practical Disarmament Measures [2004] UNGA 114; A/RES/59/82 (3 December 2004)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [2004] UNGA 113; A/RES/59/65 (3 December 2004)
Improving the Effectiveness of the Methods of Work of the First Committee [2004] UNGA 112; A/RES/59/95 (3 December 2004)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [2004] UNGA 111; A/RES/59/108 (3 December 2004)
Report of the Disarmament Commission [2004] UNGA 110; A/RES/59/105 (3 December 2004)
MongoliaS International Security and Nuclear-Weapon-Free Status [2004] UNGA 109; A/RES/59/73 (3 December 2004)
Confidence-Building Measures in the Regional and Subregional Context [2004] UNGA 108; A/RES/59/87 (3 December 2004)
A Path to the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons [2004] UNGA 107; A/RES/59/76 (3 December 2004)
Accelerating the Implementation of Nuclear Disarmament Commitments [2004] UNGA 106; A/RES/59/75 (3 December 2004)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [2004] UNGA 105; A/RES/59/63 (3 December 2004)
United Nations Disarmament Information Programme [2004] UNGA 104; A/RES/59/103 (3 December 2004)
United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education [2004] UNGA 103; A/RES/59/93 (3 December 2004)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean [2004] UNGA 102; A/RES/59/99 (3 December 2004)
Prevention of the Illicit Transfer and Unauthorized Access to and Use of Man-Portable Air Defence Systems [2004] UNGA 101; A/RES/59/90 (3 December 2004)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its Fifty-Sixth Session [2004] UNGA 100; A/RES/59/41 (2 December 2004)
Nationality of Natural Persons in Relation to the Succession of States [2004] UNGA 99; A/RES/59/34 (2 December 2004)
Observer Status for the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States in the General Assembly [2004] UNGA 98; A/RES/59/52 (2 December 2004)
Observer Status for the Economic Community of West African States in the General Assembly [2004] UNGA 97; A/RES/59/51 (2 December 2004)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [2004] UNGA 96; A/RES/59/42 (2 December 2004)
Public Administration and Development [2004] UNGA 95; A/RES/59/55 (2 December 2004)
United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property [2004] UNGA 94; A/RES/59/38 (2 December 2004)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [2004] UNGA 93; A/RES/59/44 (2 December 2004)
Scope of Legal Protection Under the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel [2004] UNGA 92; A/RES/59/47 (2 December 2004)
Observer Status for the Southern African Development Community in the General Assembly [2004] UNGA 91; A/RES/59/49 (2 December 2004)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [2004] UNGA 90; A/RES/59/56 (2 December 2004)
Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Armed Conflicts [2004] UNGA 89; A/RES/59/36 (2 December 2004)
International Criminal Court [2004] UNGA 88; A/RES/59/43 (2 December 2004)
Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [2004] UNGA 87; A/RES/59/40 (2 December 2004)
A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All - Report of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization [2004] UNGA 86; A/RES/59/57 (2 December 2004)
Observer Status for the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation in the General Assembly [2004] UNGA 85; A/RES/59/53 (2 December 2004)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its Thirty-Seventh Session [2004] UNGA 84; A/RES/59/39 (2 December 2004)
Implementation of the Provisions of the Charter of the United Nations Related to Assistance to Third States Affected by the Application of Sanctions [2004] UNGA 83; A/RES/59/45 (2 December 2004)
Observer Status for the Collective Security Treaty Organization in the General Assembly [2004] UNGA 82; A/RES/59/50 (2 December 2004)
Consideration of Effective Measures to Enhance the Protection, Security and Safety of Diplomatic and Consular Missions and Representatives [2004] UNGA 81; A/RES/59/37 (2 December 2004)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [2004] UNGA 80; A/RES/59/46 (2 December 2004)
Andean Zone of Peace [2004] UNGA 79; A/RES/59/54 (2 December 2004)
Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts [2004] UNGA 78; A/RES/59/35 (2 December 2004)
Observer Status for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the General Assembly [2004] UNGA 77; A/RES/59/48 (2 December 2004)
Jerusalem [2004] UNGA 76; A/RES/59/32 (1 December 2004)
Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat [2004] UNGA 75; A/RES/59/30 (1 December 2004)
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [2004] UNGA 74; A/RES/59/28 (1 December 2004)
The Syrian Golan [2004] UNGA 73; A/RES/59/33 (1 December 2004)
Peaceful Settlement of the Question of Palestine [2004] UNGA 72; A/RES/59/31 (1 December 2004)
Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat [2004] UNGA 71; A/RES/59/29 (1 December 2004)
November 2004
Enhancing Capacity-Building in Global Public Health [2004] UNGA 70; A/RES/59/27 (23 November 2004)
Commemoration of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the End of the Second World War [2004] UNGA 69; A/RES/59/26 (22 November 2004)
Oceans and the Law of the Sea [2004] UNGA 68; A/RES/59/24 (17 November 2004)
Sustainable Fisheries, Including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and Related Instruments [2004] UNGA 67; A/RES/59/25 (17 November 2004)
Promotion of Interreligious Dialogue [2004] UNGA 66; A/RES/59/23 (11 November 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Pacific Islands Forum [2004] UNGA 65; A/RES/59/20 (8 November 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the International Organization of La Francophonie [2004] UNGA 64; A/RES/59/22 (8 November 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union [2004] UNGA 63; A/RES/59/19 (8 November 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries [2004] UNGA 62; A/RES/59/21 (8 November 2004)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [2004] UNGA 61; A/RES/59/18 (1 November 2004)
October 2004
Financing of the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor [2004] UNGA 60; A/RES/59/13A (29 October 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Burundi [2004] UNGA 59; A/RES/59/15A (29 October 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti [2004] UNGA 58; A/RES/59/17A (29 October 2004)
Estimates in Respect of Special Political Missions, Good Offices and Other Political Initiatives Authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council: United Nations Support to the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission [2004] UNGA 57; A/RES/59/12 (29 October 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in CôTe DIvoire [2004] UNGA 56; A/RES/59/16A (29 October 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone [2004] UNGA 55; A/RES/59/14A (29 October 2004)
Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America Against Cuba [2004] UNGA 54; A/RES/59/11 (28 October 2004)
Sport as a Means to Promote Education, Health, Development and Peace [2004] UNGA 53; A/RES/59/10 (27 October 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons [2004] UNGA 52; A/RES/59/7 (22 October 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Association of South-East Asian Nations [2004] UNGA 51; A/RES/59/5 (22 October 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [2004] UNGA 50; A/RES/59/8 (22 October 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization [2004] UNGA 49; A/RES/59/6 (22 October 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Economic Cooperation Organization [2004] UNGA 48; A/RES/59/4 (22 October 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization [2004] UNGA 47; A/RES/59/3 (22 October 2004)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the League of Arab States [2004] UNGA 46; A/RES/59/9 (22 October 2004)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [2004] UNGA 45; A/RES/59/2 (20 October 2004)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations: Requests Under Article 19 of the Charter [2004] UNGA 44; A/RES/59/1A (11 October 2004)
September 2004
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the International Criminal Court [2004] UNGA 43; A/RES/58/318 (13 September 2004)
August 2004
Reaffirming the Central Role of the United Nations in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security and the Promotion of International Cooperation [2004] UNGA 42; A/RES/58/317 (5 August 2004)
July 2004
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [2004] UNGA 41; A/RES/58/315 (1 July 2004)
Participation of the Holy See in the Work of the United Nations [2004] UNGA 40; A/RES/58/314 (1 July 2004)
Further Measures for the Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly [2004] UNGA 39; A/RES/58/316 (1 July 2004)
Organizational Arrangements for the High-Level Meeting to Review the Progress Achieved in Realizing the Commitments Set Out in the Declaration of Commitment on Hiv/Aids [2004] UNGA 38; A/RES/58/313 (1 July 2004)
June 2004
Financing of the United Nations Operation in CôTe DIvoire [2004] UNGA 37; A/RES/58/310 (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor [2004] UNGA 36; A/RES/58/260B (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia [2004] UNGA 35; A/RES/58/303 (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia [2004] UNGA 34; A/RES/58/261B (18 June 2004)
Strengthening the Security and Safety of United Nations Operations, Staff and Premises [2004] UNGA 33; A/RES/58/295 (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [2004] UNGA 32; A/RES/58/309 (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2004] UNGA 31; A/RES/58/302 (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy [2004] UNGA 30; A/RES/58/297 (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [2004] UNGA 29; A/RES/58/307 (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Burundi [2004] UNGA 28; A/RES/58/312 (18 June 2004)
Reports of the Office of Internal Oversight Services [2004] UNGA 27; A/RES/58/299 (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [2004] UNGA 26; A/RES/58/306 (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina [2004] UNGA 25; A/RES/58/300 (18 June 2004)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2004] UNGA 24; A/RES/58/249B (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission [2004] UNGA 23; A/RES/58/304 (18 June 2004)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations [2004] UNGA 22; A/RES/58/296 (18 June 2004)
Estimates in Respect of Special Political Missions, Good Offices and Other Political Initiatives Authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council [2004] UNGA 21; A/RES/58/294 (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2004] UNGA 20; A/RES/58/259B (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus [2004] UNGA 19; A/RES/58/301 (18 June 2004)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [2004] UNGA 18; A/RES/58/298 (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti [2004] UNGA 17; A/RES/58/311 (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone [2004] UNGA 16; A/RES/58/308 (18 June 2004)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [2004] UNGA 15; A/RES/58/305 (18 June 2004)
International Year of Physics, 2005 [2004] UNGA 14; A/RES/58/293 (10 June 2004)
Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [2004] UNGA 13; A/RES/58/213B (10 June 2004)
May 2004
Status of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem [2004] UNGA 12; A/RES/58/292 (6 May 2004)
Follow-Up to the Outcome of the Millennium Summit and Integrated and Coordinated Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Outcomes of the Major United Nations Conferences and Summits in the Economic and Social Fields [2004] UNGA 11; A/RES/58/291 (6 May 2004)
April 2004
Improving Global Road Safety [2004] UNGA 10; A/RES/58/289 (14 April 2004)
The Role of Diamonds in Fuelling Conflict: Breaking the Link Between the Illicit Transaction of Rough Diamonds and Armed Conflict as a Contribution to Prevention and Settlement of Conflicts [2004] UNGA 9; A/RES/58/290 (14 April 2004)
Report of the Joint Inspection Unit on Support Costs Related to Extrabudgetary Activities in Organizations of the United Nations System [2004] UNGA 8; A/RES/58/283 (8 April 2004)
Special Court for Sierra Leone [2004] UNGA 7; A/RES/58/284 (8 April 2004)
Joint Inspection Unit [2004] UNGA 6; A/RES/58/286 (8 April 2004)
Human Resources Management [2004] UNGA 5; A/RES/58/285 (8 April 2004)
Review of the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [2004] UNGA 4; A/RES/58/287 (8 April 2004)
Implementation of Paragraph 3 of General Assembly Resolution 57/323 [2004] UNGA 3; A/RES/58/288 (8 April 2004)
February 2004
Follow-Up to the Outcome of the Special Session on Children [2004] UNGA 2; A/RES/58/282 (9 February 2004)
Sixth International Conference of New or Restored Democracies, to be Held in Doha in 2006 [2004] UNGA 1; A/RES/58/281 (9 February 2004)
December 2003
Creation of a Global Culture of Cybersecurity and the Protection of Critical Information Infrastructures [2003] UNGA 328; A/RES/58/199 (23 December 2003)
International Decade for Action, "Water for Life", 2005-2015 [2003] UNGA 327; A/RES/58/217 (23 December 2003)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January and 31 December 1994 [2003] UNGA 326; A/RES/58/253 (23 December 2003)
Future Operation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women [2003] UNGA 325; A/RES/58/244 (23 December 2003)
The Situation in Central America: Progress in Fashioning a Region of Peace, Freedom, Democracy and Development [2003] UNGA 324; A/RES/58/239 (23 December 2003)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [2003] UNGA 323; A/RES/58/243 (23 December 2003)
Agreement Between the United Nations and the World Tourism Organization [2003] UNGA 322; A/RES/58/232 (23 December 2003)
International Year of Deserts and Desertification, 2006 [2003] UNGA 321; A/RES/58/211 (23 December 2003)
Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development [2003] UNGA 320; A/RES/58/218 (23 December 2003)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2004-2005 a: Budget Appropriations for the Biennium 2004-2005 B: Income Estimates for the Biennium 2004-2005 C: Financing of Appropriations for the Year 2004 [2003] UNGA 319; A/RES/58/271 A-C (23 December 2003)
Economic and Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries [2003] UNGA 318; A/RES/58/220 (23 December 2003)
Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [2003] UNGA 317; A/RES/58/213A (23 December 2003)
Report of the Joint Inspection Unit on Common and Joint Services of United Nations System Organizations at Vienna [2003] UNGA 316; A/RES/58/278 (23 December 2003)
Conditions of Service and Compensation for Officials Other Than Secretariat Officials: Members of the International Court of Justice, Judges of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and Judges of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda [2003] UNGA 315; A/RES/58/264 (23 December 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2003] UNGA 314; A/RES/58/259A (23 December 2003)
Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its Twenty-Second Session [2003] UNGA 313; A/RES/58/209 (23 December 2003)
Science and Technology for Development [2003] UNGA 312; A/RES/58/200 (23 December 2003)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2002-2003 a: Final Budget Appropriations for the Biennium 2002-2003 B: Final Income Estimates for the Biennium 2002-2003 [2003] UNGA 311; A/RES/58/267 A-B (23 December 2003)
Report of the Joint Inspection Unit on the Management Audit Review of Outsourcing in the United Nations and the United Nations Funds and Programmes [2003] UNGA 310; A/RES/58/277 (23 December 2003)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [2003] UNGA 309; A/RES/58/248 (23 December 2003)
Natural Disasters and Vulnerability [2003] UNGA 308; A/RES/58/215 (23 December 2003)
Implementation of the Recommendations Contained in the Report of the Secretary-General on the Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa [2003] UNGA 307; A/RES/58/235 (23 December 2003)
Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab Population in the Occupied Syrian Golan Over Their Natural Resources [2003] UNGA 306; A/RES/58/229 (23 December 2003)
Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities [2003] UNGA 305; A/RES/58/246 (23 December 2003)
Conditions of Service and Compensation for Officials, Other Than Secretariat Officials, Serving the General Assembly: Full-Time Members of the International Civil Service Commission and the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions [2003] UNGA 304; A/RES/58/266 (23 December 2003)
Second Performance Report for the Biennium 2002-2003 on the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [2003] UNGA 303; A/RES/58/254 (23 December 2003)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2003] UNGA 302; A/RES/58/249A (23 December 2003)
International Financial System and Development [2003] UNGA 301; A/RES/58/202 (23 December 2003)
Implementation of the Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and the Strengthening of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) [2003] UNGA 300; A/RES/58/226 (23 December 2003)
Women in Development [2003] UNGA 299; A/RES/58/206 (23 December 2003)
Follow-Up to the Outcome of the Twenty-Sixth Special Session: Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on Hiv/Aids [2003] UNGA 298; A/RES/58/236 (23 December 2003)
Commodities [2003] UNGA 297; A/RES/58/204 (23 December 2003)
Strengthening of the United Nations: An Agenda for Further Change [2003] UNGA 296; A/RES/58/269 (23 December 2003)
Salary and Retirement Allowance of the Secretary-General and Salary and Pensionable Remuneration of the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme [2003] UNGA 295; A/RES/58/265 (23 December 2003)
United Nations Common System [2003] UNGA 294; A/RES/58/251 (23 December 2003)
Follow-Up to and Implementation of the Outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development [2003] UNGA 293; A/RES/58/230 (23 December 2003)
Unforeseen and Extraordinary Expenses for the Biennium 2004-2005 [2003] UNGA 292; A/RES/58/273 (23 December 2003)
International Trade and Development [2003] UNGA 291; A/RES/58/197 (23 December 2003)
United Nations System Staff College in Turin, Italy [2003] UNGA 290; A/RES/58/224 (23 December 2003)
Report of the Joint Inspection Unit on the Revenue-Producing Activities of the United Nations System [2003] UNGA 289; A/RES/58/263 (23 December 2003)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research [2003] UNGA 288; A/RES/58/223 (23 December 2003)
Oceans and the Law of the Sea [2003] UNGA 287; A/RES/58/240 (23 December 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia [2003] UNGA 286; A/RES/58/261A (23 December 2003)
Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the Audit of the Establishment and Management of Mission Subsistence Allowance Rates [2003] UNGA 285; A/RES/58/258 (23 December 2003)
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 2004-2005 [2003] UNGA 284; A/RES/58/270 (23 December 2003)
Almaty Programme of Action: Addressing the Special Needs of Landlocked Developing Countries Within a New Global Framework for Transit Transport Cooperation for Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries [2003] UNGA 283; A/RES/58/201 (23 December 2003)
Review of Duplication, Complexity and Bureaucracy in United Nations Administrative Processes and Procedures [2003] UNGA 282; A/RES/58/280 (23 December 2003)
Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries [2003] UNGA 281; A/RES/58/228 (23 December 2003)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [2003] UNGA 280; A/RES/58/255 (23 December 2003)
Second Performance Report for the Biennium 2002-2003 on the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January and 31 December 1994 [2003] UNGA 279; A/RES/58/252 (23 December 2003)
Unilateral Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Coercion Against Developing Countries [2003] UNGA 278; A/RES/58/198 (23 December 2003)
Pattern of Conferences [2003] UNGA 277; A/RES/58/250 (23 December 2003)
Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [2003] UNGA 276; A/RES/58/242 (23 December 2003)
Outsourcing Practices [2003] UNGA 275; A/RES/58/276 (23 December 2003)
Public Administration and Development [2003] UNGA 274; A/RES/58/231 (23 December 2003)
United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala [2003] UNGA 273; A/RES/58/238 (23 December 2003)
Promotion of New and Renewable Sources of Energy, Including the Implementation of the World Solar Programme 1996-2005 [2003] UNGA 272; A/RES/58/210 (23 December 2003)
Programme of Action for the International Year of Microcredit, 2005 [2003] UNGA 271; A/RES/58/221 (23 December 2003)
Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the Audit of the Investment Management Service of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund [2003] UNGA 270; A/RES/58/279 (23 December 2003)
Report of the Joint Inspection Unit on Reforming the Field Service Category of Personnel in United Nations Peace Operations [2003] UNGA 269; A/RES/58/257 (23 December 2003)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [2003] UNGA 268; A/RES/58/1B (23 December 2003)
Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions [2003] UNGA 267; A/RES/58/216 (23 December 2003)
External Debt Crisis and Development [2003] UNGA 266; A/RES/58/203 (23 December 2003)
New Partnership for AfricaS Development: Progress in Implementation and International Support [2003] UNGA 265; A/RES/58/233 (23 December 2003)
Rules of Procedure of the Governing Council of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) [2003] UNGA 264; A/RES/58/227 (23 December 2003)
International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda [2003] UNGA 263; A/RES/58/234 (23 December 2003)
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction [2003] UNGA 262; A/RES/58/214 (23 December 2003)
Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict [2003] UNGA 261; A/RES/58/245 (23 December 2003)
Working Capital Fund for the Biennium 2004-2005 [2003] UNGA 260; A/RES/58/274 (23 December 2003)
Preventing and Combating Corrupt Practices and Transfer of Assets of Illicit Origin and Returning Such Assets to the Countries of Origin [2003] UNGA 259; A/RES/58/205 (23 December 2003)
Admission of the International Criminal Court to Membership in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund [2003] UNGA 258; A/RES/58/262 (23 December 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in CôTe DIvoire [2003] UNGA 257; A/RES/58/275 (23 December 2003)
Programme Planning [2003] UNGA 256; A/RES/58/268 (23 December 2003)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations [2003] UNGA 255; A/RES/58/256 (23 December 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor [2003] UNGA 254; A/RES/58/260A (23 December 2003)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [2003] UNGA 253; A/RES/58/247 (23 December 2003)
Special Subjects Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 2004-2005 [2003] UNGA 252; A/RES/58/272 (23 December 2003)
Implementation of the First United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997-2006) [2003] UNGA 251; A/RES/58/222 (23 December 2003)
Human Resources Development [2003] UNGA 250; A/RES/58/207 (23 December 2003)
International Migration and Development [2003] UNGA 249; A/RES/58/208 (23 December 2003)
Convention on Biological Diversity [2003] UNGA 248; A/RES/58/212 (23 December 2003)
2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa [2003] UNGA 247; A/RES/58/237 (23 December 2003)
United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development [2003] UNGA 246; A/RES/58/219 (23 December 2003)
Role of the United Nations in Promoting Development in the Context of Globalization and Interdependence [2003] UNGA 245; A/RES/58/225 (23 December 2003)
The Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects [2003] UNGA 244; A/RES/58/241 (23 December 2003)
Access to Medication in the Context of Pandemics Such as Hiv/Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria [2003] UNGA 243; A/RES/58/179 (22 December 2003)
Respect for the Purposes and Principles Contained in the Charter of the United Nations to Achieve International Cooperation in Promoting and Encouraging Respect for Human Rights and for Fundamental Freedoms and in Solving International Problems of a Humanitarian Character [2003] UNGA 242; A/RES/58/188 (22 December 2003)
The Right to Development [2003] UNGA 241; A/RES/58/172 (22 December 2003)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the United Nations System [2003] UNGA 240; A/RES/58/144 (22 December 2003)
Implementation of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons: Towards a Society for All in the Twenty-First Century [2003] UNGA 239; A/RES/58/132 (22 December 2003)
Implementing Actions Proposed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to Strengthen the Capacity of His Office to Carry Out its Mandate [2003] UNGA 238; A/RES/58/153 (22 December 2003)
Protection of and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons [2003] UNGA 237; A/RES/58/177 (22 December 2003)
United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [2003] UNGA 236; A/RES/58/139 (22 December 2003)
Protection of Migrants [2003] UNGA 235; A/RES/58/190 (22 December 2003)
Global Efforts for the Total Elimination of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and the Comprehensive Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action [2003] UNGA 234; A/RES/58/160 (22 December 2003)
Follow-Up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing [2003] UNGA 233; A/RES/58/134 (22 December 2003)
The Right to Food [2003] UNGA 232; A/RES/58/186 (22 December 2003)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2003] UNGA 231; A/RES/58/151 (22 December 2003)
Human Rights and Terrorism [2003] UNGA 230; A/RES/58/174 (22 December 2003)
Improvement of the Situation of Women in Rural Areas [2003] UNGA 229; A/RES/58/146 (22 December 2003)
Promotion of Peace as a Vital Requirement for the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights by All [2003] UNGA 228; A/RES/58/192 (22 December 2003)
The Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [2003] UNGA 227; A/RES/58/163 (22 December 2003)
Situation of and Assistance to Palestinian Children [2003] UNGA 226; A/RES/58/155 (22 December 2003)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [2003] UNGA 225; A/RES/58/184 (22 December 2003)
Strengthening International Cooperation and Technical Assistance in Promoting the Implementation of the Universal Conventions and Protocols Related to Terrorism Within the Framework of the Activities of the Centre for International Crime Prevention [2003] UNGA 224; A/RES/58/136 (22 December 2003)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [2003] UNGA 223; A/RES/58/195 (22 December 2003)
Respect for the Principles of National Sovereignty and Diversity of Democratic Systems in Electoral Processes as an Important Element for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [2003] UNGA 222; A/RES/58/189 (22 December 2003)
Strengthening United Nations Action in the Field of Human Rights through the Promotion of International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [2003] UNGA 221; A/RES/58/168 (22 December 2003)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2003] UNGA 220; A/RES/58/161 (22 December 2003)
Preparations for the Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice [2003] UNGA 219; A/RES/58/138 (22 December 2003)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2003] UNGA 218; A/RES/58/152 (22 December 2003)
Effective Promotion of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities [2003] UNGA 217; A/RES/58/182 (22 December 2003)
Assistance to Unaccompanied Refugee Minors [2003] UNGA 216; A/RES/58/150 (22 December 2003)
Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [2003] UNGA 215; A/RES/58/178 (22 December 2003)
Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia [2003] UNGA 214; A/RES/58/191 (22 December 2003)
Women and Political Participation [2003] UNGA 213; A/RES/58/142 (22 December 2003)
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families [2003] UNGA 212; A/RES/58/166 (22 December 2003)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [2003] UNGA 211; A/RES/58/149 (22 December 2003)
Subregional Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa [2003] UNGA 210; A/RES/58/176 (22 December 2003)
In-Depth Study on All Forms of Violence Against Women [2003] UNGA 209; A/RES/58/185 (22 December 2003)
Globalization and its Impact on the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights [2003] UNGA 208; A/RES/58/193 (22 December 2003)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [2003] UNGA 207; A/RES/58/145 (22 December 2003)
The Incompatibility Between Democracy and Racism [2003] UNGA 206; A/RES/58/159 (22 December 2003)
Cooperatives in Social Development [2003] UNGA 205; A/RES/58/131 (22 December 2003)
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism [2003] UNGA 204; A/RES/58/187 (22 December 2003)
Human Rights and Mass Exoduses [2003] UNGA 203; A/RES/58/169 (22 December 2003)
Elimination of Domestic Violence Against Women [2003] UNGA 202; A/RES/58/147 (22 December 2003)
Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures [2003] UNGA 201; A/RES/58/171 (22 December 2003)
Strengthening the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, in Particular its Technical Cooperation Capacity [2003] UNGA 200; A/RES/58/140 (22 December 2003)
Follow-Up to the Regional Conference to Address the Problems of Refugees, Displaced Persons, Other Forms of Involuntary Displacement and Returnees in the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Relevant Neighbouring States [2003] UNGA 199; A/RES/58/154 (22 December 2003)
Policies and Programmes Involving Youth [2003] UNGA 198; A/RES/58/133 (22 December 2003)
Rights of the Child [2003] UNGA 197; A/RES/58/157 (22 December 2003)
Follow-Up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and Full Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly [2003] UNGA 196; A/RES/58/148 (22 December 2003)
Strengthening the Role of the United Nations in Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Periodic and Genuine Elections and the Promotion of Democratization [2003] UNGA 195; A/RES/58/180 (22 December 2003)
Human Rights and Cultural Diversity [2003] UNGA 194; A/RES/58/167 (22 December 2003)
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [2003] UNGA 193; A/RES/58/164 (22 December 2003)
International Decade of the WorldS Indigenous People [2003] UNGA 192; A/RES/58/158 (22 December 2003)
International Cooperation in the Fight Against Transnational Organized Crime: Assistance to States in Capacity-Building with a View to Facilitating the Implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols Thereto [2003] UNGA 191; A/RES/58/135 (22 December 2003)
Human Rights in the Administration of Justice [2003] UNGA 190; A/RES/58/183 (22 December 2003)
Enhancement of International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights [2003] UNGA 189; A/RES/58/170 (22 December 2003)
Situation of Human Rights in Turkmenistan [2003] UNGA 188; A/RES/58/194 (22 December 2003)
The Right of Everyone to the Enjoyment of the Highest Attainable Standard of Physical and Mental Health [2003] UNGA 187; A/RES/58/173 (22 December 2003)
Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2003] UNGA 186; A/RES/58/196 (22 December 2003)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2003] UNGA 185; A/RES/58/162 (22 December 2003)
International Cooperation Against the World Drug Problem [2003] UNGA 184; A/RES/58/141 (22 December 2003)
National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [2003] UNGA 183; A/RES/58/175 (22 December 2003)
Implementation of the Outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the Twenty-Fourth Special Session of the General Assembly [2003] UNGA 182; A/RES/58/130 (22 December 2003)
The Girl Child [2003] UNGA 181; A/RES/58/156 (22 December 2003)
Strengthening International Cooperation in Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Persons and Protecting Victims of Such Trafficking [2003] UNGA 180; A/RES/58/137 (22 December 2003)
Violence Against Women Migrant Workers [2003] UNGA 179; A/RES/58/143 (22 December 2003)
International Covenants on Human Rights [2003] UNGA 178; A/RES/58/165 (22 December 2003)
United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995-2004 [2003] UNGA 177; A/RES/58/181 (22 December 2003)
Promotion of Religious and Cultural Understanding, Harmony and Cooperation [2003] UNGA 176; A/RES/58/128 (19 December 2003)
Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly [2003] UNGA 175; A/RES/58/126 (19 December 2003)
Towards Global Partnerships [2003] UNGA 174; A/RES/58/129 (19 December 2003)
Assistance in Mine Action [2003] UNGA 173; A/RES/58/127 (19 December 2003)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [2003] UNGA 172; A/RES/58/113 (17 December 2003)
Credentials of Representatives to the Fifty-Eighth Session of the General Assembly [2003] UNGA 171; A/RES/58/125 (17 December 2003)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief and the Economic and Social Rehabilitation of Somalia [2003] UNGA 170; A/RES/58/115 (17 December 2003)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief, Rehabilitation and Development for Timor-Leste [2003] UNGA 169; A/RES/58/121 (17 December 2003)
Special Assistance for the Economic Recovery and Reconstruction of the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2003] UNGA 168; A/RES/58/123 (17 December 2003)
International Assistance to and Cooperation with the Alliance for the Sustainable Development of Central America [2003] UNGA 167; A/RES/58/117 (17 December 2003)
Report of the Committee for Development Policy [2003] UNGA 166; A/RES/58/112 (17 December 2003)
Strengthening of International Cooperation and Coordination of Efforts to Study, Mitigate and Minimize the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster [2003] UNGA 165; A/RES/58/119 (17 December 2003)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the United Nations [2003] UNGA 164; A/RES/58/114 (17 December 2003)
Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel and Protection of United Nations Personnel [2003] UNGA 163; A/RES/58/122 (17 December 2003)
Special Emergency Economic Assistance for the Recovery and the Development of the Comoros [2003] UNGA 162; A/RES/58/120 (17 December 2003)
Economic Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Djibouti [2003] UNGA 161; A/RES/58/116 (17 December 2003)
United Nations Year for Cultural Heritage, 2002 [2003] UNGA 160; A/RES/58/124 (17 December 2003)
Participation of Volunteers, "White Helmets", in the Activities of the United Nations in the Field of Humanitarian Relief, Rehabilitation and Technical Cooperation for Development [2003] UNGA 159; A/RES/58/118 (17 December 2003)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its Thirty-Sixth Session [2003] UNGA 158; A/RES/58/75 (9 December 2003)
United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law [2003] UNGA 157; A/RES/58/73 (9 December 2003)
Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan [2003] UNGA 156; A/RES/58/98 (9 December 2003)
Observer Status for the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance in the General Assembly [2003] UNGA 155; A/RES/58/83 (9 December 2003)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [2003] UNGA 154; A/RES/58/104 (9 December 2003)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees [2003] UNGA 153; A/RES/58/91 (9 December 2003)
The Occupied Syrian Golan [2003] UNGA 152; A/RES/58/100 (9 December 2003)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its Fifty-Fifth Session [2003] UNGA 151; A/RES/58/77 (9 December 2003)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [2003] UNGA 150; A/RES/58/102 (9 December 2003)
International Criminal Court [2003] UNGA 149; A/RES/58/79 (9 December 2003)
Observer Status for the East African Community in the General Assembly [2003] UNGA 148; A/RES/58/86 (9 December 2003)
Palestine Refugees Properties and Their Revenues [2003] UNGA 147; A/RES/58/94 (9 December 2003)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [2003] UNGA 146; A/RES/58/88 (9 December 2003)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [2003] UNGA 145; A/RES/58/81 (9 December 2003)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [2003] UNGA 144; A/RES/58/110 (9 December 2003)
Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [2003] UNGA 143; A/RES/58/96 (9 December 2003)
Question of New Caledonia [2003] UNGA 142; A/RES/58/106 (9 December 2003)
Economic and Other Activities which Affect the Interests of the Peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories [2003] UNGA 141; A/RES/58/103 (9 December 2003)
Observer Status for the Eurasian Economic Community in the General Assembly [2003] UNGA 140; A/RES/58/84 (9 December 2003)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [2003] UNGA 139; A/RES/58/105 (9 December 2003)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands a: General B: Individual Territories [2003] UNGA 138; A/RES/58/108 A-B (9 December 2003)
Scope of Legal Protection Under the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel [2003] UNGA 137; A/RES/58/82 (9 December 2003)
Model Legislative Provisions on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [2003] UNGA 136; A/RES/58/76 (9 December 2003)
Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property [2003] UNGA 135; A/RES/58/74 (9 December 2003)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [2003] UNGA 134; A/RES/58/89 (9 December 2003)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [2003] UNGA 133; A/RES/58/78 (9 December 2003)
Questions Relating to Information a: Information in the Service of Humanity B: United Nations Public Information Policies and Activities [2003] UNGA 132; A/RES/58/101 A-B (9 December 2003)
Persons Displaced as a Result of the June 1967 and Subsequent Hostilities [2003] UNGA 131; A/RES/58/92 (9 December 2003)
Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem [2003] UNGA 130; A/RES/58/99 (9 December 2003)
Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [2003] UNGA 129; A/RES/58/93 (9 December 2003)
Question of Tokelau [2003] UNGA 128; A/RES/58/107 (9 December 2003)
Question of Western Sahara [2003] UNGA 127; A/RES/58/109 (9 December 2003)
Observer Status for the Guuam in the General Assembly [2003] UNGA 126; A/RES/58/85 (9 December 2003)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees and Support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [2003] UNGA 125; A/RES/58/95 (9 December 2003)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [2003] UNGA 124; A/RES/58/111 (9 December 2003)
Administration of Justice at the United Nations [2003] UNGA 123; A/RES/58/87 (9 December 2003)
Implementation of the Provisions of the Charter of the United Nations Related to Assistance to Third States Affected by the Application of Sanctions [2003] UNGA 122; A/RES/58/80 (9 December 2003)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [2003] UNGA 121; A/RES/58/90 (9 December 2003)
Applicability of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Other Occupied Arab Territories [2003] UNGA 120; A/RES/58/97 (9 December 2003)
Missiles [2003] UNGA 119; A/RES/58/37 (8 December 2003)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons [2003] UNGA 118; A/RES/58/64 (8 December 2003)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [2003] UNGA 117; A/RES/58/34 (8 December 2003)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [2003] UNGA 116; A/RES/58/70 (8 December 2003)
African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba) [2003] UNGA 115; A/RES/58/30 (8 December 2003)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction [2003] UNGA 114; A/RES/58/52 (8 December 2003)
A Path to the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons [2003] UNGA 113; A/RES/58/59 (8 December 2003)
Transparency in Armaments [2003] UNGA 112; A/RES/58/54 (8 December 2003)
Report of the Disarmament Commission [2003] UNGA 111; A/RES/58/67 (8 December 2003)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas [2003] UNGA 110; A/RES/58/49 (8 December 2003)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [2003] UNGA 109; A/RES/58/69 (8 December 2003)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific [2003] UNGA 108; A/RES/58/62 (8 December 2003)
Follow-Up to the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [2003] UNGA 107; A/RES/58/46 (8 December 2003)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction [2003] UNGA 106; A/RES/58/72 (8 December 2003)
Assistance to States for Curbing the Illicit Traffic in Small Arms and Collecting Them [2003] UNGA 105; A/RES/58/58 (8 December 2003)
Regional Confidence-Building Measures: Activities of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa [2003] UNGA 104; A/RES/58/65 (8 December 2003)
Improving the Effectiveness of the Methods of Work of the First Committee [2003] UNGA 103; A/RES/58/41 (8 December 2003)
Consolidation of the Regime Established by the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) [2003] UNGA 102; A/RES/58/31 (8 December 2003)
Measures to Prevent Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons of Mass Destruction [2003] UNGA 101; A/RES/58/48 (8 December 2003)
Nuclear Disarmament [2003] UNGA 100; A/RES/58/56 (8 December 2003)
Confidence-Building Measures in the Regional and Subregional Context [2003] UNGA 99; A/RES/58/43 (8 December 2003)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean [2003] UNGA 98; A/RES/58/60 (8 December 2003)
United Nations Regional Centres for Peace and Disarmament [2003] UNGA 97; A/RES/58/63 (8 December 2003)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [2003] UNGA 96; A/RES/58/36 (8 December 2003)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa [2003] UNGA 95; A/RES/58/61 (8 December 2003)
Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament [2003] UNGA 94; A/RES/58/33 (8 December 2003)
Regional Disarmament [2003] UNGA 93; A/RES/58/38 (8 December 2003)
Reduction of Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons [2003] UNGA 92; A/RES/58/50 (8 December 2003)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction [2003] UNGA 91; A/RES/58/53 (8 December 2003)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [2003] UNGA 90; A/RES/58/68 (8 December 2003)
Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: A New Agenda [2003] UNGA 89; A/RES/58/51 (8 December 2003)
Prohibition of the Dumping of Radioactive Wastes [2003] UNGA 88; A/RES/58/40 (8 December 2003)
Report of the Conference on Disarmament [2003] UNGA 87; A/RES/58/66 (8 December 2003)
Objective Information on Military Matters, Including Transparency of Military Expenditures [2003] UNGA 86; A/RES/58/28 (8 December 2003)
The Conference on Disarmament Decision (Cd/1547) of 11 August 1998 to Establish, Under Item 1 of its Agenda Entitled "Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and Nuclear Disarmament", an Ad Hoc Committee to Negotiate, on the Basis of the Report of the Special Coordinator (Cd/1299) and the Mandate Contained Therein, a Non Discriminatory, Multilateral and Internationally and Effectively Verifiable Treaty Banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices [2003] UNGA 85; A/RES/58/57 (8 December 2003)
Conventional Arms Control at the Regional and Subregional Levels [2003] UNGA 84; A/RES/58/39 (8 December 2003)
National Legislation on Transfer of Arms, Military Equipment and Dual-Use Goods and Technology [2003] UNGA 83; A/RES/58/42 (8 December 2003)
Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [2003] UNGA 82; A/RES/58/29 (8 December 2003)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [2003] UNGA 81; A/RES/58/35 (8 December 2003)
Observance of Environmental Norms in the Drafting and Implementation of Agreements on Disarmament and Arms Control [2003] UNGA 80; A/RES/58/45 (8 December 2003)
Promotion at the Regional Level in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe of the United Nations Programme of Action on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects [2003] UNGA 79; A/RES/58/55 (8 December 2003)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [2003] UNGA 78; A/RES/58/71 (8 December 2003)
Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security [2003] UNGA 77; A/RES/58/32 (8 December 2003)
Reducing Nuclear Danger [2003] UNGA 76; A/RES/58/47 (8 December 2003)
Promotion of Multilateralism in the Area of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation [2003] UNGA 75; A/RES/58/44 (8 December 2003)
Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to Ethiopia [2003] UNGA 74; A/RES/58/24 (5 December 2003)
Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Reconstruction of War-Stricken Afghanistan and the Situation in Afghanistan and its Implications for International Peace and Security [2003] UNGA 73; A/RES/58/27 A-B (5 December 2003)
International Cooperation on Humanitarian Assistance in the Field of Natural Disasters, from Relief to Development [2003] UNGA 72; A/RES/58/25 (5 December 2003)
Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to Malawi [2003] UNGA 71; A/RES/58/26 (5 December 2003)
Return or Restitution of Cultural Property to the Countries of Origin [2003] UNGA 70; A/RES/58/17 (3 December 2003)
Preparations for and Observance of the Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2004 [2003] UNGA 69; A/RES/58/15 (3 December 2003)
Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat [2003] UNGA 68; A/RES/58/20 (3 December 2003)
The Syrian Golan [2003] UNGA 67; A/RES/58/23 (3 December 2003)
Peaceful Settlement of the Question of Palestine [2003] UNGA 66; A/RES/58/21 (3 December 2003)
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [2003] UNGA 65; A/RES/58/18 (3 December 2003)
Jerusalem [2003] UNGA 64; A/RES/58/22 (3 December 2003)
Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat [2003] UNGA 63; A/RES/58/19 (3 December 2003)
Responding to Global Threats and Challenges [2003] UNGA 62; A/RES/58/16 (3 December 2003)
November 2003
Sustainable Fisheries, Including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and Related Instruments [2003] UNGA 61; A/RES/58/14 (24 November 2003)
Support by the United Nations System of the Efforts of Governments to Promote and Consolidate New or Restored Democracies [2003] UNGA 60; A/RES/58/13 (17 November 2003)
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001-2010 [2003] UNGA 59; A/RES/58/11 (10 November 2003)
University for Peace [2003] UNGA 58; A/RES/58/12 (10 November 2003)
Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic [2003] UNGA 57; A/RES/58/10 (5 November 2003)
Global Road Safety Crisis [2003] UNGA 56; A/RES/58/9 (5 November 2003)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [2003] UNGA 55; A/RES/58/8 (4 November 2003)
Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America Against Cuba [2003] UNGA 54; A/RES/58/7 (4 November 2003)
Building a Peaceful and Better World through Sport and the Olympic Ideal [2003] UNGA 53; A/RES/58/6 (3 November 2003)
Sport as a Means to Promote Education, Health, Development and Peace [2003] UNGA 52; A/RES/58/5 (3 November 2003)
October 2003
United Nations Convention Against Corruption [2003] UNGA 51; A/RES/58/4 (31 October 2003)
Enhancing Capacity-Building in Global Public Health [2003] UNGA 50; A/RES/58/3 (27 October 2003)
Open-Ended Panel of the General Assembly on Commodities [2003] UNGA 49; A/RES/58/2 (16 October 2003)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [2003] UNGA 48; A/RES/58/1A (16 October 2003)
September 2003
Condemnation of the Attack on United Nations Personnel and Premises in Baghdad [2003] UNGA 47; A/RES/57/338 (15 September 2003)
July 2003
Prevention of Armed Conflict [2003] UNGA 46; A/RES/57/337 (3 July 2003)
June 2003
Integrated and Coordinated Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Outcomes of the Major United Nations Conferences and Summits in the Economic and Social Fields [2003] UNGA 45; A/RES/57/270B (23 June 2003)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [2003] UNGA 44; A/RES/57/318 (18 June 2003)
Financial Situation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women [2003] UNGA 43; A/RES/57/311 (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy [2003] UNGA 42; A/RES/57/320 (18 June 2003)
Death and Disability Benefits [2003] UNGA 41; A/RES/57/316 (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2003] UNGA 40; A/RES/57/335 (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission and the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola [2003] UNGA 39; A/RES/57/329 (18 June 2003)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations [2003] UNGA 38; A/RES/57/290B (18 June 2003)
Management of Contingent-Owned Equipment Arrangements [2003] UNGA 37; A/RES/57/314 (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [2003] UNGA 36; A/RES/57/331 (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus [2003] UNGA 35; A/RES/57/332 (18 June 2003)
Peacekeeping Reserve Fund [2003] UNGA 34; A/RES/57/317 (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [2003] UNGA 33; A/RES/57/326 (18 June 2003)
Closed Peacekeeping Missions [2003] UNGA 32; A/RES/57/323 (18 June 2003)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [2003] UNGA 31; A/RES/57/336 (18 June 2003)
Outline of the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 2004-2005 for the International Trade Centre Unctad/Wto [2003] UNGA 30; A/RES/57/312 (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone [2003] UNGA 29; A/RES/57/291B (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [2003] UNGA 28; A/RES/57/324 (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2003] UNGA 27; A/RES/57/328 (18 June 2003)
Gratis Personnel Provided by Governments and Other Entities [2003] UNGA 26; A/RES/57/281B (18 June 2003)
Review of the Rates of Reimbursement to the Governments of Troop-Contributing States [2003] UNGA 25; A/RES/57/321 (18 June 2003)
Management Review of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights [2003] UNGA 24; A/RES/57/313 (18 June 2003)
Salary and Retirement Allowance of the Secretary-General and Salary and Pensionable Remuneration of the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme [2003] UNGA 23; A/RES/57/310 (18 June 2003)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2003] UNGA 22; A/RES/57/278B (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina [2003] UNGA 21; A/RES/57/334 (18 June 2003)
Feasibility of Consolidating the Accounts of the Various Peacekeeping Operations [2003] UNGA 20; A/RES/57/319 (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission [2003] UNGA 19; A/RES/57/330 (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor and the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor [2003] UNGA 18; A/RES/57/327 (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia [2003] UNGA 17; A/RES/57/333 (18 June 2003)
Status of the Implementation of the Strategic Deployment Stocks [2003] UNGA 16; A/RES/57/315 (18 June 2003)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [2003] UNGA 15; A/RES/57/325 (18 June 2003)
Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the Audit of the Policies and Procedures of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations for Recruiting International Civilian Staff for Field Missions [2003] UNGA 14; A/RES/57/322 (18 June 2003)
May 2003
Global Road Safety Crisis [2003] UNGA 13; A/RES/57/309 (22 May 2003)
High-Level Plenary Meetings Devoted to the Follow-Up to the Outcome of the Twenty-Sixth Special Session: Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on Hiv/Aids [2003] UNGA 12; A/RES/57/308 (22 May 2003)
Khmer Rouge Trials [2003] UNGA 11; A/RES/57/228B (13 May 2003)
April 2003
Human Resources Management [2003] UNGA 10; A/RES/57/305 (15 April 2003)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services [2003] UNGA 9; A/RES/57/287C (15 April 2003)
The Role of Diamonds in Fuelling Conflict: Breaking the Link Between the Illicit Transaction of Rough Diamonds and Armed Conflict as a Contribution to Prevention and Settlement of Conflicts [2003] UNGA 8; A/RES/57/302 (15 April 2003)
Investigation into Sexual Exploitation of Refugees by Aid Workers in West Africa [2003] UNGA 7; A/RES/57/306 (15 April 2003)
Information and Communication Technology Strategy [2003] UNGA 6; A/RES/57/304 (15 April 2003)
Pattern of Conferences [2003] UNGA 5; A/RES/57/283B (15 April 2003)
Report of the Joint Inspection Unit Entitled "the Results Approach in the United Nations: Implementing the United Nations Millennium Declaration" [2003] UNGA 4; A/RES/57/303 (15 April 2003)
Administration of Justice in the Secretariat [2003] UNGA 3; A/RES/57/307 (15 April 2003)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [2003] UNGA 2; A/RES/57/4C (15 April 2003)
March 2003
Amendment to Rule 1 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly and Opening Date and Duration of the General Debate [2003] UNGA 1; A/RES/57/301 (13 March 2003)
December 2002
International Financial System and Development [2002] UNGA 375; A/RES/57/241 (20 December 2002)
Special Session of the General Assembly for an Overall Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and the Strengthening of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) [2002] UNGA 374; A/RES/57/275 (20 December 2002)
Commodities [2002] UNGA 373; A/RES/57/236 (20 December 2002)
Joint Inspection Unit: Reports of the Joint Inspection Union [2002] UNGA 372; A/RES/57/284A (20 December 2002)
Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [2002] UNGA 371; A/RES/57/259 (20 December 2002)
Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab Population in the Occupied Syrian Golan Over Their Natural Resources [2002] UNGA 370; A/RES/57/269 (20 December 2002)
High-Level Dialogue on Strengthening International Economic Cooperation for Development through Partnership [2002] UNGA 369; A/RES/57/250 (20 December 2002)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone [2002] UNGA 368; A/RES/57/291A (20 December 2002)
World Summit on the Information Society [2002] UNGA 367; A/RES/57/238 (20 December 2002)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January and 31 December 1994 [2002] UNGA 366; A/RES/57/289 (20 December 2002)
Ensuring Effective Secretariat Support for Sustained Follow-Up to the Outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development [2002] UNGA 365; A/RES/57/273 (20 December 2002)
Industrial Development Cooperation [2002] UNGA 364; A/RES/57/243 (20 December 2002)
Activities Undertaken in Preparation for the International Year of Freshwater, 2003 [2002] UNGA 363; A/RES/57/252 (20 December 2002)
United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development [2002] UNGA 362; A/RES/57/254 (20 December 2002)
Pattern of Conferences [2002] UNGA 361; A/RES/57/283A (20 December 2002)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services a: Reports of the Office of Internal Oversight Services B: Enhancing the Internal Oversight Mechanisms in Operational Funds and Programmes [2002] UNGA 360; A/RES/57/287 A-B (20 December 2002)
Implementation of the First United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997-2006) [2002] UNGA 359; A/RES/57/266 (20 December 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe [2002] UNGA 358; A/RES/57/298 (20 December 2002)
Information and Communication Technologies for Development [2002] UNGA 357; A/RES/57/295 (20 December 2002)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2002] UNGA 356; A/RES/57/278A (20 December 2002)
World Food Summit: Five Years Later [2002] UNGA 355; A/RES/57/271 (20 December 2002)
Proposed Programme Budget Outline for the Biennium 2004-2005 [2002] UNGA 354; A/RES/57/280 (20 December 2002)
Creation of a Global Culture of Cybersecurity [2002] UNGA 353; A/RES/57/239 (20 December 2002)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research [2002] UNGA 352; A/RES/57/268 (20 December 2002)
Global Biotechnology Forum: Chile 2003 [2002] UNGA 351; A/RES/57/237 (20 December 2002)
Promoting an Integrated Management Approach to the Caribbean Sea Area in the Context of Sustainable Development [2002] UNGA 350; A/RES/57/261 (20 December 2002)
International Cooperation to Reduce the Impact of the El NiñO Phenomenon [2002] UNGA 349; A/RES/57/255 (20 December 2002)
Integration of the Economies in Transition into the World Economy [2002] UNGA 348; A/RES/57/247 (20 December 2002)
Enhancing International Cooperation Towards a Durable Solution to the External Debt Problem of Developing Countries [2002] UNGA 347; A/RES/57/240 (20 December 2002)
Economic and Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries [2002] UNGA 346; A/RES/57/263 (20 December 2002)
Strengthening of the United Nations: An Agenda for Further Change [2002] UNGA 345; A/RES/57/300 (20 December 2002)
United Nations Common System: Report of the International Civil Service Commission [2002] UNGA 344; A/RES/57/285 (20 December 2002)
2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa [2002] UNGA 343; A/RES/57/294 (20 December 2002)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [2002] UNGA 342; A/RES/57/257 (20 December 2002)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [2002] UNGA 341; A/RES/57/4B (20 December 2002)
International Year of Mountains, 2002 [2002] UNGA 340; A/RES/57/245 (20 December 2002)
Establishment of the World Solidarity Fund [2002] UNGA 339; A/RES/57/265 (20 December 2002)
Gratis Personnel Provided by Governments and Other Entities [2002] UNGA 338; A/RES/57/281A (20 December 2002)
International Trade and Development [2002] UNGA 337; A/RES/57/235 (20 December 2002)
World Climate Change Conference [2002] UNGA 336; A/RES/57/258 (20 December 2002)
Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa [2002] UNGA 335; A/RES/57/296 (20 December 2002)
Preparations for the International Ministerial Conference on Transit Transport Cooperation [2002] UNGA 334; A/RES/57/242 (20 December 2002)
Joint Inspection Unit: Enhancing Governance Oversight Role: Structure, Working Methods and Practices on Handling Oversight Reports [2002] UNGA 333; A/RES/57/284B (20 December 2002)
World Summit on Sustainable Development [2002] UNGA 332; A/RES/57/253 (20 December 2002)
Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its Seventh Special Session [2002] UNGA 331; A/RES/57/251 (20 December 2002)
United Nations University [2002] UNGA 330; A/RES/57/267 (20 December 2002)
Second Industrial Development Decade for Africa [2002] UNGA 329; A/RES/57/297 (20 December 2002)
Programme Planning [2002] UNGA 328; A/RES/57/282 (20 December 2002)
Preventing and Combating Corrupt Practices and Transfer of Funds of Illicit Origin and Returning Such Funds to the Countries of Origin [2002] UNGA 327; A/RES/57/244 (20 December 2002)
Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries [2002] UNGA 326; A/RES/57/276 (20 December 2002)
Integrated and Coordinated Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Outcomes of the Major United Nations Conferences and Summits in the Economic and Social Fields [2002] UNGA 325; A/RES/57/270A (20 December 2002)
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 2002-2003 [2002] UNGA 324; A/RES/57/292 (20 December 2002)
Convention on Biological Diversity [2002] UNGA 323; A/RES/57/260 (20 December 2002)
Follow-Up to the Outcome of the Twenty-Sixth Special Session: Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on Hiv/Aids [2002] UNGA 322; A/RES/57/299 (20 December 2002)
Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [2002] UNGA 321; A/RES/57/262 (20 December 2002)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations [2002] UNGA 320; A/RES/57/290A (20 December 2002)
Culture and Development [2002] UNGA 319; A/RES/57/249 (20 December 2002)
Implementation of the Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in Particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries, and Implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Fourth United Nations Development Decade [2002] UNGA 318; A/RES/57/246 (20 December 2002)
Role of the United Nations in Promoting Development in the Context of Globalization and Interdependence [2002] UNGA 317; A/RES/57/274 (20 December 2002)
Procurement Reform [2002] UNGA 316; A/RES/57/279 (20 December 2002)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [2002] UNGA 315; A/RES/57/288 (20 December 2002)
Human Development Report [2002] UNGA 314; A/RES/57/264 (20 December 2002)
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction [2002] UNGA 313; A/RES/57/256 (20 December 2002)
High-Level International Intergovernmental Consideration of Financing for Development [2002] UNGA 312; A/RES/57/272 (20 December 2002)
Public Administration and Development [2002] UNGA 311; A/RES/57/277 (20 December 2002)
Year of Kyrgyz Statehood [2002] UNGA 310; A/RES/57/248 (20 December 2002)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2002-2003 a: Revised Budget Appropriations for the Biennium 2002-2003 B: Revised Income Estimates for the Biennium 2002-2003 C: Financing of the Appropriations for the Year 2003 [2002] UNGA 309; A/RES/57/293A-C (20 December 2002)
United Nations Pension System [2002] UNGA 308; A/RES/57/286 (20 December 2002)
Preparations for the Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice [2002] UNGA 307; A/RES/57/171 (18 December 2002)
Situation of and Assistance to Palestinian Children [2002] UNGA 306; A/RES/57/188 (18 December 2002)
Question of Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [2002] UNGA 305; A/RES/57/215 (18 December 2002)
Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [2002] UNGA 304; A/RES/57/209 (18 December 2002)
Human Rights and Cultural Diversity [2002] UNGA 303; A/RES/57/204 (18 December 2002)
Implementation of the Outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the Twenty-Fourth Special Session of the General Assembly [2002] UNGA 302; A/RES/57/163 (18 December 2002)
Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order [2002] UNGA 301; A/RES/57/213 (18 December 2002)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [2002] UNGA 300; A/RES/57/178 (18 December 2002)
Elimination of All Forms of Violence Against Women, Including Crimes Identified in the Outcome Document of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly, Entitled "Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the Twenty-First Century" [2002] UNGA 299; A/RES/57/181 (18 December 2002)
Enhancement of International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights [2002] UNGA 298; A/RES/57/224 (18 December 2002)
Effective Implementation of International Instruments on Human Rights, Including Reporting Obligations Under International Instruments on Human Rights [2002] UNGA 297; A/RES/57/202 (18 December 2002)
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [2002] UNGA 296; A/RES/57/200 (18 December 2002)
Promoting Youth Employment [2002] UNGA 295; A/RES/57/165 (18 December 2002)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [2002] UNGA 294; A/RES/57/183 (18 December 2002)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2002] UNGA 293; A/RES/57/196 (18 December 2002)
Protecting Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism [2002] UNGA 292; A/RES/57/219 (18 December 2002)
Hostage-Taking [2002] UNGA 291; A/RES/57/220 (18 December 2002)
Situation of Human Rights in Iraq [2002] UNGA 290; A/RES/57/232 (18 December 2002)
Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures [2002] UNGA 289; A/RES/57/222 (18 December 2002)
New International Humanitarian Order [2002] UNGA 288; A/RES/57/184 (18 December 2002)
Trafficking in Women and Girls [2002] UNGA 287; A/RES/57/176 (18 December 2002)
Khmer Rouge Trials [2002] UNGA 286; A/RES/57/228A (18 December 2002)
Continuation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2002] UNGA 285; A/RES/57/186 (18 December 2002)
Situation of Human Rights in the Sudan [2002] UNGA 284; A/RES/57/230 (18 December 2002)
Regional Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [2002] UNGA 283; A/RES/57/210 (18 December 2002)
Human Rights Education [2002] UNGA 282; A/RES/57/206 (18 December 2002)
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [2002] UNGA 281; A/RES/57/194 (18 December 2002)
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues [2002] UNGA 280; A/RES/57/191 (18 December 2002)
The Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [2002] UNGA 279; A/RES/57/198 (18 December 2002)
Respect for the Purposes and Principles Contained in the Charter of the United Nations to Achieve International Cooperation in Promoting and Encouraging Respect for Human Rights and for Fundamental Freedoms and in Solving International Problems of a Humanitarian Character [2002] UNGA 278; A/RES/57/217 (18 December 2002)
International Cooperation Against the World Drug Problem [2002] UNGA 277; A/RES/57/174 (18 December 2002)
United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [2002] UNGA 276; A/RES/57/172 (18 December 2002)
Respect for the Right to Universal Freedom of Travel and the Vital Importance of Family Reunification [2002] UNGA 275; A/RES/57/227 (18 December 2002)
Follow-Up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing [2002] UNGA 274; A/RES/57/167 (18 December 2002)
Question of Human Rights in Afghanistan [2002] UNGA 273; A/RES/57/234 (18 December 2002)
Preparation for and Observance of the Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family [2002] UNGA 272; A/RES/57/164 (18 December 2002)
Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia [2002] UNGA 271; A/RES/57/225 (18 December 2002)
Working Towards the Elimination of Crimes Against Women Committed in the Name of Honour [2002] UNGA 270; A/RES/57/179 (18 December 2002)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the United Nations System [2002] UNGA 269; A/RES/57/180 (18 December 2002)
Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities [2002] UNGA 268; A/RES/57/229 (18 December 2002)
Promotion of the Right of Peoples to Peace [2002] UNGA 267; A/RES/57/216 (18 December 2002)
Strengthening United Nations Action in the Field of Human Rights through the Promotion of International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [2002] UNGA 266; A/RES/57/203 (18 December 2002)
International Decade of the WorldS Indigenous People [2002] UNGA 265; A/RES/57/192 (18 December 2002)
Follow-Up to the Plans of Action for the Implementation of the Vienna Declaration on Crime and Justice: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century [2002] UNGA 264; A/RES/57/170 (18 December 2002)
The Girl Child [2002] UNGA 263; A/RES/57/189 (18 December 2002)
High-Level Political Conference for the Purpose of Signing the United Nations Convention Against Corruption [2002] UNGA 262; A/RES/57/169 (18 December 2002)
United Nations Literacy Decade: Education for All [2002] UNGA 261; A/RES/57/166 (18 December 2002)
United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995-2004 [2002] UNGA 260; A/RES/57/212 (18 December 2002)
Rights of the Child [2002] UNGA 259; A/RES/57/190 (18 December 2002)
Situation of Older Women in Society [2002] UNGA 258; A/RES/57/177 (18 December 2002)
Follow-Up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and Full Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly [2002] UNGA 257; A/RES/57/182 (18 December 2002)
The Right to Development [2002] UNGA 256; A/RES/57/223 (18 December 2002)
Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions [2002] UNGA 255; A/RES/57/214 (18 December 2002)
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families [2002] UNGA 254; A/RES/57/201 (18 December 2002)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [2002] UNGA 253; A/RES/57/208 (18 December 2002)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2002] UNGA 252; A/RES/57/185 (18 December 2002)
Missing Persons [2002] UNGA 251; A/RES/57/207 (18 December 2002)
The Fight Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and the Comprehensive Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action [2002] UNGA 250; A/RES/57/195 (18 December 2002)
Strengthening of the Rule of Law [2002] UNGA 249; A/RES/57/221 (18 December 2002)
Human Rights and Extreme Poverty [2002] UNGA 248; A/RES/57/211 (18 December 2002)
Future Operation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women [2002] UNGA 247; A/RES/57/175 (18 December 2002)
Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [2002] UNGA 246; A/RES/57/199 (18 December 2002)
International Cooperation in the Fight Against Transnational Organized Crime: Assistance to States in Capacity-Building with a View to Facilitating the Implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols Thereto [2002] UNGA 245; A/RES/57/168 (18 December 2002)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [2002] UNGA 244; A/RES/57/231 (18 December 2002)
Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2002] UNGA 243; A/RES/57/233 (18 December 2002)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [2002] UNGA 242; A/RES/57/187 (18 December 2002)
Indigenous People and Issues [2002] UNGA 241; A/RES/57/193 (18 December 2002)
Globalization and its Impact on the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights [2002] UNGA 240; A/RES/57/205 (18 December 2002)
Strengthening the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, in Particular its Technical Cooperation Capacity [2002] UNGA 239; A/RES/57/173 (18 December 2002)
The Right to Food [2002] UNGA 238; A/RES/57/226 (18 December 2002)
Protection of Migrants [2002] UNGA 237; A/RES/57/218 (18 December 2002)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2002] UNGA 236; A/RES/57/197 (18 December 2002)
International Cooperation on Humanitarian Assistance in the Field of Natural Disasters, from Relief to Development [2002] UNGA 235; A/RES/57/152 (16 December 2002)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief and the Economic and Social Rehabilitation of Somalia [2002] UNGA 234; A/RES/57/154 (16 December 2002)
Responding to Global Threats and Challenges [2002] UNGA 233; A/RES/57/145 (16 December 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Council of Europe [2002] UNGA 232; A/RES/57/156 (16 December 2002)
United Nations Year for Cultural Heritage, 2002 [2002] UNGA 231; A/RES/57/158 (16 December 2002)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [2002] UNGA 230; A/RES/57/147 (16 December 2002)
Assistance for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Liberia [2002] UNGA 229; A/RES/57/151 (16 December 2002)
The Situation in Central America: Procedures for the Establishment of a Firm and Lasting Peace and Progress in Fashioning a Region of Peace, Freedom, Democracy and Development [2002] UNGA 228; A/RES/57/160 (16 December 2002)
Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to Ethiopia [2002] UNGA 227; A/RES/57/149 (16 December 2002)
International Year of Rice, 2004 [2002] UNGA 226; A/RES/57/162 (16 December 2002)
Follow-Up to the Outcome of the Millennium Summit [2002] UNGA 225; A/RES/57/144 (16 December 2002)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the United Nations [2002] UNGA 224; A/RES/57/153 (16 December 2002)
Special Assistance for the Economic Recovery and Reconstruction of the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2002] UNGA 223; A/RES/57/146 (16 December 2002)
Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel and Protection of United Nations Personnel [2002] UNGA 222; A/RES/57/155 (16 December 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of American States [2002] UNGA 221; A/RES/57/157 (16 December 2002)
Humanitarian Assistance to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia [2002] UNGA 220; A/RES/57/148 (16 December 2002)
Strengthening the Effectiveness and Coordination of International Urban Search and Rescue Assistance [2002] UNGA 219; A/RES/57/150 (16 December 2002)
United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala [2002] UNGA 218; A/RES/57/161 (16 December 2002)
Assistance in Mine Action [2002] UNGA 217; A/RES/57/159 (16 December 2002)
Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks [2002] UNGA 216; A/RES/57/143 (12 December 2002)
Oceans and the Law of the Sea [2002] UNGA 215; A/RES/57/141 (12 December 2002)
Large-Scale Pelagic Drift-Net Fishing, Unauthorized Fishing in Zones of National Jurisdiction and on the High Seas/Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, Fisheries by-Catch and Discards, and Other Developments [2002] UNGA 214; A/RES/57/142 (12 December 2002)
Question of New Caledonia [2002] UNGA 213; A/RES/57/136 (11 December 2002)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [2002] UNGA 212; A/RES/57/131 (11 December 2002)
The Occupied Syrian Golan [2002] UNGA 211; A/RES/57/128 (11 December 2002)
Palestine Refugees Properties and Their Revenues [2002] UNGA 210; A/RES/57/122 (11 December 2002)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [2002] UNGA 209; A/RES/57/134 (11 December 2002)
General: Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [2002] UNGA 208; A/RES/57/138A (11 December 2002)
Offers by Member States of Grants and Scholarships for Higher Education, Including Vocational Training, for Palestine Refugees [2002] UNGA 207; A/RES/57/120 (11 December 2002)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [2002] UNGA 206; A/RES/57/133 (11 December 2002)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [2002] UNGA 205; A/RES/57/115 (11 December 2002)
Working Group on the Financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [2002] UNGA 204; A/RES/57/118 (11 December 2002)
Information in the Service of Humanity [2002] UNGA 203; A/RES/57/130A (11 December 2002)
Applicability of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Other Occupied Arab Territories [2002] UNGA 202; A/RES/57/125 (11 December 2002)
International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers [2002] UNGA 201; A/RES/57/129 (11 December 2002)
University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" for Palestine Refugees [2002] UNGA 200; A/RES/57/123 (11 December 2002)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees [2002] UNGA 199; A/RES/57/117 (11 December 2002)
Question of Western Sahara [2002] UNGA 198; A/RES/57/135 (11 December 2002)
Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem [2002] UNGA 197; A/RES/57/127 (11 December 2002)
Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [2002] UNGA 196; A/RES/57/121 (11 December 2002)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [2002] UNGA 195; A/RES/57/140 (11 December 2002)
Individual Territories: Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [2002] UNGA 194; A/RES/57/138B (11 December 2002)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [2002] UNGA 193; A/RES/57/116 (11 December 2002)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [2002] UNGA 192; A/RES/57/139 (11 December 2002)
Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan [2002] UNGA 191; A/RES/57/126 (11 December 2002)
Credentials of Representatives to the Fifty-Seventh Session of the General Assembly [2002] UNGA 190; A/RES/57/114 (11 December 2002)
United Nations Public Information Policies and Activities [2002] UNGA 189; A/RES/57/130B (11 December 2002)
Economic and Other Activities which Affect the Interests of the Peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories [2002] UNGA 188; A/RES/57/132 (11 December 2002)
Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [2002] UNGA 187; A/RES/57/124 (11 December 2002)
Persons Displaced as a Result of the June 1967 and Subsequent Hostilities [2002] UNGA 186; A/RES/57/119 (11 December 2002)
Question of Tokelau [2002] UNGA 185; A/RES/57/137 (11 December 2002)
Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Reconstruction of War-Stricken Afghanistan and the Situation in Afghanistan and its Implications for International Peace and Security a: The Situation in Afghanistan and its Implications for International Peace and Security B: Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Reconstruction of War-Stricken Afghanistan [2002] UNGA 184; A/RES/57/113A-B (6 December 2002)
Jerusalem [2002] UNGA 183; A/RES/57/111 (3 December 2002)
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [2002] UNGA 182; A/RES/57/107 (3 December 2002)
Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat [2002] UNGA 181; A/RES/57/108 (3 December 2002)
The Syrian Golan [2002] UNGA 180; A/RES/57/112 (3 December 2002)
Peaceful Settlement of the Question of Palestine [2002] UNGA 179; A/RES/57/110 (3 December 2002)
Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat [2002] UNGA 178; A/RES/57/109 (3 December 2002)
November 2002
Follow-Up to the International Year of Volunteers [2002] UNGA 177; A/RES/57/106 (26 November 2002)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief, Rehabilitation and Development for Timor-Leste [2002] UNGA 176; A/RES/57/105 (25 November 2002)
Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Rehabilitation in Tajikistan [2002] UNGA 175; A/RES/57/103 (25 November 2002)
International Cooperation and Coordination for the Human and Ecological Rehabilitation and Economic Development of the Semipalatinsk Region of Kazakhstan [2002] UNGA 174; A/RES/57/101 (25 November 2002)
Assistance to Mozambique [2002] UNGA 173; A/RES/57/104 (25 November 2002)
International Assistance for the Economic Rehabilitation of Angola [2002] UNGA 172; A/RES/57/102 (25 November 2002)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction [2002] UNGA 171; A/RES/57/82 (22 November 2002)
Transparency in Armaments [2002] UNGA 170; A/RES/57/75 (22 November 2002)
Convening of the Fourth Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament [2002] UNGA 169; A/RES/57/61 (22 November 2002)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific [2002] UNGA 168; A/RES/57/92 (22 November 2002)
Assistance to States for Curbing the Illicit Traffic in Small Arms and Collecting Them [2002] UNGA 167; A/RES/57/70 (22 November 2002)
Promotion of Multilateralism in the Area of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation [2002] UNGA 166; A/RES/57/63 (22 November 2002)
Regional Confidence-Building Measures: Activities of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa [2002] UNGA 165; A/RES/57/88 (22 November 2002)
The Conference on Disarmament Decision (Cd/1547) of 11 August 1998 to Establish, Under Item 1 of its Agenda Entitled Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and Nuclear Disarmament, an Ad Hoc Committee to Negotiate, on the Basis of the Report of the Special Coordinator (Cd/1299) and the Mandate Contained Therein, a Non-Discriminatory, Multilateral and Internationally and Effectively Verifiable Treaty Banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices [2002] UNGA 164; A/RES/57/80 (22 November 2002)
MongoliaS International Security and Nuclear-Weapon-Free Status [2002] UNGA 163; A/RES/57/67 (22 November 2002)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [2002] UNGA 162; A/RES/57/55 (22 November 2002)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons [2002] UNGA 161; A/RES/57/94 (22 November 2002)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [2002] UNGA 160; A/RES/57/99 (22 November 2002)
The Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects [2002] UNGA 159; A/RES/57/72 (22 November 2002)
Maintenance of International Security - Good-Neighbourliness, Stability and Development in South-Eastern Europe [2002] UNGA 158; A/RES/57/52 (22 November 2002)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [2002] UNGA 157; A/RES/57/57 (22 November 2002)
Prohibition of the Development and Manufacture of New Types of Weapons of Mass Destruction and New Systems of Such Weapons [2002] UNGA 156; A/RES/57/50 (22 November 2002)
Report of the Conference on Disarmament [2002] UNGA 155; A/RES/57/96 (22 November 2002)
Compliance with Arms Limitation and Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Agreements [2002] UNGA 154; A/RES/57/86 (22 November 2002)
Nuclear Disarmament [2002] UNGA 153; A/RES/57/79 (22 November 2002)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [2002] UNGA 152; A/RES/57/98 (22 November 2002)
National Legislation on Transfer of Arms, Military Equipment and Dual-Use Goods and Technology [2002] UNGA 151; A/RES/57/66 (22 November 2002)
Conventional Arms Control at the Regional and Subregional Levels [2002] UNGA 150; A/RES/57/77 (22 November 2002)
Reducing Nuclear Danger [2002] UNGA 149; A/RES/57/84 (22 November 2002)
Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament [2002] UNGA 148; A/RES/57/54 (22 November 2002)
Bilateral Strategic Nuclear Arms Reductions and the New Strategic Framework [2002] UNGA 147; A/RES/57/68 (22 November 2002)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean [2002] UNGA 146; A/RES/57/89 (22 November 2002)
Consolidation of Peace through Practical Disarmament Measures [2002] UNGA 145; A/RES/57/81 (22 November 2002)
Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: The Need for a New Agenda [2002] UNGA 144; A/RES/57/59 (22 November 2002)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa [2002] UNGA 143; A/RES/57/91 (22 November 2002)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [2002] UNGA 142; A/RES/57/56 (22 November 2002)
Measures to Uphold the Authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol [2002] UNGA 141; A/RES/57/62 (22 November 2002)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [2002] UNGA 140; A/RES/57/97 (22 November 2002)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction [2002] UNGA 139; A/RES/57/74 (22 November 2002)
Reduction of Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons [2002] UNGA 138; A/RES/57/58 (22 November 2002)
United Nations Disarmament Fellowship, Training and Advisory Services [2002] UNGA 137; A/RES/57/93 (22 November 2002)
United Nations Regional Centres for Peace and Disarmament [2002] UNGA 136; A/RES/57/87 (22 November 2002)
Observance of Environmental Norms in the Drafting and Implementation of Agreements on Disarmament and Arms Control [2002] UNGA 135; A/RES/57/64 (22 November 2002)
United Nations Disarmament Information Programme [2002] UNGA 134; A/RES/57/90 (22 November 2002)
Report of the Disarmament Commission [2002] UNGA 133; A/RES/57/95 (22 November 2002)
Relationship Between Disarmament and Development [2002] UNGA 132; A/RES/57/65 (22 November 2002)
Follow-Up to the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [2002] UNGA 131; A/RES/57/85 (22 November 2002)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia [2002] UNGA 130; A/RES/57/69 (22 November 2002)
Question of Antarctica [2002] UNGA 129; A/RES/57/51 (22 November 2002)
A Path to the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons [2002] UNGA 128; A/RES/57/78 (22 November 2002)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [2002] UNGA 127; A/RES/57/100 (22 November 2002)
Missiles [2002] UNGA 126; A/RES/57/71 (22 November 2002)
United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education [2002] UNGA 125; A/RES/57/60 (22 November 2002)
Regional Disarmament [2002] UNGA 124; A/RES/57/76 (22 November 2002)
Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security [2002] UNGA 123; A/RES/57/53 (22 November 2002)
Measures to Prevent Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons of Mass Destruction [2002] UNGA 122; A/RES/57/83 (22 November 2002)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas [2002] UNGA 121; A/RES/57/73 (22 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [2002] UNGA 120; A/RES/57/42 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Southern African Development Community [2002] UNGA 119; A/RES/57/44 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization [2002] UNGA 118; A/RES/57/34 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Pacific Islands Forum [2002] UNGA 117; A/RES/57/37 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the League of Arab States [2002] UNGA 116; A/RES/57/46 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the African Union [2002] UNGA 115; A/RES/57/48 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Latin American Economic System [2002] UNGA 114; A/RES/57/39 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Caribbean Community [2002] UNGA 113; A/RES/57/41 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the International Organization of La Francophonie [2002] UNGA 112; A/RES/57/43 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Association of South-East Asian Nations [2002] UNGA 111; A/RES/57/35 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons [2002] UNGA 110; A/RES/57/45 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union [2002] UNGA 109; A/RES/57/47 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Economic Cooperation Organization [2002] UNGA 108; A/RES/57/38 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization [2002] UNGA 107; A/RES/57/36 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization [2002] UNGA 106; A/RES/57/49 (21 November 2002)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Economic Community of Central African States [2002] UNGA 105; A/RES/57/40 (21 November 2002)
Observer Status for the Inter-Parliamentary Union in the General Assembly [2002] UNGA 104; A/RES/57/32 (19 November 2002)
Establishment of the International Criminal Court [2002] UNGA 103; A/RES/57/23 (19 November 2002)
Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [2002] UNGA 102; A/RES/57/18 (19 November 2002)
Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property [2002] UNGA 101; A/RES/57/16 (19 November 2002)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [2002] UNGA 100; A/RES/57/27 (19 November 2002)
Implementation of the Provisions of the Charter of the United Nations Related to Assistance to Third States Affected by the Application of Sanctions [2002] UNGA 99; A/RES/57/25 (19 November 2002)
Enlargement of the Membership of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [2002] UNGA 98; A/RES/57/20 (19 November 2002)
Observer Status for Partners in Population and Development in the General Assembly [2002] UNGA 97; A/RES/57/29 (19 November 2002)
Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Armed Conflicts [2002] UNGA 96; A/RES/57/14 (19 November 2002)
Observer Status for the Asian Development Bank in the General Assembly [2002] UNGA 95; A/RES/57/30 (19 November 2002)
Enhancing Coordination in the Area of International Trade Law and Strengthening the Secretariat of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [2002] UNGA 94; A/RES/57/19 (19 November 2002)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [2002] UNGA 93; A/RES/57/22 (19 November 2002)
Observer Status for the International Centre for Migration Policy Development in the General Assembly [2002] UNGA 92; A/RES/57/31 (19 November 2002)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [2002] UNGA 91; A/RES/57/24 (19 November 2002)
Plenary Meetings of the General Assembly on 9 and 10 December 2002 Devoted to the Consideration of the Item Entitled "Oceans and the Law of the Sea" and to the Commemoration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Opening for Signature of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea [2002] UNGA 90; A/RES/57/33 (19 November 2002)
Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of Disputes [2002] UNGA 89; A/RES/57/26 (19 November 2002)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its Thirty-Fifth Session [2002] UNGA 88; A/RES/57/17 (19 November 2002)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its Fifty-Fourth Session [2002] UNGA 87; A/RES/57/21 (19 November 2002)
Scope of Legal Protection Under the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel [2002] UNGA 86; A/RES/57/28 (19 November 2002)
Consideration of Effective Measures to Enhance the Protection, Security and Safety of Diplomatic and Consular Missions and Representatives [2002] UNGA 85; A/RES/57/15 (19 November 2002)
South American Zone of Peace and Cooperation [2002] UNGA 84; A/RES/57/13 (14 November 2002)
The Role of the United Nations in Promoting a New Global Human Order [2002] UNGA 83; A/RES/57/12 (14 November 2002)
Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America Against Cuba [2002] UNGA 82; A/RES/57/11 (12 November 2002)
The Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina [2002] UNGA 81; A/RES/57/10 (11 November 2002)
Open-Ended Panel of the General Assembly on "Afghanistan: One Year Later" [2002] UNGA 80; A/RES/57/8 (11 November 2002)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [2002] UNGA 79; A/RES/57/9 (11 November 2002)
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001-2010 [2002] UNGA 78; A/RES/57/6 (4 November 2002)
Final Review and Appraisal of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s and Support for the New Partnership for AfricaS Development [2002] UNGA 77; A/RES/57/7 (4 November 2002)
September 2002
Admission of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste to Membership in the United Nations [2002] UNGA 76; A/RES/57/3 (27 September 2002)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [2002] UNGA 75; A/RES/57/4A (27 September 2002)
Elimination of Unilateral Extraterritorial Coercive Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Compulsion [2002] UNGA 74; A/RES/57/5 (16 September 2002)
United Nations Declaration on the New Partnership for Africa's Development [2002] UNGA 73; A/RES/57/2 (16 September 2002)
Admission of the Swiss Confederation to Membership in the United Nations [2002] UNGA 72; A/RES/57/1 (10 September 2002)
Prevention of Armed Conflict [2002] UNGA 71; A/RES/56/512 (9 September 2002)
August 2002
Organization of the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly to Consider How to Support the New Partnership for Africa's Development [2002] UNGA 70; A/RES/56/511 (15 August 2002)
July 2002
Accreditation and Participation of Ngos in the Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities [2002] UNGA 69; A/RES/56/510 (23 July 2002)
International Conference on Financing for Development [2002] UNGA 68; A/RES/56/210B (9 July 2002)
Amendments to Rules 30, 31 and 99 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly [2002] UNGA 67; A/RES/56/509 (8 July 2002)
June 2002
Financing of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus [2002] UNGA 66; A/RES/56/502 (27 June 2002)
Progress in the Implementation of the Field Assets Control System: A Module of the Field Mission Logistics System [2002] UNGA 65; A/RES/56/290 (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [2002] UNGA 64; A/RES/56/298 (27 June 2002)
Conference and Support Services Extended to the Counter-Terrorism Committee in the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001) [2002] UNGA 63; A/RES/56/288 (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon [2002] UNGA 62; A/RES/56/214B (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Protection Force, the UN Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia, the UN Preventive Deployment Force and the UN Peace Forces Headquarters [2002] UNGA 61; A/RES/56/500 (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2002] UNGA 60; A/RES/56/250B (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Mission in Sierra Leone [2002] UNGA 59; A/RES/56/251B (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor and the UN Mission of Support in East Timor [2002] UNGA 58; A/RES/56/296 (27 June 2002)
Implementation of the Provisions of General Assembly Resolution 56/242 (Conference Services) [2002] UNGA 57; A/RES/56/287 (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium and the Civilian Police Support Group [2002] UNGA 56; A/RES/56/506 (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Observer Mission in Georgia [2002] UNGA 55; A/RES/56/503 (27 June 2002)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2002] UNGA 54; A/RES/56/233B (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Mission in Haiti [2002] UNGA 53; A/RES/56/504 (27 June 2002)
Conditions of Service and Compensation for Officials Other Than Secretariat Officials: Members of the International Court of Justice, Judges of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Judges of the International Tribunal for Rwanda and Ad Litem Judges of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [2002] UNGA 52; A/RES/56/285 (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Disengagement Observer Force [2002] UNGA 51; A/RES/56/294 (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2002] UNGA 50; A/RES/56/252C (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Operation in Somalia II [2002] UNGA 49; A/RES/56/501 (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy [2002] UNGA 48; A/RES/56/289 (27 June 2002)
Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole of the GA for the Final Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the UN New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s [2002] UNGA 47; A/RES/56/508 (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Preventive Deployment Force [2002] UNGA 46; A/RES/56/299 (27 June 2002)
The Concept of Strategic Deployment Stocks and its Implementation [2002] UNGA 45; A/RES/56/292 (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Support Mission in Haiti, the UN Transition Mission in Haiti and the UN Civilian Police Mission in Haiti [2002] UNGA 44; A/RES/56/507 (27 June 2002)
Instances for which the United Nations is Entitled to Restitution as the Result of Non-Compliance with Status-of-Forces or Other Agreements [2002] UNGA 43; A/RES/56/291 (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission [2002] UNGA 42; A/RES/56/297 (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina [2002] UNGA 41; A/RES/56/505 (27 June 2002)
Strengthening the Security and Safety of UN Premises [2002] UNGA 40; A/RES/56/286 (27 June 2002)
Financing of the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [2002] UNGA 39; A/RES/56/295 (27 June 2002)
Estimates in Respect of Matters of which the Security Council is Seized [2002] UNGA 38; A/RES/56/274B (27 June 2002)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [2002] UNGA 37; A/RES/56/293 (27 June 2002)
Relationship Between the Treatment of Perennial Activities in the Programme Budget and the Use of the Contingency Fund [2002] UNGA 36; A/RES/56/284 (27 June 2002)
May 2002
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [2002] UNGA 35; A/RES/56/225B (22 May 2002)
Participation of East Timor in the World Summit on Sustainable Development and its Preparatory Process [2002] UNGA 34; A/RES/56/283 (22 May 2002)
Participation in the Plenary Meetings of the Meeting of the General Assembly Devoted to Information and Communication Technologies for Development [2002] UNGA 33; A/RES/56/281 (1 May 2002)
Question of East Timor [2002] UNGA 32; A/RES/56/282 (1 May 2002)
March 2002
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2000-2001: Financing of the Final Appropriations for the Biennium 2000-2001 [2002] UNGA 31; A/RES/56/240E (27 March 2002)
Review of Public Information Activities in the UN [2002] UNGA 30; A/RES/56/276 (27 March 2002)
Financing of the UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2002] UNGA 29; A/RES/56/252B (27 March 2002)
Follow-Up Investigation into Possible Fee-Splitting Arrangements Between Defence Counsel and Indigent Detainees at the International Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [2002] UNGA 28; A/RES/56/278 (27 March 2002)
Report of the Joint Inspection Unit (Jiu) on the UN System Common Services at Geneva [2002] UNGA 27; A/RES/56/279 (27 March 2002)
Construction of Additional Office Facilities at the Economic Commission for Africa (Eca) [2002] UNGA 26; A/RES/56/270 (27 March 2002)
Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination [2002] UNGA 25; A/RES/56/265 (27 March 2002)
Comprehensive Study of the Question of Honorariums Payable to Members of Organs and Subsidiary Organs of the UN [2002] UNGA 24; A/RES/56/272 (27 March 2002)
Measures to Combat Contemporary Forms of Racism and Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [2002] UNGA 23; A/RES/56/267 (27 March 2002)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2002-2003 [2002] UNGA 22; A/RES/56/254D (27 March 2002)
Fifth International Conference of New or Restored Democracies to be Held in Ulaanbaatar in 2003 [2002] UNGA 21; A/RES/56/269 (27 March 2002)
Documentation Availability in Six Languages on the UN Web Site [2002] UNGA 20; A/RES/56/275 (27 March 2002)
Financing of the International Tribunal for Rwanda [2002] UNGA 19; A/RES/56/248B (27 March 2002)
Documents and Publications of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (Escwa) [2002] UNGA 18; A/RES/56/277 (27 March 2002)
Estimates in Respect of Matters of which the Security Council is Seized [2002] UNGA 17; A/RES/56/274A (27 March 2002)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the UN [2002] UNGA 16; A/RES/56/243B (27 March 2002)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2000-2001: Final Income Estimates for the Biennium 2000-2001 [2002] UNGA 15; A/RES/56/240D (27 March 2002)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [2002] UNGA 14; A/RES/56/247B (27 March 2002)
Integrated Management Information System (Imis) [2002] UNGA 13; A/RES/56/271 (27 March 2002)
Comprehensive Implementation of and Follow-Up to the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [2002] UNGA 12; A/RES/56/266 (27 March 2002)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2000-2001: Final Budget Appropriations for the Biennium 2000-2001 [2002] UNGA 11; A/RES/56/240C (27 March 2002)
Proposed Regulations Governing the Status, Basic Rights and Duties of Officials Other Than Secretariat Officials and Experts on Mission and Regulations Governing the Status, Basic Rights and Duties of the Secretary-General [2002] UNGA 10; A/RES/56/280 (27 March 2002)
Standards of Accommodation for Air Travel [2002] UNGA 9; A/RES/56/273 (27 March 2002)
Measures to be Taken Against Political Platforms and Activities Based on Doctrines of Superiority and Violent Nationalist Ideologies which are Based on Racial Discrimination or Ethnic Exclusiveness and Xenophobia, Including Neo-Nazism [2002] UNGA 8; A/RES/56/268 (27 March 2002)
The Role of Diamonds in Fuelling Conflict: Breaking the Link Between the Illicit Transaction of Rough Diamonds and Armed Conflict as a Contribution to Prevention and Settlement of Conflicts [2002] UNGA 7; A/RES/56/263 (13 March 2002)
Review of the Problem of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in All its Aspects [2002] UNGA 6; A/RES/56/264 (13 March 2002)
February 2002
Multilingualism [2002] UNGA 5; A/RES/56/262 (15 February 2002)
January 2002
Schedule for the Plenary Meetings and Round Tables of the Special Session of the GA on Children [2002] UNGA 4; A/RES/56/259 (31 January 2002)
Plans of Action for the Implementation of the Vienna Declaration on Crime and Justice [2002] UNGA 3; A/RES/56/261 (31 January 2002)
Terms of Reference for the Negotiation of an International Legal Instrument Against Corruption [2002] UNGA 2; A/RES/56/260 (31 January 2002)
Meeting of the GA on Information and Communication Technologies for Development [2002] UNGA 1; A/RES/56/258 (31 January 2002)
December 2001
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [2001] UNGA 344; A/RES/56/229 (24 December 2001)
Proposed Measures to Improve the Profitability of the Commercial Activities of the UN [2001] UNGA 343; A/RES/56/238 (24 December 2001)
Special Session of the GA on Children [2001] UNGA 342; A/RES/56/222 (24 December 2001)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the UN [2001] UNGA 341; A/RES/56/243A (24 December 2001)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [2001] UNGA 340; A/RES/56/247A (24 December 2001)
Enhancing the UN Experience for Visitors [2001] UNGA 339; A/RES/56/236 (24 December 2001)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [2001] UNGA 338; A/RES/56/231 (24 December 2001)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2000-2001: Final Income Estimates for the Biennium 2000-2001 [2001] UNGA 337; A/RES/56/240B (24 December 2001)
Pattern of Conferences [2001] UNGA 336; A/RES/56/242 (24 December 2001)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2002-2003: Income Estimates for the Biennium 2002-2003 [2001] UNGA 335; A/RES/56/254B (24 December 2001)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services [2001] UNGA 334; A/RES/56/246 (24 December 2001)
3rd UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries [2001] UNGA 333; A/RES/56/227 (24 December 2001)
Unforeseen and Extraordinary Expenses for the Biennium 2002-2003 [2001] UNGA 332; A/RES/56/256 (24 December 2001)
Financing of the UN Mission in Sierra Leone [2001] UNGA 331; A/RES/56/251A (24 December 2001)
Report of the Joint Inspection Unit (Jiu) on Policies and Practices in the Use of the Services of Private Management Consulting Firms in the Organizations of the UN System [2001] UNGA 330; A/RES/56/235 (24 December 2001)
Financing of the International Tribunal for Rwanda [2001] UNGA 329; A/RES/56/248A (24 December 2001)
UN Common System: Report of the International Civil Service Commission [2001] UNGA 328; A/RES/56/244 (24 December 2001)
UN Verification Mission in Guatemala [2001] UNGA 327; A/RES/56/223 (24 December 2001)
Follow-Up to the International Year of Older Persons: 2nd World Assembly on Ageing [2001] UNGA 326; A/RES/56/228 (24 December 2001)
Subregional Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa [2001] UNGA 325; A/RES/56/230 (24 December 2001)
Questions Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 2002-2003 [2001] UNGA 324; A/RES/56/253 (24 December 2001)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2001] UNGA 323; A/RES/56/232 (24 December 2001)
Development Account [2001] UNGA 322; A/RES/56/237 (24 December 2001)
Credentials of Representatives [2001] UNGA 321; A/RES/56/221 (24 December 2001)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2002-2003: Budget Appropriations for the Biennium 2002-2003 [2001] UNGA 320; A/RES/56/254A (24 December 2001)
Financing of the UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2001] UNGA 319; A/RES/56/252A (24 December 2001)
World Summit on Sustainable Development [2001] UNGA 318; A/RES/56/226 (24 December 2001)
Financing of the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor [2001] UNGA 317; A/RES/56/249 (24 December 2001)
UN Public Information Policies and Activities [2001] UNGA 316; A/RES/56/64B (24 December 2001)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [2001] UNGA 315; A/RES/56/225A (24 December 2001)
Information Technology [2001] UNGA 314; A/RES/56/239 (24 December 2001)
Central America Situation [2001] UNGA 313; A/RES/56/224 (24 December 2001)
Financing of the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2001] UNGA 312; A/RES/56/250A (24 December 2001)
Management of Buildings: Practices of Selected UN System Organizations Relevant to the Renovation of the UN Headquarters [2001] UNGA 311; A/RES/56/234 (24 December 2001)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2002-2003: Financing of Appropriations for the Year 2002 [2001] UNGA 310; A/RES/56/254C (24 December 2001)
Working Capital Fund for the Biennium 2002-2003 [2001] UNGA 309; A/RES/56/257 (24 December 2001)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2000-2001: Final Budget Appropriations for the Biennium 2000-2001 [2001] UNGA 308; A/RES/56/240A (24 December 2001)
The Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects [2001] UNGA 307; A/RES/56/24V (24 December 2001)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [2001] UNGA 306; A/RES/56/241 (24 December 2001)
Joint Inspection Unit (Jiu) [2001] UNGA 305; A/RES/56/245 (24 December 2001)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2001] UNGA 304; A/RES/56/233A (24 December 2001)
Special Subjects Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 2002-2003 [2001] UNGA 303; A/RES/56/255 (24 December 2001)
Convention on Biological Diversity [2001] UNGA 302; A/RES/56/197 (21 December 2001)
Status of Preparations for the International Year of Freshwater, 2003 [2001] UNGA 301; A/RES/56/192 (21 December 2001)
Integrated and Coordinated Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Outcomes of the Major UN Conferences and Summits in the Economic and Social Fields [2001] UNGA 300; A/RES/56/211 (21 December 2001)
Public Administration and Development [2001] UNGA 299; A/RES/56/213 (21 December 2001)
Final Review and Appraisal of the UN New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s [2001] UNGA 298; A/RES/56/218 (21 December 2001)
Unilateral Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Coercion Against Developing Countries [2001] UNGA 297; A/RES/56/179 (21 December 2001)
Preventing and Combating Corrupt Practices and Transfer of Funds of Illicit Origin and Returning Such Funds to the Countries of Origin [2001] UNGA 296; A/RES/56/186 (21 December 2001)
Triennial Policy Review of Operational Activities for Development of the UN System [2001] UNGA 295; A/RES/56/201 (21 December 2001)
Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Reconstruction of War-Stricken Afghanistan [2001] UNGA 294; A/RES/56/220B (21 December 2001)
Strengthening the Mandate and Status of the Commission on Human Settlements and the Status, Role, and Functions of the UN Centre for the Human Settlements (Habitat) [2001] UNGA 293; A/RES/56/206 (21 December 2001)
Role of the UN in Promoting Development in the Context of Globalization and Interdependence [2001] UNGA 292; A/RES/56/209 (21 December 2001)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [2001] UNGA 291; A/RES/56/199 (21 December 2001)
Enhancing International Cooperation Towards a Durable Solution to the External Debt Problems of Developing Countries [2001] UNGA 290; A/RES/56/184 (21 December 2001)
International Migration and Development [2001] UNGA 289; A/RES/56/203 (21 December 2001)
Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon [2001] UNGA 288; A/RES/56/214A (21 December 2001)
Women in Development [2001] UNGA 287; A/RES/56/188 (21 December 2001)
International Cooperation to Reduce the Impact of El NiñO Phenomenon [2001] UNGA 286; A/RES/56/194 (21 December 2001)
Implementation of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [2001] UNGA 285; A/RES/56/196 (21 December 2001)
Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, and of the Arab Population in the Occupied Syrian Golan Over Their Natural Resources [2001] UNGA 284; A/RES/56/204 (21 December 2001)
Second Industrial Development Decade for Africa (1993-2002) [2001] UNGA 283; A/RES/56/187 (21 December 2001)
Human Resources Development [2001] UNGA 282; A/RES/56/189 (21 December 2001)
Specific Actions Related to the Particular Needs and Problems of Landlocked Developing Countries [2001] UNGA 281; A/RES/56/180 (21 December 2001)
Science and Technology for Development [2001] UNGA 280; A/RES/56/182 (21 December 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe [2001] UNGA 279; A/RES/56/216 (21 December 2001)
International Conference on Financing for Development [2001] UNGA 278; A/RES/56/210A (21 December 2001)
Assistance in Mine Action [2001] UNGA 277; A/RES/56/219 (21 December 2001)
Further Implementation of the Outcome of the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [2001] UNGA 276; A/RES/56/198 (21 December 2001)
Towards a Strengthened and Stable International Financial Architecture Responsive to the Priorities of Growth and Development, Especially in Developing Countries, and to the Promotion of Economic and Social Equity [2001] UNGA 275; A/RES/56/181 (21 December 2001)
World Summit on the Information Society [2001] UNGA 274; A/RES/56/183 (21 December 2001)
Promotion of New and Renewable Sources of Energy, Including the Implementation of the World Solar Programme, 1996-2005 [2001] UNGA 273; A/RES/56/200 (21 December 2001)
Global Code of Ethics for Tourism [2001] UNGA 272; A/RES/56/212 (21 December 2001)
Business and Development [2001] UNGA 271; A/RES/56/185 (21 December 2001)
Report of the Governing Council of the UN Environment Programme on its 21st Session [2001] UNGA 270; A/RES/56/193 (21 December 2001)
UN Institute for Training and Research [2001] UNGA 269; A/RES/56/208 (21 December 2001)
The Situation in Afghanistan and its Implications for International Peace and Security [2001] UNGA 268; A/RES/56/220A (21 December 2001)
Implementation of the Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in Particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries, and Implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Fourth UN Development Decade [2001] UNGA 267; A/RES/56/191 (21 December 2001)
Economic and Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries [2001] UNGA 266; A/RES/56/202 (21 December 2001)
The Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina [2001] UNGA 265; A/RES/56/215 (21 December 2001)
Implementation of the 1st UN Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997-2006), Including the Proposal to Establish a World Solidarity Fund for Poverty Eradication [2001] UNGA 264; A/RES/56/207 (21 December 2001)
International Trade and Development [2001] UNGA 263; A/RES/56/178 (21 December 2001)
High-Level Dialogue on Strengthening International Economic Cooperation for Development through Partnership [2001] UNGA 262; A/RES/56/190 (21 December 2001)
Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel and Protection of UN Personnel [2001] UNGA 261; A/RES/56/217 (21 December 2001)
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction [2001] UNGA 260; A/RES/56/195 (21 December 2001)
Special Session of the GA for an Overall Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) [2001] UNGA 259; A/RES/56/205 (21 December 2001)
Follow-Up to the Regional Conference to Address the Problems of Refugees, Displaced Persons, Other Forms of Involuntary Displacement and Returnees in the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Relevant Neighbouring States [2001] UNGA 258; A/RES/56/134 (19 December 2001)
Respect for the Purposes and Principles Contained in the Charter of the UN to Achieve International Cooperation in Promoting and Encouraging Respect for Human Rights and for Fundamental Freedoms and in Solving International Problems of a Humanitarian Character [2001] UNGA 257; A/RES/56/152 (19 December 2001)
International Decade of the World's Indigenous People [2001] UNGA 256; A/RES/56/140 (19 December 2001)
Human Rights in the Administration of Justice [2001] UNGA 255; A/RES/56/161 (19 December 2001)
UN Trust Fund for Ageing [2001] UNGA 254; A/RES/56/118 (19 December 2001)
Protection of Migrants [2001] UNGA 253; A/RES/56/170 (19 December 2001)
Critical Situation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women [2001] UNGA 252; A/RES/56/125 (19 December 2001)
Human Rights Education [2001] UNGA 251; A/RES/56/147 (19 December 2001)
Action Against Transnational Organized Crime: Assistance to States in Capacity-Building with a View to Facilitating the Implementation of the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and the Adopted Protocols Thereto [2001] UNGA 250; A/RES/56/120 (19 December 2001)
Protection of and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons [2001] UNGA 249; A/RES/56/164 (19 December 2001)
Violence Against Women Migrant Workers [2001] UNGA 248; A/RES/56/131 (19 December 2001)
Cooperatives in Social Development [2001] UNGA 247; A/RES/56/114 (19 December 2001)
Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [2001] UNGA 246; A/RES/56/163 (19 December 2001)
The Right of Palestinian People to Self-Determination [2001] UNGA 245; A/RES/56/142 (19 December 2001)
Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order [2001] UNGA 244; A/RES/56/151 (19 December 2001)
National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [2001] UNGA 243; A/RES/56/158 (19 December 2001)
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families [2001] UNGA 242; A/RES/56/145 (19 December 2001)
Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2001] UNGA 241; A/RES/56/173 (19 December 2001)
Human Rights and Mass Exoduses [2001] UNGA 240; A/RES/56/166 (19 December 2001)
International Cooperation Against the World Drug Problem [2001] UNGA 239; A/RES/56/124 (19 December 2001)
Improvement of the Situation of Women in Rural Areas [2001] UNGA 238; A/RES/56/129 (19 December 2001)
Enhancement of International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights [2001] UNGA 237; A/RES/56/149 (19 December 2001)
UN Development Fund for Women [2001] UNGA 236; A/RES/56/130 (19 December 2001)
Human Rights and Terrorism [2001] UNGA 235; A/RES/56/160 (19 December 2001)
UN African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [2001] UNGA 234; A/RES/56/122 (19 December 2001)
Policies and Programmes Involving Youth [2001] UNGA 233; A/RES/56/117 (19 December 2001)
Respect for the Principles of National Sovereignty and Non-Interference in the Internal Affairs of States in Electoral Processes as an Important Element for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [2001] UNGA 232; A/RES/56/154 (19 December 2001)
UN Literacy Decade: Education for All [2001] UNGA 231; A/RES/56/116 (19 December 2001)
Implementation of the Outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the 24th Special Session of the GA [2001] UNGA 230; A/RES/56/177 (19 December 2001)
Assistance to Unaccompanied Refugee Minors [2001] UNGA 229; A/RES/56/136 (19 December 2001)
Role, Function, Periodicity and Duration of the UN Congresses on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [2001] UNGA 228; A/RES/56/119 (19 December 2001)
Equitable Geographical Distribution of the Membership of the Human Rights Treaty Bodies [2001] UNGA 227; A/RES/56/146 (19 December 2001)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [2001] UNGA 226; A/RES/56/171 (19 December 2001)
Traditional or Customary Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Girls [2001] UNGA 225; A/RES/56/128 (19 December 2001)
Strengthening the Role of the UN in Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Periodic and Genuine Elections and Promotion of Democratization [2001] UNGA 224; A/RES/56/159 (19 December 2001)
The Girl Child [2001] UNGA 223; A/RES/56/139 (19 December 2001)
Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia [2001] UNGA 222; A/RES/56/169 (19 December 2001)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2001] UNGA 221; A/RES/56/141 (19 December 2001)
Preparations for and Observance of the 10th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family [2001] UNGA 220; A/RES/56/113 (19 December 2001)
International Covenants of Human Rights [2001] UNGA 219; A/RES/56/144 (19 December 2001)
Situation of Human Rights in Iraq [2001] UNGA 218; A/RES/56/174 (19 December 2001)
Situation of Older Women in Society [2001] UNGA 217; A/RES/56/126 (19 December 2001)
The Right to Development [2001] UNGA 216; A/RES/56/150 (19 December 2001)
Situation of Human Rights in Parts of South-Eastern Europe [2001] UNGA 215; A/RES/56/172 (19 December 2001)
Follow-Up to the 4th World Conference on Women and Full Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Outcome of the 23rd Special Session of the GA [2001] UNGA 214; A/RES/56/132 (19 December 2001)
Effective Promotion of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities [2001] UNGA 213; A/RES/56/162 (19 December 2001)
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [2001] UNGA 212; A/RES/56/143 (19 December 2001)
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees [2001] UNGA 211; A/RES/56/137 (19 December 2001)
Strengthening the UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, in Particular its Technical Cooperation Capacity [2001] UNGA 210; A/RES/56/123 (19 December 2001)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [2001] UNGA 209; A/RES/56/157 (19 December 2001)
The Rights of the Child [2001] UNGA 208; A/RES/56/138 (19 December 2001)
Human Rights and Cultural Diversity [2001] UNGA 207; A/RES/56/156 (19 December 2001)
Question of Human Rights in Afghanistan [2001] UNGA 206; A/RES/56/176 (19 December 2001)
Implementation of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons: Towards a Society for All in the 21st Century [2001] UNGA 205; A/RES/56/115 (19 December 2001)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [2001] UNGA 204; A/RES/56/135 (19 December 2001)
Globalization and its Impact on the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights [2001] UNGA 203; A/RES/56/165 (19 December 2001)
Combating the Criminal Misuse of Information Technologies [2001] UNGA 202; A/RES/56/121 (19 December 2001)
Situation of Human Rights in the Sudan [2001] UNGA 201; A/RES/56/175 (19 December 2001)
Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures [2001] UNGA 200; A/RES/56/148 (19 December 2001)
The Right to Food [2001] UNGA 199; A/RES/56/155 (19 December 2001)
Comprehensive and Integral International Convention to Promote and Protect the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities [2001] UNGA 198; A/RES/56/168 (19 December 2001)
Strengthening UN Actions in the Field of Human Rights through the Promotion of International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [2001] UNGA 197; A/RES/56/153 (19 December 2001)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees [2001] UNGA 196; A/RES/56/133 (19 December 2001)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the UN System [2001] UNGA 195; A/RES/56/127 (19 December 2001)
UN Decade for Human Rights Education [2001] UNGA 194; A/RES/56/167 (19 December 2001)
Economic Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Djibouti [2001] UNGA 193; A/RES/56/108 (14 December 2001)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [2001] UNGA 192; A/RES/56/111 (14 December 2001)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [2001] UNGA 191; A/RES/56/94 (14 December 2001)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief and the Economic and Social Rehabilitation of Somalia [2001] UNGA 190; A/RES/56/106 (14 December 2001)
International Cooperation on Humanitarian Assistance in the Field of Natural Disasters, from Relief to Development [2001] UNGA 189; A/RES/56/103 (14 December 2001)
Economic Assistance to the Eastern European States Affected by the Developments in the Balkans [2001] UNGA 188; A/RES/56/110 (14 December 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Latin American Economic System [2001] UNGA 187; A/RES/56/98 (14 December 2001)
Humanitarian Assistance to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia [2001] UNGA 186; A/RES/56/101 (14 December 2001)
Special Assistance for the Economic Recovery and Reconstruction of the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2001] UNGA 185; A/RES/56/100 (14 December 2001)
Strengthening of the Coordinaton of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the UN [2001] UNGA 184; A/RES/56/107 (14 December 2001)
Emergency Assistance to the Sudan [2001] UNGA 183; A/RES/56/112 (14 December 2001)
Follow-Up to the Outcome of the Millennium Summit [2001] UNGA 182; A/RES/56/95 (14 December 2001)
International Assistance to and Cooperation with the Alliance for the Sustainable Development of Central America [2001] UNGA 181; A/RES/56/105 (14 December 2001)
Return or Restitution of Cultural Property to the Countries of Origin [2001] UNGA 180; A/RES/56/97 (14 December 2001)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief, Rehabilitation and Development for East Timor [2001] UNGA 179; A/RES/56/104 (14 December 2001)
Support by the UN System of the Efforts of Governments to Promote and Consolidate New or Restored Democracies [2001] UNGA 178; A/RES/56/96 (14 December 2001)
Emergency Response to Disasters [2001] UNGA 177; A/RES/56/99 (14 December 2001)
Strengthening of International Cooperation and Coordination of Efforts to Study, Mitigate and Minimize the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster [2001] UNGA 176; A/RES/56/109 (14 December 2001)
Participation of Volunteers, "White Helmets", in Activities of the UN in the Field of Humanitarian Relief, Rehabilitation and Technical Cooperation for Development [2001] UNGA 175; A/RES/56/102 (14 December 2001)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the UN and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [2001] UNGA 174; A/RES/56/86 (12 December 2001)
Scope of Legal Protection Under the Convention on the Safety of UN and Associated Personnel [2001] UNGA 173; A/RES/56/89 (12 December 2001)
Establishment of the International Criminal Court [2001] UNGA 172; A/RES/56/85 (12 December 2001)
Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property [2001] UNGA 171; A/RES/56/78 (12 December 2001)
Observer Status for the International Hydrographic Organization in the General Assembly [2001] UNGA 170; A/RES/56/91 (12 December 2001)
Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts [2001] UNGA 169; A/RES/56/83 (12 December 2001)
International Convention Against the Reproductive Cloning of Human Beings [2001] UNGA 168; A/RES/56/93 (12 December 2001)
Model Law on Electronic Signatures of the UN Commission on International Trade Law [2001] UNGA 167; A/RES/56/80 (12 December 2001)
Implementation of the Provisions of the Charter of the UN Related to Assistance to Third States Affected by the Application of Sanctions [2001] UNGA 166; A/RES/56/87 (12 December 2001)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [2001] UNGA 165; A/RES/56/88 (12 December 2001)
Report of the UN Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its 34th Session [2001] UNGA 164; A/RES/56/79 (12 December 2001)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [2001] UNGA 163; A/RES/56/84 (12 December 2001)
UN Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law [2001] UNGA 162; A/RES/56/77 (12 December 2001)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its 53rd Session [2001] UNGA 161; A/RES/56/82 (12 December 2001)
Observer Status for the International Development Law Institute in the General Assembly [2001] UNGA 160; A/RES/56/90 (12 December 2001)
UN Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade [2001] UNGA 159; A/RES/56/81 (12 December 2001)
Observer Status for the Community of Sahelo-Saharan States in the General Assembly [2001] UNGA 158; A/RES/56/92 (12 December 2001)
Towards Global Partnership [2001] UNGA 157; A/RES/56/76 (11 December 2001)
Building a Peaceful and Better World through Sport and the Olympic Ideal [2001] UNGA 156; A/RES/56/75 (11 December 2001)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [2001] UNGA 155; A/RES/56/68 (10 December 2001)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [2001] UNGA 154; A/RES/56/51 (10 December 2001)
Information in the Service of Humanity [2001] UNGA 153; A/RES/56/64A (10 December 2001)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [2001] UNGA 152; A/RES/56/72 (10 December 2001)
University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" for Palestine Refugees [2001] UNGA 151; A/RES/56/58 (10 December 2001)
Working Group on the Financing of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [2001] UNGA 150; A/RES/56/53 (10 December 2001)
Question of New Caledonia [2001] UNGA 149; A/RES/56/70 (10 December 2001)
Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem [2001] UNGA 148; A/RES/56/62 (10 December 2001)
Offers by Member States of Grants and Scholarships for Higher Education, Including Vocational Training, for Palestinian Refugees [2001] UNGA 147; A/RES/56/55 (10 December 2001)
Palestine Refugees' Properties and Their Revenues [2001] UNGA 146; A/RES/56/57 (10 December 2001)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the UN [2001] UNGA 145; A/RES/56/67 (10 December 2001)
Question of Western Sahara [2001] UNGA 144; A/RES/56/69 (10 December 2001)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [2001] UNGA 143; A/RES/56/74 (10 December 2001)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [2001] UNGA 142; A/RES/56/73 (10 December 2001)
Applicability of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, and the Other Occupied Arab Territories [2001] UNGA 141; A/RES/56/60 (10 December 2001)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [2001] UNGA 140; A/RES/56/50 (10 December 2001)
Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [2001] UNGA 139; A/RES/56/59 (10 December 2001)
The Occupied Syrian Golan [2001] UNGA 138; A/RES/56/63 (10 December 2001)
Question of Tokelau [2001] UNGA 137; A/RES/56/71 (10 December 2001)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees [2001] UNGA 136; A/RES/56/52 (10 December 2001)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN [2001] UNGA 135; A/RES/56/65 (10 December 2001)
Persons Displaced as a Result of the June 1967 and Subsequent Hostilities [2001] UNGA 134; A/RES/56/54 (10 December 2001)
Economic and Other Activities which Affect the Interests of the Peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories [2001] UNGA 133; A/RES/56/66 (10 December 2001)
Operations of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [2001] UNGA 132; A/RES/56/56 (10 December 2001)
Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan [2001] UNGA 131; A/RES/56/61 (10 December 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization [2001] UNGA 130; A/RES/56/49 (7 December 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the League of Arab States [2001] UNGA 129; A/RES/56/40 (7 December 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Economic Community of Central African States [2001] UNGA 128; A/RES/56/39 (7 December 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Council of Europe [2001] UNGA 127; A/RES/56/43 (7 December 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [2001] UNGA 126; A/RES/56/47 (7 December 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the International Organization of La Francophonie [2001] UNGA 125; A/RES/56/45 (7 December 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Organization of African Unity [2001] UNGA 124; A/RES/56/48 (7 December 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Inter-Parliamentary Union [2001] UNGA 123; A/RES/56/46 (7 December 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Pacific Islands Forum [2001] UNGA 122; A/RES/56/41 (7 December 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons [2001] UNGA 121; A/RES/56/42 (7 December 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Economic Cooperation Organization [2001] UNGA 120; A/RES/56/44 (7 December 2001)
Recommendations on Support for Volunteering [2001] UNGA 119; A/RES/56/38 (5 December 2001)
Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa [2001] UNGA 118; A/RES/56/37 (4 December 2001)
Peaceful Settlement of the Question of Palestine [2001] UNGA 117; A/RES/56/36 (3 December 2001)
Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat [2001] UNGA 116; A/RES/56/34 (3 December 2001)
The Syrian Golan [2001] UNGA 115; A/RES/56/32 (3 December 2001)
Jerusalem [2001] UNGA 114; A/RES/56/31 (3 December 2001)
Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat [2001] UNGA 113; A/RES/56/35 (3 December 2001)
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [2001] UNGA 112; A/RES/56/33 (3 December 2001)
November 2001
UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa [2001] UNGA 111; A/RES/56/25D (29 November 2001)
Objective Information on Military Matters, Including Transparency of Military Expenditures [2001] UNGA 110; A/RES/56/14 (29 November 2001)
Strenghtening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [2001] UNGA 109; A/RES/56/29 (29 November 2001)
Consolidation of the Regime Established by the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) [2001] UNGA 108; A/RES/56/30 (29 November 2001)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction [2001] UNGA 107; A/RES/56/24M (29 November 2001)
Convening of the Fourth Special Session of the GA Devoted to Disarmament [2001] UNGA 106; A/RES/56/24D (29 November 2001)
Preservation of and Compliance with the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems [2001] UNGA 105; A/RES/56/24A (29 November 2001)
Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [2001] UNGA 104; A/RES/56/16 (29 November 2001)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons [2001] UNGA 103; A/RES/56/25B (29 November 2001)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction [2001] UNGA 102; A/RES/56/24K (29 November 2001)
Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament [2001] UNGA 101; A/RES/56/20 (29 November 2001)
Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security [2001] UNGA 100; A/RES/56/19 (29 November 2001)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [2001] UNGA 99; A/RES/56/22 (29 November 2001)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas [2001] UNGA 98; A/RES/56/24G (29 November 2001)
Conventional Arms Control at the Regional and Subregional Levels [2001] UNGA 97; A/RES/56/24I (29 November 2001)
Nuclear Disarmament [2001] UNGA 96; A/RES/56/24R (29 November 2001)
Consolidation of Peace through Practical Disarmament Measures [2001] UNGA 95; A/RES/56/24P (29 November 2001)
UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific [2001] UNGA 94; A/RES/56/25F (29 November 2001)
Assistance to States for Curbing the Illicit Traffic in Small Arms and Collecting Them [2001] UNGA 93; A/RES/56/24U (29 November 2001)
Missiles [2001] UNGA 92; A/RES/56/24B (29 November 2001)
A Path to the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons [2001] UNGA 91; A/RES/56/24N (29 November 2001)
Relationship Between Disarmament and Development [2001] UNGA 90; A/RES/56/24E (29 November 2001)
Verification in All its Aspects, Including the Role of the UN in the Field of Verification [2001] UNGA 89; A/RES/56/15 (29 November 2001)
Regional Confidence-Building Measures: Activities of the UN Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa [2001] UNGA 88; A/RES/56/25A (29 November 2001)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [2001] UNGA 87; A/RES/56/28 (29 November 2001)
UN Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean [2001] UNGA 86; A/RES/56/25E (29 November 2001)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [2001] UNGA 85; A/RES/56/23 (29 November 2001)
Prohibition of the Dumping of Radioactive Wastes [2001] UNGA 84; A/RES/56/24L (29 November 2001)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone in the Region of the Middle East [2001] UNGA 83; A/RES/56/21 (29 November 2001)
African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba) [2001] UNGA 82; A/RES/56/17 (29 November 2001)
Report of the Conference on Disarmament [2001] UNGA 81; A/RES/56/26B (29 November 2001)
UN Regional Centres for Peace and Disarmament [2001] UNGA 80; A/RES/56/25C (29 November 2001)
Report of the Disarmament Commission [2001] UNGA 79; A/RES/56/26A (29 November 2001)
The Conference on Disarmament Decision (Cd/1547) of 11 August 1998 to Establish, Under Item 1 of its Agenda Entitled "Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and Nuclear Disarmament", an Ad Hoc Committee to Negotiate, on the Basis of the Report of the Special Coordinator (Cd/1299) and the Mandate Contained Therein, a Non-Discriminatory, Multilateral and Internationally and Effectively Verifiable Treaty Banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices [2001] UNGA 78; A/RES/56/24J (29 November 2001)
Follow-Up to the Advisory Opinion of the Icj on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [2001] UNGA 77; A/RES/56/24S (29 November 2001)
Regional Disarmament [2001] UNGA 76; A/RES/56/24H (29 November 2001)
Observance of Environmental Norms in the Drafting and Implementation of Agreements on Disarmament and Arms Control [2001] UNGA 75; A/RES/56/24F (29 November 2001)
Reducing Nuclear Danger [2001] UNGA 74; A/RES/56/24C (29 November 2001)
Transparency in Armaments [2001] UNGA 73; A/RES/56/24Q (29 November 2001)
2005 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and its Preparatory Committee [2001] UNGA 72; A/RES/56/24O (29 November 2001)
Maintenance of International Security: Good Neighbourliness, Stability and Development in South-Eastern Europe [2001] UNGA 71; A/RES/56/18 (29 November 2001)
Multilateral Cooperation in the Area of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation and Global Efforts Against Terrorism [2001] UNGA 70; A/RES/56/24T (29 November 2001)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [2001] UNGA 69; A/RES/56/27 (29 November 2001)
Oceans and the Law of the Sea [2001] UNGA 68; A/RES/56/12 (28 November 2001)
Agreement for the Implementation of the Provision of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 Dec. 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks [2001] UNGA 67; A/RES/56/13 (28 November 2001)
Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Rehabilitation in Tajikistan [2001] UNGA 66; A/RES/56/10 (27 November 2001)
Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America Against Cuba [2001] UNGA 65; A/RES/56/9 (27 November 2001)
Emergency Assistance to Belize [2001] UNGA 64; A/RES/56/11 (27 November 2001)
Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Altantic [2001] UNGA 63; A/RES/56/7 (21 November 2001)
UN Year for Cultural Heritage, 2002 [2001] UNGA 62; A/RES/56/8 (21 November 2001)
Global Agenda for Dialogue Among Civilizations [2001] UNGA 61; A/RES/56/6 (9 November 2001)
Observance of the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict [2001] UNGA 60; A/RES/56/4 (5 November 2001)
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001-2010 [2001] UNGA 59; A/RES/56/5 (5 November 2001)
October 2001
UN Year of Dialogue Among Civilizations [2001] UNGA 58; A/RES/56/3 (30 October 2001)
University for Peace [2001] UNGA 57; A/RES/56/2 (22 October 2001)
September 2001
Condemnation of Terrorist Attacks in the United States [2001] UNGA 56; A/RES/56/1 (12 September 2001)
2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa [2001] UNGA 55; A/RES/55/284 (7 September 2001)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons [2001] UNGA 54; A/RES/55/283 (7 September 2001)
Revitalization of the General Assembly: Improving the Efficiency of the General Assembly [2001] UNGA 53; A/RES/55/285 (7 September 2001)
International Day of Peace [2001] UNGA 52; A/RES/55/282 (7 September 2001)
August 2001
Prevention of Armed Conflict [2001] UNGA 51; A/RES/55/281 (1 August 2001)
July 2001
Preparations for the Substantive Preparatory Process and the International Conference on Financing for Development [2001] UNGA 50; A/RES/55/245B (25 July 2001)
UN Electoral Observation Mission for the General Election in Fiji in August 2001 [2001] UNGA 49; A/RES/55/280 (25 July 2001)
Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010 [2001] UNGA 48; A/RES/55/279 (12 July 2001)
Statute of the UN System Staff College in Turin, Italy [Text of Statute Contained in Annex] [2001] UNGA 47; A/RES/55/278 (12 July 2001)
June 2001
Appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations [2001] UNGA 46; A/RES/55/277 (29 June 2001)
Organizational Arrangements for the Round Tables for the Special Session of the General Assembly on Children [2001] UNGA 45; A/RES/55/276 (22 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Angola Verification Mission and the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola [2001] UNGA 44; A/RES/55/260 (14 June 2001)
Experiences Learned from the Use of Resident Auditors at Peacekeeping Missions [2001] UNGA 43; A/RES/55/273 (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [2001] UNGA 42; A/RES/55/262 (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Observer Mission in Georgia [2001] UNGA 41; A/RES/55/267 (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2001] UNGA 40; A/RES/55/252B (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Mission in the Central African Republic [2001] UNGA 39; A/RES/55/270 (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Mission of Observers in Tajikistan [2001] UNGA 38; A/RES/55/263 (14 June 2001)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services [2001] UNGA 37; A/RES/55/259 (14 June 2001)
Report of the Joint Inspection Unit on the Review of Management and Administration in the Registry of the International Court of Justice [2001] UNGA 36; A/RES/55/257 (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission [2001] UNGA 35; A/RES/55/261 (14 June 2001)
Financing of UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [2001] UNGA 34; A/RES/55/227B (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy [2001] UNGA 33; A/RES/55/272 (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2001] UNGA 32; A/RES/55/275 (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Protection Force, the UN Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia, the UN Preventive Deployment Force and the UN Peace Forces Headquarters [2001] UNGA 31; A/RES/55/265 (14 June 2001)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2001] UNGA 30; A/RES/55/220C (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Mission in Sierra Leone [2001] UNGA 29; A/RES/55/251B (14 June 2001)
Financing of UN Transitional Administration in East Timor [2001] UNGA 28; A/RES/55/228B (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon [2001] UNGA 27; A/RES/55/180B (14 June 2001)
Reformed Procedures for Determining Reimbursement to Member States for Contingent-Owned Equipment and Troop Costs [2001] UNGA 26; A/RES/55/274 (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina [2001] UNGA 25; A/RES/55/268 (14 June 2001)
Human Resources Management [2001] UNGA 24; A/RES/55/258 (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Civilian Police Mission in Haiti [2001] UNGA 23; A/RES/55/269 (14 June 2001)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [2001] UNGA 22; A/RES/55/271 (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Disengagement Observer Force [2001] UNGA 21; A/RES/55/264 (14 June 2001)
Financing of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus [2001] UNGA 20; A/RES/55/266 (14 June 2001)
May 2001
Protocol Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, Supplementing the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime [2001] UNGA 19; A/RES/55/255 (31 May 2001)
Protection of Religious Sites [2001] UNGA 18; A/RES/55/254 (31 May 2001)
Provisional Agenda of the Twenty-Sixth Special Session of the General Assembly [2001] UNGA 17; A/RES/55/256 (31 May 2001)
April 2001
Procurement Reform [2001] UNGA 16; A/RES/55/247 (12 April 2001)
Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the Investigation into Possible Fee-Splitting Arrangements Between Defence Counsel and Indigent Detainees at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [2001] UNGA 15; A/RES/55/250 (12 April 2001)
Report of the Committee for Development Policy [2001] UNGA 14; A/RES/55/253 (12 April 2001)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [2001] UNGA 13; A/RES/55/225B (12 April 2001)
Financing of the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2001] UNGA 12; A/RES/55/252A (12 April 2001)
Review of the Question of the Term of Office of the Board of Auditors [2001] UNGA 11; A/RES/55/248 (12 April 2001)
Financing of the UN Mission in Sierra Leone [2001] UNGA 10; A/RES/55/251A (12 April 2001)
Conditions of Service and Compensation for the Ad Litem Judges of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [2001] UNGA 9; A/RES/55/249 (12 April 2001)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2001] UNGA 8; A/RES/55/220B (12 April 2001)
March 2001
Organizational Arrangements for the Thematic Committee for the Special Session of the General Assembly on Human Settlements [2001] UNGA 7; A/RES/55/246 (21 March 2001)
Preparations for the Substantive Preparatory Process and the International Conference on Financing for Development [2001] UNGA 6; A/RES/55/245A (21 March 2001)
IAEA Report [2001] UNGA 5; A/RES/55/244 (16 March 2001)
The Destruction of Relics and Monuments in Afghanistan [2001] UNGA 4; A/RES/55/243 (9 March 2001)
February 2001
Organizational Arrangements for the Special Session of the General Assembly on Hiv/Aids and its Preparatory Process [2001] UNGA 3; A/RES/55/242 (22 February 2001)
Assistance to Bolivia as a Result of the Flooding Experienced in Recent Months [2001] UNGA 2; A/RES/55/241 (14 February 2001)
January 2001
Assistance to El Salvador as a Result of the Earthquake of 13 Jan. 2001 [2001] UNGA 1; A/RES/55/240 (26 January 2001)
December 2000
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [2000] UNGA 322; A/RES/55/225A (23 December 2000)
Proposed Programme Budget Outline for the Biennium 2002-2003 [2000] UNGA 321; A/RES/55/233 (23 December 2000)
Proposed Regulations Governing the Status, Basic Rights and Duties of Officials Other Than Secretariat Officials and Experts on Mission and Regulations Governing the Status, Basic Rights and Duties of the Secretary-General [2000] UNGA 320; A/RES/55/221 (23 December 2000)
Financing of UN Transitional Administration in East Timor [2000] UNGA 319; A/RES/55/228A (23 December 2000)
Reports of the Jiu [2000] UNGA 318; A/RES/55/230 (23 December 2000)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of Expenses of UN Peacekeeping Operations [2000] UNGA 317; A/RES/55/235 (23 December 2000)
Outsourcing Practices [2000] UNGA 316; A/RES/55/232 (23 December 2000)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda [2000] UNGA 315; A/RES/55/226 (23 December 2000)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2000-2001 [2000] UNGA 314; A/RES/55/239A-C (23 December 2000)
Programme Planning [2000] UNGA 313; A/RES/55/234 (23 December 2000)
Financing of the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea [2000] UNGA 312; A/RES/55/237 (23 December 2000)
Review of the Rates of Reimbursement to the Governments of Troop-Contributing States [2000] UNGA 311; A/RES/55/229 (23 December 2000)
The Critical Situation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women [2000] UNGA 310; A/RES/55/219 (23 December 2000)
Pattern of Conferences [2000] UNGA 309; A/RES/55/222 (23 December 2000)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [2000] UNGA 308; A/RES/55/220A (23 December 2000)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the UN [2000] UNGA 307; A/RES/55/5B-F (23 December 2000)
Voluntary Movements in Connection with the Apportionment of Expenses of UN Peacekeeping Operations [2000] UNGA 306; A/RES/55/236 (23 December 2000)
UN Pension System [2000] UNGA 305; A/RES/55/224 (23 December 2000)
Financing of UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [2000] UNGA 304; A/RES/55/227A (23 December 2000)
UN Common System: Report of the ICSC [2000] UNGA 303; A/RES/55/223 (23 December 2000)
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 2000-2001 [2000] UNGA 302; A/RES/55/238 (23 December 2000)
Results-Based Budgeting [2000] UNGA 301; A/RES/55/231 (23 December 2000)
Towards Global Partnership [2000] UNGA 300; A/RES/55/215 (21 December 2000)
Implementation of the UN New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s [2000] UNGA 299; A/RES/55/216 (21 December 2000)
Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa [2000] UNGA 298; A/RES/55/217 (21 December 2000)
Cooperation Between UN and Oau [2000] UNGA 297; A/RES/55/218 (21 December 2000)
Status of Preparation for the International Year of Mountains, 2002 [2000] UNGA 296; A/RES/55/189 (20 December 2000)
Scope to be Covered by the Special Session of the GA on the Overall Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the Outcome of the UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) [2000] UNGA 295; A/RES/55/194 (20 December 2000)
Towards a Strengthened and Stable International Financial Architecture [2000] UNGA 294; A/RES/55/186 (20 December 2000)
UNITAR [2000] UNGA 293; A/RES/55/208 (20 December 2000)
Convention on Biological Diversity [2000] UNGA 292; A/RES/55/201 (20 December 2000)
Implementation of the 1st UN Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997-2006), Including the Initiative to Establish a World Solidarity Fund for Poverty Eradication [2000] UNGA 291; A/RES/55/210 (20 December 2000)
Promoting an Integrated Management Approach to the Caribbean Sea Area in the Context of Sustainable Development [2000] UNGA 290; A/RES/55/203 (20 December 2000)
10-Year Review of Progress Achieved in the Implementation of the Outcome of the UN Conference on Environment and Development [2000] UNGA 289; A/RES/55/199 (20 December 2000)
International Year of Freshwater, 2003 [2000] UNGA 288; A/RES/55/196 (20 December 2000)
Role of the UN in Promoting Development in the Context of Globalization and Interdependence [2000] UNGA 287; A/RES/55/212 (20 December 2000)
Preventing and Combating Corrupt Practices and Illegal Transfer of Funds and Repatriation of Such Funds to the Countries of Origin [2000] UNGA 286; A/RES/55/188 (20 December 2000)
Transit Environment in the Landlocked States in Central Asia and Their Transit Developing Neighbours [2000] UNGA 285; A/RES/55/181 (20 December 2000)
Implementation of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [2000] UNGA 284; A/RES/55/204 (20 December 2000)
Enhancing Complementarities Among International Instruments Relating to Environment and Sustainable Development [2000] UNGA 283; A/RES/55/198 (20 December 2000)
Unu [2000] UNGA 282; A/RES/55/206 (20 December 2000)
3rd UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries [2000] UNGA 281; A/RES/55/214 (20 December 2000)
Commodities [2000] UNGA 280; A/RES/55/183 (20 December 2000)
Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, and of the Arab Population in the Occupied Syrian Golan Over Their Natural Resources [2000] UNGA 279; A/RES/55/209 (20 December 2000)
Report of the Governing Council of Unep on its 6th Special Session [2000] UNGA 278; A/RES/55/200 (20 December 2000)
Preparations for the Substantive Preparatory Process and the High-Level International Intergovernmental Event [2000] UNGA 277; A/RES/55/213 (20 December 2000)
Integration of the Economies in Transition into the World Economy [2000] UNGA 276; A/RES/55/191 (20 December 2000)
Preparation for the Special Session of the GA for an Overall Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the Outcome of the UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) [2000] UNGA 275; A/RES/55/195 (20 December 2000)
Industrial Development Cooperation [2000] UNGA 274; A/RES/55/187 (20 December 2000)
Further Implementation of the Outcome of the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [2000] UNGA 273; A/RES/55/202 (20 December 2000)
High-Level Dialogue on Strengthening International Economic Cooperation for Development through Partnership [2000] UNGA 272; A/RES/55/193 (20 December 2000)
Strengthening the Coordination of the Mechanisms on the Commission for Science and Technology for Development [2000] UNGA 271; A/RES/55/185 (20 December 2000)
World Solar Programme 1996-2005 [2000] UNGA 270; A/RES/55/205 (20 December 2000)
UN Staff College in Turin, Italy [2000] UNGA 269; A/RES/55/207 (20 December 2000)
Implementation of the Commitments and Policies Agreed Upon in the Declaration on International Economic Cooperation [2000] UNGA 268; A/RES/55/190 (20 December 2000)
International Trade and Development [2000] UNGA 267; A/RES/55/182 (20 December 2000)
Culture and Development [2000] UNGA 266; A/RES/55/192 (20 December 2000)
Cooperation Between UN and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization [2000] UNGA 265; A/RES/55/211 (20 December 2000)
International Cooperation to Reduce the Impact of the El Nino Phenomenon [2000] UNGA 264; A/RES/55/197 (20 December 2000)
Enhancing International Cooperation Towards a Durable Solution to the External Debt Problem of Developing Countries [2000] UNGA 263; A/RES/55/184 (20 December 2000)
Assistance for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Liberia [2000] UNGA 262; A/RES/55/176 (19 December 2000)
Afghanistan [2000] UNGA 261; A/RES/55/174 (19 December 2000)
Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon [2000] UNGA 260; A/RES/55/180A (19 December 2000)
Central America Situation [2000] UNGA 259; A/RES/55/178 (19 December 2000)
Cooperation Between UN and Osce [2000] UNGA 258; A/RES/55/179 (19 December 2000)
Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel and Protection of UN Personnel [2000] UNGA 257; A/RES/55/175 (19 December 2000)
UN Verification Mission in Guatemala [2000] UNGA 256; A/RES/55/177 (19 December 2000)
Emergency Assistance to Belize [2000] UNGA 255; A/RES/55/165 (14 December 2000)
Assistance to Mozambique [2000] UNGA 254; A/RES/55/167 (14 December 2000)
Humanitarian Assistance for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia [2000] UNGA 253; A/RES/55/169 (14 December 2000)
Follow-Up to the Outcome of the Millennium Summit [2000] UNGA 252; A/RES/55/162 (14 December 2000)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the UN [2000] UNGA 251; A/RES/55/164 (14 December 2000)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief, Rehabilitation and Development for East Timor [2000] UNGA 250; A/RES/55/172 (14 December 2000)
Special Assistance for the Economic Recovery and Reconstruction of the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2000] UNGA 249; A/RES/55/166 (14 December 2000)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [2000] UNGA 248; A/RES/55/173 (14 December 2000)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief and the Economic and Social Rehabilitation of Somalia [2000] UNGA 247; A/RES/55/168 (14 December 2000)
Economic Assistance to the Eastern European States Affected by the Developments in the Balkans [2000] UNGA 246; A/RES/55/170 (14 December 2000)
Closure of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant [2000] UNGA 245; A/RES/55/171 (14 December 2000)
International Cooperation on Humanitarian Assistance in the Field of Natural Disasters from Relief to Development [2000] UNGA 244; A/RES/55/163 (14 December 2000)
Establishment of the International Criminal Court [2000] UNGA 243; A/RES/55/155 (12 December 2000)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [2000] UNGA 242; A/RES/55/154 (12 December 2000)
Observer Status for the Inter-American Development Bank in the General Assembly [2000] UNGA 241; A/RES/55/160 (12 December 2000)
Implementation of the Provisions of the Charter of the UN Related to Assistance to Third States Affected by the Application of Sanctions [2000] UNGA 240; A/RES/55/157 (12 December 2000)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [2000] UNGA 239; A/RES/55/158 (12 December 2000)
Review of the Statute of the UN Administrative Tribunal [2000] UNGA 238; A/RES/55/159 (12 December 2000)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its 52nd Session [2000] UNGA 237; A/RES/55/152 (12 December 2000)
Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property [2000] UNGA 236; A/RES/55/150 (12 December 2000)
Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Armed Conflicts [2000] UNGA 235; A/RES/55/148 (12 December 2000)
Consideration of Effective Measures to Enhance the Protection, Security and Safety of Diplomatic and Consular Missions and Representatives [2000] UNGA 234; A/RES/55/149 (12 December 2000)
Nationality of Natural Persons in Relation to the Succession of States [2000] UNGA 233; A/RES/55/153 (12 December 2000)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the UN and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [2000] UNGA 232; A/RES/55/156 (12 December 2000)
Observer Status for the Economic Community of Central African States in the General Asembly [2000] UNGA 231; A/RES/55/161 (12 December 2000)
Report of the UN Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its 33rd Session [2000] UNGA 230; A/RES/55/151 (12 December 2000)
The Occupied Syrian Golan [2000] UNGA 229; A/RES/55/134 (8 December 2000)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [2000] UNGA 228; A/RES/55/135 (8 December 2000)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [2000] UNGA 227; A/RES/55/147 (8 December 2000)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [2000] UNGA 226; A/RES/55/145 (8 December 2000)
Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [2000] UNGA 225; A/RES/55/130 (8 December 2000)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the UN [2000] UNGA 224; A/RES/55/139 (8 December 2000)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [2000] UNGA 223; A/RES/55/121 (8 December 2000)
Question of Tokelau [2000] UNGA 222; A/RES/55/143 (8 December 2000)
Persons Displaced as a Result of the June 1967 and Subsequent Hostilities [2000] UNGA 221; A/RES/55/125 (8 December 2000)
Economic and Other Activities which Affect the Interest of the Peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories [2000] UNGA 220; A/RES/55/138 (8 December 2000)
Applicability of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Arab Territories [2000] UNGA 219; A/RES/55/131 (8 December 2000)
Operations of UNRWA [2000] UNGA 218; A/RES/55/127 (8 December 2000)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees [2000] UNGA 217; A/RES/55/123 (8 December 2000)
Question of Western Sahara [2000] UNGA 216; A/RES/55/141 (8 December 2000)
University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" for Palestine Refugees [2000] UNGA 215; A/RES/55/129 (8 December 2000)
Information in the Service of Humanity; UN Public Information Policies and Activities [2000] UNGA 214; A/RES/55/136 (8 December 2000)
Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem [2000] UNGA 213; A/RES/55/133 (8 December 2000)
2nd International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism [2000] UNGA 212; A/RES/55/146 (8 December 2000)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [2000] UNGA 211; A/RES/55/140 (8 December 2000)
Offers by Member States of Grants and Scholarships for Higher Education, Including Vocational Training, for Palestine Refugees [2000] UNGA 210; A/RES/55/126 (8 December 2000)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [2000] UNGA 209; A/RES/55/122 (8 December 2000)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [2000] UNGA 208; A/RES/55/144 (8 December 2000)
Palestine Refugees' Properties and Their Revenues [2000] UNGA 207; A/RES/55/128 (8 December 2000)
Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan [2000] UNGA 206; A/RES/55/132 (8 December 2000)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN [2000] UNGA 205; A/RES/55/137 (8 December 2000)
Working Group on the Financing of UNRWA [2000] UNGA 204; A/RES/55/124 (8 December 2000)
Question of New Caledonia [2000] UNGA 203; A/RES/55/142 (8 December 2000)
Credentials of Representatives [2000] UNGA 202; A/RES/55/16B (6 December 2000)
Assistance in Mine Action [2000] UNGA 201; A/RES/55/120 (6 December 2000)
Strengthening of Rule of Law [2000] UNGA 200; A/RES/55/99 (4 December 2000)
International Instruments on Human Rights, Including Reporting Obligations [2000] UNGA 199; A/RES/55/90 (4 December 2000)
The Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [2000] UNGA 198; A/RES/55/87 (4 December 2000)
Respect for the Right to Universal Freedom of Travel and the Vital Importance of Family Reunification [2000] UNGA 197; A/RES/55/100 (4 December 2000)
Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order [2000] UNGA 196; A/RES/55/107 (4 December 2000)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [2000] UNGA 195; A/RES/55/114 (4 December 2000)
Elimination of All Forms of Violence, Including Crimes Against Women [2000] UNGA 194; A/RES/55/68 (4 December 2000)
International Decade of the World's Indigenous People [2000] UNGA 193; A/RES/55/80 (4 December 2000)
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [2000] UNGA 192; A/RES/55/89 (4 December 2000)
New International Humanitarian Order [2000] UNGA 191; A/RES/55/73 (4 December 2000)
Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures [2000] UNGA 190; A/RES/55/110 (4 December 2000)
Protection of Migrants [2000] UNGA 189; A/RES/55/92 (4 December 2000)
Follow-Up to 2nd World Assembly on Ageing [2000] UNGA 188; A/RES/55/58 (4 December 2000)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [2000] UNGA 187; A/RES/55/112 (4 December 2000)
The Girl Child [2000] UNGA 186; A/RES/55/78 (4 December 2000)
Regional Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [2000] UNGA 185; A/RES/55/105 (4 December 2000)
Elimination of Crimes Against Women Committed in the Name of Honour [2000] UNGA 184; A/RES/55/66 (4 December 2000)
The Rights of the Child [2000] UNGA 183; A/RES/55/79 (4 December 2000)
Situation of Human Rights in the Sudan [2000] UNGA 182; A/RES/55/116 (4 December 2000)
Measures to be Taken Against Racial Discrimination or Ethnic Exclusiveness and Xenophobia, Including, in Particular, Neo-Nazism [2000] UNGA 181; A/RES/55/82 (4 December 2000)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discriminiation Against Women [2000] UNGA 180; A/RES/55/70 (4 December 2000)
Strengthening of the UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme [2000] UNGA 179; A/RES/55/64 (4 December 2000)
Situation of Human Rights in Haiti [2000] UNGA 178; A/RES/55/118 (4 December 2000)
Question of Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [2000] UNGA 177; A/RES/55/103 (4 December 2000)
International Year of Volunteers [2000] UNGA 176; A/RES/55/57 (4 December 2000)
The Right to Development [2000] UNGA 175; A/RES/55/108 (4 December 2000)
Follow-Up to the 10th UN Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [2000] UNGA 174; A/RES/55/60 (4 December 2000)
3rd Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination and the Convening of the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [2000] UNGA 173; A/RES/55/84 (4 December 2000)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [2000] UNGA 172; A/RES/55/97 (4 December 2000)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [2000] UNGA 171; A/RES/55/77 (4 December 2000)
UN African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [2000] UNGA 170; A/RES/55/62 (4 December 2000)
Ad Hoc Comittee of the GA for the Announcement of Voluntary Contributions to the Programme of UNHCR [2000] UNGA 169; A/RES/55/75 (4 December 2000)
Respect for the Purposes and Principles Contained in the Charter of the UN to Achieve International Cooperation in Promoting and Encouraging Respect for Human Rights [2000] UNGA 168; A/RES/55/101 (4 December 2000)
Situation of Human Rights in Parts of South-Eastern Europe [2000] UNGA 167; A/RES/55/113 (4 December 2000)
Human Rights and Extreme Poverty [2000] UNGA 166; A/RES/55/106 (4 December 2000)
Traffic in Women and Girls [2000] UNGA 165; A/RES/55/67 (4 December 2000)
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [2000] UNGA 164; A/RES/55/81 (4 December 2000)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the UNHCR [2000] UNGA 163; A/RES/55/72 (4 December 2000)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the UN System [2000] UNGA 162; A/RES/55/69 (4 December 2000)
Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [2000] UNGA 161; A/RES/55/98 (4 December 2000)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2000] UNGA 160; A/RES/55/86 (4 December 2000)
Vienna Declaration on Crime and Justice [2000] UNGA 159; A/RES/55/59 (4 December 2000)
Proclamation of 18 Dec. As International Migrants Day [2000] UNGA 158; A/RES/55/93 (4 December 2000)
International Cooperation Against the World Drug Problem [2000] UNGA 157; A/RES/55/65 (4 December 2000)
Strengthening UN Action in the Field of Human Rights [2000] UNGA 156; A/RES/55/104 (4 December 2000)
Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions [2000] UNGA 155; A/RES/55/111 (4 December 2000)
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families [2000] UNGA 154; A/RES/55/88 (4 December 2000)
Measures to Combat Contemporary Forms of Racism and Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [2000] UNGA 153; A/RES/55/83 (4 December 2000)
Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia [2000] UNGA 152; A/RES/55/95 (4 December 2000)
Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2000] UNGA 151; A/RES/55/117 (4 December 2000)
United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995-2004 [2000] UNGA 150; A/RES/55/94 (4 December 2000)
Enhancement of International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights [2000] UNGA 149; A/RES/55/109 (4 December 2000)
Globalization and its Impact on the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights [2000] UNGA 148; A/RES/55/102 (4 December 2000)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [2000] UNGA 147; A/RES/55/85 (4 December 2000)
50th Anniversary of the Office of UNHCR and World Refugee Day [2000] UNGA 146; A/RES/55/76 (4 December 2000)
Follow-Up to 4th World Conference on Women and the Outcome of the 23rd Special Session of the GA [2000] UNGA 145; A/RES/55/71 (4 December 2000)
Combating the Criminal Misuse of Information Technologies [2000] UNGA 144; A/RES/55/63 (4 December 2000)
International Legal Instrument Against Corruption [2000] UNGA 143; A/RES/55/61 (4 December 2000)
Question of Human Rights in Afghanistan [2000] UNGA 142; A/RES/55/119 (4 December 2000)
Human Rights Situation in Iraq [2000] UNGA 141; A/RES/55/115 (4 December 2000)
Office of the UNHCR [2000] UNGA 140; A/RES/55/74 (4 December 2000)
Human Rights and Cultural Diversity [2000] UNGA 139; A/RES/55/91 (4 December 2000)
Promoting and Consolidating Democracy [2000] UNGA 138; A/RES/55/96 (4 December 2000)
Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat [2000] UNGA 137; A/RES/55/53 (1 December 2000)
Syrian Golan [2000] UNGA 136; A/RES/55/51 (1 December 2000)
Peaceful Settlement of the Question of Palestine [2000] UNGA 135; A/RES/55/55 (1 December 2000)
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [2000] UNGA 134; A/RES/55/52 (1 December 2000)
Jerusalem [2000] UNGA 133; A/RES/55/50 (1 December 2000)
Role of Diamonds in Fuelling Conflict [2000] UNGA 132; A/RES/55/56 (1 December 2000)
Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine of Dpi [2000] UNGA 131; A/RES/55/54 (1 December 2000)
November 2000
Global Human Order [2000] UNGA 130; A/RES/55/48 (29 November 2000)
World Summit for Social Development Outcome [2000] UNGA 129; A/RES/55/46 (29 November 2000)
Zone of Peace: South Atlantic [2000] UNGA 128; A/RES/55/49 (29 November 2000)
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World (2001-2010) [2000] UNGA 127; A/RES/55/47 (29 November 2000)
New or Restored Democracies [2000] UNGA 126; A/RES/55/43 (27 November 2000)
Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Rehabilitation of Tajikistan [2000] UNGA 125; A/RES/55/45 (27 November 2000)
Semipalatinsk Region of Kazakhstan [2000] UNGA 124; A/RES/55/44 (27 November 2000)
Cooperation Between UN and Eco [2000] UNGA 123; A/RES/55/42 (22 November 2000)
Consolidation of the Regime Established by the Treaty of Tlatelolco [2000] UNGA 122; A/RES/55/39 (20 November 2000)
Transparency in Armaments [2000] UNGA 121; A/RES/55/33U (20 November 2000)
Report of the Conference on Disarmament [2000] UNGA 120; A/RES/55/35B (20 November 2000)
UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia & the Pacific [2000] UNGA 119; A/RES/55/34H (20 November 2000)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction [2000] UNGA 118; A/RES/55/33H (20 November 2000)
Reducing Nuclear Danger [2000] UNGA 117; A/RES/55/33N (20 November 2000)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [2000] UNGA 116; A/RES/55/32 (20 November 2000)
Missiles [2000] UNGA 115; A/RES/55/33A (20 November 2000)
Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: The Need for a New Agenda [2000] UNGA 114; A/RES/55/33C (20 November 2000)
UN Regional Centres for Peace and Disarmament [2000] UNGA 113; A/RES/55/34F (20 November 2000)
Conference on Disarmament Decision of 11 Aug. 1998 to Establish an Ad Hoc Committee to Negotiate a Treaty Banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons [2000] UNGA 112; A/RES/55/33Y (20 November 2000)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [2000] UNGA 111; A/RES/55/31 (20 November 2000)
UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa [2000] UNGA 110; A/RES/55/34D (20 November 2000)
Illicit Traffic in Small Arms and Light Weapons [2000] UNGA 109; A/RES/55/33Q (20 November 2000)
Measures to Uphold the Authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol [2000] UNGA 108; A/RES/55/33J (20 November 2000)
Mongolia's International Security and Nuclear-Weapon-Free Status [2000] UNGA 107; A/RES/55/33S (20 November 2000)
2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [2000] UNGA 106; A/RES/55/33D (20 November 2000)
Maintenance of International Security in South-Eastern Europe [2000] UNGA 105; A/RES/55/27 (20 November 2000)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [2000] UNGA 104; A/RES/55/41 (20 November 2000)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia [2000] UNGA 103; A/RES/55/33W (20 November 2000)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [2000] UNGA 102; A/RES/55/37 (20 November 2000)
Regional Confidence-Building Measures: UN Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa Activities [2000] UNGA 101; A/RES/55/34B (20 November 2000)
Relationship Between Disarmament and Development [2000] UNGA 100; A/RES/55/33L (20 November 2000)
Assistance to States for Curbing the Illicit Traffic in Small Arms and Collecting Them [2000] UNGA 99; A/RES/55/33F (20 November 2000)
Role of Science & Technology [2000] UNGA 98; A/RES/55/29 (20 November 2000)
Report of the Disarmament Commission [2000] UNGA 97; A/RES/55/35C (20 November 2000)
Consolidation of Peace through Practical Disarmament Measures [2000] UNGA 96; A/RES/55/33G (20 November 2000)
Convening of the 4th Special Session of the GA Devoted to Disarmament [2000] UNGA 95; A/RES/55/33M (20 November 2000)
Strengthening of Security & Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [2000] UNGA 94; A/RES/55/38 (20 November 2000)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction [2000] UNGA 93; A/RES/55/40 (20 November 2000)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas [2000] UNGA 92; A/RES/55/33I (20 November 2000)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons [2000] UNGA 91; A/RES/55/34G (20 November 2000)
Regional Disarmament [2000] UNGA 90; A/RES/55/33O (20 November 2000)
Preservation of and Compliance with the Treaty on the Limitation of Abms [2000] UNGA 89; A/RES/55/33B (20 November 2000)
A Path to the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons [2000] UNGA 88; A/RES/55/33R (20 November 2000)
Conventional Arms Control at the Regional and Subregional Levels [2000] UNGA 87; A/RES/55/33P (20 November 2000)
20th Anniversary of UNIDIR [2000] UNGA 86; A/RES/55/35A (20 November 2000)
UN Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean [2000] UNGA 85; A/RES/55/34E (20 November 2000)
Follow-Up to the Advisory Opinion of the Icj on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [2000] UNGA 84; A/RES/55/33X (20 November 2000)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Middle East [2000] UNGA 83; A/RES/55/30 (20 November 2000)
Observance of Environmental Norms in the Drafting and Implementation of Agreements on Disarmament and Arms Control [2000] UNGA 82; A/RES/55/33K (20 November 2000)
UN Disarmament Fellowship, Training and Advisory Services [2000] UNGA 81; A/RES/55/34C (20 November 2000)
UN Study on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education [2000] UNGA 80; A/RES/55/33E (20 November 2000)
UN Disarmament Information Programme [2000] UNGA 79; A/RES/55/34A (20 November 2000)
Nuclear Disarmament [2000] UNGA 78; A/RES/55/33T (20 November 2000)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [2000] UNGA 77; A/RES/55/36 (20 November 2000)
Developments in the Field of Information & Telecommunications [2000] UNGA 76; A/RES/55/28 (20 November 2000)
Preparations for the Special Session on Children [2000] UNGA 75; A/RES/55/26 (20 November 2000)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction [2000] UNGA 74; A/RES/55/33V (20 November 2000)
UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime [2000] UNGA 73; A/RES/55/25 (15 November 2000)
Bosnia and Herzegovina [2000] UNGA 72; A/RES/55/24 (14 November 2000)
Dialogue Among Civilizations [2000] UNGA 71; A/RES/55/23 (13 November 2000)
Cooperation Between UN and the Economic Community of Central African States [2000] UNGA 70; A/RES/55/22 (10 November 2000)
2000 Date Conversion Problem of Computers [2000] UNGA 69; A/RES/55/21 (10 November 2000)
Embargo Against Cuba [2000] UNGA 68; A/RES/55/20 (9 November 2000)
Cooperation Betwen UN and Ipu [2000] UNGA 67; A/RES/55/19 (8 November 2000)
Cooperation Between UN and Caribbean Community [2000] UNGA 66; A/RES/55/17 (7 November 2000)
Bethlehem 2000 [2000] UNGA 65; A/RES/55/18 (7 November 2000)
Credentials of Representatives [2000] UNGA 64; A/RES/55/16A (6 November 2000)
Review of Problem of Hiv/Aids [2000] UNGA 63; A/RES/55/13 (3 November 2000)
Cooperation Between UN and Oas [2000] UNGA 62; A/RES/55/15 (3 November 2000)
Amendment to Rule 1 of Rules of Procedure of GA [2000] UNGA 61; A/RES/55/14 (3 November 2000)
UN Membership: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia [2000] UNGA 60; A/RES/55/12 (1 November 2000)
October 2000
Peace, Security and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula [2000] UNGA 59; A/RES/55/11 (31 October 2000)
Large-Scale Pelagic Drift-Net Fishing [2000] UNGA 58; A/RES/55/8 (30 October 2000)
Cooperation Between UN and League of Arab States [2000] UNGA 57; A/RES/55/10 (30 October 2000)
Cooperation Between UN and Oic [2000] UNGA 56; A/RES/55/9 (30 October 2000)
Oceans and Law of the Sea [2000] UNGA 55; A/RES/55/7 (30 October 2000)
Elimination of Coercive Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Compulsion [2000] UNGA 54; A/RES/55/6 (26 October 2000)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the UN [2000] UNGA 53; A/RES/55/5A (26 October 2000)
Cooperation Between UN and Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee [2000] UNGA 52; A/RES/55/4 (25 October 2000)
Cooperation Between UN and Council of Europe [2000] UNGA 51; A/RES/55/3 (20 October 2000)
September 2000
Millennium Declaration [2000] UNGA 50; A/RES/55/2 (8 September 2000)
UN Membership: Tuvalu [2000] UNGA 49; A/RES/55/1 (5 September 2000)
Review of the Problem of Hiv/Aids in All its Aspects [2000] UNGA 48; A/RES/54/283 (5 September 2000)
Draft United Nations Millennium Declaration [2000] UNGA 47; A/RES/54/282 (5 September 2000)
August 2000
Organization of the Millennium Summit of the United Nations [2000] UNGA 46; A/RES/54/281 (11 August 2000)
June 2000
Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon [2000] UNGA 45; A/RES/54/267 (15 June 2000)
Financing of Unikom (Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission) [2000] UNGA 44; A/RES/54/18B (15 June 2000)
Review of the Resource Requirements for the High-Level Intergovernmental Event on Financing for Development and the 3rd UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries [2000] UNGA 43; A/RES/54/258B (15 June 2000)
Financing of the UN Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy [2000] UNGA 42; A/RES/54/278 (15 June 2000)
Financing of UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [2000] UNGA 41; A/RES/54/245B (15 June 2000)
Financing of the UN Protection Force, the UN Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia, the UN Preventive Deployment Force and the UN Peace Forces Headquarters [2000] UNGA 40; A/RES/54/269 (15 June 2000)
Financing of the UN Civilian Police Mission in Haiti [2000] UNGA 39; A/RES/54/276 (15 June 2000)
Financing of the UN Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina [2000] UNGA 38; A/RES/54/273 (15 June 2000)
Financing of the UN Observer Mission in Georgia [2000] UNGA 37; A/RES/54/271 (15 June 2000)
Gratis Personnel Provided by Governments [2000] UNGA 36; A/RES/54/264 (15 June 2000)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [2000] UNGA 35; A/RES/54/239B (15 June 2000)
Financing of the Civilian Police Support Group [2000] UNGA 34; A/RES/54/274 (15 June 2000)
Financing of the UN Disengagement Observer Force [2000] UNGA 33; A/RES/54/266 (15 June 2000)
Financing of Angola Missions (Unavem & Monua) [2000] UNGA 32; A/RES/54/17B (15 June 2000)
Financing of the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor [2000] UNGA 31; A/RES/54/246C (15 June 2000)
Financing of UN Observer Mission in Sierra Leone and of UN Mission in Sierra Leone [2000] UNGA 30; A/RES/54/241B (15 June 2000)
Financing of the UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2000] UNGA 29; A/RES/54/260B (15 June 2000)
Financing of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [2000] UNGA 28; A/RES/54/268 (15 June 2000)
Financing of the UN Mission of Observers in Tajikistan [2000] UNGA 27; A/RES/54/272 (15 June 2000)
Preparations for the Substantive Preparatory Process and the High-Level International Event (Financing for Development) [2000] UNGA 26; A/RES/54/279 (15 June 2000)
Non-Governmental Organizations Section of the UN Secretariat [2000] UNGA 25; A/RES/54/265 (15 June 2000)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 Jan. And 31 Dec. 1994 [2000] UNGA 24; A/RES/54/240B (15 June 2000)
Financing of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus [2000] UNGA 23; A/RES/54/270 (15 June 2000)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [2000] UNGA 22; A/RES/54/243B (15 June 2000)
Financing of the UN Mission in the Central African Republic [2000] UNGA 21; A/RES/54/277 (15 June 2000)
Reports of Board of Auditors [2000] UNGA 20; A/RES/54/13C (15 June 2000)
Agreement Concerning the Relationship Between the UN and the Preparatory Committee for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization [2000] UNGA 19; A/RES/54/280 (15 June 2000)
Reformed Procedures for Determining Reimbursement to Member States for Contingent-Owned Equipment [2000] UNGA 18; A/RES/54/19B (15 June 2000)
Financing of the UN Preventive Deployment Force [2000] UNGA 17; A/RES/54/275 (15 June 2000)
May 2000
Social Development, Including Questions Relating to World Social Situation and to Youth, Ageing, Disabled Persons and the Family [2000] UNGA 16; A/RES/54/262 (25 May 2000)
Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child [2000] UNGA 15; A/RES/54/263 (25 May 2000)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [2000] UNGA 14; A/RES/54/81B (25 May 2000)
Organization of the List of Speakers and the Round Tables for the Millennium Summit [2000] UNGA 13; A/RES/54/261 (10 May 2000)
April 2000
Financing of the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor [2000] UNGA 12; A/RES/54/246B (7 April 2000)
Financing of the UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [2000] UNGA 11; A/RES/54/260A (7 April 2000)
UN Publications: Enhancing Cost-Effectiveness in Implementing Legislative Mandates [2000] UNGA 10; A/RES/54/259 (7 April 2000)
Outsourcing Practices in the UN [2000] UNGA 9; A/RES/54/256 (7 April 2000)
Review of the Resource Requirements for the High-Level Intergovernmental Event on Financing for Development and the 3rd UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries [2000] UNGA 8; A/RES/54/258A (7 April 2000)
Report of the Jiu [2000] UNGA 7; A/RES/54/255 (7 April 2000)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the UN [2000] UNGA 6; A/RES/54/237D (7 April 2000)
Reports of the Oios [2000] UNGA 5; A/RES/54/257 (7 April 2000)
Financing of the UN Mission in East Timor [2000] UNGA 4; A/RES/54/20B (7 April 2000)
March 2000
Millennium Summit of the UN [2000] UNGA 3; A/RES/54/254 (15 March 2000)
Assistance to Madagascar Following the Tropical Cyclones [2000] UNGA 2; A/RES/54/96M (14 March 2000)
Assistance to Mozambique Following the Devastating Floods [2000] UNGA 1; A/RES/54/96L (10 March 2000)
December 1999
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [1999] UNGA 329; A/RES/54/243A (23 December 1999)
Review of the Implementation of a/Res/48/218 B [1999] UNGA 328; A/RES/54/244 (23 December 1999)
UN Common System [1999] UNGA 327; A/RES/54/238 (23 December 1999)
Pattern of Conferences [1999] UNGA 326; A/RES/54/248 (23 December 1999)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of UN Peacekeeping Operations [1999] UNGA 325; A/RES/54/242 (23 December 1999)
Unforeseen and Extraordinary Expenses for the Biennium 2000-2001 [1999] UNGA 324; A/RES/54/252 (23 December 1999)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 Jan. And 31 Dec. 1994 [1999] UNGA 323; A/RES/54/240A (23 December 1999)
Reports of Board of Auditors [1999] UNGA 322; A/RES/54/13B (23 December 1999)
Implementation of Programme of Action for Ldcs for the 1990s [1999] UNGA 321; A/RES/54/235 (23 December 1999)
Financing of UN Observer Mission in Sierra Leone and of UN Mission in Sierra Leone [1999] UNGA 320; A/RES/54/241A (23 December 1999)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 2000-2001 [1999] UNGA 319; A/RES/54/250 A-C (23 December 1999)
Financing of UN Transitional Administration in East Timor [1999] UNGA 318; A/RES/54/246A (23 December 1999)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1998-1999 [1999] UNGA 317; A/RES/54/247 A-B (23 December 1999)
Questions Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 2000-2001 [1999] UNGA 316; A/RES/54/249 (23 December 1999)
Special Subjects Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 2000-2001 [1999] UNGA 315; A/RES/54/251 (23 December 1999)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the UN [1999] UNGA 314; A/RES/54/237 A-C (23 December 1999)
Financing of UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [1999] UNGA 313; A/RES/54/245A (23 December 1999)
Working Capital Fund for the Biennium 2000-2001 [1999] UNGA 312; A/RES/54/253 (23 December 1999)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [1999] UNGA 311; A/RES/54/239A (23 December 1999)
Programme Planning [1999] UNGA 310; A/RES/54/236 (23 December 1999)
Business and Development [1999] UNGA 309; A/RES/54/204 (22 December 1999)
Convention on Biological Diversity [1999] UNGA 308; A/RES/54/221 (22 December 1999)
International Migration and Development [1999] UNGA 307; A/RES/54/212 (22 December 1999)
Role of the UN in Promoting Development in the Context of Globalization and Interdependence [1999] UNGA 306; A/RES/54/231 (22 December 1999)
UN Staff College in Turin, Italy [1999] UNGA 305; A/RES/54/228 (22 December 1999)
International Trade and Development [1999] UNGA 304; A/RES/54/198 (22 December 1999)
Women in Development [1999] UNGA 303; A/RES/54/210 (22 December 1999)
Implementation of the Commitments and Policies Agreed Upon in the Declaration on International Economic Cooperation [1999] UNGA 302; A/RES/54/206 (22 December 1999)
High-Level International Intergovernmental Consideration of Financing for Development [1999] UNGA 301; A/RES/54/196 (22 December 1999)
Cooperation Between UN and the Sadc [1999] UNGA 300; A/RES/54/227 (22 December 1999)
Unilateral Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Coercion Against Developing Countries [1999] UNGA 299; A/RES/54/200 (22 December 1999)
Report of the Governing Council of the Unep [1999] UNGA 298; A/RES/54/216 (22 December 1999)
International Cooperation on Humanitarian Assistance in the Field of Natural Disasters from Relief to Development [1999] UNGA 297; A/RES/54/233 (22 December 1999)
Preparations for the Special Session of the GA for an Overall Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the Habitat Agenda [1999] UNGA 296; A/RES/54/207 (22 December 1999)
Enhancing International Cooperation Towards a Durable Solution to the External Debt Problem of Developing Countries [1999] UNGA 295; A/RES/54/202 (22 December 1999)
Promoting an Integrated Management Approach to the Caribbean Sea Area in the Context of Sustainable Development [1999] UNGA 294; A/RES/54/225 (22 December 1999)
Conservation and Sustainable Development of Central African Forest Ecosystems [1999] UNGA 293; A/RES/54/214 (22 December 1999)
Implementation of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [1999] UNGA 292; A/RES/54/223 (22 December 1999)
Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Outcome of Unced and the 19th Special Session of the GA [1999] UNGA 291; A/RES/54/218 (22 December 1999)
Assistance to Venezuela Following the Devastating Floods and Landslides [1999] UNGA 290; A/RES/54/96K (22 December 1999)
2nd Industrial Development Decade for Africa [1999] UNGA 289; A/RES/54/203 (22 December 1999)
International Cooperation to Reduce the Impact of the El Nino Phenomenon [1999] UNGA 288; A/RES/54/220 (22 December 1999)
Renewal of the Dialogue on Strengthening International Economic Cooperation for Development through Partnership [1999] UNGA 287; A/RES/54/213 (22 December 1999)
Implementation of the Outcome of the UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) [1999] UNGA 286; A/RES/54/208 (22 December 1999)
Towards a Stable International Financial System, Responsive to the Challenges of Development, Especially in the Developing Countries [1999] UNGA 285; A/RES/54/197 (22 December 1999)
UNITAR [1999] UNGA 284; A/RES/54/229 (22 December 1999)
Prevention of Corrupt Practices and Illegal Transfer of Funds [1999] UNGA 283; A/RES/54/205 (22 December 1999)
Developing Human Resources for Development [1999] UNGA 282; A/RES/54/211 (22 December 1999)
Specific Actions Related to the Particular Needs and Problems of Landlocked Developing Countries [1999] UNGA 281; A/RES/54/199 (22 December 1999)
Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and of the Arab Population in the Occupied Syrian Golan Over Their Natural Resources [1999] UNGA 280; A/RES/54/230 (22 December 1999)
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction: Successor Arrangements [1999] UNGA 279; A/RES/54/219 (22 December 1999)
Implementation of the 1st UN Decade for the Eradication of Poverty [1999] UNGA 278; A/RES/54/232 (22 December 1999)
Enhancing Complementarities Among International Instruments Related to Environment and Sustainable Development [1999] UNGA 277; A/RES/54/217 (22 December 1999)
Economic and Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries [1999] UNGA 276; A/RES/54/226 (22 December 1999)
Follow-Up to the UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) [1999] UNGA 275; A/RES/54/209 (22 December 1999)
Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa [1999] UNGA 274; A/RES/54/234 (22 December 1999)
Science and Technology for Development [1999] UNGA 273; A/RES/54/201 (22 December 1999)
World Solar Programme, 1996-2005 [1999] UNGA 272; A/RES/54/215 (22 December 1999)
Implementation of the Outcome of the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [1999] UNGA 271; A/RES/54/224 (22 December 1999)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [1999] UNGA 270; A/RES/54/222 (22 December 1999)
Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Girls [1999] UNGA 269; A/RES/54/133 (17 December 1999)
The Rights of the Child [1999] UNGA 268; A/RES/54/149 (17 December 1999)
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [1999] UNGA 267; A/RES/54/156 (17 December 1999)
Question of East Timor [1999] UNGA 266; A/RES/54/194 (17 December 1999)
Emergency Assistance to the Sudan [1999] UNGA 265; A/RES/54/96J (17 December 1999)
Strengthening the Role of the UN in Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Periodic and Genuine Elections and the Promotion of Democratization [1999] UNGA 264; A/RES/54/173 (17 December 1999)
Question of Human Rights in Afghanistan [1999] UNGA 263; A/RES/54/185 (17 December 1999)
Human Rights Situation in Iraq [1999] UNGA 262; A/RES/54/178 (17 December 1999)
Office of the UNHCR [1999] UNGA 261; A/RES/54/146 (17 December 1999)
Human Rights and Mass Exoduses [1999] UNGA 260; A/RES/54/180 (17 December 1999)
Protection of Migrants [1999] UNGA 259; A/RES/54/166 (17 December 1999)
UN Literacy Decade [1999] UNGA 258; A/RES/54/122 (17 December 1999)
Afghanistan [1999] UNGA 257; A/RES/54/189A-B (17 December 1999)
International Civilian Support Mission in Haiti [1999] UNGA 256; A/RES/54/193 (17 December 1999)
Strengthening the UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme [1999] UNGA 255; A/RES/54/131 (17 December 1999)
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families [1999] UNGA 254; A/RES/54/158 (17 December 1999)
Human Rights and Cultural Diversity [1999] UNGA 253; A/RES/54/160 (17 December 1999)
Action Against Corruption [1999] UNGA 252; A/RES/54/128 (17 December 1999)
Respect for the Right to Universal Freedom of Travel and the Vital Importance of Family Reunification [1999] UNGA 251; A/RES/54/169 (17 December 1999)
High-Level Political Signing Conference for the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime [1999] UNGA 250; A/RES/54/129 (17 December 1999)
The Girl Child [1999] UNGA 249; A/RES/54/148 (17 December 1999)
Follow-Up to the Regional Conference to Address the Problems of Regugees, Displaced Persons, Other Forms of Involuntary Displacement and Returnees in the Countries of the Cis and Relevant Neighbouring States [1999] UNGA 248; A/RES/54/144 (17 December 1999)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat [1999] UNGA 247; A/RES/54/139 (17 December 1999)
International Decade of the World's Indigenous People [1999] UNGA 246; A/RES/54/150 (17 December 1999)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1999] UNGA 245; A/RES/54/151 (17 December 1999)
Situation of Human Rights in Haiti [1999] UNGA 244; A/RES/54/187 (17 December 1999)
Enhancement of International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights [1999] UNGA 243; A/RES/54/181 (17 December 1999)
Draft UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and the Draft Protocols Thereto [1999] UNGA 242; A/RES/54/126 (17 December 1999)
Preparations for the Special Session of the GA Entitled "Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the 21st Century" [1999] UNGA 241; A/RES/54/142 (17 December 1999)
Strengthening UN Action in the Field of Human Rights through the Promotion of International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [1999] UNGA 240; A/RES/54/174 (17 December 1999)
Situation of Human Rights in Kosovo [1999] UNGA 239; A/RES/54/183 (17 December 1999)
Measures to Combat Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [1999] UNGA 238; A/RES/54/153 (17 December 1999)
Assistance to Unaccompanied Refugee Minors [1999] UNGA 237; A/RES/54/145 (17 December 1999)
UN Development Fund for Women [1999] UNGA 236; A/RES/54/136 (17 December 1999)
Violence Against Women Migrant Workers [1999] UNGA 235; A/RES/54/138 (17 December 1999)
National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [1999] UNGA 234; A/RES/54/176 (17 December 1999)
Situation of Human Rights in Rwanda [1999] UNGA 233; A/RES/54/188 (17 December 1999)
Human Rights and Terrorism [1999] UNGA 232; A/RES/54/164 (17 December 1999)
UN Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995-2004 [1999] UNGA 231; A/RES/54/161 (17 December 1999)
Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [1999] UNGA 230; A/RES/54/170 (17 December 1999)
Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [1999] UNGA 229; A/RES/54/179 (17 December 1999)
Assistance for Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [1999] UNGA 228; A/RES/54/147 (17 December 1999)
Cooperatives in Social Development [1999] UNGA 227; A/RES/54/123 (17 December 1999)
Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel and Protection of UN Personnel [1999] UNGA 226; A/RES/54/192 (17 December 1999)
Improvement of the Situation of Women in Rural Areas [1999] UNGA 225; A/RES/54/135 (17 December 1999)
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women [1999] UNGA 224; A/RES/54/134 (17 December 1999)
3rd Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination and the Convening of the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [1999] UNGA 223; A/RES/54/154 (17 December 1999)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1999] UNGA 222; A/RES/54/155 (17 December 1999)
Situation of Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) [1999] UNGA 221; A/RES/54/184 (17 December 1999)
Human Rights in the Administration of Justice [1999] UNGA 220; A/RES/54/163 (17 December 1999)
Respect for the Principles of National Sovereignty and Non-Interference in the Internal Affairs of States in Their Electoral Processes [1999] UNGA 219; A/RES/54/168 (17 December 1999)
International Covenants on Human Rights [1999] UNGA 218; A/RES/54/157 (17 December 1999)
Implementation of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons [1999] UNGA 217; A/RES/54/121 (17 December 1999)
Revitalization and Strengthening of Instraw [1999] UNGA 216; A/RES/54/140 (17 December 1999)
Policies and Programmes Involving Youth [1999] UNGA 215; A/RES/54/120 (17 December 1999)
Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures [1999] UNGA 214; A/RES/54/172 (17 December 1999)
Follow-Up to the 4th World Conference on Women and Full Implementation the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action [1999] UNGA 213; A/RES/54/141 (17 December 1999)
International Cooperation Against the World Drug Problem [1999] UNGA 212; A/RES/54/132 (17 December 1999)
Return or Restitution of Cultural Property to the Countries of Origin [1999] UNGA 211; A/RES/54/190 (17 December 1999)
Assistance in Mine Action [1999] UNGA 210; A/RES/54/191 (17 December 1999)
Situation of Human Rights in the Sudan [1999] UNGA 209; A/RES/54/182 (17 December 1999)
African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1999] UNGA 208; A/RES/54/130 (17 December 1999)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [1999] UNGA 207; A/RES/54/186 (17 December 1999)
Activities of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Elaboration of a Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime [1999] UNGA 206; A/RES/54/127 (17 December 1999)
The Right of Development [1999] UNGA 205; A/RES/54/175 (17 December 1999)
Globalization and its Impact on the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights [1999] UNGA 204; A/RES/54/165 (17 December 1999)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the UNHCR [1999] UNGA 203; A/RES/54/143 (17 December 1999)
Human Rights Situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran [1999] UNGA 202; A/RES/54/177 (17 December 1999)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [1999] UNGA 201; A/RES/54/159 (17 December 1999)
Effective Promotion of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linquistic Minorities [1999] UNGA 200; A/RES/54/162 (17 December 1999)
Follow-Up to the International Year of the Family [1999] UNGA 199; A/RES/54/124 (17 December 1999)
10th UN Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1999] UNGA 198; A/RES/54/125 (17 December 1999)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [1999] UNGA 197; A/RES/54/137 (17 December 1999)
Protection of and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons [1999] UNGA 196; A/RES/54/167 (17 December 1999)
Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia [1999] UNGA 195; A/RES/54/171 (17 December 1999)
The Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [1999] UNGA 194; A/RES/54/152 (17 December 1999)
Observer Status for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources [1999] UNGA 193; A/RES/54/195 (17 December 1999)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Situation [1999] UNGA 192; A/RES/54/119 (16 December 1999)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [1999] UNGA 191; A/RES/54/116 (15 December 1999)
Emergency Assistance to Countries Affected by Hurricanes Jose and Lenny [1999] UNGA 190; A/RES/54/96I (15 December 1999)
Small Arms [1999] UNGA 189; A/RES/54/54V (15 December 1999)
Economic Assistance to the Eastern European States Affected by the Developments in the Balkans [1999] UNGA 188; A/RES/54/96G (15 December 1999)
Central America Situation [1999] UNGA 187; A/RES/54/118 (15 December 1999)
Humanitarian Assistance to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia [1999] UNGA 186; A/RES/54/96F (15 December 1999)
International Assistance to and Cooperation with the Alliance for the Sustainable Development of Central America [1999] UNGA 185; A/RES/54/96E (15 December 1999)
Cooperation Between UN and Osce [1999] UNGA 184; A/RES/54/117 (15 December 1999)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief, Rehabilitation and Development for East Timor [1999] UNGA 183; A/RES/54/96H (15 December 1999)
International Recognition of the Day of Vesak at UN and Other UN Offices [1999] UNGA 182; A/RES/54/115 (15 December 1999)
Global Implications of the Year 2000 Date Conversion Problem of Computers [1999] UNGA 181; A/RES/54/114 (15 December 1999)
UN Year of Dialogue Among Civilizations [1999] UNGA 180; A/RES/54/113 (10 December 1999)
Implementation of the Provisions of the Charter of the UN Related to Assistance to Third States Affected by the Application of Sanctions [1999] UNGA 179; A/RES/54/107 (9 December 1999)
Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property [1999] UNGA 178; A/RES/54/101 (9 December 1999)
Report of Uncitral on the Work of its 32nd Session [1999] UNGA 177; A/RES/54/103 (9 December 1999)
Report of Ilc on the Work of its 51st Session [1999] UNGA 176; A/RES/54/111 (9 December 1999)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the UN and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [1999] UNGA 175; A/RES/54/106 (9 December 1999)
Strengthening of the Icj [1999] UNGA 174; A/RES/54/108 (9 December 1999)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [1999] UNGA 173; A/RES/54/110 (9 December 1999)
UN Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law [1999] UNGA 172; A/RES/54/102 (9 December 1999)
International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism [1999] UNGA 171; A/RES/54/109 (9 December 1999)
Establishment of the International Criminal Court [1999] UNGA 170; A/RES/54/105 (9 December 1999)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [1999] UNGA 169; A/RES/54/104 (9 December 1999)
Nationality of Natural Persons in Relation to the Succession of States [1999] UNGA 168; A/RES/54/112 (9 December 1999)
Credentials of Representatives [1999] UNGA 167; A/RES/54/6B (9 December 1999)
Cooperation Between UN and Eco [1999] UNGA 166; A/RES/54/100 (9 December 1999)
Strengthening of International Cooperation and Coordination of Efforts to Study, Mitigate and Minimize the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster [1999] UNGA 165; A/RES/54/97 (8 December 1999)
Assistance for Reconstruction and Development of Djibouti [1999] UNGA 164; A/RES/54/96C (8 December 1999)
UN Verification Mission in Guatemala [1999] UNGA 163; A/RES/54/99 (8 December 1999)
Participation of Volunteers, "White Helmets", in Activities of the UN in the Field of Humanitarian Relief, Rehabilitation and Technical Cooperation for Development [1999] UNGA 162; A/RES/54/98 (8 December 1999)
Strengthening of Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of UN [1999] UNGA 161; A/RES/54/95 (8 December 1999)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief and Economic and Social Rehabilitation of Somalia [1999] UNGA 160; A/RES/54/96D (8 December 1999)
Cooperation Between UN and Oau [1999] UNGA 159; A/RES/54/94 (8 December 1999)
Special Assistance for Economic Recovery and Reconstruction of the Democratic Republic of the Congo [1999] UNGA 158; A/RES/54/96B (8 December 1999)
Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Rehabilitation in Tajikistanin [1999] UNGA 157; A/RES/54/96A (8 December 1999)
Special Session of GA for Follow-Up to World Summit for Children in 2001 [1999] UNGA 156; A/RES/54/93 (7 December 1999)
Palestine Refugees' Properties and Their Revenues [1999] UNGA 155; A/RES/54/74 (6 December 1999)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [1999] UNGA 154; A/RES/54/86 (6 December 1999)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1999] UNGA 153; A/RES/54/67 (6 December 1999)
Multilingualism [1999] UNGA 152; A/RES/54/64 (6 December 1999)
Offers by Member States of Grants and Scholarships for Higher Education, Including Vocational Training, for Palestine Refugees [1999] UNGA 151; A/RES/54/72 (6 December 1999)
Question of New Caledonia [1999] UNGA 150; A/RES/54/88 (6 December 1999)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1999] UNGA 149; A/RES/54/90 (6 December 1999)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [1999] UNGA 148; A/RES/54/81A (6 December 1999)
Working Group on the Financing of UNRWA [1999] UNGA 147; A/RES/54/70 (6 December 1999)
Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem [1999] UNGA 146; A/RES/54/79 (6 December 1999)
Third UN Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1999] UNGA 145; A/RES/54/68 (6 December 1999)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [1999] UNGA 144; A/RES/54/83 (6 December 1999)
Applicability of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, and the Other Occupied Arab Territories [1999] UNGA 143; A/RES/54/77 (6 December 1999)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [1999] UNGA 142; A/RES/54/66 (6 December 1999)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [1999] UNGA 141; A/RES/54/85 (6 December 1999)
Question of Western Sahara [1999] UNGA 140; A/RES/54/87 (6 December 1999)
University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" for Palestine Refugees [1999] UNGA 139; A/RES/54/75 (6 December 1999)
Cooperation Between UN and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization [1999] UNGA 138; A/RES/54/65 (6 December 1999)
UN Public Information Policies and Activities [1999] UNGA 137; A/RES/54/82B (6 December 1999)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [1999] UNGA 136; A/RES/54/91 (6 December 1999)
Operations of UNRWA [1999] UNGA 135; A/RES/54/73 (6 December 1999)
Information in the Service of Humanity [1999] UNGA 134; A/RES/54/82A (6 December 1999)
Question of Tokelau [1999] UNGA 133; A/RES/54/89 (6 December 1999)
Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan [1999] UNGA 132; A/RES/54/78 (6 December 1999)
Persons Displaced as a Result of the June 1967 and Subsequent Hostilities [1999] UNGA 131; A/RES/54/71 (6 December 1999)
The Occupied Syrian Golan [1999] UNGA 130; A/RES/54/80 (6 December 1999)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees [1999] UNGA 129; A/RES/54/69 (6 December 1999)
Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1999] UNGA 128; A/RES/54/76 (6 December 1999)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [1999] UNGA 127; A/RES/54/92 (6 December 1999)
Economic and Other Activities which Affect the Interests of the Peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories [1999] UNGA 126; A/RES/54/84 (6 December 1999)
Prohibition of the Development and Manufacture of New Types of Weapons of Mass Destruction and New Systems of Such Weapons [1999] UNGA 125; A/RES/54/44 (1 December 1999)
Conventional Arms Control at the Regional and Subregional Levels [1999] UNGA 124; A/RES/54/54M (1 December 1999)
Preservation of and Compliance with the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems [1999] UNGA 123; A/RES/54/54A (1 December 1999)
Report of the Conference on Disarmament [1999] UNGA 122; A/RES/54/56B (1 December 1999)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [1999] UNGA 121; A/RES/54/53 (1 December 1999)
Transparency in Armaments [1999] UNGA 120; A/RES/54/54O (1 December 1999)
Maintenance of International Security-Stability and Development of South-Eastern Europe [1999] UNGA 119; A/RES/54/62 (1 December 1999)
Peaceful Settlement of the Question of Palestine [1999] UNGA 118; A/RES/54/42 (1 December 1999)
Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat [1999] UNGA 117; A/RES/54/40 (1 December 1999)
Strenghtening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [1999] UNGA 116; A/RES/54/59 (1 December 1999)
Prohibition of the Dumping of Radioactive Wastes [1999] UNGA 115; A/RES/54/54C (1 December 1999)
UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa [1999] UNGA 114; A/RES/54/55B (1 December 1999)
Follow-Up to the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [1999] UNGA 113; A/RES/54/54Q (1 December 1999)
Consolidation of Peace through Practical Disarmament Measures [1999] UNGA 112; A/RES/54/54H (1 December 1999)
Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security [1999] UNGA 111; A/RES/54/49 (1 December 1999)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [1999] UNGA 110; A/RES/54/57 (1 December 1999)
Observance of Environmental Norms in the Drafting and Implementation of Agreements on Disarmament and Arms Control [1999] UNGA 109; A/RES/54/54S (1 December 1999)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons [1999] UNGA 108; A/RES/54/55D (1 December 1999)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction [1999] UNGA 107; A/RES/54/54E (1 December 1999)
Syrian Golan [1999] UNGA 106; A/RES/54/38 (1 December 1999)
Assistance to States for Curbing the Illicit Traffic in Small Arms and Collecting Them [1999] UNGA 105; A/RES/54/54J (1 December 1999)
Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [1999] UNGA 104; A/RES/54/47 (1 December 1999)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction [1999] UNGA 103; A/RES/54/61 (1 December 1999)
Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament [1999] UNGA 102; A/RES/54/50 (1 December 1999)
UN Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean [1999] UNGA 101; A/RES/54/55F (1 December 1999)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas [1999] UNGA 100; A/RES/54/54L (1 December 1999)
Convening of the Fourth Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament [1999] UNGA 99; A/RES/54/54U (1 December 1999)
Question of Antarctica [1999] UNGA 98; A/RES/54/45 (1 December 1999)
African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba) [1999] UNGA 97; A/RES/54/48 (1 December 1999)
Regional Disarmament [1999] UNGA 96; A/RES/54/54N (1 December 1999)
Objective Information on Military Matters, Including Transparency of Military Expenditures [1999] UNGA 95; A/RES/54/43 (1 December 1999)
Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine of Dpi [1999] UNGA 94; A/RES/54/41 (1 December 1999)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction [1999] UNGA 93; A/RES/54/54B (1 December 1999)
Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: The Need for a New Agenda [1999] UNGA 92; A/RES/54/54G (1 December 1999)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [1999] UNGA 91; A/RES/54/52 (1 December 1999)
Report of the Disarmament Commission [1999] UNGA 90; A/RES/54/56A (1 December 1999)
Regional Confidence-Building Measures: Activities of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa [1999] UNGA 89; A/RES/54/55A (1 December 1999)
Verification in All its Aspects, Including the Role of the United Nations in the Field of Verification [1999] UNGA 88; A/RES/54/46 (1 December 1999)
Nuclear Disarmament [1999] UNGA 87; A/RES/54/54P (1 December 1999)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [1999] UNGA 86; A/RES/54/63 (1 December 1999)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [1999] UNGA 85; A/RES/54/58 (1 December 1999)
Nuclear Disarmament with a View to the Ultimate Elimination of Nuclear Weapons [1999] UNGA 84; A/RES/54/54D (1 December 1999)
UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific [1999] UNGA 83; A/RES/54/55C (1 December 1999)
Jerusalem [1999] UNGA 82; A/RES/54/37 (1 December 1999)
Illicit Traffic in Small Arms [1999] UNGA 81; A/RES/54/54R (1 December 1999)
Transparency in Armaments [1999] UNGA 80; A/RES/54/54I (1 December 1999)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [1999] UNGA 79; A/RES/54/51 (1 December 1999)
Relationship Between Disarmament and Development [1999] UNGA 78; A/RES/54/54T (1 December 1999)
Consolidation of the Regime Established by the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) [1999] UNGA 77; A/RES/54/60 (1 December 1999)
Reducing Nuclear Danger [1999] UNGA 76; A/RES/54/54K (1 December 1999)
Missiles [1999] UNGA 75; A/RES/54/54F (1 December 1999)
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [1999] UNGA 74; A/RES/54/39 (1 December 1999)
UN Regional Centres for Peace and Disarmament [1999] UNGA 73; A/RES/54/55E (1 December 1999)
November 1999
New or Restored Democracies [1999] UNGA 72; A/RES/54/36 (29 November 1999)
Sectoral Theme: Oceans and Seas [1999] UNGA 71; A/RES/54/33 (24 November 1999)
Zone of Peace: South Atlantic [1999] UNGA 70; A/RES/54/35 (24 November 1999)
Implementation of Provisions Relating to Straddling Fish Stocks [1999] UNGA 69; A/RES/54/32 (24 November 1999)
Oceans and Law of the Sea [1999] UNGA 68; A/RES/54/31 (24 November 1999)
Sports and the Olympic Ideal [1999] UNGA 67; A/RES/54/34 (24 November 1999)
Emergency Response to Disasters [1999] UNGA 66; A/RES/54/30 (22 November 1999)
University for Peace [1999] UNGA 65; A/RES/54/29 (18 November 1999)
UN Decade of International Law [1999] UNGA 64; A/RES/54/28 (17 November 1999)
Centennial of International Peace Conference [1999] UNGA 63; A/RES/54/27 (17 November 1999)
Cooperation Between UN and International Organization of La Francophonie [1999] UNGA 62; A/RES/54/25 (15 November 1999)
IAEA Report [1999] UNGA 61; A/RES/54/26 (15 November 1999)
World Social Summit Outcome [1999] UNGA 60; A/RES/54/23 (10 November 1999)
Bethlehem 2000 [1999] UNGA 59; A/RES/54/22 (10 November 1999)
Follow-Up to International Year of Older Persons [1999] UNGA 58; A/RES/54/24 (10 November 1999)
Embargo Against Cuba [1999] UNGA 57; A/RES/54/21 (9 November 1999)
October 1999
Procurement Reform [1999] UNGA 56; A/RES/54/14 (29 October 1999)
Reimbursement to Member States for Contingent-Owned Equipment [1999] UNGA 55; A/RES/54/19A (29 October 1999)
Financing of Angola Missions (Unavem & Monua) [1999] UNGA 54; A/RES/54/17A (29 October 1999)
Financing of Unamet (East Timor Mission) [1999] UNGA 53; A/RES/54/20A (29 October 1999)
Financing of Unikom (Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission) [1999] UNGA 52; A/RES/54/18A (29 October 1999)
Joint Inspection Unit [1999] UNGA 51; A/RES/54/16 (29 October 1999)
Development Account [1999] UNGA 50; A/RES/54/15 (29 October 1999)
Reports of Board of Auditors [1999] UNGA 49; A/RES/54/13A (29 October 1999)
Cooperation Between UN and Inter-Parliamentary Union [1999] UNGA 48; A/RES/54/12 (27 October 1999)
30th Anniversary of Operations of UNFPA [1999] UNGA 47; A/RES/54/11 (27 October 1999)
Cooperation Between UN and League of Arab States [1999] UNGA 46; A/RES/54/9 (26 October 1999)
Observer Status: Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries [1999] UNGA 45; A/RES/54/10 (26 October 1999)
Cooperation Between UN and Oic [1999] UNGA 44; A/RES/54/7 (25 October 1999)
Credentials of Representatives [1999] UNGA 43; A/RES/54/6A (25 October 1999)
Cooperation Between UN and Sela [1999] UNGA 42; A/RES/54/8 (25 October 1999)
Observer Status: Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization [1999] UNGA 41; A/RES/54/5 (8 October 1999)
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (Text) [1999] UNGA 40; A/RES/54/4 (6 October 1999)
September 1999
UN Membership: Nauru [1999] UNGA 39; A/RES/54/2 (14 September 1999)
UN Membership: Tonga [1999] UNGA 38; A/RES/54/3 (14 September 1999)
UN Membership: Kiribati [1999] UNGA 37; A/RES/54/1 (14 September 1999)
Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace [1999] UNGA 36; A/RES/53/243 (13 September 1999)
July 1999
Financing of Unmik (Kosovo Mission) [1999] UNGA 35; A/RES/53/241 (28 July 1999)
Assessed Budget Contributions [1999] UNGA 34; A/RES/53/36 F-G (28 July 1999)
UN Reform: Measures and Proposals [1999] UNGA 33; A/RES/53/242 (28 July 1999)
June 1999
Financing of Unamet (East Timor Mission) [1999] UNGA 32; A/RES/53/240 (29 June 1999)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [1999] UNGA 31; A/RES/53/12 B (8 June 1999)
Financing & Liquidation of Untac (Cambodia Mission) [1999] UNGA 30; A/RES/53/230 (8 June 1999)
ACABQ Report on Financing Peacekeeping Operations [1999] UNGA 29; A/RES/53/237 (8 June 1999)
Financing of Unikom (Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission) [1999] UNGA 28; A/RES/53/229 (8 June 1999)
Financing of Unmot (Tajikistan Mission) [1999] UNGA 27; A/RES/53/19 B (8 June 1999)
Financing of Unomig (Georgia Mission) [1999] UNGA 26; A/RES/53/232 (8 June 1999)
Financing of Unpredep (UN Preventive Deployment Force) [1999] UNGA 25; A/RES/53/20 B (8 June 1999)
Financing of Undof (Disengagement Observer Force) [1999] UNGA 24; A/RES/53/226 (8 June 1999)
Development Account [1999] UNGA 23; A/RES/53/220 B (8 June 1999)
Financing of Untaes (Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium and the Civilian Police Support Group Mission) [1999] UNGA 22; A/RES/53/234 (8 June 1999)
Financing of Angola Missions (Unavem & Monua) [1999] UNGA 21; A/RES/53/228 (8 June 1999)
Financing of the UN Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy [1999] UNGA 20; A/RES/53/236 (8 June 1999)
Financing of Unifil (Lebanon Mission) [1999] UNGA 19; A/RES/53/227 (8 June 1999)
Financing of MINURCA (Central African Republic Mission) [1999] UNGA 18; A/RES/53/238 (8 June 1999)
Management Irregularities Causing Financial Losses to the UN [1999] UNGA 17; A/RES/53/225 (8 June 1999)
Financing of Minurso (Western Sahara Mission) [1999] UNGA 16; A/RES/53/18 B (8 June 1999)
Financing of Haiti Missions (Unsmih, Untmih, Miponuh) [1999] UNGA 15; A/RES/53/222 B (8 June 1999)
Financing of Unmibh (Bosnia and Herzegovina Mission) [1999] UNGA 14; A/RES/53/233 (8 June 1999)
Financing of Unficyp (Cyprus Mission) [1999] UNGA 13; A/RES/53/231 (8 June 1999)
Financing of Minugua (Guatemala Mission) [1999] UNGA 12; A/RES/53/235 (8 June 1999)
UN Reform: Measures and Proposals; Strengthening of the UN System [1999] UNGA 11; A/RES/53/239 (8 June 1999)
April 1999
Financing of Haiti Missions (Unsmih, Untmih, Miponuh) [1999] UNGA 10; A/RES/53/222 A (7 April 1999)
Strengthening of the UN System [1999] UNGA 9; A/RES/53/224 (7 April 1999)
Small Island Developing States Conference: Review of Implementation at GA Special Session (Sept. 1999) [1999] UNGA 8; A/RES/53/189 B (7 April 1999)
Revision of Wfp General Regulations [1999] UNGA 7; A/RES/53/223 (7 April 1999)
Procurement-Related Arbitration [1999] UNGA 6; A/RES/53/217 (7 April 1999)
Human Resources Management [1999] UNGA 5; A/RES/53/221 (7 April 1999)
Integrated Management Information System (Imis) [1999] UNGA 4; A/RES/53/219 (7 April 1999)
Development Account [1999] UNGA 3; A/RES/53/220 A (7 April 1999)
Gratis Personnel Provided by Governments [1999] UNGA 2; A/RES/53/218 (7 April 1999)
March 1999
Observer Status: Customs Cooperation Council [1999] UNGA 1; A/RES/53/216 (23 March 1999)
December 1998
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 1998-1999 [1998] UNGA 301; A/RES/53/214 (18 December 1998)
Assessed Budget Contributions [1998] UNGA 300; A/RES/53/36 B-E (18 December 1998)
UN Pension System [1998] UNGA 299; A/RES/53/210 (18 December 1998)
Financing of Monua (Angola Mission) [1998] UNGA 298; A/RES/53/211 (18 December 1998)
Afghanistan Situation [1998] UNGA 297; A/RES/53/203 A (18 December 1998)
Programme Planning [1998] UNGA 296; A/RES/53/207 (18 December 1998)
Board of Auditors Reports and Statements [1998] UNGA 295; A/RES/53/204 (18 December 1998)
Results-Based Budgeting [1998] UNGA 294; A/RES/53/205 (18 December 1998)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1998-1999 [1998] UNGA 293; A/RES/53/215 A-C (18 December 1998)
UN Common System [1998] UNGA 292; A/RES/53/209 (18 December 1998)
Financing of the Rwanda Tribunal [1998] UNGA 291; A/RES/53/213 (18 December 1998)
Assistance to Afghanistan [1998] UNGA 290; A/RES/53/203 B (18 December 1998)
Financing of the Former Yugoslavia Tribunal [1998] UNGA 289; A/RES/53/212 (18 December 1998)
Pattern of Conferences [1998] UNGA 288; A/RES/53/208 (18 December 1998)
Proposed Programme Budget Outline for the Biennium 2000-2001 [1998] UNGA 287; A/RES/53/206 (18 December 1998)
Credentials of Representatives to the GA 53rd Session [1998] UNGA 286; A/RES/53/23 C (17 December 1998)
Assistance to Sudan [1998] UNGA 285; A/RES/53/1 O (17 December 1998)
UN Millennium Assembly [1998] UNGA 284; A/RES/53/202 (17 December 1998)
Preparations for the GA Special Session in 2001 to Review the World Summit for Children [1998] UNGA 283; A/RES/53/193 (15 December 1998)
Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990s [1998] UNGA 282; A/RES/53/182 (15 December 1998)
International Trade and Development [1998] UNGA 281; A/RES/53/170 (15 December 1998)
Industrial Development Cooperation [1998] UNGA 280; A/RES/53/177 (15 December 1998)
Biological Diversity Convention [1998] UNGA 279; A/RES/53/190 (15 December 1998)
Unep Governing Council Report [1998] UNGA 278; A/RES/53/187 (15 December 1998)
Development in the Context of Globalization and Interdependence [1998] UNGA 277; A/RES/53/169 (15 December 1998)
Public Administration and Development [1998] UNGA 276; A/RES/53/201 (15 December 1998)
Cultural Development [1998] UNGA 275; A/RES/53/184 (15 December 1998)
External Debt Problem of Developing Countries [1998] UNGA 274; A/RES/53/175 (15 December 1998)
UNITAR [1998] UNGA 273; A/RES/53/195 (15 December 1998)
International Year of Ecotourism 2002 [1998] UNGA 272; A/RES/53/200 (15 December 1998)
Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development [1998] UNGA 271; A/RES/53/183 (15 December 1998)
International Year of Microcredit 2005 [1998] UNGA 270; A/RES/53/197 (15 December 1998)
Special Session of the GA on Habitat Agenda [1998] UNGA 269; A/RES/53/180 (15 December 1998)
Financing for Development [1998] UNGA 268; A/RES/53/173 (15 December 1998)
Declaration on International Economic Cooperation [1998] UNGA 267; A/RES/53/178 (15 December 1998)
Proclamation of International Years [1998] UNGA 266; A/RES/53/199 (15 December 1998)
Transit Environment in Landlocked Central Asian States [1998] UNGA 265; A/RES/53/171 (15 December 1998)
UN System: Triennial Policy Review of Operational Activities for Development [1998] UNGA 264; A/RES/53/192 (15 December 1998)
El NiñO [1998] UNGA 263; A/RES/53/185 (15 December 1998)
Action Against Corruption and Bribery in International Commercial Transactions [1998] UNGA 262; A/RES/53/176 (15 December 1998)
Unu [1998] UNGA 261; A/RES/53/194 (15 December 1998)
Small Island Developing States Conference [1998] UNGA 260; A/RES/53/189 A (15 December 1998)
Poverty Eradication Decade [1998] UNGA 259; A/RES/53/198 (15 December 1998)
Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Territories Over Their Natural Resources [1998] UNGA 258; A/RES/53/196 (15 December 1998)
Commodities [1998] UNGA 257; A/RES/53/174 (15 December 1998)
International Institutional Arrangements Related to Environment and Development [1998] UNGA 256; A/RES/53/186 (15 December 1998)
Growth and Development: Impact of Financial Crisis [1998] UNGA 255; A/RES/53/172 (15 December 1998)
Development through Partnership [1998] UNGA 254; A/RES/53/181 (15 December 1998)
Economies in Transition [1998] UNGA 253; A/RES/53/179 (15 December 1998)
Desertification Convention [1998] UNGA 252; A/RES/53/191 (15 December 1998)
Follow-Up to Unced and the GA 19th Special Session [1998] UNGA 251; A/RES/53/188 (15 December 1998)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 50th Anniversary [1998] UNGA 250; A/RES/53/168 (10 December 1998)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [1998] UNGA 249; A/RES/53/126 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights in Kosovo [1998] UNGA 248; A/RES/53/164 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures [1998] UNGA 247; A/RES/53/141 (9 December 1998)
International Year of Older Persons 1999 [1998] UNGA 246; A/RES/53/109 (9 December 1998)
International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights [1998] UNGA 245; A/RES/53/154 (9 December 1998)
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action [1998] UNGA 244; A/RES/53/166 (9 December 1998)
10th UN Congress on Crime Prevention [1998] UNGA 243; A/RES/53/110 (9 December 1998)
International Cooperation in Criminal Matters [1998] UNGA 242; A/RES/53/112 (9 December 1998)
Racial Discrimination Convention [1998] UNGA 241; A/RES/53/131 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights in Myanmar [1998] UNGA 240; A/RES/53/162 (9 December 1998)
Regional Promotion of Human Rights [1998] UNGA 239; A/RES/53/148 (9 December 1998)
High Commissioner for Refugees: Enlargement of Executive Committee of the Programme [1998] UNGA 238; A/RES/53/121 (9 December 1998)
Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Girls [1998] UNGA 237; A/RES/53/117 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights and Extreme Poverty [1998] UNGA 236; A/RES/53/146 (9 December 1998)
Rights of the Child [1998] UNGA 235; A/RES/53/128 (9 December 1998)
Measures to Combat Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [1998] UNGA 234; A/RES/53/133 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights and the Human Genome [1998] UNGA 233; A/RES/53/152 (9 December 1998)
Improving Women's Status in the Secretariat [1998] UNGA 232; A/RES/53/119 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights in Cambodia [1998] UNGA 231; A/RES/53/145 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights in Iraq [1998] UNGA 230; A/RES/53/157 (9 December 1998)
World Drug Problem: International Cooperation [1998] UNGA 229; A/RES/53/115 (9 December 1998)
Use of Mercenaries [1998] UNGA 228; A/RES/53/135 (9 December 1998)
UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations [1998] UNGA 227; A/RES/53/130 (9 December 1998)
Assistance to Unaccompanied Refugee Minors [1998] UNGA 226; A/RES/53/122 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights in Haiti [1998] UNGA 225; A/RES/53/159 (9 December 1998)
Freedom of Travel and Family Reunification [1998] UNGA 224; A/RES/53/143 (9 December 1998)
New International Humanitarian Order [1998] UNGA 223; A/RES/53/124 (9 December 1998)
Torture [1998] UNGA 222; A/RES/53/139 (9 December 1998)
Convention on Migrant Workers [1998] UNGA 221; A/RES/53/137 (9 December 1998)
Right to Development [1998] UNGA 220; A/RES/53/155 (9 December 1998)
Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [1998] UNGA 219; A/RES/53/150 (9 December 1998)
UN African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1998] UNGA 218; A/RES/53/113 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Croatia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) [1998] UNGA 217; A/RES/53/163 (9 December 1998)
Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees [1998] UNGA 216; A/RES/53/125 (9 December 1998)
Third Decade to Combat Racial Discrimination [1998] UNGA 215; A/RES/53/132 (9 December 1998)
Religious Intolerance [1998] UNGA 214; A/RES/53/140 (9 December 1998)
UN Actions in the Human Rights Field [1998] UNGA 213; A/RES/53/149 (9 December 1998)
The Girl Child [1998] UNGA 212; A/RES/53/127 (9 December 1998)
Follow-Up to the 4th Women's (Beijing) Conference [1998] UNGA 211; A/RES/53/120 (9 December 1998)
UN Decade for Human Rights Education 1995-2004 [1998] UNGA 210; A/RES/53/153 (9 December 1998)
Discrimination Against Women Convention [1998] UNGA 209; A/RES/53/118 (9 December 1998)
Transnational Organized Crime [1998] UNGA 208; A/RES/53/111 (9 December 1998)
Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1998] UNGA 207; A/RES/53/134 (9 December 1998)
Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions [1998] UNGA 206; A/RES/53/147 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights in Nigeria [1998] UNGA 205; A/RES/53/161 (9 December 1998)
World's Indigenous People Decade [1998] UNGA 204; A/RES/53/129 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [1998] UNGA 203; A/RES/53/158 (9 December 1998)
Resources for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights [1998] UNGA 202; A/RES/53/167 (9 December 1998)
Traffic in Women and Girls [1998] UNGA 201; A/RES/53/116 (9 December 1998)
Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [1998] UNGA 200; A/RES/53/136 (9 December 1998)
UN Year for Tolerance Follow-Up [1998] UNGA 199; A/RES/53/151 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [1998] UNGA 198; A/RES/53/160 (9 December 1998)
Declaration on Universally Recognized Human Rights (Text of Declaration) [1998] UNGA 197; A/RES/53/144 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights Instruments [1998] UNGA 196; A/RES/53/138 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights in Rwanda [1998] UNGA 195; A/RES/53/156 (9 December 1998)
UN Crime Prevention Programme [1998] UNGA 194; A/RES/53/114 (9 December 1998)
Rule of Law [1998] UNGA 193; A/RES/53/142 (9 December 1998)
Human Rights in Afghanistan [1998] UNGA 192; A/RES/53/165 (9 December 1998)
Follow-Up to the Regional Conference on Refugees in Cis Countries [1998] UNGA 191; A/RES/53/123 (9 December 1998)
Protection, Security and Safety of Diplomatic and Consular Staff [1998] UNGA 190; A/RES/53/97 (8 December 1998)
Ilc Report [1998] UNGA 189; A/RES/53/102 (8 December 1998)
Assistance to Central and East African Countries of Asylum (Refugees, Returnees, Displaced Persons) [1998] UNGA 188; A/RES/53/1 N (8 December 1998)
1999 Centennial of the First International Peace Conference [1998] UNGA 187; A/RES/53/99 (8 December 1998)
Assistance to Third States Affected by Sanctions [1998] UNGA 186; A/RES/53/107 (8 December 1998)
UN Decade of International Law [1998] UNGA 185; A/RES/53/100 (8 December 1998)
Charter Committee Report [1998] UNGA 184; A/RES/53/106 (8 December 1998)
Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti [1998] UNGA 183; A/RES/53/95 (8 December 1998)
Committee on Relations with the Host Country Report [1998] UNGA 182; A/RES/53/104 (8 December 1998)
Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 [1998] UNGA 181; A/RES/53/96 (8 December 1998)
Uncitral Report [1998] UNGA 180; A/RES/53/103 (8 December 1998)
Assistance to Somalia [1998] UNGA 179; A/RES/53/1 M (8 December 1998)
Terrorism [1998] UNGA 178; A/RES/53/108 (8 December 1998)
Principles and Guidelines for International Negotiations [1998] UNGA 177; A/RES/53/101 (8 December 1998)
Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property [1998] UNGA 176; A/RES/53/98 (8 December 1998)
Establishment of an International Criminal Court [1998] UNGA 175; A/RES/53/105 (8 December 1998)
Strengthening the Coordination of UN Emergency Humanitarian Assistance [1998] UNGA 174; A/RES/53/88 (7 December 1998)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Organization of African Unity [1998] UNGA 173; A/RES/53/91 (7 December 1998)
Assistance to Tajikistan [1998] UNGA 172; A/RES/53/1 K (7 December 1998)
UN Verification Mission in Guatemala (Minugua) [1998] UNGA 171; A/RES/53/93 (7 December 1998)
Assistance to Djibouti [1998] UNGA 170; A/RES/53/1 J (7 December 1998)
Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel and Protection of UN Personnel [1998] UNGA 169; A/RES/53/87 (7 December 1998)
Credentials of Representatives to the GA 53rd Session [1998] UNGA 168; A/RES/53/23 B (7 December 1998)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [1998] UNGA 167; A/RES/53/89 (7 December 1998)
New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s [1998] UNGA 166; A/RES/53/90 (7 December 1998)
Africa: Causes of Conflict, Promotion of Durable Peace, Sustainable Development [1998] UNGA 165; A/RES/53/92 (7 December 1998)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe [1998] UNGA 164; A/RES/53/85 (7 December 1998)
Global Implications of the Year 2000 Date Conversion Problem of Computers [1998] UNGA 163; A/RES/53/86 (7 December 1998)
Central America Situation [1998] UNGA 162; A/RES/53/94 (7 December 1998)
Assistance to the Democratic Republic of the Congo [1998] UNGA 161; A/RES/53/1 L (7 December 1998)
Bilateral Nuclear Arms Negotiations [1998] UNGA 160; A/RES/53/77 Z (4 December 1998)
Mongolia: Nuclear-Weapon-Free Status & Security [1998] UNGA 159; A/RES/53/77 D (4 December 1998)
UN Disarmament Information Programme [1998] UNGA 158; A/RES/53/78 E (4 December 1998)
Disarmament and Development [1998] UNGA 157; A/RES/53/77 K (4 December 1998)
Disarmament Commission Report [1998] UNGA 156; A/RES/53/79 A (4 December 1998)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas [1998] UNGA 155; A/RES/53/77 Q (4 December 1998)
Agreements on Disarmament and Arms Control: Environmental Norms [1998] UNGA 154; A/RES/53/77 J (4 December 1998)
Nuclear Disarmament [1998] UNGA 153; A/RES/53/77 X (4 December 1998)
Mediterranean Region: Security and Cooperation [1998] UNGA 152; A/RES/53/82 (4 December 1998)
Disarmament: Role of Science and Technology [1998] UNGA 151; A/RES/53/73 (4 December 1998)
Convening of the GA 4th Special Session on Disarmament [1998] UNGA 150; A/RES/53/77 AA (4 December 1998)
UN Regional Centres for Peace and Disarmament [1998] UNGA 149; A/RES/53/78 F (4 December 1998)
Regional Disarmament [1998] UNGA 148; A/RES/53/77 H (4 December 1998)
UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific [1998] UNGA 147; A/RES/53/78 B (4 December 1998)
Regional Disarmament [1998] UNGA 146; A/RES/53/77 O (4 December 1998)
Biological Weapons Convention [1998] UNGA 145; A/RES/53/84 (4 December 1998)
Anti-Personnel Mines Convention [1998] UNGA 144; A/RES/53/77 N (4 December 1998)
Middle East: Nuclear Proliferation [1998] UNGA 143; A/RES/53/80 (4 December 1998)
Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Convention [1998] UNGA 142; A/RES/53/78 D (4 December 1998)
Ultimate Elimination of Nuclear Weapons [1998] UNGA 141; A/RES/53/77 U (4 December 1998)
Developments in Telecommunications and Information in the Context of International Security [1998] UNGA 140; A/RES/53/70 (4 December 1998)
Military Matters, Including Transparency of Expenditures [1998] UNGA 139; A/RES/53/72 (4 December 1998)
Small Arms [1998] UNGA 138; A/RES/53/77 E (4 December 1998)
Transparency in Armaments (Further Development of Register of Conventional Arms) [1998] UNGA 137; A/RES/53/77 S (4 December 1998)
Measures to Uphold the Authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol [1998] UNGA 136; A/RES/53/77 L (4 December 1998)
Chemical Weapons Convention [1998] UNGA 135; A/RES/53/77 R (4 December 1998)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: Need for a New Agenda [1998] UNGA 134; A/RES/53/77 Y (4 December 1998)
Nuclear Weapons Prohibition in Latin America and the Caribbean Convention (Treaty of Tlatelolco) [1998] UNGA 133; A/RES/53/83 (4 December 1998)
Arms Race Prevention in Outer Space [1998] UNGA 132; A/RES/53/76 (4 December 1998)
Radioactive Wastes [1998] UNGA 131; A/RES/53/77 C (4 December 1998)
Middle East: Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone [1998] UNGA 130; A/RES/53/74 (4 December 1998)
Conventional Arms Control at Regional and Subregional Levels [1998] UNGA 129; A/RES/53/77 P (4 December 1998)
Assistance to States for Curbing Illicit Traffic in Small Arms [1998] UNGA 128; A/RES/53/77 B (4 December 1998)
Establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee to Negotiate a Treaty Banning Production of Fissile Material [1998] UNGA 127; A/RES/53/77 I (4 December 1998)
Icj Advisory Opinion on the Legality (Threat or Use) of Nuclear Weapons: Follow-Up [1998] UNGA 126; A/RES/53/77 W (4 December 1998)
Conference on Disarmament Report [1998] UNGA 125; A/RES/53/79 B (4 December 1998)
Transparency in Armaments (Participation in the Register of Conventional Arms) [1998] UNGA 124; A/RES/53/77 V (4 December 1998)
Use of Nuclear Arms Against Non-Nuclear-Weapon States [1998] UNGA 123; A/RES/53/75 (4 December 1998)
UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa [1998] UNGA 122; A/RES/53/78 C (4 December 1998)
Central Asia: Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone [1998] UNGA 121; A/RES/53/77 A (4 December 1998)
Violent Disintegration of States: Prevention [1998] UNGA 120; A/RES/53/71 (4 December 1998)
Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa [1998] UNGA 119; A/RES/53/78 A (4 December 1998)
Nuclear Testing [1998] UNGA 118; A/RES/53/77 G (4 December 1998)
Conventional Weapons Convention [1998] UNGA 117; A/RES/53/81 (4 December 1998)
UN Disarmament Fellowship, Training and Advisory Services [1998] UNGA 116; A/RES/53/78 G (4 December 1998)
Peace through Practical Disarmament Measures [1998] UNGA 115; A/RES/53/77 M (4 December 1998)
Reducing Nuclear Danger [1998] UNGA 114; A/RES/53/77 F (4 December 1998)
Illicit Traffic in Small Arms [1998] UNGA 113; A/RES/53/77 T (4 December 1998)
Decolonization Declaration [1998] UNGA 112; A/RES/53/68 (3 December 1998)
University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" [1998] UNGA 111; A/RES/53/52 (3 December 1998)
Education Aid for Palestine Refugees [1998] UNGA 110; A/RES/53/49 (3 December 1998)
Economic and Other Activities Affecting Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories [1998] UNGA 109; A/RES/53/61 (3 December 1998)
Decolonization Declaration [1998] UNGA 108; A/RES/53/62 (3 December 1998)
Information in the Service of Humanity [1998] UNGA 107; A/RES/53/59 A (3 December 1998)
Atomic Radiation [1998] UNGA 106; A/RES/53/44 (3 December 1998)
Working Group on Financing of UNRWA [1998] UNGA 105; A/RES/53/47 (3 December 1998)
Applicability of Geneva Convention of 12 Aug. 1949 to the Occupied Palestinian and Other Territories, Including Jerusalem [1998] UNGA 104; A/RES/53/54 (3 December 1998)
UNRWA [1998] UNGA 103; A/RES/53/50 (3 December 1998)
Human Rights of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories [1998] UNGA 102; A/RES/53/56 (3 December 1998)
Western Sahara [1998] UNGA 101; A/RES/53/64 (3 December 1998)
Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices in the Occupied Territories [1998] UNGA 100; A/RES/53/53 (3 December 1998)
Displaced Persons Since the June 1967 and Subsequent Hostilities [1998] UNGA 99; A/RES/53/48 (3 December 1998)
UN Public Information Practices [1998] UNGA 98; A/RES/53/59 B (3 December 1998)
Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian and Other Territories [1998] UNGA 97; A/RES/53/55 (3 December 1998)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees [1998] UNGA 96; A/RES/53/46 (3 December 1998)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Turks and Caicos Islands, United States Virgin Islands [1998] UNGA 95; A/RES/53/67 (3 December 1998)
Review of Peacekeeping Operations [1998] UNGA 94; A/RES/53/58 (3 December 1998)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [1998] UNGA 93; A/RES/53/69 (3 December 1998)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories [1998] UNGA 92; A/RES/53/60 (3 December 1998)
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1998] UNGA 91; A/RES/53/45 (3 December 1998)
Properties and Revenues of Palestine Refugees [1998] UNGA 90; A/RES/53/51 (3 December 1998)
Education Aid to Non-Self-Governing Territories Inhabitants [1998] UNGA 89; A/RES/53/63 (3 December 1998)
Tokelau [1998] UNGA 88; A/RES/53/66 (3 December 1998)
New Caledonia [1998] UNGA 87; A/RES/53/65 (3 December 1998)
The Occupied Syrian Golan [1998] UNGA 86; A/RES/53/57 (3 December 1998)
The Syrian Golan [1998] UNGA 85; A/RES/53/38 (2 December 1998)
Dpi Information Programme on Palestine [1998] UNGA 84; A/RES/53/41 (2 December 1998)
Peaceful Settlement of the Palestine Question [1998] UNGA 83; A/RES/53/42 (2 December 1998)
Jerusalem [1998] UNGA 82; A/RES/53/37 (2 December 1998)
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [1998] UNGA 81; A/RES/53/39 (2 December 1998)
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Genocide Convention [1998] UNGA 80; A/RES/53/43 (2 December 1998)
Division for Palestinian Rights [1998] UNGA 79; A/RES/53/40 (2 December 1998)
November 1998
Assessed Budget Contributions [1998] UNGA 78; A/RES/53/36 A (30 November 1998)
Bosnia and Herzegovina [1998] UNGA 77; A/RES/53/35 (30 November 1998)
Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic [1998] UNGA 76; A/RES/53/34 (25 November 1998)
Large-Scale Pelagic Drift-Net Fishing [1998] UNGA 75; A/RES/53/33 (24 November 1998)
Oceans and Law of the Sea [1998] UNGA 74; A/RES/53/32 (24 November 1998)
Security Council: Increase in Membership [1998] UNGA 73; A/RES/53/30 (23 November 1998)
UN Support of Efforts to Promote and Consolidate New or Restored Democracies [1998] UNGA 72; A/RES/53/31 (23 November 1998)
Financing of Unomsil (Sierra Leone Mission) [1998] UNGA 71; A/RES/53/29 (20 November 1998)
Outcome of Social Summit [1998] UNGA 70; A/RES/53/28 (19 November 1998)
Bethlehem 2000 [1998] UNGA 69; A/RES/53/27 (18 November 1998)
Assistance in Mine Action [1998] UNGA 68; A/RES/53/26 (17 November 1998)
Assistance to the Semipalatinsk Region of Kazakhstan [1998] UNGA 67; A/RES/53/1 H (16 November 1998)
Assistance to Niger [1998] UNGA 66; A/RES/53/1 E (16 November 1998)
Assistance to Comoros [1998] UNGA 65; A/RES/53/1 F (16 November 1998)
Assistance to Nicaragua [1998] UNGA 64; A/RES/53/1 D (16 November 1998)
Assistance to Liberia [1998] UNGA 63; A/RES/53/1 I (16 November 1998)
Assistance to Mozambique [1998] UNGA 62; A/RES/53/1 G (16 November 1998)
Credentials of Representatives to the GA 53rd Session [1998] UNGA 61; A/RES/53/23 A (10 November 1998)
International Year of Mountains 2002 [1998] UNGA 60; A/RES/53/24 (10 November 1998)
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World 2001-2010 [1998] UNGA 59; A/RES/53/25 (10 November 1998)
Year of Dialogue Among Civilizations 2001 [1998] UNGA 58; A/RES/53/22 (4 November 1998)
Financing of Minurso (Western Sahara Mission) [1998] UNGA 57; A/RES/53/18 A (2 November 1998)
Assistance to Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama [1998] UNGA 56; A/RES/53/1 C (2 November 1998)
Financing of Unmot (Tajikistan Mission) [1998] UNGA 55; A/RES/53/19 A (2 November 1998)
Financing of Unpredep (UN Preventive Deployment Force) [1998] UNGA 54; A/RES/53/20 A (2 November 1998)
IAEA Report [1998] UNGA 53; A/RES/53/21 (2 November 1998)
October 1998
Cooperation Between the UN and the Economic Cooperation Organization [1998] UNGA 52; A/RES/53/15 (29 October 1998)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Caribbean Community [1998] UNGA 51; A/RES/53/17 (29 October 1998)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee [1998] UNGA 50; A/RES/53/14 (29 October 1998)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [1998] UNGA 49; A/RES/53/16 (29 October 1998)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Inter-Parliamentary Union [1998] UNGA 48; A/RES/53/13 (28 October 1998)
Gratis Personnel Provided by Governments and Other Entities [1998] UNGA 47; A/RES/53/11 (26 October 1998)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [1998] UNGA 46; A/RES/53/12 A (26 October 1998)
Elimination of Coercive Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Compulsion [1998] UNGA 45; A/RES/53/10 (26 October 1998)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Organization of American States [1998] UNGA 44; A/RES/53/9 (22 October 1998)
Cooperation Between the UN and the League of Arab States [1998] UNGA 43; A/RES/53/8 (22 October 1998)
World Solar Programme 1996-2005 [1998] UNGA 42; A/RES/53/7 (16 October 1998)
Observer Status: Association of Caribbean States [1998] UNGA 41; A/RES/53/5 (15 October 1998)
Observer Status: Oecd [1998] UNGA 40; A/RES/53/6 (15 October 1998)
Embargo Against Cuba [1998] UNGA 39; A/RES/53/4 (14 October 1998)
Cost-Effectiveness Achieved by Unctad [1998] UNGA 38; A/RES/53/3 (12 October 1998)
Declaration on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of United Nations Peacekeeping (Text of Declaration) [1998] UNGA 37; A/RES/53/2 (6 October 1998)
Assistance to Antigua and Barbuda, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Haiti, st. Kitts and Nevis [1998] UNGA 36; A/RES/53/1 B (5 October 1998)
Assistance to Bangladesh [1998] UNGA 35; A/RES/53/1 A (1 October 1998)
September 1998
Revisions to Staff Regulations, Article 1 and Staff Rules, 100 Series, Chapter I [1998] UNGA 34; A/RES/52/252 (8 September 1998)
Agreement on Cooperation Between the UN and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Text of Agreement) [1998] UNGA 33; A/RES/52/251 (8 September 1998)
July 1998
Participation of Palestine in the Work of the UN [1998] UNGA 32; A/RES/52/250 (7 July 1998)
June 1998
Financing of Unpredep (UN Preventive Deployment Force) [1998] UNGA 31; A/RES/52/245 (26 June 1998)
Financing of the UN Logistics Base at Brindisi [1998] UNGA 30; A/RES/52/1 B (26 June 1998)
Financing of Untaes (Eastern Slavonia, Baranja, Western Sirmium) and the Civilian Police Support Group (Croatia) [1998] UNGA 29; A/RES/52/244 (26 June 1998)
Financing of Unikom (Iraq-Kuwait Mission) [1998] UNGA 28; A/RES/52/238 (26 June 1998)
Financing of Onumoz (Mozambique Mission) [1998] UNGA 27; A/RES/52/240 (26 June 1998)
Third-Party Liability: Temporal and Financial Limitations [1998] UNGA 26; A/RES/52/247 (26 June 1998)
Financing of Unmot (Tajikistan Mission) [1998] UNGA 25; A/RES/52/229 B (26 June 1998)
Financing of Undof (Disengagement Observer Force) [1998] UNGA 24; A/RES/52/236 (26 June 1998)
Financing of Unomig (Georgia Mission) [1998] UNGA 23; A/RES/52/242 (26 June 1998)
Review of UN Administrative and Financial Efficiency [1998] UNGA 22; A/RES/52/234 (26 June 1998)
Financing and Liquidation of Untac (Cambodia Mission) [1998] UNGA 21; A/RES/52/239 (26 June 1998)
Financing of Unavem and Monua (Angola Missions) [1998] UNGA 20; A/RES/52/8 C (26 June 1998)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [1998] UNGA 19; A/RES/52/248 (26 June 1998)
Financing of Unifil (Lebanon Mission) [1998] UNGA 18; A/RES/52/237 (26 June 1998)
Financing of Unsmih, Untmih, Miponuh (Haiti Missions) [1998] UNGA 17; A/RES/52/246 (26 June 1998)
Development Account [1998] UNGA 16; A/RES/52/235 (26 June 1998)
Financing of Minurso (Western Sahara Mission) [1998] UNGA 15; A/RES/52/228 B (26 June 1998)
Financing of Unmibh (Bosnia and Herzegovina Mission) [1998] UNGA 14; A/RES/52/243 (26 June 1998)
Global Implications of the Year 2000 Date Conversion Problem of Computers [1998] UNGA 13; A/RES/52/233 (26 June 1998)
Financing of Unficyp (Cyprus Mission) [1998] UNGA 12; A/RES/52/241 (26 June 1998)
Financing of MINURCA (Central African Republic Mission) [1998] UNGA 11; A/RES/52/249 (26 June 1998)
Follow-Up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and Full Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action [1998] UNGA 10; A/RES/52/231 (4 June 1998)
Strengthening of the UN System : International Day of Peace to be Observed on Opening Day of the 53rd Session of the GA, 9 September 1998 [1998] UNGA 9; A/RES/52/232 (4 June 1998)
March 1998
Financing of Unmot (Tajikistan Mission) [1998] UNGA 8; A/RES/52/229 A (31 March 1998)
Financing of Unavem and Monua (Angola Missions) [1998] UNGA 7; A/RES/52/8 B (31 March 1998)
Integrated Management Information System (Imis) [1998] UNGA 6; A/RES/52/227 (31 March 1998)
Financing of Minurso (Western Sahara Mission) [1998] UNGA 5; A/RES/52/228 A (31 March 1998)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of UN Peacekeeping Operations [1998] UNGA 4; A/RES/52/230 (31 March 1998)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Board of Auditors Reports [1998] UNGA 3; A/RES/52/212 B (31 March 1998)
Procurement Reform and Outsourcing [1998] UNGA 2; A/RES/52/226 A-B (31 March 1998)
February 1998
Sg's Salary and Retirement Allowance and Undp Administrator's Salary and Pensionable Remuneration [1998] UNGA 1; A/RES/52/225 (4 February 1998)
December 1997
Financing the Rwanda Tribunal [1997] UNGA 304; A/RES/52/218 (22 December 1997)
Unforeseen and Extraordinary Expenses for the Biennium 1998-1999 [1997] UNGA 303; A/RES/52/223 (22 December 1997)
UN Common System : ICSC Report [1997] UNGA 302; A/RES/52/216 (22 December 1997)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Board of Auditors Reports [1997] UNGA 301; A/RES/52/212 A (22 December 1997)
Pattern of Conferences [1997] UNGA 300; A/RES/52/214 (22 December 1997)
Human Resources Management [1997] UNGA 299; A/RES/52/219 (22 December 1997)
Final Budget Appropriations (a) and Income Estimates (B) for the Biennium 1996-1997 [1997] UNGA 298; A/RES/52/213 A-B (22 December 1997)
Financing the Former Yugoslavia Tribunal [1997] UNGA 297; A/RES/52/217 (22 December 1997)
Budget Appropriations for 1998-1999 [1997] UNGA 296; A/RES/52/221 A (22 December 1997)
Working Capital Fund for the Biennium 1998-1999 [1997] UNGA 295; A/RES/52/224 (22 December 1997)
Financing of Appropriations for 1998 [1997] UNGA 294; A/RES/52/221 C (22 December 1997)
Questions Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for 1998-1999 [1997] UNGA 293; A/RES/52/220 (22 December 1997)
Special Subjects Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for 1998-1999 [1997] UNGA 292; A/RES/52/222 (22 December 1997)
Income Estimates for 1998-1999 [1997] UNGA 291; A/RES/52/221 B (22 December 1997)
Scale of Assessments [1997] UNGA 290; A/RES/52/215 A-D (22 December 1997)
Afghanistan [1997] UNGA 289; A/RES/52/211 A-B (19 December 1997)
Renewing the UN : A Programme for Reform (Post of Deputy Sg Established, Inter Alia) [1997] UNGA 288; A/RES/52/12 B (19 December 1997)
Business and Development [1997] UNGA 287; A/RES/52/209 (18 December 1997)
Second Industrial Development Decade for Africa [1997] UNGA 286; A/RES/52/208 (18 December 1997)
Economic Development through Partnership [1997] UNGA 285; A/RES/52/186 (18 December 1997)
UN Verification Mission in Guatemala [1997] UNGA 284; A/RES/52/175 (18 December 1997)
Convention on Biological Diversity [1997] UNGA 283; A/RES/52/201 (18 December 1997)
Science and Technology for Development [1997] UNGA 282; A/RES/52/184 (18 December 1997)
Death and Disability Benefits in Connection with Peacekeeping Operations [1997] UNGA 281; A/RES/52/177 (18 December 1997)
First UN Decade for the Eradication of Poverty [1997] UNGA 280; A/RES/52/193 (18 December 1997)
Population and Development [1997] UNGA 279; A/RES/52/188 (18 December 1997)
Representatives' Credentials [1997] UNGA 278; A/RES/52/178 (18 December 1997)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Southern African Development Community [1997] UNGA 277; A/RES/52/204 (18 December 1997)
Women in Development [1997] UNGA 276; A/RES/52/195 (18 December 1997)
Landlocked Developing Countries [1997] UNGA 275; A/RES/52/183 (18 December 1997)
Implementation of the UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) [1997] UNGA 274; A/RES/52/190 (18 December 1997)
Cultural Development [1997] UNGA 273; A/RES/52/197 (18 December 1997)
Assistance in Mine Clearance [1997] UNGA 272; A/RES/52/173 (18 December 1997)
UNITAR [1997] UNGA 271; A/RES/52/206 (18 December 1997)
Unilateral Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Coercion Against Developing Countries [1997] UNGA 270; A/RES/52/181 (18 December 1997)
Global Financial Flows and Their Impact on the Developing Countries [1997] UNGA 269; A/RES/52/180 (18 December 1997)
Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990s [1997] UNGA 268; A/RES/52/187 (18 December 1997)
Follow-Up to the UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and the Future Role of the Commission on Human Settlements [1997] UNGA 267; A/RES/52/192 (18 December 1997)
Human Rights Situation in Haiti [1997] UNGA 266; A/RES/52/174 (18 December 1997)
Committee on Development Planning Report [1997] UNGA 265; A/RES/52/210 (18 December 1997)
Climate [1997] UNGA 264; A/RES/52/199 (18 December 1997)
Role of Microcredit in the Eradication of Poverty [1997] UNGA 263; A/RES/52/194 (18 December 1997)
International Migration and Development [1997] UNGA 262; A/RES/52/189 (18 December 1997)
Central America Situation [1997] UNGA 261; A/RES/52/176 (18 December 1997)
External Debt Problem of Developing Countries [1997] UNGA 260; A/RES/52/185 (18 December 1997)
Implementation of the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [1997] UNGA 259; A/RES/52/202 (18 December 1997)
Operational Activities for Development of the UN [1997] UNGA 258; A/RES/52/203 (18 December 1997)
Developing Human Resources for Development [1997] UNGA 257; A/RES/52/196 (18 December 1997)
High-Level International Intergovernmental Consideration on Financing for Development [1997] UNGA 256; A/RES/52/179 (18 December 1997)
Economic and Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries [1997] UNGA 255; A/RES/52/205 (18 December 1997)
Trade and Development [1997] UNGA 254; A/RES/52/182 (18 December 1997)
Desertification Convention [1997] UNGA 253; A/RES/52/198 (18 December 1997)
Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000 [1997] UNGA 252; A/RES/52/191 (18 December 1997)
International Cooperation to Reduce the Impact of the El Nino Phenomenon [1997] UNGA 251; A/RES/52/200 (18 December 1997)
Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People Over Their Natural Resources [1997] UNGA 250; A/RES/52/207 (18 December 1997)
Assistance to Liberia [1997] UNGA 249; A/RES/52/169 E (16 December 1997)
Strengthening UN Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance [1997] UNGA 248; A/RES/52/168 (16 December 1997)
Assistance to El Salvador [1997] UNGA 247; A/RES/52/169 C (16 December 1997)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [1997] UNGA 246; A/RES/52/170 (16 December 1997)
White Helmets (Volunteers) [1997] UNGA 245; A/RES/52/171 (16 December 1997)
Assistance to Tajikistan [1997] UNGA 244; A/RES/52/169 I (16 December 1997)
Assistance to Djibouti [1997] UNGA 243; A/RES/52/169 K (16 December 1997)
Assistance to Central African Countries Receiving Refugees [1997] UNGA 242; A/RES/52/169 B (16 December 1997)
Assistance to the Alliance for the Sustainable Development of Central America [1997] UNGA 241; A/RES/52/169 G (16 December 1997)
Economic Assistance to States Affected by Sanctions Imposed on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia [1997] UNGA 240; A/RES/52/169 H (16 December 1997)
Assistance to the Sudan [1997] UNGA 239; A/RES/52/169 F (16 December 1997)
Security of Humanitarian Personnel [1997] UNGA 238; A/RES/52/167 (16 December 1997)
Assistance to Lebanon [1997] UNGA 237; A/RES/52/169 D (16 December 1997)
Assistance to Kazakhstan [1997] UNGA 236; A/RES/52/169 M (16 December 1997)
Chernobyl [1997] UNGA 235; A/RES/52/172 (16 December 1997)
Assistance to the Democratic Republic of the Congo [1997] UNGA 234; A/RES/52/169 A (16 December 1997)
Assistance to Montserrat [1997] UNGA 233; A/RES/52/169 J (16 December 1997)
Assistance to Somalia [1997] UNGA 232; A/RES/52/169 L (16 December 1997)
UN Programme of Assistance in the Teaching of International Law [1997] UNGA 231; A/RES/52/152 (15 December 1997)
Committee on Relations with the Host Country Report [1997] UNGA 230; A/RES/52/159 (15 December 1997)
International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings (Text of Convention) [1997] UNGA 229; A/RES/52/164 (15 December 1997)
Amendment to Article 13 of the Administrative Tribunal Statute [1997] UNGA 228; A/RES/52/166 (15 December 1997)
Action to be Taken Dedicated to the 1999 Centennial of the First International Peace Conference and to the Closing of the UN Decade of International Law [1997] UNGA 227; A/RES/52/154 (15 December 1997)
Draft Guiding Principles for International Negotiations [1997] UNGA 226; A/RES/52/155 (15 December 1997)
Report of the Special Committee on the UN Charter [1997] UNGA 225; A/RES/52/161 (15 December 1997)
Uncitral Report [1997] UNGA 224; A/RES/52/157 (15 December 1997)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Situation [1997] UNGA 223; A/RES/52/150 (15 December 1997)
Amendment to Rule 103 of the GA Rules of Procedure [1997] UNGA 222; A/RES/52/163 (15 December 1997)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [1997] UNGA 221; A/RES/52/165 (15 December 1997)
Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency of Uncitral (Text of Model Law) [1997] UNGA 220; A/RES/52/158 (15 December 1997)
Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property [1997] UNGA 219; A/RES/52/151 (15 December 1997)
Establishment of an International Criminal Court [1997] UNGA 218; A/RES/52/160 (15 December 1997)
UN Decade of International Law [1997] UNGA 217; A/RES/52/153 (15 December 1997)
UN Charter Provisions Related to Assistance to Third States Affected by the Application of Sanctions [1997] UNGA 216; A/RES/52/162 (15 December 1997)
Ilc Report [1997] UNGA 215; A/RES/52/156 (15 December 1997)
Implementation of International Instruments on Human Rights, Including Reporting Obligations on Human Rights [1997] UNGA 214; A/RES/52/118 (12 December 1997)
Right to Development [1997] UNGA 213; A/RES/52/136 (12 December 1997)
UN Promotion of Human Rights through International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [1997] UNGA 212; A/RES/52/131 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights Situation in Iraq [1997] UNGA 211; A/RES/52/141 (12 December 1997)
Policies and Programmes Involving Youth [1997] UNGA 210; A/RES/52/83 (12 December 1997)
Assistance to African Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons [1997] UNGA 209; A/RES/52/101 (12 December 1997)
International Decade of the World's Indigenous People [1997] UNGA 208; A/RES/52/108 (12 December 1997)
Protection of UN Personnel [1997] UNGA 207; A/RES/52/126 (12 December 1997)
Tenth UN Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1997] UNGA 206; A/RES/52/91 (12 December 1997)
Assistance to Unaccompanied Refugee Minors [1997] UNGA 205; A/RES/52/105 (12 December 1997)
Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination and the Convening of a World Conference on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [1997] UNGA 204; A/RES/52/111 (12 December 1997)
Measures to Eliminate Violence Against Women [1997] UNGA 203; A/RES/52/86 (12 December 1997)
International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights [1997] UNGA 202; A/RES/52/134 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights Situation in Cuba [1997] UNGA 201; A/RES/52/143 (12 December 1997)
Traffic in Women and Girls [1997] UNGA 200; A/RES/52/98 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures [1997] UNGA 199; A/RES/52/120 (12 December 1997)
UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture [1997] UNGA 198; A/RES/52/149 (12 December 1997)
Cooperation Against Corruption and Bribery in International Commercial Transactions [1997] UNGA 197; A/RES/52/87 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan [1997] UNGA 196; A/RES/52/145 (12 December 1997)
Violence Against Women Migrant Workers [1997] UNGA 195; A/RES/52/97 (12 December 1997)
UN Role in Enhancing Elections and Promoting Democratization [1997] UNGA 194; A/RES/52/129 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights and Mass Exoduses [1997] UNGA 193; A/RES/52/132 (12 December 1997)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1997] UNGA 192; A/RES/52/113 (12 December 1997)
UN Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995-2004, and Public Information Activities in the Field of Human Rights [1997] UNGA 191; A/RES/52/127 (12 December 1997)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [1997] UNGA 190; A/RES/52/122 (12 December 1997)
Improving Women's Status in the Secretariat [1997] UNGA 189; A/RES/52/96 (12 December 1997)
International Year of Older Persons [1997] UNGA 188; A/RES/52/80 (12 December 1997)
Continuation of the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees [1997] UNGA 187; A/RES/52/104 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) [1997] UNGA 186; A/RES/52/147 (12 December 1997)
Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families [1997] UNGA 185; A/RES/52/115 (12 December 1997)
UN Development Fund for Women [1997] UNGA 184; A/RES/52/94 (12 December 1997)
Follow-Up to the International Year of the Family [1997] UNGA 183; A/RES/52/81 (12 December 1997)
Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities [1997] UNGA 182; A/RES/52/123 (12 December 1997)
Implementation of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons [1997] UNGA 181; A/RES/52/82 (12 December 1997)
Children's Rights (I-VIII) [1997] UNGA 180; A/RES/52/107 (12 December 1997)
Strengthening of the Rule of Law [1997] UNGA 179; A/RES/52/125 (12 December 1997)
Drug Control [1997] UNGA 178; A/RES/52/92 (12 December 1997)
Use of Mercenaries to Violate Human Rights [1997] UNGA 177; A/RES/52/112 (12 December 1997)
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [1997] UNGA 176; A/RES/52/117 (12 December 1997)
Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination [1997] UNGA 175; A/RES/52/110 (12 December 1997)
Internally Displaced Persons [1997] UNGA 174; A/RES/52/130 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights Situation in the Sudan [1997] UNGA 173; A/RES/52/140 (12 December 1997)
Fourth World Conference on Women Follow-Up, Including the Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action [1997] UNGA 172; A/RES/52/100 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights Situation in Kosovo [1997] UNGA 171; A/RES/52/139 (12 December 1997)
Education for All [1997] UNGA 170; A/RES/52/84 (12 December 1997)
Women in Rural Areas [1997] UNGA 169; A/RES/52/93 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights Situation in Cambodia [1997] UNGA 168; A/RES/52/135 (12 December 1997)
National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [1997] UNGA 167; A/RES/52/128 (12 December 1997)
Follow-Up to the Naples Political Declaration and Global Action Plan Against Organized Transnational Crime (Text of Draft Convention for the Suppression of Transnational Organized Crime + Draft UN Framework Convention Against Organized Crime) [1997] UNGA 166; A/RES/52/85 (12 December 1997)
Strengthening the UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme [1997] UNGA 165; A/RES/52/90 (12 December 1997)
Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Girls [1997] UNGA 164; A/RES/52/99 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights Situation in Myanmar [1997] UNGA 163; A/RES/52/137 (12 December 1997)
Respect for the Principles of National Sovereignty and Non-Interference in the Internal Affairs of States in Their Electoral Processes [1997] UNGA 162; A/RES/52/119 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights Situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran [1997] UNGA 161; A/RES/52/142 (12 December 1997)
Children's Rights : The Girl Child [1997] UNGA 160; A/RES/52/106 (12 December 1997)
Right to Universal Freedom of Travel and the Importance of Family Reunification [1997] UNGA 159; A/RES/52/121 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights in the Administration of Justice [1997] UNGA 158; A/RES/52/124 (12 December 1997)
Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees [1997] UNGA 157; A/RES/52/103 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights Situation in Nigeria [1997] UNGA 156; A/RES/52/144 (12 December 1997)
Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [1997] UNGA 155; A/RES/52/114 (12 December 1997)
Instraw [1997] UNGA 154; A/RES/52/95 (12 December 1997)
Follow-Up to the Regional Conference on Refugees Within the Commonwealth of Independent States and Relevant Neighbouring States [1997] UNGA 153; A/RES/52/102 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights Situation in Haiti [1997] UNGA 152; A/RES/52/138 (12 December 1997)
Implementation and Follow-Up to the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action [1997] UNGA 151; A/RES/52/148 (12 December 1997)
UN African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1997] UNGA 150; A/RES/52/89 (12 December 1997)
Measures to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination [1997] UNGA 149; A/RES/52/109 (12 December 1997)
International Cooperation in Criminal Matters [1997] UNGA 148; A/RES/52/88 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights Situation in Rwanda [1997] UNGA 147; A/RES/52/146 (12 December 1997)
International Covenants on Human Rights [1997] UNGA 146; A/RES/52/116 (12 December 1997)
Human Rights and Terrorism [1997] UNGA 145; A/RES/52/133 (12 December 1997)
Training for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [1997] UNGA 144; A/RES/52/74 (10 December 1997)
Non-Self-Governing Territories [1997] UNGA 143; A/RES/52/71 (10 December 1997)
Palestine Refugees' Properties and Their Revenues [1997] UNGA 142; A/RES/52/62 (10 December 1997)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees [1997] UNGA 141; A/RES/52/57 (10 December 1997)
Persons Displaced as a Result of the June 1967 and Subsequent Hostilities [1997] UNGA 140; A/RES/52/59 (10 December 1997)
New Caledonia [1997] UNGA 139; A/RES/52/76 (10 December 1997)
Applicability of the Geneva Convention of 12 Aug. 1949 Relative to the Occupied Palestinian and Other Arab Territories [1997] UNGA 138; A/RES/52/65 (10 December 1997)
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1997] UNGA 137; A/RES/52/56 (10 December 1997)
The Occupied Syrian Golan [1997] UNGA 136; A/RES/52/68 (10 December 1997)
Comprehensive Review of Peacekeeping Operations [1997] UNGA 135; A/RES/52/69 (10 December 1997)
University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" for Palestine Refugees [1997] UNGA 134; A/RES/52/63 (10 December 1997)
UN Public Information Policies and Activities [1997] UNGA 133; A/RES/52/70 B (10 December 1997)
Implementation of the Decolonization Declaration [1997] UNGA 132; A/RES/52/78 (10 December 1997)
Western Sahara [1997] UNGA 131; A/RES/52/75 (10 December 1997)
UNRWA Operations [1997] UNGA 130; A/RES/52/61 (10 December 1997)
Education and Training Grants and Scholarships for Palestine Refugees [1997] UNGA 129; A/RES/52/60 (10 December 1997)
Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan [1997] UNGA 128; A/RES/52/66 (10 December 1997)
Working Group on Financing of UNRWA [1997] UNGA 127; A/RES/52/58 (10 December 1997)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [1997] UNGA 126; A/RES/52/55 (10 December 1997)
Implementation of the Decolonization Declaration by the Specialized Agencies and International Institutions Associated with the UN [1997] UNGA 125; A/RES/52/73 (10 December 1997)
Economic and Other Activities Affecting the Interests of the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories [1997] UNGA 124; A/RES/52/72 (10 December 1997)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [1997] UNGA 123; A/RES/52/79 (10 December 1997)
Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices in the Occupied Territories [1997] UNGA 122; A/RES/52/64 (10 December 1997)
A: General; B: Individual Territories - I: American Samoa - II: Anguilla - III: Bermuda - IV: British Virgin Islands - V: Cayman Islands - VI: Guam - VII: Montserrat - VIII: Pitcairn - IX: St. Helena - X: Tokelau - XI: Turks and Caicos Islands - XII: United States Virgin Islands [1997] UNGA 121; A/RES/52/77 (10 December 1997)
Information in the Service of Humanity [1997] UNGA 120; A/RES/52/70 A (10 December 1997)
Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem [1997] UNGA 119; A/RES/52/67 (10 December 1997)
Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [1997] UNGA 118; A/RES/52/44 (9 December 1997)
Icj Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [1997] UNGA 117; A/RES/52/38 O (9 December 1997)
Banning Anti-Personnel Landmines [1997] UNGA 116; A/RES/52/38 H (9 December 1997)
African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty [1997] UNGA 115; A/RES/52/46 (9 December 1997)
Small Arms [1997] UNGA 114; A/RES/52/38 J (9 December 1997)
Disarmament Commission Report [1997] UNGA 113; A/RES/52/40 B (9 December 1997)
Verification [1997] UNGA 112; A/RES/52/31 (9 December 1997)
Nuclear Disarmament with a View to the Ultimate Elimination of Nuclear Weapons [1997] UNGA 111; A/RES/52/38 K (9 December 1997)
Regional Confidence-Building Measures [1997] UNGA 110; A/RES/52/39 B (9 December 1997)
Conventional Arms Control at Regional and Subregional Levels [1997] UNGA 109; A/RES/52/38 Q (9 December 1997)
Conference on Disarmament Report [1997] UNGA 108; A/RES/52/40 A (9 December 1997)
UN Disarmament Information Programme [1997] UNGA 107; A/RES/52/39 D (9 December 1997)
Science and Technology in Connection with Security and Disarmament [1997] UNGA 106; A/RES/52/33 (9 December 1997)
Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine [1997] UNGA 105; A/RES/52/51 (9 December 1997)
Transparency in Armaments [1997] UNGA 104; A/RES/52/38 B (9 December 1997)
Chemical Weapons Convention [1997] UNGA 103; A/RES/52/38 T (9 December 1997)
Bilateral Nuclear Arms Negotiations and Nuclear Disarmament [1997] UNGA 102; A/RES/52/38 M (9 December 1997)
Development of Good-Neighbourly Relations Among Balkan States [1997] UNGA 101; A/RES/52/48 (9 December 1997)
Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat [1997] UNGA 100; A/RES/52/50 (9 December 1997)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in South Asia [1997] UNGA 99; A/RES/52/35 (9 December 1997)
Nuclear Proliferation Risk in the Middle East [1997] UNGA 98; A/RES/52/41 (9 December 1997)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [1997] UNGA 97; A/RES/52/37 (9 December 1997)
Jerusalem [1997] UNGA 96; A/RES/52/53 (9 December 1997)
Mediterranean Region Security [1997] UNGA 95; A/RES/52/43 (9 December 1997)
Illicit Traffic in Small Arms [1997] UNGA 94; A/RES/52/38 C (9 December 1997)
Peace through Practical Disarmament Measures [1997] UNGA 93; A/RES/52/38 G (9 December 1997)
UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific [1997] UNGA 92; A/RES/52/39 A (9 December 1997)
Radioactive Wastes [1997] UNGA 91; A/RES/52/38 I (9 December 1997)
Compliance with Arms Limitation and Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Agreements [1997] UNGA 90; A/RES/52/30 (9 December 1997)
Tlatelolco Treaty Regime [1997] UNGA 89; A/RES/52/45 (9 December 1997)
Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Convention (Draft Text) [1997] UNGA 88; A/RES/52/39 C (9 December 1997)
Environmental Norms in Drafting Disarmament Agreements [1997] UNGA 87; A/RES/52/38 E (9 December 1997)
Peaceful Settlement of the Question of Palestine [1997] UNGA 86; A/RES/52/52 (9 December 1997)
Regional Disarmament [1997] UNGA 85; A/RES/52/38 P (9 December 1997)
Objective Information on Military Matters, Including Transparency of Military Expenditures [1997] UNGA 84; A/RES/52/32 (9 December 1997)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia [1997] UNGA 83; A/RES/52/38 S (9 December 1997)
Nuclear Disarmament [1997] UNGA 82; A/RES/52/38 L (9 December 1997)
Biological Weapons Convention [1997] UNGA 81; A/RES/52/47 (9 December 1997)
Role of the UN in Disarmament [1997] UNGA 80; A/RES/52/40 C (9 December 1997)
Transparency in Armaments [1997] UNGA 79; A/RES/52/38 R (9 December 1997)
The Syrian Golan [1997] UNGA 78; A/RES/52/54 (9 December 1997)
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [1997] UNGA 77; A/RES/52/49 (9 December 1997)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Middle East [1997] UNGA 76; A/RES/52/34 (9 December 1997)
Anti-Personnel Mines Convention [1997] UNGA 75; A/RES/52/38 A (9 December 1997)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere [1997] UNGA 74; A/RES/52/38 N (9 December 1997)
Relationship Between Disarmament and Development [1997] UNGA 73; A/RES/52/38 D (9 December 1997)
Conventional Weapons Convention [1997] UNGA 72; A/RES/52/42 (9 December 1997)
Assurances to Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use of Nuclear Weapons [1997] UNGA 71; A/RES/52/36 (9 December 1997)
Fourth Special Session of the General Assembly on Disarmament [1997] UNGA 70; A/RES/52/38 F (9 December 1997)
November 1997
World Summit for Social Development [1997] UNGA 69; A/RES/52/25 (26 November 1997)
Oceans and the Law of the Sea [1997] UNGA 68; A/RES/52/26 (26 November 1997)
Agreement Relating to Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks [1997] UNGA 67; A/RES/52/28 (26 November 1997)
Agreement Between the UN and the International Seabed Authority [1997] UNGA 66; A/RES/52/27 (26 November 1997)
Large-Scale Pelagic Drift-Net Fishing [1997] UNGA 65; A/RES/52/29 (26 November 1997)
Multilingualism [1997] UNGA 64; A/RES/52/23 (25 November 1997)
Sport and the Olympic Ideal [1997] UNGA 63; A/RES/52/21 (25 November 1997)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe [1997] UNGA 62; A/RES/52/22 (25 November 1997)
Return or Restitution of Cultural Property to the Countries of Origin [1997] UNGA 61; A/RES/52/24 (25 November 1997)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Organization of African Unity [1997] UNGA 60; A/RES/52/20 (24 November 1997)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Economic Cooperation Organization [1997] UNGA 59; A/RES/52/19 (21 November 1997)
Support by the UN of Governments' Efforts to Promote and Consolidate New or Restored Democracies [1997] UNGA 58; A/RES/52/18 (21 November 1997)
Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic [1997] UNGA 57; A/RES/52/14 (20 November 1997)
International Year of Volunteers, 2001 [1997] UNGA 56; A/RES/52/17 (20 November 1997)
Proclamation of the Year 2000 as the International Year for the Culture of Peace [1997] UNGA 55; A/RES/52/15 (20 November 1997)
Culture of Peace [1997] UNGA 54; A/RES/52/13 (20 November 1997)
Year 2000 : International Year of Thanksgiving [1997] UNGA 53; A/RES/52/16 (20 November 1997)
IAEA Report [1997] UNGA 52; A/RES/52/11 (12 November 1997)
Renewing the UN : A Programme for Reform [1997] UNGA 51; A/RES/52/12 A (12 November 1997)
Embargo by the United States of America Against Cuba [1997] UNGA 50; A/RES/52/10 (5 November 1997)
University for Peace [1997] UNGA 49; A/RES/52/9 (4 November 1997)
October 1997
Financing of Unavem and Monua (Angola Missions) [1997] UNGA 48; A/RES/52/8 A (31 October 1997)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Inter- Parliamentary Union [1997] UNGA 47; A/RES/52/7 (28 October 1997)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [1997] UNGA 46; A/RES/52/4 (22 October 1997)
Cooperation Between the UN and the League of Arab States [1997] UNGA 45; A/RES/52/5 (22 October 1997)
Observer Status for the Andean Community in the General Assembly [1997] UNGA 44; A/RES/52/6 (22 October 1997)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Latin American Economic System [1997] UNGA 43; A/RES/52/3 (22 October 1997)
Cooperation Between the UN and the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation [1997] UNGA 42; A/RES/52/2 (17 October 1997)
Financing of Peacekeeping Operations: I - UN Logistics Base at Brindisi; II - Field Assets Control System [1997] UNGA 41; A/RES/52/1 A (15 October 1997)
September 1997
Gratis Personnel Provided by Governments and Other Entities [1997] UNGA 40; A/RES/51/243 (15 September 1997)
Supplement to an Agenda for Peace [1997] UNGA 39; A/RES/51/242 (15 September 1997)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [1997] UNGA 38; A/RES/51/239[B] (15 September 1997)
July 1997
The Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti [1997] UNGA 37; A/RES/51/196[B] (31 July 1997)
United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala [1997] UNGA 36; A/RES/51/198[C] (31 July 1997)
Strengthening of the United Nations System [1997] UNGA 35; A/RES/51/241 (31 July 1997)
United Nations Office of Verification in El Salvador [1997] UNGA 34; A/RES/51/199[B] (31 July 1997)
June 1997
Agenda for Development [1997] UNGA 33; A/RES/51/240 (20 June 1997)
Support Account for Peacekeeping Operations [1997] UNGA 32; A/RES/51/239[A] (17 June 1997)
Use of the Special Voluntary Fund and the Trust Fund Established Pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 47/188 [1997] UNGA 31; A/RES/51/238 (17 June 1997)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations [1997] UNGA 30; A/RES/51/218[E] (17 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission [1997] UNGA 29; A/RES/51/234 (13 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [1997] UNGA 28; A/RES/51/2[B] (13 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [1997] UNGA 27; A/RES/51/232 (13 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium [1997] UNGA 26; A/RES/51/153[B] (13 June 1997)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [1997] UNGA 25; A/RES/51/214[B] (13 June 1997)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January and 31 December 1994 [1997] UNGA 24; A/RES/51/215[B] (13 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [1997] UNGA 23; A/RES/51/233 (13 June 1997)
Procurement Reform [1997] UNGA 22; A/RES/51/231 (13 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia [1997] UNGA 21; A/RES/51/236 (13 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus [1997] UNGA 20; A/RES/51/235 (13 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina [1997] UNGA 19; A/RES/51/152[B] (13 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Protection Force, the United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia, the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force and the United Nations Peace Forces Headquarters [1997] UNGA 18; A/RES/51/12[B] (13 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia [1997] UNGA 17; A/RES/51/3[C] (13 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Haiti [1997] UNGA 16; A/RES/51/14[B] (13 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force [1997] UNGA 15; A/RES/51/154[B] (13 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Support Mission in Haiti [1997] UNGA 14; A/RES/51/15[B] (13 June 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan [1997] UNGA 13; A/RES/51/237 (13 June 1997)
May 1997
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons [1997] UNGA 12; A/RES/51/230 (22 May 1997)
Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses [1997] UNGA 11; A/RES/51/229 (21 May 1997)
April 1997
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1997] UNGA 10; A/RES/51/30[J] (25 April 1997)
Respect for the Privileges and Immunities of Officials of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies and Related Organizations [1997] UNGA 9; A/RES/51/227 (3 April 1997)
Human Resources Management [1997] UNGA 8; A/RES/51/226 (3 April 1997)
Financing of the Military Observer Group of the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala [1997] UNGA 7; A/RES/51/228 (3 April 1997)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1997] UNGA 6; A/RES/51/225 (3 April 1997)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1997] UNGA 5; A/RES/51/212[B] (3 April 1997)
March 1997
A: General; B: Individual Territories - I: American Samoa - II: Anguilla - III: Bermuda - IV: British Virgin Islands - V: Cayman Islands - VI: Guam - VII: Montserrat - VIII: Pitcairn - IX: St. Helena -X: Turks and Caicos Islands -XI: United States Virgin Islands [1997] UNGA 4; A/RES/51/224 (27 March 1997)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia [1997] UNGA 3; A/RES/51/3[B] (27 March 1997)
United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala [1997] UNGA 2; A/RES/51/198[B] (27 March 1997)
Israeli Settlement Activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in Particular in Occupied East Jerusalem [1997] UNGA 1; A/RES/51/223 (13 March 1997)
December 1996
Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child [1996] UNGA 306; A/RES/50/155 (21 December 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission [1996] UNGA 305; A/RES/51/213 (18 December 1996)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations [1996] UNGA 304; A/RES/51/218 (18 December 1996)
United Nations Pension System [1996] UNGA 303; A/RES/51/217 (18 December 1996)
Patterns of Conferences [1996] UNGA 302; A/RES/51/211 (18 December 1996)
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 1996-1997 [1996] UNGA 301; A/RES/51/221 (18 December 1996)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1996] UNGA 300; A/RES/51/212[A] (18 December 1996)
Proposed Programme Budget Outline for the Biennium 1998-1999 [1996] UNGA 299; A/RES/51/220 (18 December 1996)
Revised Budget Appropriations for the Biennium 1996-1997 [1996] UNGA 298; A/RES/51/222[A] (18 December 1996)
Revised Income Estimates for the Biennium 1996-1997 [1996] UNGA 297; A/RES/51/222[B] (18 December 1996)
Programme Planning [1996] UNGA 296; A/RES/51/219 (18 December 1996)
United Nations Common System [1996] UNGA 295; A/RES/51/216 (18 December 1996)
Financing of Appropriations for the Year 1997 [1996] UNGA 294; A/RES/51/222[C] (18 December 1996)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January and 31 December 1994 [1996] UNGA 293; A/RES/51/215[A] (18 December 1996)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe [1996] UNGA 292; A/RES/50/87 (18 December 1996)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [1996] UNGA 291; A/RES/51/214[A] (18 December 1996)
Implementation of the Outcome of the World Summit for Social Development [1996] UNGA 290; A/RES/51/202 (17 December 1996)
The Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti [1996] UNGA 289; A/RES/51/196[A] (17 December 1996)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the United Nations [1996] UNGA 288; A/RES/51/194 (17 December 1996)
Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses [1996] UNGA 287; A/RES/51/206 (17 December 1996)
The Situation in Central America [1996] UNGA 286; A/RES/51/197 (17 December 1996)
Tribute to Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Secretary-General of the United Nations [1996] UNGA 285; A/RES/51/201 (17 December 1996)
Credentials of Representatives to the 51st Session of the General Assembly [1996] UNGA 284; A/RES/51/9[B] (17 December 1996)
Observer Status for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in the General Assembly [1996] UNGA 283; A/RES/51/204 (17 December 1996)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [1996] UNGA 282; A/RES/51/210 (17 December 1996)
Law of the Sea [1996] UNGA 281; A/RES/51/34 (17 December 1996)
Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Reconstruction of War-Stricken Afghanistan [1996] UNGA 280; A/RES/51/195[A] (17 December 1996)
The Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina [1996] UNGA 279; A/RES/51/203 (17 December 1996)
Report of the Security Council [1996] UNGA 278; A/RES/51/193 (17 December 1996)
Emergency Assistance to the Sudan [1996] UNGA 277; A/RES/51/30[I] (17 December 1996)
Implementation of the Provisions of the Charter of the United Nations Related to Assistance to 3rd States Affected by the Application of Sanctions [1996] UNGA 276; A/RES/51/208 (17 December 1996)
Appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations [1996] UNGA 275; A/RES/51/200 (17 December 1996)
United Nations Office of Verification in El Salvador [1996] UNGA 274; A/RES/51/199[A] (17 December 1996)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [1996] UNGA 273; A/RES/51/209 (17 December 1996)
Establishment of an International Criminal Court [1996] UNGA 272; A/RES/51/207 (17 December 1996)
Proclamation of 21 November as World Television Day [1996] UNGA 271; A/RES/51/205 (17 December 1996)
United Nations Mission for Verification of Human Rights and of Compliance with the Commitments of the Comprehensive Agreement of Human Rights in Guatemala [1996] UNGA 270; A/RES/51/198[A] (17 December 1996)
The Situation in Afghanistan and its Implications for International Peace and Security [1996] UNGA 269; A/RES/51/195[B] (17 December 1996)
Convention on Biological Diversity [1996] UNGA 268; A/RES/51/182 (16 December 1996)
Food and Sustainable Agricultural Development [1996] UNGA 267; A/RES/51/171 (16 December 1996)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its 29th Session [1996] UNGA 266; A/RES/51/161 (16 December 1996)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [1996] UNGA 265; A/RES/51/184 (16 December 1996)
Enhancing International Cooperation Towards a Durable Solution to the External Debt Problem of Developing Countries [1996] UNGA 264; A/RES/51/164 (16 December 1996)
Action to be Taken in 1999 Dedicated to the Centennial of the 1st International Peace Conference and to the Closing of the United Nations Decade of International Law [1996] UNGA 263; A/RES/51/159 (16 December 1996)
First United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty [1996] UNGA 262; A/RES/51/178 (16 December 1996)
United Nations Decade of International Law [1996] UNGA 261; A/RES/51/157 (16 December 1996)
Global Financial Integration and Strengthening Collaboration Between the United Nations and the Bretton Woods Institutions [1996] UNGA 260; A/RES/51/166 (16 December 1996)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research [1996] UNGA 259; A/RES/51/188 (16 December 1996)
Progress at Mid-Decade on the Implementation of General Assembly Resolution 45/217 on the World Summit for Children [1996] UNGA 258; A/RES/51/186 (16 December 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina [1996] UNGA 257; A/RES/51/152[A] (16 December 1996)
Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Operations of the United Nations Children's Fund [1996] UNGA 256; A/RES/51/192 (16 December 1996)
Implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development [1996] UNGA 255; A/RES/51/176 (16 December 1996)
Industrial Development Cooperation [1996] UNGA 254; A/RES/51/170 (16 December 1996)
Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Armed Conflicts [1996] UNGA 253; A/RES/51/155 (16 December 1996)
Model Law on Electronic Commerce Adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [1996] UNGA 252; A/RES/51/162 (16 December 1996)
Implementation of the Commitments and Policies Agreed Upon in the Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in Particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries, and Implementation of the International Development Strategy for the 4th United Nations Development Decade [1996] UNGA 251; A/RES/51/173 (16 December 1996)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its 48th Session [1996] UNGA 250; A/RES/51/160 (16 December 1996)
Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, and of the Arab Population in the Occupied Syrian Golan Over Their Natural Resources [1996] UNGA 249; A/RES/51/190 (16 December 1996)
Report of the World Commission on Culture and Development [1996] UNGA 248; A/RES/51/179 (16 December 1996)
Special Session for the Purpose of an Overall Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of Agenda 21 [1996] UNGA 247; A/RES/51/181 (16 December 1996)
International Trade and Development [1996] UNGA 246; A/RES/51/167 (16 December 1996)
Renewal of the Dialogue on Strengthening International Economic Cooperation for Development through Partnership [1996] UNGA 245; A/RES/51/174 (16 December 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Barania and Western Sirmium [1996] UNGA 244; A/RES/51/153[A] (16 December 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force [1996] UNGA 243; A/RES/51/154[A] (16 December 1996)
United Nations Declaration Against Corruption and Bribery in International Commercial Transactions [1996] UNGA 242; A/RES/51/191 (16 December 1996)
Implementation of the Outcome of the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [1996] UNGA 241; A/RES/51/183 (16 December 1996)
Commodities [1996] UNGA 240; A/RES/51/169 (16 December 1996)
Communication for Development Programmes in the United Nations System [1996] UNGA 239; A/RES/51/172 (16 December 1996)
Electronic Treaty Database [1996] UNGA 238; A/RES/51/158 (16 December 1996)
Implementation of the Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) [1996] UNGA 237; A/RES/51/177 (16 December 1996)
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction [1996] UNGA 236; A/RES/51/185 (16 December 1996)
Elaboration of an International Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [1996] UNGA 235; A/RES/51/180 (16 December 1996)
United Nations University [1996] UNGA 234; A/RES/51/187 (16 December 1996)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [1996] UNGA 233; A/RES/51/163 (16 December 1996)
Integration of the Economies in Transition into the World Economy [1996] UNGA 232; A/RES/51/175 (16 December 1996)
Consideration of Effective Measures to Enhance the Protection, Security and Safety of Diplomatic and Consular Missions and Representatives [1996] UNGA 231; A/RES/51/156 (16 December 1996)
Transit Environment in the Landlocked States in Central Asia and Their Transit Developing Neighbours [1996] UNGA 230; A/RES/51/168 (16 December 1996)
Net Flows and Transfer of Resources Between Developing and Developed Countries [1996] UNGA 229; A/RES/51/165 (16 December 1996)
Institutional Arrangements for the Implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities [1996] UNGA 228; A/RES/51/189 (16 December 1996)
United Nations Public Information Policies and Activities [1996] UNGA 227; A/RES/51/138[B] (13 December 1996)
Question of New Caledonia [1996] UNGA 226; A/RES/51/144 (13 December 1996)
Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan [1996] UNGA 225; A/RES/51/133 (13 December 1996)
Assistance to Palestine Refugees [1996] UNGA 224; A/RES/51/124 (13 December 1996)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [1996] UNGA 223; A/RES/51/142 (13 December 1996)
University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" for Palestine Refugees [1996] UNGA 222; A/RES/51/130 (13 December 1996)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity [1996] UNGA 221; A/RES/51/151 (13 December 1996)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [1996] UNGA 220; A/RES/51/139 (13 December 1996)
The Occupied Syrian Golan [1996] UNGA 219; A/RES/51/135 (13 December 1996)
Persons Displaced as a Result of the June 1967 and Subsequent Hostilities [1996] UNGA 218; A/RES/51/126 (13 December 1996)
Activities of Foreign Economic and Other Interests which Impede the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Territories Under Colonial Domination [1996] UNGA 217; A/RES/51/140 (13 December 1996)
Question of Tokelau [1996] UNGA 216; A/RES/51/145 (13 December 1996)
Assistance in Mine Clearance [1996] UNGA 215; A/RES/51/149 (13 December 1996)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [1996] UNGA 214; A/RES/51/121 (13 December 1996)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief and the Economic and Social Rehabilitation of Somalia [1996] UNGA 213; A/RES/51/30[G] (13 December 1996)
Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1996] UNGA 212; A/RES/51/128 (13 December 1996)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [1996] UNGA 211; A/RES/51/147 (13 December 1996)
Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1996] UNGA 210; A/RES/51/131 (13 December 1996)
Special Emergency Economic Assistance to the Comoros [1996] UNGA 209; A/RES/51/30[F] (13 December 1996)
Question of Western Sahara [1996] UNGA 208; A/RES/51/143 (13 December 1996)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1996] UNGA 207; A/RES/51/123 (13 December 1996)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [1996] UNGA 206; A/RES/51/141 (13 December 1996)
Working Group on the Financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1996] UNGA 205; A/RES/51/125 (13 December 1996)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects [1996] UNGA 204; A/RES/51/136 (13 December 1996)
International Assistance to Rwanda for the Reintegration of Returning Refugees, the Restoration of Total Peace, Reconstruction and Socio-Economic Development [1996] UNGA 203; A/RES/51/30[H] (13 December 1996)
Offers by Member States of Grants and Scholarships for Higher Education, Including Vocational Training for Palestine Refugees [1996] UNGA 202; A/RES/51/127 (13 December 1996)
Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel [1996] UNGA 201; A/RES/51/137 (13 December 1996)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [1996] UNGA 200; A/RES/51/150 (13 December 1996)
Applicability of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, and the Other Occupied Arab Territories [1996] UNGA 199; A/RES/51/132 (13 December 1996)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [1996] UNGA 198; A/RES/51/146 (13 December 1996)
Palestine Refugees' Properties and Their Revenues [1996] UNGA 197; A/RES/51/129 (13 December 1996)
Declaration on International Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for the Benefit and in the Interest of All States, Taking into Particular Account the Needs of Developing Countries [1996] UNGA 196; A/RES/51/122 (13 December 1996)
Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem [1996] UNGA 195; A/RES/51/134 (13 December 1996)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the International Organization for Migration [1996] UNGA 194; A/RES/51/148 (13 December 1996)
Information in the Service of Humanity [1996] UNGA 193; A/RES/51/138[A] (13 December 1996)
United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1996] UNGA 192; A/RES/51/61 (12 December 1996)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1996] UNGA 191; A/RES/51/84 (12 December 1996)
Right to Development [1996] UNGA 190; A/RES/51/99 (12 December 1996)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [1996] UNGA 189; A/RES/51/71 (12 December 1996)
Rape and Abuse of Women in the Areas of Armed Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia [1996] UNGA 188; A/RES/51/115 (12 December 1996)
United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education and Public Information Activities in the Field of Human Rights [1996] UNGA 187; A/RES/51/104 (12 December 1996)
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families [1996] UNGA 186; A/RES/51/85 (12 December 1996)
Human Rights in Haiti [1996] UNGA 185; A/RES/51/110 (12 December 1996)
Assistance to Unaccompanied Refugee Minors [1996] UNGA 184; A/RES/51/73 (12 December 1996)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [1996] UNGA 183; A/RES/51/68 (12 December 1996)
Situation of Human Rights in Iraq [1996] UNGA 182; A/RES/51/106 (12 December 1996)
Comprehensive Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action [1996] UNGA 181; A/RES/51/118 (12 December 1996)
New International Humanitarian Order [1996] UNGA 180; A/RES/51/74 (12 December 1996)
Violence Against Women Migrant Workers [1996] UNGA 179; A/RES/51/65 (12 December 1996)
Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions [1996] UNGA 178; A/RES/51/92 (12 December 1996)
The Role of Cooperative in the Light of New Economic and Social Trends [1996] UNGA 177; A/RES/51/58 (12 December 1996)
Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan [1996] UNGA 176; A/RES/51/108 (12 December 1996)
Culture of Peace [1996] UNGA 175; A/RES/51/101 (12 December 1996)
Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary [1996] UNGA 174; A/RES/51/88 (12 December 1996)
The Girl Child [1996] UNGA 173; A/RES/51/76 (12 December 1996)
Situation of Human Rights in Kosovo [1996] UNGA 172; A/RES/51/111 (12 December 1996)
Follow-Up to the United Nations Year for Tolerance [1996] UNGA 171; A/RES/51/95 (12 December 1996)
The Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [1996] UNGA 170; A/RES/51/82 (12 December 1996)
Respect for the Right to Universal Freedom of Travel and the Vital Importance of Family Reunification [1996] UNGA 169; A/RES/51/89 (12 December 1996)
Situation of Human Rights in Cuba [1996] UNGA 168; A/RES/51/113 (12 December 1996)
Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures [1996] UNGA 167; A/RES/51/103 (12 December 1996)
Question of Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [1996] UNGA 166; A/RES/51/94 (12 December 1996)
Human Rights and Extreme Poverty [1996] UNGA 165; A/RES/51/97 (12 December 1996)
Strengthening the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, Particularly its Technical Cooperation Capacity [1996] UNGA 164; A/RES/51/63 (12 December 1996)
International Decade of the World's Indigenous People [1996] UNGA 163; A/RES/51/78 (12 December 1996)
Situation of Human Rights in Rwanda [1996] UNGA 162; A/RES/51/114 (12 December 1996)
Strengthening of United Nations Action in the Field of Human Rights through the Promotion of International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [1996] UNGA 161; A/RES/51/105 (12 December 1996)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1996] UNGA 160; A/RES/51/83 (12 December 1996)
Follow-Up to the 4th World Conference on Women and Full Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action [1996] UNGA 159; A/RES/51/69 (12 December 1996)
Measures for Prevention of the Smuggling of Aliens [1996] UNGA 158; A/RES/51/62 (12 December 1996)
Situation of Human Rights in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) [1996] UNGA 157; A/RES/51/116 (12 December 1996)
Measures to Combat Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [1996] UNGA 156; A/RES/51/79 (12 December 1996)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat [1996] UNGA 155; A/RES/51/67 (12 December 1996)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1996] UNGA 154; A/RES/51/72 (12 December 1996)
United Nations Declaration on Crime and Public Security [1996] UNGA 153; A/RES/51/60 (12 December 1996)
Enhancement of International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights [1996] UNGA 152; A/RES/51/100 (12 December 1996)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [1996] UNGA 151; A/RES/51/107 (12 December 1996)
Action Against Corruption [1996] UNGA 150; A/RES/51/59 (12 December 1996)
Strengthening of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights/Centre for Human Rights [1996] UNGA 149; A/RES/51/90 (12 December 1996)
Situation of Human Rights in Nigeria [1996] UNGA 148; A/RES/51/109 (12 December 1996)
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [1996] UNGA 147; A/RES/51/86 (12 December 1996)
Regional Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [1996] UNGA 146; A/RES/51/102 (12 December 1996)
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [1996] UNGA 145; A/RES/51/80 (12 December 1996)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe [1996] UNGA 144; A/RES/51/57 (12 December 1996)
Effective Implementation of International Instruments on Human Rights, Including Reporting Obligations Under International Instruments on Human Rights [1996] UNGA 143; A/RES/51/87 (12 December 1996)
Question of the Elaboration of an International Convention Against Organized Transnational Crime [1996] UNGA 142; A/RES/51/120 (12 December 1996)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1996] UNGA 141; A/RES/51/75 (12 December 1996)
Strengthening of the Rule of Law [1996] UNGA 140; A/RES/51/96 (12 December 1996)
International Action to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Production and Trafficking [1996] UNGA 139; A/RES/51/64 (12 December 1996)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [1996] UNGA 138; A/RES/51/117 (12 December 1996)
Traffic in Women and Girls [1996] UNGA 137; A/RES/51/66 (12 December 1996)
Effective Promotion of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities [1996] UNGA 136; A/RES/51/91 (12 December 1996)
Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia [1996] UNGA 135; A/RES/51/98 (12 December 1996)
Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights [1996] UNGA 134; A/RES/51/119 (12 December 1996)
Follow-Up to the Regional Conference to Address the Problems of Refugees, Displaced Persons, Other Forms of Involuntary Displacement and Returnees in the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Relevant Neighbouring States [1996] UNGA 133; A/RES/51/70 (12 December 1996)
Situation of Human Rights in the Sudan [1996] UNGA 132; A/RES/51/112 (12 December 1996)
The Rights of the Child [1996] UNGA 131; A/RES/51/77 (12 December 1996)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [1996] UNGA 130; A/RES/51/93 (12 December 1996)
Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination [1996] UNGA 129; A/RES/51/81 (12 December 1996)
The Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security, Disarmament and Other Related Fields [1996] UNGA 128; A/RES/51/40 (10 December 1996)
Measures to Curb the Illicit Transfer and Use of Conventional Arms [1996] UNGA 127; A/RES/51/45[F] (10 December 1996)
Conventional Arms Control at the Regional and Subregional Levels [1996] UNGA 126; A/RES/51/45[Q] (10 December 1996)
Relationship Between Disarmament and Development [1996] UNGA 125; A/RES/51/45[D] (10 December 1996)
Prohibition of the Dumping of Radioactive Wastes [1996] UNGA 124; A/RES/51/45[J] (10 December 1996)
African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba) [1996] UNGA 123; A/RES/51/53 (10 December 1996)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [1996] UNGA 122; A/RES/51/49 (10 December 1996)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in South Asia [1996] UNGA 121; A/RES/51/42 (10 December 1996)
Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [1996] UNGA 120; A/RES/51/51 (10 December 1996)
Report of the Conference on Disarmament [1996] UNGA 119; A/RES/51/47[C] (10 December 1996)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons [1996] UNGA 118; A/RES/51/46[D] (10 December 1996)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [1996] UNGA 117; A/RES/51/44 (10 December 1996)
Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [1996] UNGA 116; A/RES/51/45[M] (10 December 1996)
Consolidation of Peace through Practical Disarmament Measures [1996] UNGA 115; A/RES/51/45[N] (10 December 1996)
An International Agreement to Ban Anti-Personnel Landmines [1996] UNGA 114; A/RES/51/45[S] (10 December 1996)
Assistance to States for Curbing the Illicit Traffic in Small Arms and Collecting Them [1996] UNGA 113; A/RES/51/45[L] (10 December 1996)
Measures to Uphold the Authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol [1996] UNGA 112; A/RES/51/45[P] (10 December 1996)
Nations Disarmament Fellowship, Training and Advisory Services [1996] UNGA 111; A/RES/51/46[F] (10 December 1996)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific [1996] UNGA 110; A/RES/51/46[B] (10 December 1996)
Question of Antarctica [1996] UNGA 109; A/RES/51/56 (10 December 1996)
United Nations Disarmament Information Programme [1996] UNGA 108; A/RES/51/46[A] (10 December 1996)
Prohibition of the Development and Manufacture of New Types of Weapons of Mass Destruction and New Systems of Such Weapons [1996] UNGA 107; A/RES/51/37 (10 December 1996)
The Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament [1996] UNGA 106; A/RES/51/39 (10 December 1996)
Expansion of the Membership of the Conference on Disarmament [1996] UNGA 105; A/RES/51/47[A] (10 December 1996)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [1996] UNGA 104; A/RES/51/41 (10 December 1996)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction [1996] UNGA 103; A/RES/51/54 (10 December 1996)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa [1996] UNGA 102; A/RES/51/46[E] (10 December 1996)
Convening of the 4th Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament [1996] UNGA 101; A/RES/51/45[C] (10 December 1996)
Report of the Disarmament Commission [1996] UNGA 100; A/RES/51/47[B] (10 December 1996)
Consolidation of the Regime Established by the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapon in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco [1996] UNGA 99; A/RES/51/52 (10 December 1996)
Status of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction [1996] UNGA 98; A/RES/51/45[T] (10 December 1996)
Regional Disarmament [1996] UNGA 97; A/RES/51/45[K] (10 December 1996)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [1996] UNGA 96; A/RES/51/48 (10 December 1996)
Bilateral Nuclear Arms Negotiations and Nuclear Disarmament [1996] UNGA 95; A/RES/51/45[I] (10 December 1996)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [1996] UNGA 94; A/RES/51/50 (10 December 1996)
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [1996] UNGA 93; A/RES/51/45[A] (10 December 1996)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [1996] UNGA 92; A/RES/51/43 (10 December 1996)
Transparency in Armaments [1996] UNGA 91; A/RES/51/45[H] (10 December 1996)
Bilateral Nuclear Arms Negotiations and Nuclear Disarmament [1996] UNGA 90; A/RES/51/45[R] (10 December 1996)
The Maintenance of International Security [1996] UNGA 89; A/RES/51/55 (10 December 1996)
Objective Information on Military Matters, Including Transparency of Military Expenditures [1996] UNGA 88; A/RES/51/38 (10 December 1996)
Observance of Environmental Norms in the Drafting and Implementation of Agreements on Disarmament and Arms Control [1996] UNGA 87; A/RES/51/45[E] (10 December 1996)
Nuclear Disarmament with a View to the Ultimate Elimination of Nuclear Weapons [1996] UNGA 86; A/RES/51/45[G] (10 December 1996)
Regional Confidence-Building Measures [1996] UNGA 85; A/RES/51/46[C] (10 December 1996)
Nuclear Disarmament [1996] UNGA 84; A/RES/51/45[O] (10 December 1996)
The Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas [1996] UNGA 83; A/RES/51/45[B] (10 December 1996)
Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks [1996] UNGA 82; A/RES/51/35 (9 December 1996)
Large-Scale Pelagic Drift-Net Fishing ; Unauthorized Fishing in Zones of National Jurisdiction; and Fisheries by-Catch and Discards [1996] UNGA 81; A/RES/51/36 (9 December 1996)
Proclamation of 7 December as International Civil Aviation Day [1996] UNGA 80; A/RES/51/33 (6 December 1996)
Mid-Term Review of the Implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s [1996] UNGA 79; A/RES/51/32 (6 December 1996)
Support by the United Nations System of the Efforts of Governments to Promote and Consolidate New or Restored Democracies [1996] UNGA 78; A/RES/51/31 (6 December 1996)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon [1996] UNGA 77; A/RES/51/30[C] (5 December 1996)
Large-Scale Pelagic Drift-Net Fishing and its Impact on the Living Marine Resources of the World's Oceans and Seas; Unauthorized Fishing in Zones of National Jurisdiction and its Impact on the Living Marine Resources of the World's Oceans and Seas; and Fisheries by-Catch and Discards and Their Impact on the Sustainable Use of the World's Living Marine Resources [1996] UNGA 76; A/RES/50/25 (5 December 1996)
Assistance to Mozambique [1996] UNGA 75; A/RES/51/30[D] (5 December 1996)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Djibouti [1996] UNGA 74; A/RES/51/30[E] (5 December 1996)
Assistance for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Liberia [1996] UNGA 73; A/RES/51/30[B] (5 December 1996)
Economic Assistance to States Affected by the Implementation of the Security Council Resolutions Imposing Sanctions on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia [1996] UNGA 72; A/RES/51/30[A] (5 December 1996)
The Syrian Golan [1996] UNGA 71; A/RES/51/28 (4 December 1996)
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [1996] UNGA 70; A/RES/51/23 (4 December 1996)
Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat [1996] UNGA 69; A/RES/51/25 (4 December 1996)
Jerusalem [1996] UNGA 68; A/RES/51/27 (4 December 1996)
The Middle East Peace Process [1996] UNGA 67; A/RES/51/29 (4 December 1996)
Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat [1996] UNGA 66; A/RES/51/24 (4 December 1996)
Peaceful Settlement of the Question of Palestine [1996] UNGA 65; A/RES/51/26 (4 December 1996)
November 1996
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Economic Cooperation Organization [1996] UNGA 64; A/RES/51/21 (27 November 1996)
Elimination of Coercive Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Compulsion [1996] UNGA 63; A/RES/51/22 (27 November 1996)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the League of Arab States [1996] UNGA 62; A/RES/51/20 (19 November 1996)
Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic [1996] UNGA 61; A/RES/51/19 (14 November 1996)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [1996] UNGA 60; A/RES/51/18 (14 November 1996)
Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America Against Cuba [1996] UNGA 59; A/RES/51/17 (12 November 1996)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Caribbean Community [1996] UNGA 58; A/RES/51/16 (11 November 1996)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations [1996] UNGA 57; A/RES/51/13 (4 November 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Haiti [1996] UNGA 56; A/RES/51/14[A] (4 November 1996)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee [1996] UNGA 55; A/RES/51/11 (4 November 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Protection Force, the United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia, the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force and the United Nations Peace Forces Headquarters [1996] UNGA 54; A/RES/51/12[A] (4 November 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Support Mission in Haiti [1996] UNGA 53; A/RES/51/15[A] (4 November 1996)
October 1996
Credentials of Representatives to the 51st Session of the General Assembly [1996] UNGA 52; A/RES/51/9[A] (29 October 1996)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union [1996] UNGA 51; A/RES/51/7 (25 October 1996)
International Assistance for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Nicaragua [1996] UNGA 50; A/RES/51/8 (25 October 1996)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of American States [1996] UNGA 49; A/RES/51/4 (24 October 1996)
Observer Status for the International Seabed Authority in the General Assembly [1996] UNGA 48; A/RES/51/6 (24 October 1996)
Universal Congress on the Panama Canal [1996] UNGA 47; A/RES/51/5 (24 October 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia [1996] UNGA 46; A/RES/51/3[A] (17 October 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [1996] UNGA 45; A/RES/51/2[A] (17 October 1996)
Observer Status for the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) in the General Assembly [1996] UNGA 44; A/RES/51/1 (15 October 1996)
September 1996
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador [1996] UNGA 43; A/RES/50/246 (17 September 1996)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [1996] UNGA 42; A/RES/50/245 (10 September 1996)
August 1996
The Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti [1996] UNGA 41; A/RES/50/86[C] (29 August 1996)
Emergency Assistance to Costa Rica and Nicaragua [1996] UNGA 40; A/RES/50/244 (29 August 1996)
July 1996
Implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s [1996] UNGA 39; A/RES/50/160[B] (16 July 1996)
June 1996
Financing of the United Nations Protection Force, the United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia, the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force and the United Nations Peace Forces Headquarters [1996] UNGA 38; A/RES/50/235 (7 June 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission [1996] UNGA 37; A/RES/50/209[B] (7 June 1996)
Enlargement of the Membership of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1996] UNGA 36; A/RES/50/228 (7 June 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [1996] UNGA 35; A/RES/50/20[B] (7 June 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force [1996] UNGA 34; A/RES/50/243 (7 June 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia [1996] UNGA 33; A/RES/50/237 (7 June 1996)
Reform of the Internal System of Justice in the United Nations Secretariat [1996] UNGA 32; A/RES/50/240 (7 June 1996)
Progress Report on the Programme Budget for the Biennium 1996-1997 [1996] UNGA 31; A/RES/50/230 (7 June 1996)
Activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services [1996] UNGA 30; A/RES/50/239 (7 June 1996)
Support Account for Peace-Keeping Operations [1996] UNGA 29; A/RES/50/221[B] (7 June 1996)
Conference Servicing of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change [1996] UNGA 28; A/RES/50/232 (7 June 1996)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January and 31 December [1996] UNGA 27; A/RES/50/213[C] (7 June 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [1996] UNGA 26; A/RES/50/89[B] (7 June 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium [1996] UNGA 25; A/RES/50/242 (7 June 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission [1996] UNGA 24; A/RES/50/234 (7 June 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus [1996] UNGA 23; A/RES/50/236 (7 June 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda [1996] UNGA 22; A/RES/50/211[B] (7 June 1996)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [1996] UNGA 21; A/RES/50/212[C] (7 June 1996)
Proposals on Possible Means of Absorption of the Cost of New Mandates Within the Programme Budget for 1996-1997 [1996] UNGA 20; A/RES/50/231 (7 June 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina [1996] UNGA 19; A/RES/50/241 (7 June 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Haiti [1996] UNGA 18; A/RES/50/90[B] (7 June 1996)
Commmission of Inquiry in Rwanda [1996] UNGA 17; A/RES/50/229 (7 June 1996)
Financing of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan [1996] UNGA 16; A/RES/50/238 (7 June 1996)
Joint Inspection Unit [1996] UNGA 15; A/RES/50/233 (7 June 1996)
May 1996
Further Measures for the Restructuring and Revitalization of the United Nations in the Economic, Social and Related Fields [1996] UNGA 14; A/RES/50/227 (24 May 1996)
United Nations Office of Verification in El Salvador [1996] UNGA 13; A/RES/50/226 (10 May 1996)
April 1996
The Situation in the Middle East [1996] UNGA 12; A/RES/50/22[C] (25 April 1996)
Public Administration and Development [1996] UNGA 11; A/RES/50/225 (19 April 1996)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [1996] UNGA 10; A/RES/50/212[B] (11 April 1996)
Death and Disability Benefits [1996] UNGA 9; A/RES/50/223 (11 April 1996)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January and 31 December 1994 [1996] UNGA 8; A/RES/50/213[B] (11 April 1996)
Support Account for Peace-Keeping Operations [1996] UNGA 7; A/RES/50/221[A] (11 April 1996)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1996] UNGA 6; A/RES/50/207B (11 April 1996)
Relocation of Ukraine to the Group of Member States Set Out in Paragraph 3 (C) of General Assembly Resolution 43/232 [1996] UNGA 5; A/RES/50/224 (11 April 1996)
Reform of the Procedure for Determining Reimbursement to Member States for Contingent-Owned Equipment [1996] UNGA 4; A/RES/50/222 (11 April 1996)
Special Representatives, Envoys and Related Positions [1996] UNGA 3; A/RES/50/219 (3 April 1996)
United Nations Mission for the Verification of Human Rights and of Compliance with the Commitments of the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights in Guatemala [1996] UNGA 2; A/RES/50/220 (3 April 1996)
The Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti [1996] UNGA 1; A/RES/50/86[B] (3 April 1996)
December 1995
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1995] UNGA 344; A/RES/50/204[B] (23 December 1995)
Pattern of Conferences [1995] UNGA 343; A/RES/49/221[C] (23 December 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda [1995] UNGA 342; A/RES/50/211[A] (23 December 1995)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1995] UNGA 341; A/RES/50/204[D] (23 December 1995)
Pattern of Conferences [1995] UNGA 340; A/RES/50/206[B] (23 December 1995)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [1995] UNGA 339; A/RES/50/212 (23 December 1995)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1996-1997 [1995] UNGA 338; A/RES/50/215[A] (23 December 1995)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1995] UNGA 337; A/RES/49/216[B] (23 December 1995)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1996-1997 [1995] UNGA 336; A/RES/50/215[C] (23 December 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia [1995] UNGA 335; A/RES/50/210 (23 December 1995)
Pattern of Conferences [1995] UNGA 334; A/RES/50/206[F] (23 December 1995)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1995] UNGA 333; A/RES/50/207 (23 December 1995)
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1995] UNGA 332; A/RES/49/219 (23 December 1995)
Unforeseen and Extraordinary Expenses for the Biennium 1996-1997 [1995] UNGA 331; A/RES/50/217 (23 December 1995)
Pattern of Conferences [1995] UNGA 330; A/RES/50/206[A] (23 December 1995)
United Nations Common System [1995] UNGA 329; A/RES/49/223 (23 December 1995)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1995] UNGA 328; A/RES/50/205[A] (23 December 1995)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1995] UNGA 327; A/RES/49/216[D] (23 December 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Somalia II [1995] UNGA 326; A/RES/49/229 (23 December 1995)
Scale of Assements for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1995] UNGA 325; A/RES/49/19[B] (23 December 1995)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1995] UNGA 324; A/RES/50/205[B] (23 December 1995)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1996-1997 [1995] UNGA 323; A/RES/50/215[B] (23 December 1995)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1995] UNGA 322; A/RES/49/216[C] (23 December 1995)
Working Capital Fund for the Biennium 1996-1997 [1995] UNGA 321; A/RES/50/218 (23 December 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission [1995] UNGA 320; A/RES/50/209[A] (23 December 1995)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994 [1995] UNGA 319; A/RES/50/213[A] (23 December 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus [1995] UNGA 318; A/RES/49/230 (23 December 1995)
Pattern of Conferences [1995] UNGA 317; A/RES/49/221[B] (23 December 1995)
Questions Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 1996-1997 [1995] UNGA 316; A/RES/50/216 (23 December 1995)
United Nations Common System [1995] UNGA 315; A/RES/50/208 (23 December 1995)
Pattern of Conferences [1995] UNGA 314; A/RES/50/206[D] (23 December 1995)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1995] UNGA 313; A/RES/50/204[A] (23 December 1995)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1995] UNGA 312; A/RES/50/204[C] (23 December 1995)
Pattern of Conferences [1995] UNGA 311; A/RES/49/221[A] (23 December 1995)
Pattern of Conferences [1995] UNGA 310; A/RES/50/206[C] (23 December 1995)
United Nations Pension System [1995] UNGA 309; A/RES/49/224 (23 December 1995)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1995] UNGA 308; A/RES/49/216[E] (23 December 1995)
Pattern of Conferences [1995] UNGA 307; A/RES/50/206[E] (23 December 1995)
Questions Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 1996-1997 [1995] UNGA 306; A/RES/50/214 (23 December 1995)
Pattern of Conferences [1995] UNGA 305; A/RES/49/221[D] (23 December 1995)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1995] UNGA 304; A/RES/49/216[A] (23 December 1995)
Final Appropriation for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1995] UNGA 303; A/RES/49/218 (23 December 1995)
Proposed Programme Budget Outline for the Biennium 1996-1997 [1995] UNGA 302; A/RES/49/217 (23 December 1995)
Situation of Human Rights in the Sudan [1995] UNGA 301; A/RES/50/197 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 300; A/RES/50/58[K] (22 December 1995)
Situation of Human Rights in Kosovo [1995] UNGA 299; A/RES/50/190 (22 December 1995)
Violence Against Women Migrant Workers [1995] UNGA 298; A/RES/50/168 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 297; A/RES/50/58[B] (22 December 1995)
Respect for the Right to Universal Freedom of Travel and the Vital Importance of Family Reunification [1995] UNGA 296; A/RES/50/175 (22 December 1995)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [1995] UNGA 295; A/RES/50/188 (22 December 1995)
Follow-Up to the 4th World Conference on Women and Full Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action [1995] UNGA 294; A/RES/50/203 (22 December 1995)
United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education [1995] UNGA 293; A/RES/50/173 (22 December 1995)
The Role of the United Nations Development Fund for Women in Eliminating Violence Against Women [1995] UNGA 292; A/RES/50/166 (22 December 1995)
Comprehensive Implementation of and Follow-Up to the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action [1995] UNGA 291; A/RES/50/201 (22 December 1995)
Protection of and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons [1995] UNGA 290; A/RES/50/195 (22 December 1995)
Human Rights in the Administration of Justice [1995] UNGA 289; A/RES/50/181 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 288; A/RES/50/58[E] (22 December 1995)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [1995] UNGA 287; A/RES/50/183 (22 December 1995)
International Covenants on Human Rights [1995] UNGA 286; A/RES/50/171 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 285; A/RES/50/58[A] (22 December 1995)
Situation of Human Rights in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) [1995] UNGA 284; A/RES/50/193 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 283; A/RES/50/58[J] (22 December 1995)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat [1995] UNGA 282; A/RES/50/164 (22 December 1995)
Situation of Human Rights in Rwanda [1995] UNGA 281; A/RES/50/200 (22 December 1995)
Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia [1995] UNGA 280; A/RES/50/178 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening the Role of the United Nations in Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Periodic and Genuine Elections and the Promotion of Democratization [1995] UNGA 279; A/RES/50/185 (22 December 1995)
Implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s [1995] UNGA 278; A/RES/50/160[A] (22 December 1995)
Situation of Human Rights in Iraq [1995] UNGA 277; A/RES/50/191 (22 December 1995)
Situation of the Human Rights in Cuba [1995] UNGA 276; A/RES/50/198 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights/Centre for Human Rights [1995] UNGA 275; A/RES/50/187 (22 December 1995)
Proposed Merger of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women and the United Nations Development Fund for Women [1995] UNGA 274; A/RES/50/162 (22 December 1995)
National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [1995] UNGA 273; A/RES/50/176 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 272; A/RES/50/58[F] (22 December 1995)
Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan [1995] UNGA 271; A/RES/50/189 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 270; A/RES/50/58[L] (22 December 1995)
Implementation of the Outcome of the World Summit for Social Development [1995] UNGA 269; A/RES/50/161 (22 December 1995)
Human Rights in Haiti [1995] UNGA 268; A/RES/50/196 (22 December 1995)
Traffic in Women and Girls [1995] UNGA 267; A/RES/50/167 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of United Nations Action in the Human Rights Field through the Promotion of International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [1995] UNGA 266; A/RES/50/174 (22 December 1995)
Effective Promotion of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities [1995] UNGA 265; A/RES/50/180 (22 December 1995)
The Situation in Burundi [1995] UNGA 264; A/RES/50/159 (22 December 1995)
Respect for the Principles of National Sovereignty and Non-Interference in the Internal Affairs of States in Their Electoral Processes [1995] UNGA 263; A/RES/50/172 (22 December 1995)
Improvement of the Situation of Women in Rural Areas [1995] UNGA 262; A/RES/50/165 (22 December 1995)
Human Rights and Mass Exoduses [1995] UNGA 261; A/RES/50/182 (22 December 1995)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [1995] UNGA 260; A/RES/50/194 (22 December 1995)
Amendment to Article 20, Paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [1995] UNGA 259; A/RES/50/202 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Rule of Law [1995] UNGA 258; A/RES/50/179 (22 December 1995)
Right to Development [1995] UNGA 257; A/RES/50/184 (22 December 1995)
Effective Implementation of International Instruments on Human Rights, Including Reporting Obligations Under International Instruments on Human Rights [1995] UNGA 256; A/RES/50/170 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 255; A/RES/50/58[D] (22 December 1995)
Situation of Human Rights in Nigeria [1995] UNGA 254; A/RES/50/199 (22 December 1995)
Rape and Abuse of Women in the Areas of Armed Conflicts in the Former Yugoslavia [1995] UNGA 253; A/RES/50/192 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 252; A/RES/50/58[I] (22 December 1995)
United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education [1995] UNGA 251; A/RES/50/177 (22 December 1995)
Human Rights and Terrorism [1995] UNGA 250; A/RES/50/186 (22 December 1995)
International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women [1995] UNGA 249; A/RES/50/163 (22 December 1995)
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families [1995] UNGA 248; A/RES/50/169 (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 247; A/RES/50/58[H] (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 246; A/RES/50/58[G] (22 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 245; A/RES/50/58[C] (22 December 1995)
International Action to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Production and Trafficking [1995] UNGA 244; A/RES/50/148 (21 December 1995)
Comprehensive Consideration and Review of the Problems of Refugees, Returnees, Displaced Persons and Related Migratory Movements [1995] UNGA 243; A/RES/50/151 (21 December 1995)
The Rights of the Child [1995] UNGA 242; A/RES/50/153 (21 December 1995)
International Year of Older Persons [1995] UNGA 241; A/RES/50/141 (21 December 1995)
Progress Made and Problems Encountered in the Struggle Against Illiteracy: A Mid-Decade Review - Cooperation to Achieve Education for All [1995] UNGA 240; A/RES/50/143 (21 December 1995)
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations [1995] UNGA 239; A/RES/50/156 (21 December 1995)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means to Violate Human Rights and to Impede the Exercise of the Right of People to Self-Determination [1995] UNGA 238; A/RES/50/138 (21 December 1995)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity [1995] UNGA 237; A/RES/50/158 (21 December 1995)
Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination [1995] UNGA 236; A/RES/50/136 (21 December 1995)
The Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [1995] UNGA 235; A/RES/50/140 (21 December 1995)
Ninth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1995] UNGA 234; A/RES/50/145 (21 December 1995)
The Girl Child [1995] UNGA 233; A/RES/50/154 (21 December 1995)
Follow-Up to the International Year of the Family [1995] UNGA 232; A/RES/50/142 (21 December 1995)
United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1995] UNGA 231; A/RES/50/147 (21 December 1995)
Towards Full Integration of Persons with Disabilities in Society [1995] UNGA 230; A/RES/50/144 (21 December 1995)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [1995] UNGA 229; A/RES/50/149 (21 December 1995)
Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination [1995] UNGA 228; A/RES/50/137 (21 December 1995)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1995] UNGA 227; A/RES/50/139 (21 December 1995)
Assistance to Unaccompanied Refugee Minors [1995] UNGA 226; A/RES/50/150 (21 December 1995)
Measures to Combat Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [1995] UNGA 225; A/RES/50/135 (21 December 1995)
Strengthening the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, Particularly its Technical Cooperation Capacity [1995] UNGA 224; A/RES/50/146 (21 December 1995)
Programme of Activities for the International Decade of the World's Indigenous People [1995] UNGA 223; A/RES/50/157 (21 December 1995)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1995] UNGA 222; A/RES/50/152 (21 December 1995)
Specific Actions Related to the Particular Needs and Problems of Land-Locked Developing Countries [1995] UNGA 221; A/RES/50/97 (20 December 1995)
Women in Development [1995] UNGA 220; A/RES/50/104 (20 December 1995)
Economic and Social Repercussions of the Israeli Settlements on the Palestinian People in the Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, Occupied Since 1967, and on the Arab Population of the Occupied Syrian Golan [1995] UNGA 219; A/RES/50/129 (20 December 1995)
Renewal of the Dialogue on Strengthening International Economic Cooperation for Development through Partnership [1995] UNGA 218; A/RES/50/122 (20 December 1995)
Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme [1995] UNGA 217; A/RES/50/110 (20 December 1995)
Target for World Food Programme Pledges for the Period 1997-1998 [1995] UNGA 216; A/RES/50/127 (20 December 1995)
Enhancing International Cooperation Towards a Durable Solution to the External Debt Problem of Developing Countries [1995] UNGA 215; A/RES/50/92 (20 December 1995)
Implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development [1995] UNGA 214; A/RES/50/124 (20 December 1995)
Commission on Human Settlements [1995] UNGA 213; A/RES/50/99 (20 December 1995)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [1995] UNGA 212; A/RES/50/115 (20 December 1995)
United Nations System Support for Science and Technology in Africa [1995] UNGA 211; A/RES/50/102 (20 December 1995)
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction [1995] UNGA 210; A/RES/50/117[A] (20 December 1995)
Second Industrial Development Decade for Africa [1995] UNGA 209; A/RES/50/94 (20 December 1995)
World Food Summit [1995] UNGA 208; A/RES/50/109 (20 December 1995)
Strengthening of International Cooperation and Coordination of Efforts to Study, Mitigate and Minimize the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster [1995] UNGA 207; A/RES/50/134 (20 December 1995)
United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa [1995] UNGA 206; A/RES/50/131 (20 December 1995)
Observance of the International Year for the Eradication of Poverty and Proclamation of the 1st United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty [1995] UNGA 205; A/RES/50/107 (20 December 1995)
United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) [1995] UNGA 204; A/RES/50/100 (20 December 1995)
Ninth Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [1995] UNGA 203; A/RES/50/98 (20 December 1995)
Global Financial Integration [1995] UNGA 202; A/RES/50/91 (20 December 1995)
Triennial Policy Review of Operational Activities for Development of the United Nations System [1995] UNGA 201; A/RES/50/120 (20 December 1995)
Elaboration of an International Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [1995] UNGA 200; A/RES/50/112 (20 December 1995)
Economic and Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries and a United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation [1995] UNGA 199; A/RES/50/119 (20 December 1995)
Preventive Action and Intensification of the Struggle Against Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa [1995] UNGA 198; A/RES/50/128 (20 December 1995)
Implementation of the Outcome of the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [1995] UNGA 197; A/RES/50/116 (20 December 1995)
International Trade and Development [1995] UNGA 196; A/RES/50/95 (20 December 1995)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research [1995] UNGA 195; A/RES/50/121 (20 December 1995)
Developing Human Resources for Development [1995] UNGA 194; A/RES/50/105 (20 December 1995)
Science and Technology for Development [1995] UNGA 193; A/RES/50/101 (20 December 1995)
Support by the United Nations System of the Efforts of Governments to Promote and Consolidate New or Restored Democracies [1995] UNGA 192; A/RES/50/133 (20 December 1995)
Desertification and Drought [1995] UNGA 191; A/RES/50/114 (20 December 1995)
Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990s [1995] UNGA 190; A/RES/50/103 (20 December 1995)
Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Coersion Against Developing Countries [1995] UNGA 189; A/RES/50/96 (20 December 1995)
International Migration and Development [1995] UNGA 188; A/RES/50/123 (20 December 1995)
Communication for Development Programmes in the United Nations System [1995] UNGA 187; A/RES/50/130 (20 December 1995)
The Situation in Central America [1995] UNGA 186; A/RES/50/132 (20 December 1995)
United Nations Initiative on Opportunity and Participation [1995] UNGA 185; A/RES/50/108 (20 December 1995)
Special Session for the Purpose of an Overall Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of Agenda 21 [1995] UNGA 184; A/RES/50/113 (20 December 1995)
Sources for the Financing of Development [1995] UNGA 183; A/RES/50/93 (20 December 1995)
Water Supply and Sanitation [1995] UNGA 182; A/RES/50/126 (20 December 1995)
Business and Development [1995] UNGA 181; A/RES/50/106 (20 December 1995)
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction [1995] UNGA 180; A/RES/50/117[B] (20 December 1995)
Convention on Biological Diversity [1995] UNGA 179; A/RES/50/111 (20 December 1995)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Southern African Development Community [1995] UNGA 178; A/RES/50/118 (20 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 177; A/RES/50/88[A] (19 December 1995)
Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990s [1995] UNGA 176; A/RES/49/98 (19 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 175; A/RES/50/88[B] (19 December 1995)
Commodities [1995] UNGA 174; A/RES/49/104 (19 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Special Economic Assistance [1995] UNGA 173; A/RES/50/88 (19 December 1995)
Financing of the Unitednations Mission in Haiti [1995] UNGA 172; A/RES/50/90[A] (19 December 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [1995] UNGA 171; A/RES/50/89 (19 December 1995)
Question of Palestine [1995] UNGA 170; A/RES/50/84[D] (15 December 1995)
Question of Palestine [1995] UNGA 169; A/RES/50/84[A] (15 December 1995)
The Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti [1995] UNGA 168; A/RES/50/86 (15 December 1995)
International Assistance for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Nicaragua [1995] UNGA 167; A/RES/50/85 (15 December 1995)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1995] UNGA 166; A/RES/49/77[A] (15 December 1995)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1995] UNGA 165; A/RES/49/77[B] (15 December 1995)
Normalization of the Situation Concerning South Africa [1995] UNGA 164; A/RES/50/83 (15 December 1995)
Question of Palestine [1995] UNGA 163; A/RES/50/84[C] (15 December 1995)
Question of Palestine [1995] UNGA 162; A/RES/50/84[B] (15 December 1995)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1995] UNGA 161; A/RES/49/77[C] (15 December 1995)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1995] UNGA 160; A/RES/49/77[D] (15 December 1995)
Assistance in Mine Clearance [1995] UNGA 159; A/RES/50/82 (14 December 1995)
Credentials of Representatives to the 50th Session of the General Assembly [1995] UNGA 158; A/RES/50/4[B] (14 December 1995)
World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and Beyond [1995] UNGA 157; A/RES/50/81 (14 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 156; A/RES/50/70[B] (12 December 1995)
Maintenance of International Security [1995] UNGA 155; A/RES/50/80[B] (12 December 1995)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1995] UNGA 154; A/RES/50/72[D] (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 153; A/RES/50/70[D] (12 December 1995)
Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [1995] UNGA 152; A/RES/50/76 (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 151; A/RES/50/70[P] (12 December 1995)
Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapen Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water [1995] UNGA 150; A/RES/50/64 (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 149; A/RES/50/70[Q] (12 December 1995)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [1995] UNGA 148; A/RES/50/68 (12 December 1995)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [1995] UNGA 147; A/RES/50/75 (12 December 1995)
Verification in All its Aspects, Including the Role of the United Nations in the Field of Verification [1995] UNGA 146; A/RES/50/61 (12 December 1995)
The Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament [1995] UNGA 145; A/RES/50/62 (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 144; A/RES/50/70[J] (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 143; A/RES/50/70[M] (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 142; A/RES/50/70[C] (12 December 1995)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1995] UNGA 141; A/RES/50/72[B] (12 December 1995)
Work of the Preparatory Committee for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations [1995] UNGA 140; A/RES/50/59 (12 December 1995)
Final Text of the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (the Pelindaba Treaty) [1995] UNGA 139; A/RES/50/78 (12 December 1995)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1995] UNGA 138; A/RES/50/71[E] (12 December 1995)
Maintenance of International Security [1995] UNGA 137; A/RES/50/80[A] (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 136; A/RES/50/70[G] (12 December 1995)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in South Asia [1995] UNGA 135; A/RES/50/67 (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 134; A/RES/50/70[E] (12 December 1995)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the United Nations [1995] UNGA 133; A/RES/50/57 (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 132; A/RES/50/70[R] (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 131; A/RES/50/70[K] (12 December 1995)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1995] UNGA 130; A/RES/50/72[C] (12 December 1995)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1995] UNGA 129; A/RES/50/71[B] (12 December 1995)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [1995] UNGA 128; A/RES/50/65 (12 December 1995)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [1995] UNGA 127; A/RES/50/74 (12 December 1995)
Consolidation of the Regime Established by the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) [1995] UNGA 126; A/RES/50/77 (12 December 1995)
The Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security, Disarmament and Other Related Fields [1995] UNGA 125; A/RES/50/63 (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 124; A/RES/50/70[F] (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 123; A/RES/50/70[N] (12 December 1995)
Compliance with Arms Limitation and Disarmament Agreements [1995] UNGA 122; A/RES/50/60 (12 December 1995)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [1995] UNGA 121; A/RES/50/66 (12 December 1995)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [1995] UNGA 120; A/RES/50/73 (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 119; A/RES/50/70[O] (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 118; A/RES/50/70[A] (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 117; A/RES/50/70[L] (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 116; A/RES/50/70[H] (12 December 1995)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1995] UNGA 115; A/RES/50/71[D] (12 December 1995)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1995] UNGA 114; A/RES/50/71[C] (12 December 1995)
General and Complete Disarmament [1995] UNGA 113; A/RES/50/70[I] (12 December 1995)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1995] UNGA 112; A/RES/50/71[A] (12 December 1995)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1995] UNGA 111; A/RES/50/72[A] (12 December 1995)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction [1995] UNGA 110; A/RES/50/79 (12 December 1995)
Return to Restitution of Cultural Property to the Countries of Origin [1995] UNGA 109; A/RES/50/56 (11 December 1995)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [1995] UNGA 108; A/RES/50/52 (11 December 1995)
United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law [1995] UNGA 107; A/RES/50/43 (11 December 1995)
Implementation of Charter Provisions Related to Assistance to Third States Affected by the Application of Sanctions [1995] UNGA 106; A/RES/50/51 (11 December 1995)
Establishment of an International Criminal Court [1995] UNGA 105; A/RES/50/46 (11 December 1995)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its 47th Session [1995] UNGA 104; A/RES/50/45 (11 December 1995)
United Nations Convention on Independent Guarantees and Stand-by Letters of Credit [1995] UNGA 103; A/RES/50/48 (11 December 1995)
Review of the Rule of the Trusteeship Council [1995] UNGA 102; A/RES/50/55 (11 December 1995)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [1995] UNGA 101; A/RES/50/53 (11 December 1995)
United Nations Decade of International Law [1995] UNGA 100; A/RES/50/44 (11 December 1995)
United Nations Model Rules for the Conciliation of Disputes Between States [1995] UNGA 99; A/RES/50/50 (11 December 1995)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its 28th Session [1995] UNGA 98; A/RES/50/47 (11 December 1995)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [1995] UNGA 97; A/RES/50/49 (11 December 1995)
Review of the Procedure Provided for Under Article 11 of the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal of the United Nations [1995] UNGA 96; A/RES/50/54 (11 December 1995)
Establishment of an International Criminal Court [1995] UNGA 95; A/RES/49/53 (9 December 1995)
Fourth World Conference on Women [1995] UNGA 94; A/RES/50/42 (8 December 1995)
University for Peace [1995] UNGA 93; A/RES/50/41 (8 December 1995)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1995] UNGA 92; A/RES/50/29[B] (6 December 1995)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peace-Keeping Operations in All Their Aspects [1995] UNGA 91; A/RES/50/30 (6 December 1995)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [1995] UNGA 90; A/RES/50/40 (6 December 1995)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1995] UNGA 89; A/RES/50/38[B-III] (6 December 1995)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1995] UNGA 88; A/RES/50/27 (6 December 1995)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1995] UNGA 87; A/RES/50/28[C] (6 December 1995)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1995] UNGA 86; A/RES/50/29[C] (6 December 1995)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1995] UNGA 85; A/RES/50/38[B-IV] (6 December 1995)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1995] UNGA 84; A/RES/50/38[B-XI] (6 December 1995)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [1995] UNGA 83; A/RES/50/34 (6 December 1995)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1995] UNGA 82; A/RES/50/38[B-VIII] (6 December 1995)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1995] UNGA 81; A/RES/50/38[B-XII] (6 December 1995)
Question of Western Sahara [1995] UNGA 80; A/RES/50/36 (6 December 1995)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1995] UNGA 79; A/RES/50/28[B] (6 December 1995)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1995] UNGA 78; A/RES/50/29[D] (6 December 1995)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [1995] UNGA 77; A/RES/50/32 (6 December 1995)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1995] UNGA 76; A/RES/50/29[A] (6 December 1995)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [1995] UNGA 75; A/RES/50/39 (6 December 1995)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1995] UNGA 74; A/RES/50/38[B-IX] (6 December 1995)
Questions Relating to Information [1995] UNGA 73; A/RES/50/31[A] (6 December 1995)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1995] UNGA 72; A/RES/50/38[B-VII] (6 December 1995)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [1995] UNGA 71; A/RES/50/35 (6 December 1995)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [1995] UNGA 70; A/RES/50/26 (6 December 1995)
Question of New Caledonia [1995] UNGA 69; A/RES/50/37 (6 December 1995)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1995] UNGA 68; A/RES/50/38[B-VI] (6 December 1995)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1995] UNGA 67; A/RES/50/38[B-V] (6 December 1995)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1995] UNGA 66; A/RES/50/28[G] (6 December 1995)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1995] UNGA 65; A/RES/50/38[B-II] (6 December 1995)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1995] UNGA 64; A/RES/50/28[F] (6 December 1995)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1995] UNGA 63; A/RES/50/38[B-X] (6 December 1995)
Questions Relating to Information [1995] UNGA 62; A/RES/50/31[B] (6 December 1995)
Activities of Foreign Economic and Other Interests which Impede the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Territories Under Colonial Domination [1995] UNGA 61; A/RES/50/33 (6 December 1995)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1995] UNGA 60; A/RES/50/38[B-I] (6 December 1995)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, st. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1995] UNGA 59; A/RES/50/38[A] (6 December 1995)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1995] UNGA 58; A/RES/50/28[A] (6 December 1995)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1995] UNGA 57; A/RES/50/28[D] (6 December 1995)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1995] UNGA 56; A/RES/50/28[E] (6 December 1995)
Law of the Sea [1995] UNGA 55; A/RES/50/23 (5 December 1995)
Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks [1995] UNGA 54; A/RES/50/24 (5 December 1995)
The Situation in the Middle East [1995] UNGA 53; A/RES/50/22[B] (4 December 1995)
The Situation in the Middle East [1995] UNGA 52; A/RES/50/22[A] (4 December 1995)
Middle East Peace Process [1995] UNGA 51; A/RES/50/21 (4 December 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [1995] UNGA 50; A/RES/50/20[A] (1 December 1995)
November 1995
Participation of Volunteers, "White Helmets", in Activities of the United Nations in the Field of Humanitarian Relief, Rehabilitation and Technical Cooperation for Development [1995] UNGA 49; A/RES/50/19 (28 November 1995)
Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic [1995] UNGA 48; A/RES/50/18 (27 November 1995)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [1995] UNGA 47; A/RES/50/17 (20 November 1995)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the League of Arab States [1995] UNGA 46; A/RES/50/16 (20 November 1995)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union [1995] UNGA 45; A/RES/50/15 (15 November 1995)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Latin American Economic System [1995] UNGA 44; A/RES/50/14 (15 November 1995)
The Olympic Ideal [1995] UNGA 43; A/RES/50/13 (7 November 1995)
Universal Congress on the Panama Canal [1995] UNGA 42; A/RES/50/12 (7 November 1995)
Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America Against Cuba [1995] UNGA 41; A/RES/50/10 (2 November 1995)
Multilingualism [1995] UNGA 40; A/RES/50/11 (2 November 1995)
Revision of the General Regulations of the World Food Programme and Reconstitution of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes as the Executive Board of the World Food Programme [1995] UNGA 39; A/RES/50/8 (1 November 1995)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [1995] UNGA 38; A/RES/50/9 (1 November 1995)
October 1995
Mission of the United Nations in El Salvador [1995] UNGA 37; A/RES/50/7 (31 October 1995)
Declaration on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations [1995] UNGA 36; A/RES/50/6 (24 October 1995)
Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War [1995] UNGA 35; A/RES/50/5 (18 October 1995)
Credentials of Representatives to the 50th Session of the General Assembly [1995] UNGA 34; A/RES/50/4 (18 October 1995)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation [1995] UNGA 33; A/RES/50/3 (16 October 1995)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Economic Cooperation Organization [1995] UNGA 32; A/RES/50/1 (12 October 1995)
Observer Status for the Central American Integration System in the General Assembly [1995] UNGA 31; A/RES/50/2 (12 October 1995)
September 1995
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1995] UNGA 30; A/RES/49/21[P] (18 September 1995)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations [1995] UNGA 29; A/RES/49/249[B] (14 September 1995)
United Nations Mission for the Verification of Human Rights and of Compliance with the Commitments of the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights in Guatemala [1995] UNGA 28; A/RES/49/236[B] (14 September 1995)
Strengthening of the United Nations System [1995] UNGA 27; A/RES/49/252 (14 September 1995)
July 1995
Human Resources Management [1995] UNGA 26; A/RES/49/222[B] (20 July 1995)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [1995] UNGA 25; A/RES/49/242[B] (20 July 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [1995] UNGA 24; A/RES/49/247 (20 July 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission [1995] UNGA 23; A/RES/49/227[B] (20 July 1995)
Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States Between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994 [1995] UNGA 22; A/RES/49/251 (20 July 1995)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations [1995] UNGA 21; A/RES/49/249[A] (20 July 1995)
Support Account for Peace-Keeping Operations [1995] UNGA 20; A/RES/49/250 (20 July 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Protection Force, the United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia, the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force and the United Nations Peace Forces Headquarters [1995] UNGA 19; A/RES/49/248 (20 July 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission [1995] UNGA 18; A/RES/49/245 (12 July 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia [1995] UNGA 17; A/RES/49/231[B] (12 July 1995)
World Week of Peace [1995] UNGA 16; A/RES/49/244 (12 July 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador [1995] UNGA 15; A/RES/49/246 (12 July 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda and the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda [1995] UNGA 14; A/RES/49/20[B] (12 July 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia [1995] UNGA 13; A/RES/49/232[B] (12 July 1995)
The Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti [1995] UNGA 12; A/RES/49/27[B] (12 July 1995)
April 1995
Accreditation of Non-Governmental Organizations to the 4th World Conference on Women [1995] UNGA 11; A/RES/49/243 (21 April 1995)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [1995] UNGA 10; A/RES/49/242[A] (13 April 1995)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1995] UNGA 9; A/RES/49/21[O] (13 April 1995)
Payment of Repatriation Grant to Staff Members Living in Their Home Country While Stationed at Duty Stations Located in Another Country [1995] UNGA 8; A/RES/49/241 (6 April 1995)
March 1995
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Haiti [1995] UNGA 7; A/RES/49/239 (31 March 1995)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations [1995] UNGA 6; A/RES/49/233[B] (31 March 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan [1995] UNGA 5; A/RES/49/240 (31 March 1995)
Respect for the Privileges and Immunities of Officials of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies and Related Organizations [1995] UNGA 4; A/RES/49/238 (31 March 1995)
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1995] UNGA 3; A/RES/49/237 (31 March 1995)
United Nations Mission for the Verification of Human Rights and of Compliance with the Commitments of the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights with Guatemala [1995] UNGA 2; A/RES/49/236[A] (31 March 1995)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Mozambique [1995] UNGA 1; A/RES/49/235 (10 March 1995)
December 1994
Effective Promotion of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities [1994] UNGA 328; A/RES/49/192 (23 December 1994)
Assistance to Unaccompanied Refugee Minors [1994] UNGA 327; A/RES/49/172 (23 December 1994)
United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education [1994] UNGA 326; A/RES/49/184 (23 December 1994)
Ninth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1994] UNGA 325; A/RES/49/157 (23 December 1994)
International Decade of the World's Indigenous People [1994] UNGA 324; A/RES/49/214 (23 December 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Protection Force [1994] UNGA 323; A/RES/49/228 (23 December 1994)
United Nations Year for Tolerance [1994] UNGA 322; A/RES/49/213 (23 December 1994)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means to Violate Human Rights and to Impede the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1994] UNGA 321; A/RES/49/150 (23 December 1994)
Situation of Human Rights in the Sudan [1994] UNGA 320; A/RES/49/198 (23 December 1994)
Respect for the Universal Freedom of Travel and the Vital Importance of Family Reunification [1994] UNGA 319; A/RES/49/182 (23 December 1994)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1994] UNGA 318; A/RES/49/169 (23 December 1994)
Proposed Merger of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women and the United Nations Development Fund for Women [1994] UNGA 317; A/RES/49/160 (23 December 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [1994] UNGA 316; A/RES/49/226 (23 December 1994)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [1994] UNGA 315; A/RES/49/174 (23 December 1994)
Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia [1994] UNGA 314; A/RES/49/199 (23 December 1994)
Regional Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [1994] UNGA 313; A/RES/49/189 (23 December 1994)
Strengthening of the Rule of Law [1994] UNGA 312; A/RES/49/194 (23 December 1994)
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture [1994] UNGA 311; A/RES/49/176 (23 December 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia [1994] UNGA 310; A/RES/49/232[A] (23 December 1994)
Rape and Abuse of Women in the Areas of Armed Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia [1994] UNGA 309; A/RES/49/205 (23 December 1994)
Integration of Older Women in Development [1994] UNGA 308; A/RES/49/162 (23 December 1994)
Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination [1994] UNGA 307; A/RES/49/145 (23 December 1994)
Measures to Combat Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance [1994] UNGA 306; A/RES/49/147 (23 December 1994)
Importance of the Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination and of the Speedy Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for the Effective Guarantee and Observance of Human Rights [1994] UNGA 305; A/RES/49/151 (23 December 1994)
Development of Public Information Activities in the Field of Human Rights [1994] UNGA 304; A/RES/49/187 (23 December 1994)
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families [1994] UNGA 303; A/RES/49/175 (23 December 1994)
Human Rights in Haiti [1994] UNGA 302; A/RES/49/201 (23 December 1994)
Need to Adopt Efficient International Measures for the Prevention and Eradication of the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography [1994] UNGA 301; A/RES/49/210 (23 December 1994)
Respect for the Principles of National Sovereignty and Non-Interference in the Internal Affairs of States in Their Electoral Process [1994] UNGA 300; A/RES/49/180 (23 December 1994)
Situation of Human Rights in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) [1994] UNGA 299; A/RES/49/196 (23 December 1994)
United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s [1994] UNGA 298; A/RES/49/142 (23 December 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [1994] UNGA 297; A/RES/49/225 (23 December 1994)
The Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination [1994] UNGA 296; A/RES/49/149 (23 December 1994)
Traffic in Women and Girls [1994] UNGA 295; A/RES/49/166 (23 December 1994)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [1994] UNGA 294; A/RES/49/164 (23 December 1994)
Question of Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [1994] UNGA 293; A/RES/49/193 (23 December 1994)
Human Rights and Terrorism [1994] UNGA 292; A/RES/49/185 (23 December 1994)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations [1994] UNGA 291; A/RES/49/233[A] (23 December 1994)
Towards Full Integration of Persons with Disabilities in Society [1994] UNGA 290; A/RES/49/153 (23 December 1994)
Status of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [1994] UNGA 289; A/RES/49/144 (23 December 1994)
The Role of Cooperatives in the Light of New Economic and Social Trends [1994] UNGA 288; A/RES/49/155 (23 December 1994)
Report of the Committee Against Torture and Status of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [1994] UNGA 287; A/RES/49/177 (23 December 1994)
New International Humanitarian Order [1994] UNGA 286; A/RES/49/170 (23 December 1994)
International Action to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Production and Trafficking [1994] UNGA 285; A/RES/49/168 (23 December 1994)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1994] UNGA 284; A/RES/49/220[B] (23 December 1994)
Right to Development [1994] UNGA 283; A/RES/49/183 (23 December 1994)
Human Rights and Extreme Poverty [1994] UNGA 282; A/RES/49/179 (23 December 1994)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [1994] UNGA 281; A/RES/49/197 (23 December 1994)
Situation of Human Rights in Rwanda [1994] UNGA 280; A/RES/49/206 (23 December 1994)
Strengthening of United Nations Action in the Human Rights Field through the Promotion of International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [1994] UNGA 279; A/RES/49/181 (23 December 1994)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1994] UNGA 278; A/RES/49/171 (23 December 1994)
Strengthening the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, Particularly its Technical Cooperation Capacity [1994] UNGA 277; A/RES/49/158 (23 December 1994)
Assistance in Mine Clearance [1994] UNGA 276; A/RES/49/215 (23 December 1994)
Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination [1994] UNGA 275; A/RES/49/146 (23 December 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia [1994] UNGA 274; A/RES/49/231[A] (23 December 1994)
Implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women [1994] UNGA 273; A/RES/49/161 (23 December 1994)
Situation of Human Rights in Kosovo [1994] UNGA 272; A/RES/49/204 (23 December 1994)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1994] UNGA 271; A/RES/49/148 (23 December 1994)
Summary or Arbitrary Executions [1994] UNGA 270; A/RES/49/191 (23 December 1994)
Comprehensive Consideration and Review of the Problems of Refugees, Returnees, Displaced Persons and Related Migratory Movements [1994] UNGA 269; A/RES/49/173 (23 December 1994)
The Plight of Street Children [1994] UNGA 268; A/RES/49/212 (23 December 1994)
Protection of Children Affected by Armed Conflicts [1994] UNGA 267; A/RES/49/209 (23 December 1994)
Violence Against Women Migrant Workers [1994] UNGA 266; A/RES/49/165 (23 December 1994)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1994] UNGA 265; A/RES/49/220[C] (23 December 1994)
International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women [1994] UNGA 264; A/RES/49/163 (23 December 1994)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [1994] UNGA 263; A/RES/49/188 (23 December 1994)
Human Resources Management [1994] UNGA 262; A/RES/49/222[A] (23 December 1994)
Naples Political Declaration and Global Action Plan Against Organized Transnational Crime [1994] UNGA 261; A/RES/49/159 (23 December 1994)
International Youth Year [1994] UNGA 260; A/RES/49/152 (23 December 1994)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [1994] UNGA 259; A/RES/49/202 (23 December 1994)
Effective Implementation of International Instruments on Human Rights, Including Reporting Obligations Under International Instruments on Human Rights [1994] UNGA 258; A/RES/49/178 (23 December 1994)
Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child [1994] UNGA 257; A/RES/49/211 (23 December 1994)
Situation of Human Rights in Iraq [1994] UNGA 256; A/RES/49/203 (23 December 1994)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1994] UNGA 255; A/RES/49/220[A] (23 December 1994)
Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan [1994] UNGA 254; A/RES/49/207 (23 December 1994)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat [1994] UNGA 253; A/RES/49/167 (23 December 1994)
Alternative Approaches and Ways and Means Within the United Nations System for Improving the Effective Enjoyment of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [1994] UNGA 252; A/RES/49/186 (23 December 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission II [1994] UNGA 251; A/RES/49/227[A] (23 December 1994)
Policies and Programmes Involving Youth [1994] UNGA 250; A/RES/49/154 (23 December 1994)
Strengthening of the Centre for Human Rights of the Secretariat [1994] UNGA 249; A/RES/49/195 (23 December 1994)
Financial Situation of the United Nations [1994] UNGA 248; A/RES/49/143 (23 December 1994)
Situation of Human Rights in Cuba [1994] UNGA 247; A/RES/49/200 (23 December 1994)
United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1994] UNGA 246; A/RES/49/156 (23 December 1994)
Strengthening the Role of the United Nations in Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Periodic and Genuine Elections and the Promotion of Democratization [1994] UNGA 245; A/RES/49/190 (23 December 1994)
Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Reconstruction of War-Stricken Afghanistan [1994] UNGA 244; A/RES/49/140 (20 December 1994)
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction [1994] UNGA 243; A/RES/49/22[B] (20 December 1994)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Economic Assistance [1994] UNGA 242; A/RES/49/139[A] (20 December 1994)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief and the Economic and Social Rehabilitation of Somalia [1994] UNGA 241; A/RES/49/21[L] (20 December 1994)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Caribbean Community [1994] UNGA 240; A/RES/49/141 (20 December 1994)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, Including Economic Assistance [1994] UNGA 239; A/RES/49/139[B] (20 December 1994)
Renewal of the Dialogue on Strengthening International Economic Cooperation for Development through Partnership [1994] UNGA 238; A/RES/49/95 (19 December 1994)
Elaboration of an International Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [1994] UNGA 237; A/RES/49/234 (19 December 1994)
Observance of World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought [1994] UNGA 236; A/RES/49/115 (19 December 1994)
Preventive Action and Intensification of the Struggle Against Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa [1994] UNGA 235; A/RES/49/135 (19 December 1994)
Report of the Committee for Development Planning [1994] UNGA 234; A/RES/49/133 (19 December 1994)
Report of the Commission on Sustainable Development on its 2nd Session [1994] UNGA 233; A/RES/49/111 (19 December 1994)
Food and Agricultural Development [1994] UNGA 232; A/RES/49/103 (19 December 1994)
Question of Declaring 1998 International Year of the Ocean [1994] UNGA 231; A/RES/49/131 (19 December 1994)
Dissemination of the Principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development [1994] UNGA 230; A/RES/49/113 (19 December 1994)
United Nations University [1994] UNGA 229; A/RES/49/124 (19 December 1994)
United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency [1994] UNGA 228; A/RES/49/101 (19 December 1994)
Establishment of an African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone [1994] UNGA 227; A/RES/49/138 (19 December 1994)
Integration of the Economies in Transition into the World Economy [1994] UNGA 226; A/RES/49/106 (19 December 1994)
International Cooperation for the Eradication of Poverty in Developing Countries [1994] UNGA 225; A/RES/49/110 (19 December 1994)
United Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks [1994] UNGA 224; A/RES/49/121 (19 December 1994)
United Nations Fund for Namibia [1994] UNGA 223; A/RES/49/91 (19 December 1994)
International Day for Biological Diversity [1994] UNGA 222; A/RES/49/119 (19 December 1994)
Report of the International Conference on Population and Development [1994] UNGA 221; A/RES/49/128 (19 December 1994)
Convention on Biological Diversity [1994] UNGA 220; A/RES/49/117 (19 December 1994)
Industrial Development Cooperation [1994] UNGA 219; A/RES/49/108 (19 December 1994)
Agenda for Development [1994] UNGA 218; A/RES/49/126 (19 December 1994)
Enhanced International Cooperation Towards a Durable Solution to the External Debt Problem of Developing Countries [1994] UNGA 217; A/RES/49/94 (19 December 1994)
Strengthening International Organizations in the Area of Multilateral Trade [1994] UNGA 216; A/RES/49/97 (19 December 1994)
United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) [1994] UNGA 215; A/RES/49/109 (19 December 1994)
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer [1994] UNGA 214; A/RES/49/114 (19 December 1994)
United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation [1994] UNGA 213; A/RES/49/96 (19 December 1994)
Specific Measures in Favour of Island Developing Countries [1994] UNGA 212; A/RES/49/100 (19 December 1994)
Public Administration and Development [1994] UNGA 211; A/RES/49/136 (19 December 1994)
Strengthening Information Systems for Africa's Recovery and Sustainable Development [1994] UNGA 210; A/RES/49/134 (19 December 1994)
Unauthorized Fishing in Zones of National Jurisdiction and its Impact on the Living Marine Resources of the World's Oceans and Seas [1994] UNGA 209; A/RES/49/116 (19 December 1994)
International Trade and Development [1994] UNGA 208; A/RES/49/99 (19 December 1994)
United Nations Development Programme and the Human Development Report [1994] UNGA 207; A/RES/49/123 (19 December 1994)
Transit Environment in Land-Locked States in Central Asia and Their Transit Developing Neighbours [1994] UNGA 206; A/RES/49/102 (19 December 1994)
Support for the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (Globe) Programme [1994] UNGA 205; A/RES/49/112 (19 December 1994)
Economic and Social Repercussions of the Israeli Settlements on the Palestinian People in the Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, Occupied Since 1967, and on the Arab Population of the Syrian Golan [1994] UNGA 204; A/RES/49/132 (19 December 1994)
Integration of the Commission on Transnational Corporations into the Institutional Machinery of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [1994] UNGA 203; A/RES/49/130 (19 December 1994)
Commemoration of the Millennium of the Kyrgyz National Epic, Manas [1994] UNGA 202; A/RES/49/129 (19 December 1994)
Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [1994] UNGA 201; A/RES/49/122 (19 December 1994)
Cultural Development [1994] UNGA 200; A/RES/49/105 (19 December 1994)
Implementation of the Commitments and Policies Agreed Upon in the Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in Particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries, and Implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Fourth United Nations Development Decade [1994] UNGA 199; A/RES/49/92 (19 December 1994)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research [1994] UNGA 198; A/RES/49/125 (19 December 1994)
Net Flows and Transfer of Resources Between Developing Countries and Developed Countries [1994] UNGA 197; A/RES/49/93 (19 December 1994)
The Situation in Central America [1994] UNGA 196; A/RES/49/137 (19 December 1994)
Fisheries by-Catch and Discards and Their Impact on the Sustainable Use of the World's Living Marine Resources [1994] UNGA 195; A/RES/49/118 (19 December 1994)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [1994] UNGA 194; A/RES/49/120 (19 December 1994)
Programme for the 2nd Industrial Development Decade for Africa (1993-2002) [1994] UNGA 193; A/RES/49/107 (19 December 1994)
The Situation in the Middle East [1994] UNGA 192; A/RES/49/87[B] (16 December 1994)
Middle East Peace Process [1994] UNGA 191; A/RES/49/88 (16 December 1994)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [1994] UNGA 190; A/RES/49/90 (16 December 1994)
The Situation in the Middle East [1994] UNGA 189; A/RES/49/87[A] (16 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 188; A/RES/49/75[M] (15 December 1994)
Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water [1994] UNGA 187; A/RES/49/69 (15 December 1994)
Question of Antarctica [1994] UNGA 186; A/RES/49/80 (15 December 1994)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [1994] UNGA 185; A/RES/49/78 (15 December 1994)
Rationalization of the Work and Reform of the Agenda of the 1st Committee [1994] UNGA 184; A/RES/49/85 (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 183; A/RES/49/75[C] (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 182; A/RES/49/75[O] (15 December 1994)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity [1994] UNGA 181; A/RES/49/64 (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 180; A/RES/49/75[F] (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 179; A/RES/49/75[P] (15 December 1994)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [1994] UNGA 178; A/RES/49/74 (15 December 1994)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [1994] UNGA 177; A/RES/49/65 (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 176; A/RES/49/75[J] (15 December 1994)
Consolidation of the Regime Established by the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) [1994] UNGA 175; A/RES/49/83 (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 174; A/RES/49/75[N] (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 173; A/RES/49/75[A] (15 December 1994)
Objective Information on Military Matters, Including Transparency of Military Expenditures [1994] UNGA 172; A/RES/49/66 (15 December 1994)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [1994] UNGA 171; A/RES/49/71 (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 170; A/RES/49/75[K] (15 December 1994)
The Role of Science and Technology in the Contect of International Security, Disarmament and Other Related Fields [1994] UNGA 169; A/RES/49/68 (15 December 1994)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [1994] UNGA 168; A/RES/49/81 (15 December 1994)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [1994] UNGA 167; A/RES/51/10 (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 166; A/RES/49/75[G] (15 December 1994)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1994] UNGA 165; A/RES/49/76[A] (15 December 1994)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction [1994] UNGA 164; A/RES/49/86 (15 December 1994)
Admission of the Republic of Palau to Membership in the United Nations [1994] UNGA 163; A/RES/49/63 (15 December 1994)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1994] UNGA 162; A/RES/49/76[C] (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 161; A/RES/49/75[L] (15 December 1994)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [1994] UNGA 160; A/RES/49/70 (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 159; A/RES/49/75[B] (15 December 1994)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [1994] UNGA 158; A/RES/49/73 (15 December 1994)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1994] UNGA 157; A/RES/49/76[B] (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 156; A/RES/49/75[H] (15 December 1994)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [1994] UNGA 155; A/RES/49/79 (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 154; A/RES/49/75[D] (15 December 1994)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1994] UNGA 153; A/RES/49/76[D] (15 December 1994)
The South Atlantic Region as a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone [1994] UNGA 152; A/RES/49/84 (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 151; A/RES/49/75[I] (15 December 1994)
Scientific and Technological Developments and Their Impact on International Security [1994] UNGA 150; A/RES/49/67 (15 December 1994)
Establishment of a Neclear-Weapon-Free Zone in South Asia [1994] UNGA 149; A/RES/49/72 (15 December 1994)
Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [1994] UNGA 148; A/RES/49/82 (15 December 1994)
Credentials of Representatives to the 49th Session of the General Assembly [1994] UNGA 147; A/RES/49/4[B] (15 December 1994)
General and Complete Disarmament [1994] UNGA 146; A/RES/49/75[E] (15 December 1994)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1994] UNGA 145; A/RES/49/76[E] (15 December 1994)
Question of Palestine [1994] UNGA 144; A/RES/49/62[C] (14 December 1994)
Question of Palestine [1994] UNGA 143; A/RES/49/62[B] (14 December 1994)
Question of Palestine [1994] UNGA 142; A/RES/49/62[D] (14 December 1994)
Question of Palestine [1994] UNGA 141; A/RES/49/62[A] (14 December 1994)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1994] UNGA 140; A/RES/49/35[D] (9 December 1994)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1994] UNGA 139; A/RES/49/46[B-IX] (9 December 1994)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [1994] UNGA 138; A/RES/49/60 (9 December 1994)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1994] UNGA 137; A/RES/49/36[C] (9 December 1994)
Protection and Security of Small States [1994] UNGA 136; A/RES/49/31 (9 December 1994)
Questions Relating to Information [1994] UNGA 135; A/RES/49/38[A] (9 December 1994)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1994] UNGA 134; A/RES/49/36[A] (9 December 1994)
Model Law on Procurement of Goods, Construction and Services of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [1994] UNGA 133; A/RES/49/54 (9 December 1994)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1994] UNGA 132; A/RES/49/46[A] (9 December 1994)
The Situation in the Occupied Territories of Croatia [1994] UNGA 131; A/RES/49/43 (9 December 1994)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1994] UNGA 130; A/RES/49/46[B-VII] (9 December 1994)
Question of Tokelau [1994] UNGA 129; A/RES/49/47 (9 December 1994)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [1994] UNGA 128; A/RES/49/41 (9 December 1994)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1994] UNGA 127; A/RES/49/46[B-II] (9 December 1994)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its 46th Session [1994] UNGA 126; A/RES/49/51 (9 December 1994)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Including the Question of the Review of the Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies [1994] UNGA 125; A/RES/49/34 (9 December 1994)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [1994] UNGA 124; A/RES/49/58 (9 December 1994)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1994] UNGA 123; A/RES/49/35[C] (9 December 1994)
Questions Relating to Information [1994] UNGA 122; A/RES/49/38[B] (9 December 1994)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1994] UNGA 121; A/RES/49/46[B-III] (9 December 1994)
Question of New Caledonia [1994] UNGA 120; A/RES/49/45 (9 December 1994)
Activities of Foreign Economic and Other Interests which Impede the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Territories Under Colonial Domination [1994] UNGA 119; A/RES/49/40 (9 December 1994)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1994] UNGA 118; A/RES/49/36[B] (9 December 1994)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peace-Keeping Operations in All Their Aspects [1994] UNGA 117; A/RES/49/37 (9 December 1994)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1994] UNGA 116; A/RES/49/46[B-VI] (9 December 1994)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [1994] UNGA 115; A/RES/49/32 (9 December 1994)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its 27th Session [1994] UNGA 114; A/RES/49/55 (9 December 1994)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1994] UNGA 113; A/RES/49/36[D] (9 December 1994)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1994] UNGA 112; A/RES/49/46[B-VIII] (9 December 1994)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1994] UNGA 111; A/RES/49/35[B] (9 December 1994)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1994] UNGA 110; A/RES/49/35[A] (9 December 1994)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1994] UNGA 109; A/RES/49/46[B-I] (9 December 1994)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1994] UNGA 108; A/RES/49/35[E] (9 December 1994)
Draft Articles on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses [1994] UNGA 107; A/RES/49/52 (9 December 1994)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1994] UNGA 106; A/RES/49/35[F] (9 December 1994)
Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel [1994] UNGA 105; A/RES/49/59 (9 December 1994)
Question of Western Sahara [1994] UNGA 104; A/RES/49/44 (9 December 1994)
Consideration of Effective Measures to Enhance the Protection, Security and Safety of Diplomatic and Consular Missions and Representatives [1994] UNGA 103; A/RES/49/49 (9 December 1994)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1994] UNGA 102; A/RES/49/35[G] (9 December 1994)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [1994] UNGA 101; A/RES/49/42 (9 December 1994)
Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Armed Conflicts [1994] UNGA 100; A/RES/49/48 (9 December 1994)
United Nations Decade of International Law [1994] UNGA 99; A/RES/49/50 (9 December 1994)
Declaration on the Enhancement of Cooperation Between the United Nations and Regional Arrangements or Agencies in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security [1994] UNGA 98; A/RES/49/57 (9 December 1994)
Enlargement of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1994] UNGA 97; A/RES/49/33 (9 December 1994)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1994] UNGA 96; A/RES/49/46[B-V] (9 December 1994)
Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property [1994] UNGA 95; A/RES/49/61 (9 December 1994)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [1994] UNGA 94; A/RES/49/56 (9 December 1994)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1994] UNGA 93; A/RES/49/46[B-IV] (9 December 1994)
Support by the United Nations System for the Efforts of Governments to Promote and Consolidate New or Restored Democracies [1994] UNGA 92; A/RES/49/30 (7 December 1994)
The Olympic Ideal [1994] UNGA 91; A/RES/49/29 (7 December 1994)
Law of the Sea [1994] UNGA 90; A/RES/49/28 (6 December 1994)
The Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti [1994] UNGA 89; A/RES/49/27[A] (5 December 1994)
Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic [1994] UNGA 88; A/RES/49/26 (2 December 1994)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1994] UNGA 87; A/RES/49/21[K] (2 December 1994)
Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the End of the 2nd World War [1994] UNGA 86; A/RES/49/25 (2 December 1994)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1994] UNGA 85; A/RES/49/21[D] (2 December 1994)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1994] UNGA 84; A/RES/49/21[G] (2 December 1994)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1994] UNGA 83; A/RES/49/21[B] (2 December 1994)
Emergency International Assistance for a Solution to the Problem of Refugees, the Restoration of Total Peace, Reconstruction and Socio-Economic Development in War-Stricken Rwanda [1994] UNGA 82; A/RES/49/23 (2 December 1994)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1994] UNGA 81; A/RES/49/21[F] (2 December 1994)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1994] UNGA 80; A/RES/49/21[I] (2 December 1994)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1994] UNGA 79; A/RES/49/21[C] (2 December 1994)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1994] UNGA 78; A/RES/49/21[H] (2 December 1994)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1994] UNGA 77; A/RES/49/21[E] (2 December 1994)
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction [1994] UNGA 76; A/RES/49/22[A] (2 December 1994)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1994] UNGA 75; A/RES/49/21[J] (2 December 1994)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1994] UNGA 74; A/RES/49/21[A] (2 December 1994)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1994] UNGA 73; A/RES/49/21[M] (2 December 1994)
Special Assistance to Countries Receiving Refugees from Rwanda [1994] UNGA 72; A/RES/49/24 (2 December 1994)
Special Economic Assistance to Individual Countries or Regions [1994] UNGA 71; A/RES/49/21[N] (2 December 1994)
November 1994
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda and the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda [1994] UNGA 70; A/RES/49/20[A] (29 November 1994)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1994] UNGA 69; A/RES/49/19[A] (29 November 1994)
Question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte [1994] UNGA 68; A/RES/49/18 (28 November 1994)
United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa [1994] UNGA 67; A/RES/49/17 (23 November 1994)
International Assistance for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Nicaragua [1994] UNGA 66; A/RES/49/16 (17 November 1994)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [1994] UNGA 65; A/RES/49/15 (15 November 1994)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe [1994] UNGA 64; A/RES/49/13 (15 November 1994)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the League of Arab States [1994] UNGA 63; A/RES/49/14 (15 November 1994)
Work of the Preparatory Committee for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations [1994] UNGA 62; A/RES/49/12[A] (9 November 1994)
Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations [1994] UNGA 61; A/RES/49/11 (9 November 1994)
October 1994
Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America Against Cuba [1994] UNGA 60; A/RES/49/9 (26 October 1994)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee [1994] UNGA 59; A/RES/49/8 (25 October 1994)
Regional Conference on Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in the Great Lakes Region [1994] UNGA 58; A/RES/49/7 (25 October 1994)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of American States [1994] UNGA 57; A/RES/49/5 (21 October 1994)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Latin American Economic System [1994] UNGA 56; A/RES/49/6 (21 October 1994)
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Operations of the United Nations Population Fund [1994] UNGA 55; A/RES/49/3 (20 October 1994)
Credentials of Representatives to the 49th Session of the General Assembly [1994] UNGA 54; A/RES/49/4 (20 October 1994)
Observer Status for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the General Assembly [1994] UNGA 53; A/RES/49/2 (19 October 1994)
Observer Status for the South Pacific Forum in the General Assembly [1994] UNGA 52; A/RES/49/1 (17 October 1994)
September 1994
Mission for the Verification of Human Rights and of Compliance with the Commitments of the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights in Guatemala [1994] UNGA 51; A/RES/48/267 (19 September 1994)
Emergency Assistance to the Republic of Moldova [1994] UNGA 50; A/RES/48/266 (14 September 1994)
August 1994
Observer Status for the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in the General Assembly [1994] UNGA 49; A/RES/48/265 (24 August 1994)
July 1994
Financing of the United Nations Protection Force [1994] UNGA 48; A/RES/48/238B (29 July 1994)
Support Account for Peace-Keeping Operations [1994] UNGA 47; A/RES/48/226C (29 July 1994)
Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly [1994] UNGA 46; A/RES/48/264 (29 July 1994)
Review of the Efficiency of the Administrative and Financial Functioning of the United Nations [1994] UNGA 45; A/RES/48/218B (29 July 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia [1994] UNGA 44; A/RES/48/247B (29 July 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Mozambique [1994] UNGA 43; A/RES/48/240B (29 July 1994)
Agreement Relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 [1994] UNGA 42; A/RES/48/263 (28 July 1994)
Decentralization of Activities and Resources in the Fields of Energy and Natural Resources [1994] UNGA 41; A/RES/48/261 (14 July 1994)
Special Representatives, Envoys and Related Positions [1994] UNGA 40; A/RES/48/259 (14 July 1994)
United Nations Telecommunications System [1994] UNGA 39; A/RES/48/262 (14 July 1994)
Africa [1994] UNGA 38; A/RES/48/260 (14 July 1994)
The Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti [1994] UNGA 37; A/RES/48/27B (8 July 1994)
June 1994
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [1994] UNGA 36; A/RES/48/250B (23 June 1994)
Elimination of Apartheid and Establishment of a United, Democratic and Non-Racial South Africa [1994] UNGA 35; A/RES/48/258[B] (23 June 1994)
Credentials of Representatives to the 48th Session of the General Assembly [1994] UNGA 34; A/RES/48/13C (23 June 1994)
Elimination of Apartheid and Establishment of a United, Democratic and Non-Racial South Africa [1994] UNGA 33; A/RES/48/258[A] (23 June 1994)
May 1994
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia [1994] UNGA 32; A/RES/48/256 (26 May 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [1994] UNGA 31; A/RES/48/254 (26 May 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Military Liaison Team in Cambodia [1994] UNGA 30; A/RES/48/257 (26 May 1994)
Emoluments, Pension Scheme and Conditions of Service for the Members of the International Court of Justice [1994] UNGA 29; A/RES/48/252[C] (26 May 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia [1994] UNGA 28; A/RES/48/255 (26 May 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [1994] UNGA 27; A/RES/48/253 (26 May 1994)
Emoluments, Pension Scheme and Conditions of Service for the Members of the International Court of Justice [1994] UNGA 26; A/RES/48/252[B] (26 May 1994)
Emoluments, Pension Scheme and Conditions of Service for the Members of the International Court of Justice [1994] UNGA 25; A/RES/48/252[A] (26 May 1994)
Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations [1994] UNGA 24; A/RES/48/215B (24 May 1994)
Organization of the List of Speakers for the Special Commemorative Meeting of the General Assembly on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations [1994] UNGA 23; A/RES/49/12[B] (24 May 1994)
April 1994
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [1994] UNGA 22; A/RES/48/250A (14 April 1994)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [1994] UNGA 21; A/RES/48/251 (14 April 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission Uganda/Rwanda [1994] UNGA 20; A/RES/48/245 (5 April 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador [1994] UNGA 19; A/RES/48/243 (5 April 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission II [1994] UNGA 18; A/RES/48/241 (5 April 1994)
Support Account for Peace-Keeping Operations [1994] UNGA 17; A/RES/48/226B (5 April 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda [1994] UNGA 16; A/RES/48/248 (5 April 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia [1994] UNGA 15; A/RES/48/247A (5 April 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Haiti [1994] UNGA 14; A/RES/48/246 (5 April 1994)
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1994] UNGA 13; A/RES/48/228B (5 April 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus [1994] UNGA 12; A/RES/48/244 (5 April 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission [1994] UNGA 11; A/RES/48/242 (5 April 1994)
Emergency Assistance to Mozambique [1994] UNGA 10; A/RES/48/249 (5 April 1994)
March 1994
Financing of the UN Operation in Mozambique [1994] UNGA 9; A/RES/48/240A (24 March 1994)
Observer Status for the Commonwealth of Independent States in the General Assembly [1994] UNGA 8; A/RES/48/237 (24 March 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Protection Force [1994] UNGA 7; A/RES/48/238A (24 March 1994)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Somalia II [1994] UNGA 6; A/RES/48/239 (24 March 1994)
Target for World Food Programme Pledges for the Period 1995-1996 [1994] UNGA 5; A/RES/48/235 (9 March 1994)
Emergency Assistance to Uganda [1994] UNGA 4; A/RES/48/236 (9 March 1994)
February 1994
Emergency Assistance to Madagascar [1994] UNGA 3; A/RES/48/234 (14 February 1994)
Special Subjects Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1994] UNGA 2; A/RES/48/230B (14 February 1994)
January 1994
Democratic and Non-Racial Elections in South Africa [1994] UNGA 1; A/RES/48/233 (21 January 1994)
December 1993
Scale of Assessments for the Appointment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1993] UNGA 306; A/RES/48/223[B] (23 December 1993)
Questions Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1993] UNGA 305; A/RES/48/230A (23 December 1993)
Pattern of Conferences [1993] UNGA 304; A/RES/48/222[B] (23 December 1993)
Questions Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1993] UNGA 303; A/RES/48/228A (23 December 1993)
United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s [1993] UNGA 302; A/RES/48/214 (23 December 1993)
Support Account for Peace-Keeping Operations [1993] UNGA 301; A/RES/48/226A (23 December 1993)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1993] UNGA 300; A/RES/48/219[A] (23 December 1993)
Review of the Efficiency of the Administrative and Financial Functioning of the United Nations [1993] UNGA 299; A/RES/48/218A (23 December 1993)
Unforeseen and Extraordinary Expenses for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1993] UNGA 298; A/RES/48/229 (23 December 1993)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1993] UNGA 297; A/RES/48/231 (23 December 1993)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations [1993] UNGA 296; A/RES/48/227 (23 December 1993)
Improving the Financial Situation of the United Nations [1993] UNGA 295; A/RES/48/220 (23 December 1993)
Scale of Assessments for the Appointment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1993] UNGA 294; A/RES/48/223[A] (23 December 1993)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1993] UNGA 293; A/RES/48/219[B] (23 December 1993)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1993] UNGA 292; A/RES/48/216 (23 December 1993)
Pattern of Conferences [1993] UNGA 291; A/RES/48/222[A] (23 December 1993)
Scale of Assessments for the Appointment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1993] UNGA 290; A/RES/48/223[C] (23 December 1993)
Working Capital Fund for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1993] UNGA 289; A/RES/48/232 (23 December 1993)
United Nations Common System [1993] UNGA 288; A/RES/48/224 (23 December 1993)
Joint Inspection Unit [1993] UNGA 287; A/RES/48/221 (23 December 1993)
Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations in 1995 [1993] UNGA 286; A/RES/48/215A (23 December 1993)
Managing Works of Art in the United Nations [1993] UNGA 285; A/RES/48/217 (23 December 1993)
United Nations Pension Sytem [1993] UNGA 284; A/RES/48/225 (23 December 1993)
Developing Human Resources for Development [1993] UNGA 283; A/RES/48/205 (21 December 1993)
Dissemination of the Principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development [1993] UNGA 282; A/RES/48/190 (21 December 1993)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research [1993] UNGA 281; A/RES/48/207 (21 December 1993)
International Year for the Eradication of Poverty [1993] UNGA 280; A/RES/48/183 (21 December 1993)
Operational Activities for Development [1993] UNGA 279; A/RES/48/209 (21 December 1993)
International Assistance to Sierra Leone [1993] UNGA 278; A/RES/48/196 (21 December 1993)
Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000 [1993] UNGA 277; A/RES/48/178 (21 December 1993)
Economic and Social Repercussions of the Israeli Settlements on the Palestinian People in the Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, Occupied Since 1967, and on the Arab Population of the Syrian Golan [1993] UNGA 276; A/RES/48/212 (21 December 1993)
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change [1993] UNGA 275; A/RES/48/189 (21 December 1993)
Credentials of Representatives to the 48th Session of the General Assembly [1993] UNGA 274; A/RES/48/13B (21 December 1993)
Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990s [1993] UNGA 273; A/RES/48/171 (21 December 1993)
Emergency Assistance to the Sudan [1993] UNGA 272; A/RES/48/200 (21 December 1993)
International Conference on the Financing of Development [1993] UNGA 271; A/RES/48/187 (21 December 1993)
Human Settlements [1993] UNGA 270; A/RES/48/176 (21 December 1993)
United Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks [1993] UNGA 269; A/RES/48/194 (21 December 1993)
Enhanced International Cooperation Towards a Durable Solution to the External Debt Problems of Developing Countries [1993] UNGA 268; A/RES/48/182 (21 December 1993)
International Assistance for the Economic Rehabilitation of Angola [1993] UNGA 267; A/RES/48/202 (21 December 1993)
Follow-Up to the Report of the South Commission [1993] UNGA 266; A/RES/48/164 (21 December 1993)
Entrepreneurship and Privatization for Economic Growth and Sustainable Development [1993] UNGA 265; A/RES/48/180 (21 December 1993)
International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology [1993] UNGA 264; A/RES/48/167 (21 December 1993)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Djibouti [1993] UNGA 263; A/RES/48/198 (21 December 1993)
Strengthening of the United Nations Environment Programme [1993] UNGA 262; A/RES/48/174 (21 December 1993)
Elaboration in an International Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [1993] UNGA 261; A/RES/48/191 (21 December 1993)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [1993] UNGA 260; A/RES/48/213 (21 December 1993)
International Cooperation and Assistance to Alleviate the Consequences of War in Croatia and to Facilitate its Recovery [1993] UNGA 259; A/RES/48/204 (21 December 1993)
International Cooperation for the Eradication of Poverty in Developing Countries [1993] UNGA 258; A/RES/48/184 (21 December 1993)
International Conference on Population and Development [1993] UNGA 257; A/RES/48/186 (21 December 1993)
Science and Technology for Development [1993] UNGA 256; A/RES/48/179 (21 December 1993)
Emergency International Assistance for Peace, Normalcy and Reconstruction of War-Stricken Afghanistan [1993] UNGA 255; A/RES/48/208 (21 December 1993)
Specific Actions Related to the Particular Needs and Problems of Land-Locked Developing Countries [1993] UNGA 254; A/RES/48/169 (21 December 1993)
International Decade of the World's Indigenous People [1993] UNGA 253; A/RES/48/163 (21 December 1993)
Strengthening of International Cooperation and Coordination of Efforts to Study, Mitigate and Minimize the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster [1993] UNGA 252; A/RES/48/206 (21 December 1993)
Emergency Assistance for the Socio-Economic Rehabilitation of Rwanda [1993] UNGA 251; A/RES/48/211 (21 December 1993)
Assistance to Land-Locked States in Central Asia [1993] UNGA 250; A/RES/48/170 (21 December 1993)
Economic and Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries [1993] UNGA 249; A/RES/48/172 (21 December 1993)
Assistance to Yemen [1993] UNGA 248; A/RES/48/195 (21 December 1993)
Resource Mobilization for the Implementation of the Regional Action Programme for Phase 2 (1992-1996) of the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific [1993] UNGA 247; A/RES/48/177 (21 December 1993)
Assistance for Humanitarian Relief and the Economic and Social Rehabilitation of Somalia [1993] UNGA 246; A/RES/48/201 (21 December 1993)
Renewal of the Dialogue on Strengthening International Economic Cooperation for Development through Partnership [1993] UNGA 245; A/RES/48/165 (21 December 1993)
Economic Assistance to States Affected by the Implementation of the Security Council Resolutions Imposing Sanctions Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) [1993] UNGA 244; A/RES/48/210 (21 December 1993)
Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [1993] UNGA 243; A/RES/48/193 (21 December 1993)
Drought and Desertification [1993] UNGA 242; A/RES/48/175 (21 December 1993)
Special Plan of Economic Cooperation for Central America [1993] UNGA 241; A/RES/48/199 (21 December 1993)
Integration of the Economies in Transition into the World Economy [1993] UNGA 240; A/RES/48/181 (21 December 1993)
Implementation of the Commitments and Policies Agreed Upon in the Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in Particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries and Implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Fourth United Nations Development Decade [1993] UNGA 239; A/RES/48/185 (21 December 1993)
Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Coercion Against Developing Countries [1993] UNGA 238; A/RES/48/168 (21 December 1993)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of El Salvador [1993] UNGA 237; A/RES/48/203 (21 December 1993)
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction [1993] UNGA 236; A/RES/48/188 (21 December 1993)
An Agenda for Development [1993] UNGA 235; A/RES/48/166 (21 December 1993)
Assistance for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Liberia [1993] UNGA 234; A/RES/48/197 (21 December 1993)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Southern African Development Community [1993] UNGA 233; A/RES/48/173 (21 December 1993)
Strengthening International Cooperation in the Monitoring of Global Environmental Problems [1993] UNGA 232; A/RES/48/192 (21 December 1993)
Human Rights in the Administration of Justice [1993] UNGA 231; A/RES/48/137 (20 December 1993)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1993] UNGA 230; A/RES/48/116 (20 December 1993)
The Situation in Central America [1993] UNGA 229; A/RES/48/161 (20 December 1993)
Status of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid [1993] UNGA 228; A/RES/48/89 (20 December 1993)
Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women [1993] UNGA 227; A/RES/48/104 (20 December 1993)
Importance of the Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination and of the Speedy Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for the Effective Guarantee and Observance of Human Rights [1993] UNGA 226; A/RES/48/94 (20 December 1993)
Situation on Human Rights in Cuba [1993] UNGA 225; A/RES/48/142 (20 December 1993)
Question of Palestine [1993] UNGA 224; A/RES/48/158[D] (20 December 1993)
Situation of Human Rights in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia [1993] UNGA 223; A/RES/48/153 (20 December 1993)
Human Rights and Terrorism [1993] UNGA 222; A/RES/48/122 (20 December 1993)
World Conference on Human Rights [1993] UNGA 221; A/RES/48/121 (20 December 1993)
Question of Palestine [1993] UNGA 220; A/RES/48/158[C] (20 December 1993)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [1993] UNGA 219; A/RES/48/128 (20 December 1993)
The Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina [1993] UNGA 218; A/RES/48/88 (20 December 1993)
Emergency International Assistance to Refugees and Displaced Persons in Azerbaijan [1993] UNGA 217; A/RES/48/114 (20 December 1993)
Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination [1993] UNGA 216; A/RES/48/91 (20 December 1993)
Implementation of the International Plan of Action on Ageing [1993] UNGA 215; A/RES/48/98 (20 December 1993)
Human Rights in Haiti [1993] UNGA 214; A/RES/48/151 (20 December 1993)
Further Measures for the Restructuring and Revitalization of the United Nations in the Economic, Social and Related Fields [1993] UNGA 213; A/RES/48/162 (20 December 1993)
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families [1993] UNGA 212; A/RES/48/148 (20 December 1993)
High Commissioner for the Promotion and Protection of All Human Rights [1993] UNGA 211; A/RES/48/141 (20 December 1993)
United Nations Year for Tolerance [1993] UNGA 210; A/RES/48/126 (20 December 1993)
Internally Displaced Persons [1993] UNGA 209; A/RES/48/135 (20 December 1993)
International Day of Disabled Persons [1993] UNGA 208; A/RES/48/97 (20 December 1993)
United Nations Development Fund for Women [1993] UNGA 207; A/RES/48/107 (20 December 1993)
Situation of Human Rights in Somalia [1993] UNGA 206; A/RES/48/146 (20 December 1993)
International Action to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Production and Trafficking [1993] UNGA 205; A/RES/48/112 (20 December 1993)
Strengthening the Rule of Law [1993] UNGA 204; A/RES/48/132 (20 December 1993)
Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities [1993] UNGA 203; A/RES/48/138 (20 December 1993)
International Covenants on Human Rights [1993] UNGA 202; A/RES/48/119 (20 December 1993)
World Summit for Social Development [1993] UNGA 201; A/RES/48/100 (20 December 1993)
Strengthening of United Nations Action in the Human Rights Field through the Promotion of International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [1993] UNGA 200; A/RES/48/125 (20 December 1993)
Elimination of Apartheid and Establishment of a United, Democratic and Non-Racial South Africa [1993] UNGA 199; A/RES/48/159[B] (20 December 1993)
Protection of Children Affected by Armed Conflicts [1993] UNGA 198; A/RES/48/157 (20 December 1993)
Elimination of Apartheid and Establishment of a United, Democratic and Non-Racial South Africa [1993] UNGA 197; A/RES/48/159[A] (20 December 1993)
Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities [1993] UNGA 196; A/RES/48/96 (20 December 1993)
Violence Against Women Migrant Workers [1993] UNGA 195; A/RES/48/110 (20 December 1993)
Question of Palestine [1993] UNGA 194; A/RES/48/158[B] (20 December 1993)
Right to Development [1993] UNGA 193; A/RES/48/130 (20 December 1993)
Improvement of the Situation of Women in Rural Areas [1993] UNGA 192; A/RES/48/109 (20 December 1993)
Situation of Human Rights in Estonia and Latvia [1993] UNGA 191; A/RES/48/155 (20 December 1993)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [1993] UNGA 190; A/RES/48/145 (20 December 1993)
Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan [1993] UNGA 189; A/RES/48/152 (20 December 1993)
Situation of Human Rights in El Salvador [1993] UNGA 188; A/RES/48/149 (20 December 1993)
United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa [1993] UNGA 187; A/RES/48/160 (20 December 1993)
Strengthening of the Centre for Human Rights of the Secretariat [1993] UNGA 186; A/RES/48/129 (20 December 1993)
Alternative Approaches and Ways and Means Within the United Nations System for Improving the Effective Enjoyment of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [1993] UNGA 185; A/RES/48/123 (20 December 1993)
Rape and Abuse of Women in the Areas of Armed Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia [1993] UNGA 184; A/RES/48/143 (20 December 1993)
International Conference on Central American Refugees [1993] UNGA 183; A/RES/48/117 (20 December 1993)
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice [1993] UNGA 182; A/RES/48/103 (20 December 1993)
Plight of Street Children [1993] UNGA 181; A/RES/48/136 (20 December 1993)
Elimination of Apartheid and Establishment of a United, Democratic and Non-Racial South Africa [1993] UNGA 180; A/RES/48/159[C] (20 December 1993)
Question of Palestine [1993] UNGA 179; A/RES/48/158[A] (20 December 1993)
Towards Full Integration of Persons with Disabilities in Society [1993] UNGA 178; A/RES/48/99 (20 December 1993)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1993] UNGA 177; A/RES/48/93 (20 December 1993)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means to Violate Human Rights and to Impede the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1993] UNGA 176; A/RES/48/92 (20 December 1993)
Human Rights and Scientific and Technological Progress [1993] UNGA 175; A/RES/48/140 (20 December 1993)
Effective Implementation of International Instruments on Human Rights, Including Reporting Obligations Under International Instruments on Human Rights [1993] UNGA 174; A/RES/48/120 (20 December 1993)
Human Rights Education Decade [1993] UNGA 173; A/RES/48/127 (20 December 1993)
Elimination of Apartheid and Establishment of a United, Democratic and Non-Racial South Africa [1993] UNGA 172; A/RES/48/159[D] (20 December 1993)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the High Commissioner for Refugees [1993] UNGA 171; A/RES/48/115 (20 December 1993)
National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [1993] UNGA 170; A/RES/48/134 (20 December 1993)
International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women [1993] UNGA 169; A/RES/48/105 (20 December 1993)
Report of the Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties Under Article 9 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [1993] UNGA 168; A/RES/48/90 (20 December 1993)
United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1993] UNGA 167; A/RES/48/101 (20 December 1993)
Need to Adopt Efficient International Measures for the Prevention of the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography [1993] UNGA 166; A/RES/48/156 (20 December 1993)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat [1993] UNGA 165; A/RES/48/106 (20 December 1993)
Convening of a United Nations Conference for the Comprehensive Consideration and Review of the Problems of Refugees, Returnees, Displaced Persons and Migrants [1993] UNGA 164; A/RES/48/113 (20 December 1993)
Situation of Human Rights in the Sudan [1993] UNGA 163; A/RES/48/147 (20 December 1993)
International Year of the World's Indigenous People, 1993 [1993] UNGA 162; A/RES/48/133 (20 December 1993)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar [1993] UNGA 161; A/RES/48/150 (20 December 1993)
Respect for the Principles of National Sovereignty and Non-Interference in the Internal Affairs of States in Their Electoral Processes [1993] UNGA 160; A/RES/48/124 (20 December 1993)
Prevention of the Smuggling of Aliens [1993] UNGA 159; A/RES/48/102 (20 December 1993)
Situation of Human Rights in Iraq [1993] UNGA 158; A/RES/48/144 (20 December 1993)
Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia [1993] UNGA 157; A/RES/48/154 (20 December 1993)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [1993] UNGA 156; A/RES/48/118 (20 December 1993)
Human Rights and Mass Exoduses [1993] UNGA 155; A/RES/48/139 (20 December 1993)
Positive and Full Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in All Aspects of Society and the Leadership Role of the United Nations Therein [1993] UNGA 154; A/RES/48/95 (20 December 1993)
Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Periodic and Genuine Elections [1993] UNGA 153; A/RES/48/131 (20 December 1993)
Merger of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women and United Nations Development Fund for Women [1993] UNGA 152; A/RES/48/111 (20 December 1993)
Strengthening the United Nations Response to World Food and Hunger Problems [1993] UNGA 151; A/RES/47/150 (18 December 1993)
Education and Information for Disarmament [1993] UNGA 150; A/RES/48/64 (16 December 1993)
General and Complete Disarmament [1993] UNGA 149; A/RES/48/75[D] (16 December 1993)
Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty [1993] UNGA 148; A/RES/48/70 (16 December 1993)
General and Complete Disarmament [1993] UNGA 147; A/RES/48/75[B] (16 December 1993)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1993] UNGA 146; A/RES/48/76[D] (16 December 1993)
Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [1993] UNGA 145; A/RES/48/82 (16 December 1993)
General and Complete Disarmament [1993] UNGA 144; A/RES/48/75[K] (16 December 1993)
Reduction of Military Budgets [1993] UNGA 143; A/RES/48/62 (16 December 1993)
Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water [1993] UNGA 142; A/RES/48/69 (16 December 1993)
General and Complete Disarmament [1993] UNGA 141; A/RES/48/75[H] (16 December 1993)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1993] UNGA 140; A/RES/48/76[B] (16 December 1993)
General and Complete Disarmament [1993] UNGA 139; A/RES/48/75[F] (16 December 1993)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1993] UNGA 138; A/RES/48/76[A] (16 December 1993)
The Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security, Disarmament and Other Related Fields [1993] UNGA 137; A/RES/48/67 (16 December 1993)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1993] UNGA 136; A/RES/48/76[E] (16 December 1993)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [1993] UNGA 135; A/RES/48/74[A] (16 December 1993)
Israeli Nuclear Armament [1993] UNGA 134; A/RES/48/78 (16 December 1993)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction [1993] UNGA 133; A/RES/48/65 (16 December 1993)
Question of Antarctica [1993] UNGA 132; A/RES/48/80 (16 December 1993)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [1993] UNGA 131; A/RES/48/71 (16 December 1993)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1993] UNGA 130; A/RES/48/77[B] (16 December 1993)
General and Complete Disarmament [1993] UNGA 129; A/RES/48/75[C] (16 December 1993)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [1993] UNGA 128; A/RES/48/81 (16 December 1993)
Rationalization of the Work of the Disarmament and International Security Committee (1st Committee) [1993] UNGA 127; A/RES/48/87 (16 December 1993)
Compliance with Arms Limitation and Disarmament Agreements [1993] UNGA 126; A/RES/48/63 (16 December 1993)
Maintenance of International Security [1993] UNGA 125; A/RES/48/84[A] (16 December 1993)
General and Complete Disarmament [1993] UNGA 124; A/RES/48/75[J] (16 December 1993)
General and Complete Disarmament [1993] UNGA 123; A/RES/48/75[L] (16 December 1993)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1993] UNGA 122; A/RES/48/77[A] (16 December 1993)
Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security [1993] UNGA 121; A/RES/48/83 (16 December 1993)
General and Complete Disarmament [1993] UNGA 120; A/RES/48/75[G] (16 December 1993)
General and Complete Disarmament [1993] UNGA 119; A/RES/48/75[E] (16 December 1993)
Prohibition of the Development and Manufacture of New Types of Weapons of Mass Destruction and New Systems of Such Weapons [1993] UNGA 118; A/RES/48/61 (16 December 1993)
Verification in All its Aspects, Including the Role of the United Nations in the Field of Verification [1993] UNGA 117; A/RES/48/68 (16 December 1993)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [1993] UNGA 116; A/RES/48/73 (16 December 1993)
General and Complete Disarmament [1993] UNGA 115; A/RES/48/75[A] (16 December 1993)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [1993] UNGA 114; A/RES/48/79 (16 December 1993)
Maintenance of International Security [1993] UNGA 113; A/RES/48/84[B] (16 December 1993)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [1993] UNGA 112; A/RES/48/74[B] (16 December 1993)
Scientific and Technological Developments and Their Impact on International Security [1993] UNGA 111; A/RES/48/66 (16 December 1993)
General and Complete Disarmament [1993] UNGA 110; A/RES/48/75[I] (16 December 1993)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in South Asia [1993] UNGA 109; A/RES/48/72 (16 December 1993)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1993] UNGA 108; A/RES/48/76[C] (16 December 1993)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Africa [1993] UNGA 107; A/RES/48/86 (16 December 1993)
United Nations Initiative on Opportunity and Participation [1993] UNGA 106; A/RES/48/60 (14 December 1993)
Middle East Peace Process [1993] UNGA 105; A/RES/48/58 (14 December 1993)
The Situation in the Middle East [1993] UNGA 104; A/RES/48/59[A] (14 December 1993)
The Situation in the Middle East [1993] UNGA 103; A/RES/48/59[B] (14 December 1993)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian Emergency Assistance of the United Nations [1993] UNGA 102; A/RES/48/57 (14 December 1993)
Question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte [1993] UNGA 101; A/RES/48/56 (13 December 1993)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1993] UNGA 100; A/RES/48/40[H] (10 December 1993)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1993] UNGA 99; A/RES/48/41[C] (10 December 1993)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [1993] UNGA 98; A/RES/48/53 (10 December 1993)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1993] UNGA 97; A/RES/48/40[D] (10 December 1993)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1993] UNGA 96; A/RES/48/41[D] (10 December 1993)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1993] UNGA 95; A/RES/48/41[B] (10 December 1993)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1993] UNGA 94; A/RES/48/40[C] (10 December 1993)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1993] UNGA 93; A/RES/48/51[B-X] (10 December 1993)
Activities of Foreign Economic and Other Interests which Impede the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Territories Under Colonial Domination [1993] UNGA 92; A/RES/48/46 (10 December 1993)
Questions Relating to Information [1993] UNGA 91; A/RES/48/44[B] (10 December 1993)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1993] UNGA 90; A/RES/48/40[B] (10 December 1993)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1993] UNGA 89; A/RES/48/51[B-VI] (10 December 1993)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [1993] UNGA 88; A/RES/48/48 (10 December 1993)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1993] UNGA 87; A/RES/48/40[E] (10 December 1993)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1993] UNGA 86; A/RES/48/51[A] (10 December 1993)
Strengthening United Nations Command and Control Capabilities [1993] UNGA 85; A/RES/48/43 (10 December 1993)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1993] UNGA 84; A/RES/48/41[A] (10 December 1993)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1993] UNGA 83; A/RES/48/51[B-VIII] (10 December 1993)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1993] UNGA 82; A/RES/48/40[A] (10 December 1993)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1993] UNGA 81; A/RES/48/40[G] (10 December 1993)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1993] UNGA 80; A/RES/48/40[I] (10 December 1993)
Strengthening International Organizations in the Area of Multilateral Trade [1993] UNGA 79; A/RES/48/54 (10 December 1993)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1993] UNGA 78; A/RES/48/51[B-IX] (10 December 1993)
Questions Relating to Information [1993] UNGA 77; A/RES/48/44[A] (10 December 1993)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [1993] UNGA 76; A/RES/48/45 (10 December 1993)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1993] UNGA 75; A/RES/48/51[B-I] (10 December 1993)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [1993] UNGA 74; A/RES/48/52 (10 December 1993)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1993] UNGA 73; A/RES/48/51[B-III] (10 December 1993)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1993] UNGA 72; A/RES/48/51[B-II] (10 December 1993)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1993] UNGA 71; A/RES/48/51[B-V] (10 December 1993)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1993] UNGA 70; A/RES/48/40[F] (10 December 1993)
Question of New Caledonia [1993] UNGA 69; A/RES/48/50 (10 December 1993)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [1993] UNGA 68; A/RES/48/47 (10 December 1993)
International Trade and Development [1993] UNGA 67; A/RES/48/55 (10 December 1993)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1993] UNGA 66; A/RES/48/39 (10 December 1993)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1993] UNGA 65; A/RES/48/40[J] (10 December 1993)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peace-Keeping Operations in All Their Aspects [1993] UNGA 64; A/RES/48/42 (10 December 1993)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1993] UNGA 63; A/RES/48/51[B-IV] (10 December 1993)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands [1993] UNGA 62; A/RES/48/51[B-VII] (10 December 1993)
Question of Western Sahara [1993] UNGA 61; A/RES/48/49 (10 December 1993)
Model Law on Procurement of Goods and Construction of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [1993] UNGA 60; A/RES/48/33 (9 December 1993)
Law of the Sea [1993] UNGA 59; A/RES/48/28 (9 December 1993)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [1993] UNGA 58; A/RES/48/35 (9 December 1993)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [1993] UNGA 57; A/RES/48/36 (9 December 1993)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [1993] UNGA 56; A/RES/48/38 (9 December 1993)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its 45th Session [1993] UNGA 55; A/RES/48/31 (9 December 1993)
United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea, 1978 (Hamburg Rules) [1993] UNGA 54; A/RES/48/34 (9 December 1993)
United Nations Decade of International Law [1993] UNGA 53; A/RES/48/30 (9 December 1993)
United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law [1993] UNGA 52; A/RES/48/29 (9 December 1993)
Question of Responsibility for Attacks on United Nations and Associated Personnel and Measures to Ensure That Those Responsible for Such Attacks are Brought to Justice [1993] UNGA 51; A/RES/48/37 (9 December 1993)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its 26th Session [1993] UNGA 50; A/RES/48/32 (9 December 1993)
The Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti [1993] UNGA 49; A/RES/48/27A (6 December 1993)
Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security Council [1993] UNGA 48; A/RES/48/26 (3 December 1993)
Implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women [1993] UNGA 47; A/RES/48/108 (2 December 1993)
November 1993
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity [1993] UNGA 46; A/RES/48/25 (29 November 1993)
Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic [1993] UNGA 45; A/RES/48/23 (24 November 1993)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [1993] UNGA 44; A/RES/48/24 (24 November 1993)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [1993] UNGA 43; A/RES/47/18 (23 November 1993)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the League of Arab States [1993] UNGA 42; A/RES/48/21 (22 November 1993)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Latin American Economic System [1993] UNGA 41; A/RES/48/22 (22 November 1993)
Emergency Action to Combat Locust Infestation in Africa [1993] UNGA 40; A/RES/48/20 (19 November 1993)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe [1993] UNGA 39; A/RES/48/19 (16 November 1993)
Complete Withdrawal of Foreign Military Forces from the Territories of the Baltic States [1993] UNGA 38; A/RES/48/18 (15 November 1993)
The Situation in Burundi [1993] UNGA 37; A/RES/48/17 (3 November 1993)
Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America Against Cuba [1993] UNGA 36; A/RES/48/16 (3 November 1993)
Return or Restitution of Cultural Property to the Countries of Origin [1993] UNGA 35; A/RES/48/15 (2 November 1993)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [1993] UNGA 34; A/RES/48/14 (1 November 1993)
October 1993
Credentials of Representatives to the 48th Session of the General Assembly [1993] UNGA 33; A/RES/48/13A (29 October 1993)
Measures to Strengthen International Cooperation Against the Illicit Production, Sale, Demand, Traffic and Distribution of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and Related Activties [1993] UNGA 32; A/RES/48/12 (28 October 1993)
University for Peace [1993] UNGA 31; A/RES/48/9 (25 October 1993)
International Year of Sport and the Olympic Ideal [1993] UNGA 30; A/RES/48/10 (25 October 1993)
International Assistance for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Nicaragua [1993] UNGA 29; A/RES/48/8 (22 October 1993)
Assistance in Mine Clearance [1993] UNGA 28; A/RES/48/7 (19 October 1993)
Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Declaration of the Four Nations on General Security [1993] UNGA 27; A/RES/48/6 (19 October 1993)
Observer Status for the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the General Assembly [1993] UNGA 26; A/RES/48/3 (13 October 1993)
Observer Status for the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in the General Assembly [1993] UNGA 25; A/RES/48/5 (13 October 1993)
Observer Status for the Economic Cooperation Organization in the General Assembly [1993] UNGA 24; A/RES/48/2 (13 October 1993)
Observer Status for the Latin American Parliament in the General Assembly [1993] UNGA 23; A/RES/48/4 (13 October 1993)
Lifting of Sanctions Against South Africa [1993] UNGA 22; A/RES/48/1 (8 October 1993)
September 1993
An Agenda for Peace [1993] UNGA 21; A/RES/47/120B (20 September 1993)
Financing of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia [1993] UNGA 20; A/RES/47/209B (14 September 1993)
Financing of the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus [1993] UNGA 19; A/RES/47/236 (14 September 1993)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations [1993] UNGA 18; A/RES/47/218B (14 September 1993)
Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991 [1993] UNGA 17; A/RES/47/235 (14 September 1993)
Financing of the United Nations Protection Force [1993] UNGA 16; A/RES/47/210B (14 September 1993)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Mozambique [1993] UNGA 15; A/RES/47/224C (14 September 1993)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Somalia [1993] UNGA 14; A/RES/47/41C (14 September 1993)
Financing of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission [1993] UNGA 13; A/RES/47/208B (14 September 1993)
August 1993
Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly [1993] UNGA 12; A/RES/47/233 (17 August 1993)
July 1993
Admission of the Principality of Andorra to Membership in the United Nations [1993] UNGA 11; A/RES/47/232 (28 July 1993)
May 1993
Admission of Eritrea to Membership in the United Nations [1993] UNGA 10; A/RES/47/230 (28 May 1993)
Admission of the Principality of Monaco to Membership in the United Nations [1993] UNGA 9; A/RES/47/231 (28 May 1993)
April 1993
Emergency Assistance to Cuba [1993] UNGA 8; A/RES/47/228 (15 April 1993)
Personnel Questions [1993] UNGA 7; A/RES/47/226[II] (8 April 1993)
Personnel Questions [1993] UNGA 6; A/RES/47/226[IV] (8 April 1993)
Personnel Questions [1993] UNGA 5; A/RES/47/226[I] (8 April 1993)
Admission of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to Membership in the United Nations [1993] UNGA 4; A/RES/47/225 (8 April 1993)
Personnel Questions [1993] UNGA 3; A/RES/47/226[III] (8 April 1993)
March 1993
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Mozambique [1993] UNGA 2; A/RES/47/224A (16 March 1993)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Mozambique [1993] UNGA 1; A/RES/47/224B (16 March 1993)
December 1992
Programme Planning [1992] UNGA 296; A/RES/47/214 (23 December 1992)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1992] UNGA 295; A/RES/47/211 (23 December 1992)
Establishment of a Peace-Keeping Reserve Fund [1992] UNGA 294; A/RES/47/217 (23 December 1992)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1992] UNGA 293; A/RES/47/220[B] (23 December 1992)
Proposed Programme Budget Outline for the Biennium 1994-1995 [1992] UNGA 292; A/RES/47/213 (23 December 1992)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1992] UNGA 291; A/RES/47/220[A] (23 December 1992)
Improving the Financial Situation of the United Nations [1992] UNGA 290; A/RES/47/215 (23 December 1992)
Review of the Efficiency of the Administrative and Financial Functioning of the United Nations and Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1992] UNGA 289; A/RES/47/212A (23 December 1992)
United Nations Common System [1992] UNGA 288; A/RES/47/216 (23 December 1992)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations [1992] UNGA 287; A/RES/47/218A (23 December 1992)
Other Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1992] UNGA 286; A/RES/47/219A (23 December 1992)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1992] UNGA 285; A/RES/47/220[C] (23 December 1992)
Strengthening International Organizations in the Area of Multilateral Trade [1992] UNGA 284; A/RES/47/184 (22 December 1992)
Net Transfer of Resources Between Developing Countries and Developed Countries [1992] UNGA 283; A/RES/47/178 (22 December 1992)
United Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks [1992] UNGA 282; A/RES/47/192 (22 December 1992)
Convening of a Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States [1992] UNGA 281; A/RES/47/189 (22 December 1992)
Financing of United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [1992] UNGA 280; A/RES/47/204 (22 December 1992)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [1992] UNGA 279; A/RES/47/170 (22 December 1992)
Observance of World Day for Water [1992] UNGA 278; A/RES/47/193 (22 December 1992)
International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology [1992] UNGA 277; A/RES/47/182 (22 December 1992)
Economic and Social Repercussions of the Israeli Settlements on the Palestinian People in the Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, Occupied Since 1967, and on the Arab Population of the Syrian Golan [1992] UNGA 276; A/RES/47/172 (22 December 1992)
Pattern of Conferences [1992] UNGA 275; A/RES/47/202[B] (22 December 1992)
International Assistance for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Nicaragua [1992] UNGA 274; A/RES/47/169 (22 December 1992)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [1992] UNGA 273; A/RES/47/195 (22 December 1992)
Financing of the United Nations Transition Assistance Group [1992] UNGA 272; A/RES/47/207 (22 December 1992)
Financing of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission [1992] UNGA 271; A/RES/47/208A (22 December 1992)
Establishment of an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for the Elaboration of an International Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [1992] UNGA 270; A/RES/47/188 (22 December 1992)
Specific Measures in Favour of Island Developing Countries [1992] UNGA 269; A/RES/47/186 (22 December 1992)
Summit on the Economic Advancement of Rural Women [1992] UNGA 268; A/RES/47/174 (22 December 1992)
United Nations University [1992] UNGA 267; A/RES/47/200 (22 December 1992)
Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development [1992] UNGA 266; A/RES/47/190 (22 December 1992)
International Conference on Population and Development [1992] UNGA 265; A/RES/47/176 (22 December 1992)
Pattern of Conferences [1992] UNGA 264; A/RES/47/202[C] (22 December 1992)
Second Industrial Development Decade for Africa, 1991-2000 [1992] UNGA 263; A/RES/47/177 (22 December 1992)
United Nations Pension System [1992] UNGA 262; A/RES/47/203 (22 December 1992)
Observance of an International Day for the Eradication of Poverty [1992] UNGA 261; A/RES/47/196 (22 December 1992)
An Agenda for Development [1992] UNGA 260; A/RES/47/181 (22 December 1992)
Assistance to Yemen [1992] UNGA 259; A/RES/47/179 (22 December 1992)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [1992] UNGA 258; A/RES/47/205 (22 December 1992)
Financing of the United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group [1992] UNGA 257; A/RES/47/206 (22 December 1992)
Privatization in the Context of Economic Restructuring, Economic Growth and Sustainable Development [1992] UNGA 256; A/RES/47/171 (22 December 1992)
Pattern of Conferences [1992] UNGA 255; A/RES/47/202[A] (22 December 1992)
Eighth Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [1992] UNGA 254; A/RES/47/183 (22 December 1992)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian Emergency Assistance to the United Nations [1992] UNGA 253; A/RES/47/168 (22 December 1992)
International Cooperation for the Eradication of Poverty in Developing Countries [1992] UNGA 252; A/RES/47/197 (22 December 1992)
Implications of the Application of the New Criteria for Identifying the Least Developed Countries in the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990s [1992] UNGA 251; A/RES/47/173 (22 December 1992)
Commodities [1992] UNGA 250; A/RES/47/185 (22 December 1992)
Triennial Policy Review of the Operational Activities of the United Nations Development System [1992] UNGA 249; A/RES/47/199 (22 December 1992)
Capacity-Building for Agenda 21 [1992] UNGA 248; A/RES/47/194 (22 December 1992)
Joint Inspection Unit [1992] UNGA 247; A/RES/47/201 (22 December 1992)
United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) [1992] UNGA 246; A/RES/47/180 (22 December 1992)
Impact of the Recent Evolution of the Economies in Transition on the Growth of the World Economy, in Particular on the Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries, as Well as on International Economic Cooperation [1992] UNGA 245; A/RES/47/175 (22 December 1992)
Integration of the Economies in Transition into the World Economy [1992] UNGA 244; A/RES/47/187 (22 December 1992)
Institutional Arrangements to Follow Up the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development [1992] UNGA 243; A/RES/47/191 (22 December 1992)
Pattern of Conferences [1992] UNGA 242; A/RES/47/202[D] (22 December 1992)
Situation of Human Rights in Iraq [1992] UNGA 241; A/RES/47/145 (18 December 1992)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon [1992] UNGA 240; A/RES/47/155 (18 December 1992)
Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Periodic and Genuine Elections [1992] UNGA 239; A/RES/47/138 (18 December 1992)
Summary or Arbitrary Executions [1992] UNGA 238; A/RES/47/136 (18 December 1992)
Strengthening of International Cooperation and Coordination of Efforts to Study, Mitigate and Minimize the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster [1992] UNGA 237; A/RES/47/165 (18 December 1992)
World Conference on Human Rights [1992] UNGA 236; A/RES/47/122 (18 December 1992)
United Nations Year for Tolerance [1992] UNGA 235; A/RES/47/124 (18 December 1992)
Human Rights and Extreme Poverty [1992] UNGA 234; A/RES/47/134 (18 December 1992)
Situation of Human Rights in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia [1992] UNGA 233; A/RES/47/147 (18 December 1992)
Convening of an International Conference on Somalia [1992] UNGA 232; A/RES/47/167 (18 December 1992)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Djibouti [1992] UNGA 231; A/RES/47/157 (18 December 1992)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity [1992] UNGA 230; A/RES/47/148 (18 December 1992)
Economic Assistance to Vanuatu [1992] UNGA 229; A/RES/47/161 (18 December 1992)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1992] UNGA 228; A/RES/47/116[E] (18 December 1992)
Strengthening of the Centre for Human Rights of the Secretariat [1992] UNGA 227; A/RES/47/127 (18 December 1992)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of El Salvador [1992] UNGA 226; A/RES/47/158 (18 December 1992)
Emergency International Assistance for the Reconstruction of War-Stricken Afghanistan [1992] UNGA 225; A/RES/47/119 (18 December 1992)
Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan [1992] UNGA 224; A/RES/47/141 (18 December 1992)
Human Rights in Haiti [1992] UNGA 223; A/RES/47/143 (18 December 1992)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [1992] UNGA 222; A/RES/47/129 (18 December 1992)
Special Assistance to the Front-Line States [1992] UNGA 221; A/RES/47/163 (18 December 1992)
Strengthening of United Nations Action in the Field of Human Rights through the Promotion of International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [1992] UNGA 220; A/RES/47/131 (18 December 1992)
United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa [1992] UNGA 219; A/RES/47/117 (18 December 1992)
International Cooperation to Mitigate the Environmental Consequences on Kuwait and Other Countries in the Region Resulting from the Situation Between Iraq and Kuwait [1992] UNGA 218; A/RES/47/151 (18 December 1992)
Industrial Development Cooperation [1992] UNGA 217; A/RES/47/153 (18 December 1992)
Special Economic Assistance to Chad [1992] UNGA 216; A/RES/47/156 (18 December 1992)
International Assistance for the Economic Rehabilitation of Angola [1992] UNGA 215; A/RES/47/164 (18 December 1992)
Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities [1992] UNGA 214; A/RES/47/135 (18 December 1992)
Alternative Approaches and Ways and Means Within the United Nations System for Improving the Effective Enjoyment of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [1992] UNGA 213; A/RES/47/137 (18 December 1992)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1992] UNGA 212; A/RES/47/116[G] (18 December 1992)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [1992] UNGA 211; A/RES/47/146 (18 December 1992)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1992] UNGA 210; A/RES/47/116[F] (18 December 1992)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1992] UNGA 209; A/RES/47/116[D] (18 December 1992)
Regional Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [1992] UNGA 208; A/RES/47/125 (18 December 1992)
International Cooperation and Assistance to Alleviate the Consequences of War in Croatia and to Facilitate its Recovery [1992] UNGA 207; A/RES/47/166 (18 December 1992)
Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance [1992] UNGA 206; A/RES/47/133 (18 December 1992)
Right to Development [1992] UNGA 205; A/RES/47/123 (18 December 1992)
Assistance to Benin, the Central African Republic and Madagascar [1992] UNGA 204; A/RES/47/159 (18 December 1992)
The Plight of Street Children [1992] UNGA 203; A/RES/47/126 (18 December 1992)
Development of Public Information Activities in the Field of Human Rights [1992] UNGA 202; A/RES/47/128 (18 December 1992)
Emergency Assistance for Humanitarian Relief and the Economic and Social Rehabilitation of Somalia [1992] UNGA 201; A/RES/47/160 (18 December 1992)
Question of Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [1992] UNGA 200; A/RES/47/132 (18 December 1992)
Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in El Salvador [1992] UNGA 199; A/RES/47/140 (18 December 1992)
Food and Agricultural Development [1992] UNGA 198; A/RES/47/149 (18 December 1992)
Respect for the Principles of National Sovereignty and Non-Interference in the Internal Affairs of States in Their Electoral Processes [1992] UNGA 197; A/RES/47/130 (18 December 1992)
The Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina [1992] UNGA 196; A/RES/47/121 (18 December 1992)
The Situation in Central America [1992] UNGA 195; A/RES/47/118 (18 December 1992)
Emergency Assistance to the Sudan [1992] UNGA 194; A/RES/47/162 (18 December 1992)
International Cooperation for Economic Growth and Development [1992] UNGA 193; A/RES/47/152 (18 December 1992)
Assistance for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Liberia [1992] UNGA 192; A/RES/47/154 (18 December 1992)
Situation of Human Rights in Cuba [1992] UNGA 191; A/RES/47/139 (18 December 1992)
The Situation in the Sudan [1992] UNGA 190; A/RES/47/142 (18 December 1992)
Situation in Myanmar [1992] UNGA 189; A/RES/47/144 (18 December 1992)
Status of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [1992] UNGA 188; A/RES/47/78 (16 December 1992)
International Conference on Central American Refugees [1992] UNGA 187; A/RES/47/103 (16 December 1992)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1992] UNGA 186; A/RES/47/83 (16 December 1992)
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families [1992] UNGA 185; A/RES/47/110 (16 December 1992)
Situation of Human Rights in Estonia and Latvia [1992] UNGA 184; A/RES/47/115 (16 December 1992)
Implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women [1992] UNGA 183; A/RES/47/95 (16 December 1992)
Status of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid [1992] UNGA 182; A/RES/47/81 (16 December 1992)
Implementation of the International Plan of Action on Ageing [1992] UNGA 181; A/RES/47/86 (16 December 1992)
Towards Full Integration of Persons with Disabilities into Society [1992] UNGA 180; A/RES/47/88 (16 December 1992)
Respect for the Principles Enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and International Law in the Fight Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking [1992] UNGA 179; A/RES/47/98 (16 December 1992)
Report of the Committee Against Torture and Status of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [1992] UNGA 178; A/RES/47/113 (16 December 1992)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat [1992] UNGA 177; A/RES/47/93 (16 December 1992)
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice [1992] UNGA 176; A/RES/47/91 (16 December 1992)
Status of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide [1992] UNGA 175; A/RES/47/108 (16 December 1992)
Policies and Programmes Involving Youth [1992] UNGA 174; A/RES/47/85 (16 December 1992)
Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination [1992] UNGA 173; A/RES/47/77 (16 December 1992)
Migrant Women Workers [1992] UNGA 172; A/RES/47/96 (16 December 1992)
Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child [1992] UNGA 171; A/RES/47/112 (16 December 1992)
New International Humanitarian Order [1992] UNGA 170; A/RES/47/106 (16 December 1992)
International Action to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking [1992] UNGA 169; A/RES/47/102 (16 December 1992)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [1992] UNGA 168; A/RES/47/94 (16 December 1992)
Effective Implementation of International Instruments on Human Rights, Including Reporting Obligations Under International Instruments on Human Rights [1992] UNGA 167; A/RES/47/111 (16 December 1992)
"Ethnic Cleansing" and Racial Hatred [1992] UNGA 166; A/RES/47/80 (16 December 1992)
Implementation of the United Nations System-Wide Action Plan on Drug Abuse Control and the Global Programme of Action [on International Cooperation] Against Illicit Production, Supply, Demand, Trafficking and Distribution of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances [1992] UNGA 165; A/RES/47/100 (16 December 1992)
Continuation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1992] UNGA 164; A/RES/47/104 (16 December 1992)
Convening of a World Summit for Social Development [1992] UNGA 163; A/RES/47/92 (16 December 1992)
Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination [1992] UNGA 162; A/RES/47/79 (16 December 1992)
Report of the Secretary-General Concerning a Request to the United Nations to Observe the Referendum Process in Eritrea [1992] UNGA 161; A/RES/47/114 (16 December 1992)
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture [1992] UNGA 160; A/RES/47/109 (16 December 1992)
International Cooperation in Combating Organized Crime [1992] UNGA 159; A/RES/47/87 (16 December 1992)
United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1992] UNGA 158; A/RES/47/89 (16 December 1992)
The Role of Cooperatives in the Light of New Economic and Social Trends [1992] UNGA 157; A/RES/47/90 (16 December 1992)
Examination of the Status of International Cooperation Against the Illicit Production, Sale, Demand, Traffic and Distribution of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances [1992] UNGA 156; A/RES/47/99 (16 December 1992)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means to Violate Human Rights and to Impede the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1992] UNGA 155; A/RES/47/84 (16 December 1992)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1992] UNGA 154; A/RES/47/105 (16 December 1992)
United Nations International Drug Control Programme [1992] UNGA 153; A/RES/47/101 (16 December 1992)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [1992] UNGA 152; A/RES/47/107 (16 December 1992)
Implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances [1992] UNGA 151; A/RES/47/97 (16 December 1992)
Importance of the Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination and of the Speedy Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for the Effective Guarantee and Observance of Human Rights [1992] UNGA 150; A/RES/47/82 (16 December 1992)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1992] UNGA 149; A/RES/47/53[F] (15 December 1992)
General and Complete Disarmament [1992] UNGA 148; A/RES/47/52[K] (15 December 1992)
General and Complete Disarmament [1992] UNGA 147; A/RES/47/52[F] (15 December 1992)
General and Complete Disarmament [1992] UNGA 146; A/RES/47/52[I] (15 December 1992)
General and Complete Disarmament [1992] UNGA 145; A/RES/47/52[H] (15 December 1992)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1992] UNGA 144; A/RES/47/53[D] (15 December 1992)
General and Complete Disarmament [1992] UNGA 143; A/RES/47/52[A] (15 December 1992)
General and Complete Disarmament [1992] UNGA 142; A/RES/47/52[G] (15 December 1992)
General and Complete Disarmament [1992] UNGA 141; A/RES/47/52[C] (15 December 1992)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1992] UNGA 140; A/RES/47/53[A] (15 December 1992)
General and Complete Disarmament [1992] UNGA 139; A/RES/47/52[L] (15 December 1992)
General and Complete Disarmament [1992] UNGA 138; A/RES/47/52[D] (15 December 1992)
General and Complete Disarmament [1992] UNGA 137; A/RES/47/52[J] (15 December 1992)
General and Complete Disarmament [1992] UNGA 136; A/RES/47/52[B] (15 December 1992)
General and Complete Disarmament [1992] UNGA 135; A/RES/47/52[E] (15 December 1992)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1992] UNGA 134; A/RES/47/53[C] (15 December 1992)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa [1992] UNGA 133; A/RES/47/76 (15 December 1992)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1992] UNGA 132; A/RES/47/53[B] (15 December 1992)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1992] UNGA 131; A/RES/47/53[E] (15 December 1992)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peace-Keeping Operations in All Their Aspects [1992] UNGA 130; A/RES/47/71 (14 December 1992)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1992] UNGA 129; A/RES/47/69[H] (14 December 1992)
Principles Relevant to the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space [1992] UNGA 128; A/RES/47/68 (14 December 1992)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1992] UNGA 127; A/RES/47/70[C] (14 December 1992)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1992] UNGA 126; A/RES/47/69[F] (14 December 1992)
International Year for the World's Indigenous People, 1993 [1992] UNGA 125; A/RES/47/75 (14 December 1992)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1992] UNGA 124; A/RES/47/69[A] (14 December 1992)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1992] UNGA 123; A/RES/47/70[G] (14 December 1992)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1992] UNGA 122; A/RES/47/70[E] (14 December 1992)
Questions Relating to Information [1992] UNGA 121; A/RES/47/73[B] (14 December 1992)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1992] UNGA 120; A/RES/47/69[E] (14 December 1992)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1992] UNGA 119; A/RES/47/70[A] (14 December 1992)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1992] UNGA 118; A/RES/47/69[D] (14 December 1992)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [1992] UNGA 117; A/RES/47/66 (14 December 1992)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1992] UNGA 116; A/RES/47/69[K] (14 December 1992)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1992] UNGA 115; A/RES/47/69[C] (14 December 1992)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1992] UNGA 114; A/RES/47/69[B] (14 December 1992)
Protection of Peace-Keeping Personnel [1992] UNGA 113; A/RES/47/72 (14 December 1992)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1992] UNGA 112; A/RES/47/70[B] (14 December 1992)
Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic [1992] UNGA 111; A/RES/47/74 (14 December 1992)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1992] UNGA 110; A/RES/47/69[G] (14 December 1992)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1992] UNGA 109; A/RES/47/70[D] (14 December 1992)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1992] UNGA 108; A/RES/47/69[I] (14 December 1992)
Questions Relating to Information [1992] UNGA 107; A/RES/47/73[A] (14 December 1992)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1992] UNGA 106; A/RES/47/70[F] (14 December 1992)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1992] UNGA 105; A/RES/47/69[J] (14 December 1992)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1992] UNGA 104; A/RES/47/67 (14 December 1992)
Question of Palestine [1992] UNGA 103; A/RES/47/64[B] (11 December 1992)
Question of Palestine [1992] UNGA 102; A/RES/47/64[E] (11 December 1992)
Question of Palestine [1992] UNGA 101; A/RES/47/64[A] (11 December 1992)
Question of Palestine [1992] UNGA 100; A/RES/47/64[C] (11 December 1992)
Question of Palestine [1992] UNGA 99; A/RES/47/64[D] (11 December 1992)
Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security Council [1992] UNGA 98; A/RES/47/62 (11 December 1992)
The Situation in the Middle East [1992] UNGA 97; A/RES/47/63[A] (11 December 1992)
The Situation in the Middle East [1992] UNGA 96; A/RES/47/63[B] (11 December 1992)
Law of the Sea [1992] UNGA 95; A/RES/47/65 (11 December 1992)
Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security [1992] UNGA 94; A/RES/47/60[B] (9 December 1992)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [1992] UNGA 93; A/RES/47/48 (9 December 1992)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [1992] UNGA 92; A/RES/47/47 (9 December 1992)
Consolidation of the Regime Established by the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) [1992] UNGA 91; A/RES/47/61 (9 December 1992)
Verification in All its Aspects, Including the Role of the United Nations in the Field of Verification [1992] UNGA 90; A/RES/47/45 (9 December 1992)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [1992] UNGA 89; A/RES/47/50 (9 December 1992)
Scientific and Technological Developments and Their Impact on International Security [1992] UNGA 88; A/RES/47/43 (9 December 1992)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [1992] UNGA 87; A/RES/47/56 (9 December 1992)
Report of the Disarmament Commission [1992] UNGA 86; A/RES/47/54A (9 December 1992)
Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [1992] UNGA 85; A/RES/47/59 (9 December 1992)
Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water [1992] UNGA 84; A/RES/47/46 (9 December 1992)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in South Asia [1992] UNGA 83; A/RES/47/49 (9 December 1992)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [1992] UNGA 82; A/RES/47/51 (9 December 1992)
The Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security, Disarmament and Other Related Fields [1992] UNGA 81; A/RES/47/44 (9 December 1992)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [1992] UNGA 80; A/RES/47/58 (9 December 1992)
Question of Antarctica [1992] UNGA 79; A/RES/47/57 (9 December 1992)
Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security [1992] UNGA 78; A/RES/47/60[A] (9 December 1992)
Assistance to Mozambique [1992] UNGA 77; A/RES/47/42 (9 December 1992)
Israeli Nuclear Armament [1992] UNGA 76; A/RES/47/55 (9 December 1992)
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Somalia [1992] UNGA 75; A/RES/47/41A (1 December 1992)
Prevention and Control of Acquired Immune Deficiencies Syndrome (Aids) [1992] UNGA 74; A/RES/47/40 (1 December 1992)
November 1992
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction [1992] UNGA 73; A/RES/47/39 (30 November 1992)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [1992] UNGA 72; A/RES/47/23 (25 November 1992)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [1992] UNGA 71; A/RES/47/35 (25 November 1992)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1992] UNGA 70; A/RES/47/27[B-VI] (25 November 1992)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1992] UNGA 69; A/RES/47/27[B-I] (25 November 1992)
Question of New Caledonia [1992] UNGA 68; A/RES/47/26 (25 November 1992)
Complete Withdrawal of Foreign Military Forces from the Territories of the Baltic States [1992] UNGA 67; A/RES/47/21 (25 November 1992)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1992] UNGA 66; A/RES/47/27[B-III] (25 November 1992)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its 44th Session [1992] UNGA 65; A/RES/47/33 (25 November 1992)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1992] UNGA 64; A/RES/47/27[B-VII] (25 November 1992)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [1992] UNGA 63; A/RES/47/24 (25 November 1992)
Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Armed Conflicts [1992] UNGA 62; A/RES/47/30 (25 November 1992)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1992] UNGA 61; A/RES/47/27[B-X] (25 November 1992)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1992] UNGA 60; A/RES/47/27[B-V] (25 November 1992)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1992] UNGA 59; A/RES/47/27[B-IX] (25 November 1992)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1992] UNGA 58; A/RES/47/27[B-VIII] (25 November 1992)
Protection of the Environment in Times of Armed Conflict [1992] UNGA 57; A/RES/47/37 (25 November 1992)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1992] UNGA 56; A/RES/47/27[B-IV] (25 November 1992)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [1992] UNGA 55; A/RES/47/38 (25 November 1992)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1992] UNGA 54; A/RES/47/27[A] (25 November 1992)
United Nations Decade of International Law [1992] UNGA 53; A/RES/47/32 (25 November 1992)
Cooperation and Coordination of the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations in Their Assistance to Non-Self-Governing Territories [1992] UNGA 52; A/RES/47/22 (25 November 1992)
Observer Status of National Liberation Movements Recognized by the Organization of African Unity and/or by the League of Arab States [1992] UNGA 51; A/RES/47/29 (25 November 1992)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1992] UNGA 50; A/RES/47/27[B-II] (25 November 1992)
Additional Protocol on Consular Functions to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations [1992] UNGA 49; A/RES/47/36 (25 November 1992)
Consideration of Effective Measures to Enhance the Protection, Security and Safety of Diplomatic and Consular Missions and Representatives [1992] UNGA 48; A/RES/47/31 (25 November 1992)
Respect for the Privileges and Immunities of Officials of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies and Related Organizations [1992] UNGA 47; A/RES/47/28 (25 November 1992)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its 25th Session [1992] UNGA 46; A/RES/47/34 (25 November 1992)
Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America Against Cuba [1992] UNGA 45; A/RES/47/19 (24 November 1992)
The Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti [1992] UNGA 44; A/RES/47/20A (24 November 1992)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [1992] UNGA 43; A/RES/47/16 (16 November 1992)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [1992] UNGA 42; A/RES/47/14 (16 November 1992)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [1992] UNGA 41; A/RES/47/17 (16 November 1992)
Activities of Those Foreign Economic and Other Interests which Impede the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Territories Under Colonial Domination and Efforts to Eliminate Colonialism, Apartheid and Racial Discrimination in Southern Africa [1992] UNGA 40; A/RES/47/15 (16 November 1992)
Question of Western Sahara [1992] UNGA 39; A/RES/47/25 (16 November 1992)
October 1992
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Latin American Economic System [1992] UNGA 38; A/RES/47/13 (29 October 1992)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and Organization of American States [1992] UNGA 37; A/RES/47/11 (29 October 1992)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the League of Arab States [1992] UNGA 36; A/RES/47/12 (29 October 1992)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe [1992] UNGA 35; A/RES/47/10 (28 October 1992)
Question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte [1992] UNGA 34; A/RES/47/9 (27 October 1992)
Observance of the Olympic Truce [1992] UNGA 33; A/RES/48/11 (25 October 1992)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [1992] UNGA 32; A/RES/47/8 (22 October 1992)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee [1992] UNGA 31; A/RES/47/6 (21 October 1992)
Emergency Assistance to the Philippines [1992] UNGA 30; A/RES/47/7 (21 October 1992)
Proclamation on Ageing [1992] UNGA 29; A/RES/47/5 (16 October 1992)
Observer Status for the International Organization for Migration in the General Assembly [1992] UNGA 28; A/RES/47/4 (16 October 1992)
International Day of Disabled Persons [1992] UNGA 27; A/RES/47/3 (14 October 1992)
Emergency Assistance to Pakistan [1992] UNGA 26; A/RES/47/2 (7 October 1992)
September 1992
Recommendation of the Security Council of 19 September 1992 [1992] UNGA 25; A/RES/47/1 (22 September 1992)
August 1992
The Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina [1992] UNGA 24; A/RES/46/242 (25 August 1992)
July 1992
Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission II [1992] UNGA 23; A/RES/46/195B (31 July 1992)
Admission of the Republic of Georgia to Membership in the United Nations [1992] UNGA 22; A/RES/46/241 (31 July 1992)
United Nations Common System [1992] UNGA 21; A/RES/46/191B (31 July 1992)
May 1992
Emergency Assistance to Nicaragua Following the Eruption of the Cerro Negro Volcano [1992] UNGA 20; A/RES/46/239 (22 May 1992)
Admission of the Republic of Slovenia to Membership in the United Nations [1992] UNGA 19; A/RES/46/236 (22 May 1992)
Admission of the Republic of Croatia to Membership in the United Nations [1992] UNGA 18; A/RES/46/238 (22 May 1992)
Admission of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Membership in the United Nations [1992] UNGA 17; A/RES/46/237 (22 May 1992)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador [1992] UNGA 16; A/RES/46/240 (22 May 1992)
April 1992
Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Cyclone-Affected South Pacific Countries [1992] UNGA 15; A/RES/46/234 (13 April 1992)
Restructuring and Revitalization of the United Nations in the Economic, Social and Related Fields [1992] UNGA 14; A/RES/46/235 (13 April 1992)
March 1992
Financing of the United Nations Protection Force [1992] UNGA 13; A/RES/46/233 (19 March 1992)
Admission of the Azerbaijan Republic to Membership in the United Nations [1992] UNGA 12; A/RES/46/230 (2 March 1992)
Admission of Turkmenistan to Membership in the United Nations [1992] UNGA 11; A/RES/46/229 (2 March 1992)
Revitalization of the United Nations Secretariat [1992] UNGA 10; A/RES/46/232 (2 March 1992)
Admission of the Republic of Moldova to Membership in the United Nations [1992] UNGA 9; A/RES/46/223 (2 March 1992)
Admission of the Republic of San Marino to Membership in the United Nations [1992] UNGA 8; A/RES/46/231 (2 March 1992)
Admission of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Membership in the United Nations [1992] UNGA 7; A/RES/46/226 (2 March 1992)
Admission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Membership in the United Nations [1992] UNGA 6; A/RES/46/224 (2 March 1992)
Admission of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan to Membership in the United Nations [1992] UNGA 5; A/RES/46/225 (2 March 1992)
Admission of the Republic of Tajikistan to Membership in the United Nations [1992] UNGA 4; A/RES/46/228 (2 March 1992)
Admission of the Republic of Armenia to Membership in the United Nations [1992] UNGA 3; A/RES/46/227 (2 March 1992)
February 1992
Financing of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia [1992] UNGA 2; A/RES/46/222[A] (14 February 1992)
Financing of the United Nations Advance Mission to Cambodia [1992] UNGA 1; A/RES/46/198B (14 February 1992)
December 1991
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Yemen [1991] UNGA 304; A/RES/45/222 (21 December 1991)
Questions Related to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1991] UNGA 303; A/RES/46/185[B] (20 December 1991)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1991] UNGA 302; A/RES/46/183 (20 December 1991)
Environment and International Trade [1991] UNGA 301; A/RES/46/208 (20 December 1991)
Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Coercion Against Developing Countries [1991] UNGA 300; A/RES/46/210 (20 December 1991)
Prevention and Control of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (Aids) [1991] UNGA 299; A/RES/46/203 (20 December 1991)
International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology [1991] UNGA 298; A/RES/46/214 (20 December 1991)
United Nations Pension System [1991] UNGA 297; A/RES/46/192 (20 December 1991)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1991] UNGA 296; A/RES/46/221[B] (20 December 1991)
Questions Related to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1991] UNGA 295; A/RES/46/185[C] (20 December 1991)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Group in Central America [1991] UNGA 294; A/RES/46/196 (20 December 1991)
Unforeseen and Extraordinary Expenses for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1991] UNGA 293; A/RES/46/187 (20 December 1991)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1991] UNGA 292; A/RES/46/184[A] (20 December 1991)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [1991] UNGA 291; A/RES/46/201 (20 December 1991)
International Cooperation to Mitigate the Environmental Consequences on Kuwait and Other Countries in the Region Resulting from the Situation Between Iraq and Kuwait [1991] UNGA 290; A/RES/46/216 (20 December 1991)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1991] UNGA 289; A/RES/46/221[A] (20 December 1991)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1991] UNGA 288; A/RES/46/186[A] (20 December 1991)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1991] UNGA 287; A/RES/46/184[B] (20 December 1991)
Strengthening International Organizations in the Area of Multilateral Trade [1991] UNGA 286; A/RES/46/207 (20 December 1991)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1991] UNGA 285; A/RES/46/186[B] (20 December 1991)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [1991] UNGA 284; A/RES/46/194 (20 December 1991)
Operational Activities of the United Nations System [1991] UNGA 283; A/RES/46/219 (20 December 1991)
Financing of the United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia [1991] UNGA 282; A/RES/46/198[A] (20 December 1991)
Convening of an International Conference on the Financing of Development [1991] UNGA 281; A/RES/46/205 (20 December 1991)
Questions Related to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1991] UNGA 280; A/RES/46/185[A] (20 December 1991)
Specific Actions Related to the Particular Needs and Problems of Land-Locked Developing Countries [1991] UNGA 279; A/RES/46/212 (20 December 1991)
Financing of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission [1991] UNGA 278; A/RES/46/197 (20 December 1991)
International Cooperation in the Monitoring, Assessment and Anticipation of Environmental Threats and in Assistance in Cases of Environmental Emergency [1991] UNGA 277; A/RES/46/217 (20 December 1991)
Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission II [1991] UNGA 276; A/RES/46/195[A] (20 December 1991)
Working Capital Fund for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1991] UNGA 275; A/RES/46/188 (20 December 1991)
Impact of the Recent Evolution of East-West Relations on the Growth of the World Economy, in Particular on the Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries, as Well as on International Economic Cooperation [1991] UNGA 274; A/RES/46/202 (20 December 1991)
Adverse Economic Effects of Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem, and Other Arab Territories Occuped Since 1967 [1991] UNGA 273; A/RES/46/199 (20 December 1991)
United Nations Common System [1991] UNGA 272; A/RES/46/191[A] (20 December 1991)
Target for World Food Programme Pledges for the Period 1993-1994 [1991] UNGA 271; A/RES/46/200 (20 December 1991)
Trade and Development Board [1991] UNGA 270; A/RES/46/209 (20 December 1991)
Adjustment of the Trade Control Measures Information System of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, as Called for by the General Assembly in Resolution 45/210 [1991] UNGA 269; A/RES/46/211 (20 December 1991)
United Nations/International Maritime Organization Conference of Plenipotentiaries on a Draft Convention on Maritime Liens and Mortgages [1991] UNGA 268; A/RES/46/213 (20 December 1991)
United Nations Development Programme Human Development Report [1991] UNGA 267; A/RES/46/218 (20 December 1991)
Report of the Committee for Development Planning [1991] UNGA 266; A/RES/46/206 (20 December 1991)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1991] UNGA 265; A/RES/46/221[C] (20 December 1991)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1991] UNGA 264; A/RES/46/186[C] (20 December 1991)
Large-Scale Pelagic Drift-Net Fishing and its Impact on the Living Marine Resources of the World's Oceans and Seas [1991] UNGA 263; A/RES/46/215 (20 December 1991)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1991] UNGA 262; A/RES/46/221[D] (20 December 1991)
Rationalization of the Work of the 5th Committee [1991] UNGA 261; A/RES/46/220 (20 December 1991)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1991] UNGA 260; A/RES/46/184[C] (20 December 1991)
Pattern of Conferences [1991] UNGA 259; A/RES/46/190 (20 December 1991)
Special Assistance to Namibia [1991] UNGA 258; A/RES/46/204 (20 December 1991)
Programme Planning [1991] UNGA 257; A/RES/46/189 (20 December 1991)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [1991] UNGA 256; A/RES/46/193 (20 December 1991)
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development [1991] UNGA 255; A/RES/46/168 (19 December 1991)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Southern African Development Coordination Conference [1991] UNGA 254; A/RES/46/160 (19 December 1991)
Report of the South Commission [1991] UNGA 253; A/RES/46/155 (19 December 1991)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [1991] UNGA 252; A/RES/46/169 (19 December 1991)
Entrepreneurship [1991] UNGA 251; A/RES/46/166 (19 December 1991)
World Commission on Culture and Development [1991] UNGA 250; A/RES/46/158 (19 December 1991)
Emergency Assistance to the Sudan and Operation Lifeline Sudan [1991] UNGA 249; A/RES/46/178 (19 December 1991)
United Nations Conference on Human Settlements [1991] UNGA 248; A/RES/46/164 (19 December 1991)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Djibouti [1991] UNGA 247; A/RES/46/175 (19 December 1991)
International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism [1991] UNGA 246; A/RES/46/181 (19 December 1991)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research [1991] UNGA 245; A/RES/46/180 (19 December 1991)
Living Conditions of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory [1991] UNGA 244; A/RES/46/162 (19 December 1991)
Special Assistance to Front-Line States [1991] UNGA 243; A/RES/46/172 (19 December 1991)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon [1991] UNGA 242; A/RES/46/173 (19 December 1991)
World Decade for Cultural Development [1991] UNGA 241; A/RES/46/157 (19 December 1991)
Special Plan of Economic Cooperation for Central America [1991] UNGA 240; A/RES/46/170 (19 December 1991)
Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990s [1991] UNGA 239; A/RES/46/156 (19 December 1991)
Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian Emergency Assistance of the United Nations [1991] UNGA 238; A/RES/46/182 (19 December 1991)
Emergency Assistance to Yemen [1991] UNGA 237; A/RES/46/179 (19 December 1991)
Science and Technology for Development [1991] UNGA 236; A/RES/46/165 (19 December 1991)
Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries [1991] UNGA 235; A/RES/46/159 (19 December 1991)
Emergency Assistance to the Philippines [1991] UNGA 234; A/RES/46/177 (19 December 1991)
Emergency Assistance for Humanitarian Relief and the Economic and Social Rehabilitation of Somalia [1991] UNGA 233; A/RES/46/176 (19 December 1991)
Women, Environment, Population and Sustainable Development [1991] UNGA 232; A/RES/46/167 (19 December 1991)
Special Assistance to Yemen [1991] UNGA 231; A/RES/46/174 (19 December 1991)
Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000 [1991] UNGA 230; A/RES/46/163 (19 December 1991)
Economic Stabilization Programmes in Developing Countries [1991] UNGA 229; A/RES/46/154 (19 December 1991)
Special Economic Assistance to Chad [1991] UNGA 228; A/RES/46/171 (19 December 1991)
Combating Desertification and Drought [1991] UNGA 227; A/RES/46/161 (19 December 1991)
International Debt Crisis and Development [1991] UNGA 226; A/RES/46/148 (18 December 1991)
Strengthening of International Cooperation and Coordination of Efforts to Study, Mitigate and Minimize the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster [1991] UNGA 225; A/RES/46/150 (18 December 1991)
United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1991] UNGA 224; A/RES/46/153 (18 December 1991)
Creation of an Effective United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme [1991] UNGA 223; A/RES/46/152 (18 December 1991)
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction [1991] UNGA 222; A/RES/46/149 (18 December 1991)
Final Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development 1986-1990 [1991] UNGA 221; A/RES/46/151 (18 December 1991)
Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child [1991] UNGA 220; A/RES/46/112 (17 December 1991)
The Situation in Central America [1991] UNGA 219; A/RES/46/109[B] (17 December 1991)
Alternative Approaches and Ways and Means Within the United Nations System for Improving the Effective Enjoyment of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [1991] UNGA 218; A/RES/46/117 (17 December 1991)
Human Rights and Scientific and Technological Progress [1991] UNGA 217; A/RES/46/126 (17 December 1991)
Industrial Development, Cooperation and the Diversification and Modernization of Productive Activities in Developing Countries [1991] UNGA 216; A/RES/46/146 (17 December 1991)
The Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and the Improvement of Mental Health Care [1991] UNGA 215; A/RES/46/119 (17 December 1991)
International Year for the World's Indigenous People [1991] UNGA 214; A/RES/46/128 (17 December 1991)
Human Rights in the Administration of Justice [1991] UNGA 213; A/RES/46/120 (17 December 1991)
Situation of Human Rights in Iraq [1991] UNGA 212; A/RES/46/134 (17 December 1991)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [1991] UNGA 211; A/RES/46/131 (17 December 1991)
International Covenants on Human Rights [1991] UNGA 210; A/RES/46/113 (17 December 1991)
United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery [1991] UNGA 209; A/RES/46/122 (17 December 1991)
World Conference on Human Rights [1991] UNGA 208; A/RES/46/116 (17 December 1991)
International Cooperation for the Eradication of Poverty in Developing Countries [1991] UNGA 207; A/RES/46/141 (17 December 1991)
Rationalization of the Work of the 3rd Committee, Including the Biennial Programme of Work of the Committee for 1992-1993 [1991] UNGA 206; A/RES/46/140 (17 December 1991)
Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in El Salvador [1991] UNGA 205; A/RES/46/133 (17 December 1991)
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture [1991] UNGA 204; A/RES/46/110 (17 December 1991)
National Institutions for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights [1991] UNGA 203; A/RES/46/124 (17 December 1991)
Strengthening of United Nations Action in the Human Rights Field through the Promotion of International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [1991] UNGA 202; A/RES/46/129 (17 December 1991)
Human Rights in Haiti [1991] UNGA 201; A/RES/46/138 (17 December 1991)
Situation of Human Rights in Kuwait Under Iraqi Occupation [1991] UNGA 200; A/RES/46/135 (17 December 1991)
Developing Human Resources for Development [1991] UNGA 199; A/RES/46/143 (17 December 1991)
Situation in Myanmar [1991] UNGA 198; A/RES/46/132 (17 December 1991)
Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Periodic and Genuine Elections [1991] UNGA 197; A/RES/46/137 (17 December 1991)
Regional Economic Integration Among Developing Countries: Resolution [1991] UNGA 196; A/RES/46/145 (17 December 1991)
Question of Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [1991] UNGA 195; A/RES/46/125 (17 December 1991)
Assistance for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Liberia [1991] UNGA 194; A/RES/46/147 (17 December 1991)
Social Development [1991] UNGA 193; A/RES/46/139 (17 December 1991)
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families [1991] UNGA 192; A/RES/46/114 (17 December 1991)
Human Rights and Mass Exoduses [1991] UNGA 191; A/RES/46/127 (17 December 1991)
Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan [1991] UNGA 190; A/RES/46/136 (17 December 1991)
International Assistance for the Economic Rehabilitation of Angola [1991] UNGA 189; A/RES/46/142 (17 December 1991)
Non-Discrimination and Protection of Minorities [1991] UNGA 188; A/RES/46/115 (17 December 1991)
The Situation in Central America [1991] UNGA 187; A/RES/46/109[A] (17 December 1991)
Human Rights and Extreme Poverty [1991] UNGA 186; A/RES/46/121 (17 December 1991)
Implementation of the Commitments and Policies Agreed Upon in the Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in Particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries [1991] UNGA 185; A/RES/46/144 (17 December 1991)
Strengthening of the Centre for Human Rights of the Secretariat [1991] UNGA 184; A/RES/46/118 (17 December 1991)
Effective Implementation of International Instruments on Human Rights, Including Reporting Obligations Under International Instruments on Human Rights [1991] UNGA 183; A/RES/46/111 (17 December 1991)
Right to Development [1991] UNGA 182; A/RES/46/123 (17 December 1991)
Respect for the Principles of National Sovereignty and Non-Interference in the Internal Affairs of States in Their Electoral Processess [1991] UNGA 181; A/RES/46/130 (17 December 1991)
International Literacy Year [1991] UNGA 180; A/RES/46/93 (16 December 1991)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means to Violate Human Rights and to Impede the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1991] UNGA 179; A/RES/46/89 (16 December 1991)
International Action to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking [1991] UNGA 178; A/RES/46/103 (16 December 1991)
Implementation of the International Plan of Action on Ageing [1991] UNGA 177; A/RES/46/94 (16 December 1991)
United Nations International Drug Control Programme [1991] UNGA 176; A/RES/46/104 (16 December 1991)
United Nations Development Fund for Women [1991] UNGA 175; A/RES/46/97 (16 December 1991)
Elimination of Racism and Racial Discrimination [1991] UNGA 174; A/RES/46/86 (16 December 1991)
Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa [1991] UNGA 173; A/RES/46/108 (16 December 1991)
Status of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid [1991] UNGA 172; A/RES/46/84 (16 December 1991)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1991] UNGA 171; A/RES/46/106 (16 December 1991)
Implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women [1991] UNGA 170; A/RES/46/98 (16 December 1991)
Implementation of the International Plan of Action on Ageing and Related Activities [1991] UNGA 169; A/RES/46/91 (16 December 1991)
Implementation of the Global Programme of Action Against Illicit Production, Supply, Demand, Trafficking and Distribution of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances [1991] UNGA 168; A/RES/46/102 (16 December 1991)
Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination [1991] UNGA 167; A/RES/46/83 (16 December 1991)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat [1991] UNGA 166; A/RES/46/100 (16 December 1991)
Preparation for and Observance of the International Year of the Family [1991] UNGA 165; A/RES/46/92 (16 December 1991)
The Situation in the Middle East [1991] UNGA 164; A/RES/46/82[B] (16 December 1991)
World Social Situation [1991] UNGA 163; A/RES/46/95 (16 December 1991)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1991] UNGA 162; A/RES/46/88 (16 December 1991)
Declaration on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Adoption of the International Covenants on Human Rights [1991] UNGA 161; A/RES/46/81 (16 December 1991)
Importance of the Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination and of the Speedy Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for the Effective Guarantee and Observance of Human Rights [1991] UNGA 160; A/RES/46/87 (16 December 1991)
International Conference on Central American Refugees [1991] UNGA 159; A/RES/46/107 (16 December 1991)
Monitoring of International Plans and Programmes of Action in the Field of Social Development [1991] UNGA 158; A/RES/46/90 (16 December 1991)
Implementation of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons and the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons [1991] UNGA 157; A/RES/46/96 (16 December 1991)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1991] UNGA 156; A/RES/46/105 (16 December 1991)
Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination [1991] UNGA 155; A/RES/46/85 (16 December 1991)
International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women [1991] UNGA 154; A/RES/46/99 (16 December 1991)
Respect for the Principles Enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and International Law in the Fight Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking [1991] UNGA 153; A/RES/46/101 (16 December 1991)
The Situation in the Middle East [1991] UNGA 152; A/RES/46/82[A] (16 December 1991)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1991] UNGA 151; A/RES/46/79[A] (13 December 1991)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1991] UNGA 150; A/RES/46/79[F] (13 December 1991)
United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa [1991] UNGA 149; A/RES/46/80 (13 December 1991)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1991] UNGA 148; A/RES/46/79[E] (13 December 1991)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1991] UNGA 147; A/RES/46/79[B] (13 December 1991)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1991] UNGA 146; A/RES/46/79[C] (13 December 1991)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1991] UNGA 145; A/RES/46/79[D] (13 December 1991)
Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly [1991] UNGA 144; A/RES/46/77 (12 December 1991)
Law of the Sea [1991] UNGA 143; A/RES/46/78 (12 December 1991)
Question of Palestine [1991] UNGA 142; A/RES/46/74[C] (11 December 1991)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [1991] UNGA 141; A/RES/46/63 (11 December 1991)
Questions Relating to Information [1991] UNGA 140; A/RES/46/73[A] (11 December 1991)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1991] UNGA 139; A/RES/46/68[BII] (11 December 1991)
Question of Western Sahara [1991] UNGA 138; A/RES/46/67 (11 December 1991)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [1991] UNGA 137; A/RES/46/71 (11 December 1991)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1991] UNGA 136; A/RES/46/68[BI] (11 December 1991)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [1991] UNGA 135; A/RES/46/65 (11 December 1991)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1991] UNGA 134; A/RES/46/68[BIII] (11 December 1991)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1991] UNGA 133; A/RES/46/68[BVII] (11 December 1991)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1991] UNGA 132; A/RES/46/68[BIV] (11 December 1991)
Question of Palestine [1991] UNGA 131; A/RES/46/74[B] (11 December 1991)
Question of New Caledonia [1991] UNGA 130; A/RES/46/69 (11 December 1991)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1991] UNGA 129; A/RES/46/68[BV] (11 December 1991)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1991] UNGA 128; A/RES/46/68[BX] (11 December 1991)
International Peace Conference on the Middle East [1991] UNGA 127; A/RES/46/75 (11 December 1991)
The Uprising (Intifadah) of the Palestinian People [1991] UNGA 126; A/RES/46/76 (11 December 1991)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1991] UNGA 125; A/RES/46/68[BVI] (11 December 1991)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1991] UNGA 124; A/RES/46/68[A] (11 December 1991)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [1991] UNGA 123; A/RES/46/66 (11 December 1991)
Questions Relating to Information [1991] UNGA 122; A/RES/46/73[B] (11 December 1991)
Question of Palestine [1991] UNGA 121; A/RES/46/74[A] (11 December 1991)
Cooperation and Coordination of Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations in Their Assistance to Non-Self-Governing Territories [1991] UNGA 120; A/RES/46/70 (11 December 1991)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1991] UNGA 119; A/RES/46/68[BIX] (11 December 1991)
Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands [1991] UNGA 118; A/RES/46/68[BVIII] (11 December 1991)
Activities of Foreign Economic and Other Interests which are Impeding the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Territories Under Colonial Domination and Efforts to Eliminate Colonialism, Apartheid and Racial Discrimination in Southern Africa [1991] UNGA 117; A/RES/46/64 (11 December 1991)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [1991] UNGA 116; A/RES/46/72 (11 December 1991)
General and Complete Disarmament [1991] UNGA 115; A/RES/46/36[C] (9 December 1991)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1991] UNGA 114; A/RES/46/46[A] (9 December 1991)
Progressive Development of the Principles and Norms of International Law Relating to the New International Economic Order [1991] UNGA 113; A/RES/46/52 (9 December 1991)
Declaration on Fact-Finding by the United Nations in the Field of the Maintenance of International Peace and Security [1991] UNGA 112; A/RES/46/59 (9 December 1991)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1991] UNGA 111; A/RES/46/46[G] (9 December 1991)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1991] UNGA 110; A/RES/46/46[H] (9 December 1991)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1991] UNGA 109; A/RES/46/47[A] (9 December 1991)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1991] UNGA 108; A/RES/46/47[D] (9 December 1991)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1991] UNGA 107; A/RES/46/46[F] (9 December 1991)
General and Complete Disarmament [1991] UNGA 106; A/RES/46/36[E] (9 December 1991)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1991] UNGA 105; A/RES/46/37[E] (9 December 1991)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [1991] UNGA 104; A/RES/46/44 (9 December 1991)
United Nations Decade of International Law [1991] UNGA 103; A/RES/46/53 (9 December 1991)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1991] UNGA 102; A/RES/46/37[B] (9 December 1991)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1991] UNGA 101; A/RES/46/46[E] (9 December 1991)
Additional Protocol on Consular Functions to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations [1991] UNGA 100; A/RES/46/61 (9 December 1991)
General and Complete Disarmament [1991] UNGA 99; A/RES/46/36[J] (9 December 1991)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1991] UNGA 98; A/RES/46/37[D] (9 December 1991)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1991] UNGA 97; A/RES/46/46[I] (9 December 1991)
General and Complete Disarmament [1991] UNGA 96; A/RES/46/36[D] (9 December 1991)
General and Complete Disarmament [1991] UNGA 95; A/RES/46/36[G] (9 December 1991)
General and Complete Disarmament [1991] UNGA 94; A/RES/46/36[I] (9 December 1991)
General and Complete Disarmament [1991] UNGA 93; A/RES/46/36[A] (9 December 1991)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1991] UNGA 92; A/RES/46/46[B] (9 December 1991)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1991] UNGA 91; A/RES/46/37[F] (9 December 1991)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1991] UNGA 90; A/RES/46/46[D] (9 December 1991)
United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law [1991] UNGA 89; A/RES/46/50 (9 December 1991)
Consideration of the Draft Articles on the Status of the Diplomatic Courier and the Diplomatic Bag Not Accompanied by Diplomatic Courier and of the Draft Optional Protocols Thereto [1991] UNGA 88; A/RES/46/57 (9 December 1991)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1991] UNGA 87; A/RES/46/47[G] (9 December 1991)
General and Complete Disarmament [1991] UNGA 86; A/RES/46/36[K] (9 December 1991)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peace-Keeping Operations in All Their Aspects [1991] UNGA 85; A/RES/46/48 (9 December 1991)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1991] UNGA 84; A/RES/46/45 (9 December 1991)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its 24th Session [1991] UNGA 83; A/RES/46/56[B] (9 December 1991)
Development and Strengthening of Good-Neighbourliness Between States [1991] UNGA 82; A/RES/46/62 (9 December 1991)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1991] UNGA 81; A/RES/46/46[K] (9 December 1991)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its 24th Session [1991] UNGA 80; A/RES/46/56[A] (9 December 1991)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1991] UNGA 79; A/RES/46/47[E] (9 December 1991)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [1991] UNGA 78; A/RES/46/58 (9 December 1991)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1991] UNGA 77; A/RES/46/46[J] (9 December 1991)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1991] UNGA 76; A/RES/46/37[A] (9 December 1991)
Protection and Security of Small States [1991] UNGA 75; A/RES/46/43 (9 December 1991)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its 43rd Session [1991] UNGA 74; A/RES/46/54 (9 December 1991)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa [1991] UNGA 73; A/RES/46/34[A] (9 December 1991)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [1991] UNGA 72; A/RES/46/60 (9 December 1991)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1991] UNGA 71; A/RES/46/47[F] (9 December 1991)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1991] UNGA 70; A/RES/46/37[C] (9 December 1991)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa [1991] UNGA 69; A/RES/46/34[B] (9 December 1991)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1991] UNGA 68; A/RES/46/47[C] (9 December 1991)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1991] UNGA 67; A/RES/46/46[C] (9 December 1991)
General and Complete Disarmament [1991] UNGA 66; A/RES/46/36[F] (9 December 1991)
Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [1991] UNGA 65; A/RES/46/49 (9 December 1991)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1991] UNGA 64; A/RES/46/47[B] (9 December 1991)
General and Complete Disarmament [1991] UNGA 63; A/RES/46/36[B] (9 December 1991)
Consideration of the Draft Articles on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property [1991] UNGA 62; A/RES/46/55 (9 December 1991)
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism [1991] UNGA 61; A/RES/46/51 (9 December 1991)
General and Complete Disarmament [1991] UNGA 60; A/RES/46/36[H] (9 December 1991)
General and Complete Disarmament [1991] UNGA 59; A/RES/46/36[L] (9 December 1991)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [1991] UNGA 58; A/RES/46/32 (6 December 1991)
Israeli Nuclear Armament [1991] UNGA 57; A/RES/46/39 (6 December 1991)
Compliance with Arms Limitation and Disarmament Agreements [1991] UNGA 56; A/RES/46/26 (6 December 1991)
Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water [1991] UNGA 55; A/RES/46/28 (6 December 1991)
Question of Antarctica [1991] UNGA 54; A/RES/46/41[A] (6 December 1991)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1991] UNGA 53; A/RES/46/38[D] (6 December 1991)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in South Asia [1991] UNGA 52; A/RES/46/31 (6 December 1991)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [1991] UNGA 51; A/RES/46/33 (6 December 1991)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [1991] UNGA 50; A/RES/46/30 (6 December 1991)
Chemical and Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons [1991] UNGA 49; A/RES/46/35[A] (6 December 1991)
Transparency of Military Expenditures [1991] UNGA 48; A/RES/46/25 (6 December 1991)
Chemical and Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons [1991] UNGA 47; A/RES/46/35[C] (6 December 1991)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [1991] UNGA 46; A/RES/46/42 (6 December 1991)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1991] UNGA 45; A/RES/46/38[C] (6 December 1991)
Chemical and Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons [1991] UNGA 44; A/RES/46/35[B] (6 December 1991)
Education and Information for Disarmament [1991] UNGA 43; A/RES/46/27 (6 December 1991)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [1991] UNGA 42; A/RES/46/29 (6 December 1991)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [1991] UNGA 41; A/RES/46/40 (6 December 1991)
Question of Antarctica [1991] UNGA 40; A/RES/46/41[B] (6 December 1991)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1991] UNGA 39; A/RES/46/38[A] (6 December 1991)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1991] UNGA 38; A/RES/46/38[B] (6 December 1991)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the League of Arab States [1991] UNGA 37; A/RES/46/24 (5 December 1991)
The Situation in Afghanistan and its Implications for International Peace and Security [1991] UNGA 36; A/RES/46/23 (5 December 1991)
Revision of the General Regulations of the World Food Programme and Enlargement of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the World Food Programme [1991] UNGA 35; A/RES/46/22 (5 December 1991)
Appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations [1991] UNGA 34; A/RES/46/21 (3 December 1991)
November 1991
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity [1991] UNGA 33; A/RES/46/20 (26 November 1991)
Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic [1991] UNGA 32; A/RES/46/19 (25 November 1991)
The Situation in Cambodia [1991] UNGA 31; A/RES/46/18 (20 November 1991)
International Forum on Health [1991] UNGA 30; A/RES/46/17 (18 November 1991)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [1991] UNGA 29; A/RES/46/16 (13 November 1991)
October 1991
Programmes and Activities to Promote Peace in the World [1991] UNGA 28; A/RES/46/14 (31 October 1991)
Contribution of the Institute of East-West Dynamics to Programmes and Activities to Promote Peace in the World [1991] UNGA 27; A/RES/46/15 (31 October 1991)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Latin American Economic System [1991] UNGA 26; A/RES/46/12 (28 October 1991)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [1991] UNGA 25; A/RES/46/13 (28 October 1991)
Tenth Anniversary of the University for Peace [1991] UNGA 24; A/RES/46/11 (24 October 1991)
Return or Restitution of Cultural Property to the Countries of Origin [1991] UNGA 23; A/RES/46/10 (22 October 1991)
Observer Status for the Caribbean Community in the General Assembly [1991] UNGA 22; A/RES/46/8 (16 October 1991)
Question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte [1991] UNGA 21; A/RES/46/9 (16 October 1991)
The Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti [1991] UNGA 20; A/RES/46/7 (11 October 1991)
September 1991
Admission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea to Membership in the United Nations [1991] UNGA 19; A/RES/46/1 (17 September 1991)
Admission of the Republic of Lithuania to Membership in the United Nations [1991] UNGA 18; A/RES/46/6 (17 September 1991)
Admission of the Republic of Estonia to Membership in the United Nations [1991] UNGA 17; A/RES/46/4 (17 September 1991)
Admission of the Federated States of Micronesia to Membership in the United Nations [1991] UNGA 16; A/RES/46/2 (17 September 1991)
Admission of the Republic of Latvia to Membership in the United Nations [1991] UNGA 15; A/RES/46/5 (17 September 1991)
Admission of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to Membership in the United Nations [1991] UNGA 14; A/RES/46/3 (17 September 1991)
August 1991
Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission II [1991] UNGA 13; A/RES/45/269 (27 August 1991)
June 1991
United Nations Common System and United Nations Pension System [1991] UNGA 12; A/RES/45/268 (28 June 1991)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador [1991] UNGA 11; A/RES/45/267 (21 June 1991)
May 1991
Special Emergency Assistance to Haiti [1991] UNGA 10; A/RES/45/257B (17 May 1991)
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara [1991] UNGA 9; A/RES/45/266 (17 May 1991)
Financing of the United Nations Transition Assistance Group [1991] UNGA 8; A/RES/45/265 (17 May 1991)
Restructuring and Revitalization of the United Nations in the Economic, Social and Related Fields [1991] UNGA 7; A/RES/45/264 (13 May 1991)
Assistance to Bangladesh in the Wake of the Devastating Cyclone [1991] UNGA 6; A/RES/45/263 (13 May 1991)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations [1991] UNGA 5; A/RES/45/258 (3 May 1991)
Emergency Assistance to Costa Rica and Panama [1991] UNGA 4; A/RES/45/262 (3 May 1991)
Date and Venue of the 8th Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [1991] UNGA 3; A/RES/45/261 (3 May 1991)
Amendments to the Staff Regulations of the United Nations [1991] UNGA 2; A/RES/45/259 (3 May 1991)
Financing of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission [1991] UNGA 1; A/RES/45/260 (3 May 1991)
December 1990
International Debt Crisis and Development [1990] UNGA 335; A/RES/47/198 (22 December 1990)
Salary and Retirement Allowance of the Secretary-General and Salary and Pensionable Remuneration of the Director-General for Development and International Economic Cooperation and the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme [1990] UNGA 334; A/RES/45/251 (21 December 1990)
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade [1990] UNGA 333; A/RES/45/181 (21 December 1990)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon [1990] UNGA 332; A/RES/45/225 (21 December 1990)
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1990] UNGA 331; A/RES/45/248[B] (21 December 1990)
Special Plan of Economic Cooperation for Central America [1990] UNGA 330; A/RES/45/231 (21 December 1990)
Net Transfer of Resources Between Developing Countries and Developed Countries [1990] UNGA 329; A/RES/45/192 (21 December 1990)
United Nations Pension System [1990] UNGA 328; A/RES/45/242 (21 December 1990)
Conditions of Service and Compensation for Officials Other Than Secretariat Officials [1990] UNGA 327; A/RES/45/250[A] (21 December 1990)
Specific Measures in Favour of Island Developing Countries [1990] UNGA 326; A/RES/45/202 (21 December 1990)
Review of the Efficiency of the Administrative and Financial Functioning of the United Nations [1990] UNGA 325; A/RES/45/254[B] (21 December 1990)
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1990] UNGA 324; A/RES/45/248[A] (21 December 1990)
Environment and International Trade [1990] UNGA 323; A/RES/45/210 (21 December 1990)
Economic Stabilization Programmes in Developing Countries [1990] UNGA 322; A/RES/45/194 (21 December 1990)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [1990] UNGA 321; A/RES/45/183 (21 December 1990)
Entrepreneurship [1990] UNGA 320; A/RES/45/188 (21 December 1990)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research [1990] UNGA 319; A/RES/45/219 (21 December 1990)
Special Emergency Assistance to Haiti [1990] UNGA 318; A/RES/45/257A (21 December 1990)
Personnel Questions [1990] UNGA 317; A/RES/45/239[C] (21 December 1990)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [1990] UNGA 316; A/RES/45/244 (21 December 1990)
Assistance to Mozambique [1990] UNGA 315; A/RES/45/227 (21 December 1990)
Large-Scale Pelagic Driftnet Fishing and its Impact on the Living Marine Resources of the World's Oceans and Seas [1990] UNGA 314; A/RES/45/197 (21 December 1990)
Strengthening International Organizations in the Area of Multilateral Trade [1990] UNGA 313; A/RES/45/201 (21 December 1990)
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction [1990] UNGA 312; A/RES/45/185 (21 December 1990)
Emergency Assistance to Somalia [1990] UNGA 311; A/RES/45/229 (21 December 1990)
United Nations University [1990] UNGA 310; A/RES/45/220 (21 December 1990)
Financing of the the United Nations Angola Verification Mission [1990] UNGA 309; A/RES/45/246 (21 December 1990)
Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries [1990] UNGA 308; A/RES/45/206 (21 December 1990)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1990] UNGA 307; A/RES/45/235 (21 December 1990)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1990] UNGA 306; A/RES/45/252[C] (21 December 1990)
World Summit for Children [1990] UNGA 305; A/RES/45/217 (21 December 1990)
International Development Strategy for the Fourth United Nations Development Decade [1990] UNGA 304; A/RES/45/199 (21 December 1990)
International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology [1990] UNGA 303; A/RES/45/204 (21 December 1990)
Pattern of Conferences [1990] UNGA 302; A/RES/45/238[A] (21 December 1990)
International Cooperation to Address and Mitigate the Consequences of the Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant [1990] UNGA 301; A/RES/45/190 (21 December 1990)
Current Financial Crisis and Financial Emergency of the United Nations [1990] UNGA 300; A/RES/45/236[A] (21 December 1990)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1990] UNGA 299; A/RES/45/256[A] (21 December 1990)
Prevention and Control of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (Aids) [1990] UNGA 298; A/RES/45/187 (21 December 1990)
Personnel Questions [1990] UNGA 297; A/RES/45/239[B] (21 December 1990)
The Unification of Yemen [1990] UNGA 296; A/RES/45/193 (21 December 1990)
United Nations Common System [1990] UNGA 295; A/RES/45/241 (21 December 1990)
United Nations Pledging Conference for Development Activities [1990] UNGA 294; A/RES/45/215 (21 December 1990)
International Assistance for the Economic Rehabilitation of Angola [1990] UNGA 293; A/RES/45/233 (21 December 1990)
Pattern of Conferences [1990] UNGA 292; A/RES/45/238[B] (21 December 1990)
Assistance to Benin, the Central African Republic, Ecuador, Madagascar and Vanuatu [1990] UNGA 291; A/RES/45/230 (21 December 1990)
Review of the Efficiency of the Administrative and Financial Functioning of the United Nations [1990] UNGA 290; A/RES/45/254[A] (21 December 1990)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [1990] UNGA 289; A/RES/45/243 (21 December 1990)
Conditions of Service and Compensation for Officials Other Than Secretariat Officials [1990] UNGA 288; A/RES/45/250[B] (21 December 1990)
World Decade for Cultural Development [1990] UNGA 287; A/RES/45/189 (21 December 1990)
Report of the South Commission [1990] UNGA 286; A/RES/45/195 (21 December 1990)
International Cooperation for the Eradication of Poverty in the Developing Countries [1990] UNGA 285; A/RES/45/213 (21 December 1990)
Developments Relating to the Activities of the Centre for Human Rights [1990] UNGA 284; A/RES/45/180 (21 December 1990)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1990] UNGA 283; A/RES/45/256[C] (21 December 1990)
Personnel Questions [1990] UNGA 282; A/RES/45/239[A] (21 December 1990)
Joint Inspection Unit [1990] UNGA 281; A/RES/45/237 (21 December 1990)
Special Assistance to the Front-Line States [1990] UNGA 280; A/RES/45/224 (21 December 1990)
Financing of the United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group [1990] UNGA 279; A/RES/45/245 (21 December 1990)
Population and Development [1990] UNGA 278; A/RES/45/216 (21 December 1990)
Trade and Development Board [1990] UNGA 277; A/RES/45/203 (21 December 1990)
Governance of the World Food Programme [1990] UNGA 276; A/RES/45/218 (21 December 1990)
Special High-Level Meeting of the Economic and Social Council with Ministerial Participation [1990] UNGA 275; A/RES/45/182 (21 December 1990)
Enhancement of the United Nations Structure for Drug Abuse Control [1990] UNGA 274; A/RES/45/179 (21 December 1990)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1990] UNGA 273; A/RES/45/252[A] (21 December 1990)
Current Financial Crisis and Financial Emergency of the United Nations [1990] UNGA 272; A/RES/45/236[B] (21 December 1990)
Report of the Committee on the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy [1990] UNGA 271; A/RES/45/208 (21 December 1990)
Strengthening of the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-Ordinator [1990] UNGA 270; A/RES/45/221 (21 December 1990)
Respect for the Privileges and Immunities of Officials of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies and Related Organizations [1990] UNGA 269; A/RES/45/240 (21 December 1990)
Operation Lifeline Sudan [1990] UNGA 268; A/RES/45/226 (21 December 1990)
Industrial Development Cooperation and the Diversification and Modernization of Productive Activities in Developing Countries [1990] UNGA 267; A/RES/45/196 (21 December 1990)
Development of the Energy Resources of Developing Countries [1990] UNGA 266; A/RES/45/209 (21 December 1990)
Implementation of the Commitments and Policies Agreed Upon in the Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in Particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries [1990] UNGA 265; A/RES/45/234 (21 December 1990)
International Debt Crisis and Development [1990] UNGA 264; A/RES/45/214 (21 December 1990)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Group in Central America [1990] UNGA 263; A/RES/45/247 (21 December 1990)
Programme Planning [1990] UNGA 262; A/RES/45/253 (21 December 1990)
Developing Human Resources for Development [1990] UNGA 261; A/RES/45/191 (21 December 1990)
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development [1990] UNGA 260; A/RES/45/211 (21 December 1990)
Commodities [1990] UNGA 259; A/RES/45/200 (21 December 1990)
Cooperation in Fisheries in Africa [1990] UNGA 258; A/RES/45/184 (21 December 1990)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [1990] UNGA 257; A/RES/45/212 (21 December 1990)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1990] UNGA 256; A/RES/45/256[B] (21 December 1990)
Food and Agricultural Problems [1990] UNGA 255; A/RES/45/207 (21 December 1990)
Conditions of Service and Compensation for Officials, Other Than Secretariat Officials, Serving the General Assembly [1990] UNGA 254; A/RES/45/249 (21 December 1990)
Conditions of Service and Compensation for Officials Other Than Secretariat Officials [1990] UNGA 253; A/RES/45/250[C] (21 December 1990)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1990] UNGA 252; A/RES/45/252[B] (21 December 1990)
Emergency Assistance for Liberia [1990] UNGA 251; A/RES/45/232 (21 December 1990)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Djibouti [1990] UNGA 250; A/RES/45/228 (21 December 1990)
Eighth Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [1990] UNGA 249; A/RES/45/205 (21 December 1990)
Proposed Programme Budget Outline for the Biennium 1992-1993 [1990] UNGA 248; A/RES/45/255 (21 December 1990)
Inclusion of Namibia in the List of Least Developed Countries [1990] UNGA 247; A/RES/45/198 (21 December 1990)
Special Economic Assistance to Chad [1990] UNGA 246; A/RES/45/223 (21 December 1990)
Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations [1990] UNGA 245; A/RES/45/186 (21 December 1990)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1990] UNGA 244; A/RES/45/176[D] (19 December 1990)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1990] UNGA 243; A/RES/45/176[B] (19 December 1990)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1990] UNGA 242; A/RES/45/176[G] (19 December 1990)
Critical Economic Situation in Africa [1990] UNGA 241; A/RES/45/178[A] (19 December 1990)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1990] UNGA 240; A/RES/45/176[A] (19 December 1990)
Critical Economic Situation in Africa [1990] UNGA 239; A/RES/45/178[B] (19 December 1990)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1990] UNGA 238; A/RES/45/176[C] (19 December 1990)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1990] UNGA 237; A/RES/45/176[E] (19 December 1990)
Critical Economic Situation in Africa [1990] UNGA 236; A/RES/45/178[C] (19 December 1990)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1990] UNGA 235; A/RES/45/176[H] (19 December 1990)
Restructuring and Revitalization of the United Nations in the Economic and Social Fields [1990] UNGA 234; A/RES/45/177 (19 December 1990)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1990] UNGA 233; A/RES/45/176[F] (19 December 1990)
Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in El Salvador [1990] UNGA 232; A/RES/45/172 (18 December 1990)
Assistance to Voluntary Returnees and Displaced Persons in Chad [1990] UNGA 231; A/RES/45/156 (18 December 1990)
The Situation of Human Rights in Occupied Kuwait [1990] UNGA 230; A/RES/45/170 (18 December 1990)
Assistance to Refugees in Somalia [1990] UNGA 229; A/RES/45/154 (18 December 1990)
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families [1990] UNGA 228; A/RES/45/158 (18 December 1990)
Respect for the Principles of National Sovereignty and Non-Interference in the Internal Affairs of States in Their Electoral Processes [1990] UNGA 227; A/RES/45/151 (18 December 1990)
Strengthening of United Nations Action in the Human Rights Field through the Promotion of International Cooperation and the Importance of Non-Selectivity, Impartiality and Objectivity [1990] UNGA 226; A/RES/45/163 (18 December 1990)
Human Rights in the Administration of Justice [1990] UNGA 225; A/RES/45/166 (18 December 1990)
Assistance to Refugees and Returnees in Ethiopia [1990] UNGA 224; A/RES/45/161 (18 December 1990)
World Conference on Human Rights [1990] UNGA 223; A/RES/45/155 (18 December 1990)
Implementation of the Global Programme of Action Against Illicit Production, Supply, Demand, Trafficking and Distribution of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances [1990] UNGA 222; A/RES/45/148 (18 December 1990)
Human Rights and Mass Exoduses [1990] UNGA 221; A/RES/45/153 (18 December 1990)
Implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances [1990] UNGA 220; A/RES/45/146 (18 December 1990)
International Year for the World's Indigenous People [1990] UNGA 219; A/RES/45/164 (18 December 1990)
Rationalization of the Work of the 3rd Committee [1990] UNGA 218; A/RES/45/175 (18 December 1990)
Assistance to Student Refugees in Southern Africa [1990] UNGA 217; A/RES/45/171 (18 December 1990)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [1990] UNGA 216; A/RES/45/173 (18 December 1990)
Humanitarian Assistance to Refugees and Displaced Persons in Djibouti [1990] UNGA 215; A/RES/45/157 (18 December 1990)
Regional Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Asian and Pacific Region [1990] UNGA 214; A/RES/45/168 (18 December 1990)
Assistance to Refugees and Displaced Persons in Malawi [1990] UNGA 213; A/RES/45/159 (18 December 1990)
Situation of Refugees in the Sudan [1990] UNGA 212; A/RES/45/160 (18 December 1990)
Regional Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [1990] UNGA 211; A/RES/45/167 (18 December 1990)
Summary or Arbitrary Executions [1990] UNGA 210; A/RES/45/162 (18 December 1990)
International Cooperation in Solving International Problems of a Social, Cultural or Humanitarian Character, and in Promoting and Encouraging Universal Respect for, and Observance of, Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [1990] UNGA 209; A/RES/45/169 (18 December 1990)
Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Periodic and Genuine Elections [1990] UNGA 208; A/RES/45/150 (18 December 1990)
International Action to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking [1990] UNGA 207; A/RES/45/149 (18 December 1990)
Respect for the Principles Enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and International Law in the Fight Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking [1990] UNGA 206; A/RES/45/147 (18 December 1990)
Status of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide [1990] UNGA 205; A/RES/45/152 (18 December 1990)
Question of Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [1990] UNGA 204; A/RES/45/165 (18 December 1990)
Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan [1990] UNGA 203; A/RES/45/174 (18 December 1990)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1990] UNGA 202; A/RES/45/140[A] (14 December 1990)
Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination [1990] UNGA 201; A/RES/45/105 (14 December 1990)
Model Treaty on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters [1990] UNGA 200; A/RES/45/117 (14 December 1990)
Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to Liberian Refugees and Displaced Persons [1990] UNGA 199; A/RES/45/139 (14 December 1990)
United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-Custodial Measures (the Tokyo Rules) [1990] UNGA 198; A/RES/45/110 (14 December 1990)
United Nations Development Fund for Women [1990] UNGA 197; A/RES/45/128 (14 December 1990)
Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [1990] UNGA 196; A/RES/45/121 (14 December 1990)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1990] UNGA 195; A/RES/45/140[B] (14 December 1990)
Policies and Programmes Involving Youth [1990] UNGA 194; A/RES/45/103 (14 December 1990)
Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination [1990] UNGA 193; A/RES/45/88 (14 December 1990)
Guidelines for the Regulation of Computerized Personnel Data Files [1990] UNGA 192; A/RES/45/95 (14 December 1990)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means to Violate Human Rights and to Impede the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1990] UNGA 191; A/RES/45/132 (14 December 1990)
New International Humanitarian Order [1990] UNGA 190; A/RES/45/101 (14 December 1990)
Report of the Committee Against Torture and Status of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [1990] UNGA 189; A/RES/45/142 (14 December 1990)
Review of the Functioning and Programme of Work of the United Nations in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice [1990] UNGA 188; A/RES/45/108 (14 December 1990)
International Covenants on Human Rights [1990] UNGA 187; A/RES/45/135 (14 December 1990)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat [1990] UNGA 186; A/RES/45/125 (14 December 1990)
World Social Situation [1990] UNGA 185; A/RES/45/87 (14 December 1990)
Human Rights and Scientific and Technological Developments [1990] UNGA 184; A/RES/45/93 (14 December 1990)
Humanitarian Assistance to Victims of Natural Disasters and Similar Emergency Situations [1990] UNGA 183; A/RES/45/100 (14 December 1990)
Torture and Inhuman Treatment of Children in Detention in South Africa [1990] UNGA 182; A/RES/45/144 (14 December 1990)
International Cooperation for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Context of Development [1990] UNGA 181; A/RES/45/107 (14 December 1990)
Status of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [1990] UNGA 180; A/RES/45/89 (14 December 1990)
Domestic Violence [1990] UNGA 179; A/RES/45/114 (14 December 1990)
Right to Development [1990] UNGA 178; A/RES/45/97 (14 December 1990)
International Conference on the Plight of Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Southern Africa [1990] UNGA 177; A/RES/45/137 (14 December 1990)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1990] UNGA 176; A/RES/45/131 (14 December 1990)
United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (the Riyadh Guidelines) [1990] UNGA 175; A/RES/45/112 (14 December 1990)
Model Treaty on the Transfer of Supervision of Offenders Conditionally Sentenced or Conditionally Released [1990] UNGA 174; A/RES/45/119 (14 December 1990)
International Conference on Central American Refugees [1990] UNGA 173; A/RES/45/141 (14 December 1990)
Adverse Consequences for the Enjoyment of Human Rights of Political, Military, Economic and Other Forms of Assistance Given to the Racist and Colonialist Regime of South Africa [1990] UNGA 172; A/RES/45/84 (14 December 1990)
Status of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid [1990] UNGA 171; A/RES/45/90 (14 December 1990)
Model Treaty on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters [1990] UNGA 170; A/RES/45/118 (14 December 1990)
Implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women [1990] UNGA 169; A/RES/45/129 (14 December 1990)
Criminal Justice Education [1990] UNGA 168; A/RES/45/122 (14 December 1990)
Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners [1990] UNGA 167; A/RES/45/111 (14 December 1990)
Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1990] UNGA 166; A/RES/45/138 (14 December 1990)
Model Treaty on Extradition [1990] UNGA 165; A/RES/45/116 (14 December 1990)
Convention on the Rights of the Child [1990] UNGA 164; A/RES/45/104 (14 December 1990)
International Year of the Family [1990] UNGA 163; A/RES/45/133 (14 December 1990)
Interregional Consultation on Women in Public Life [1990] UNGA 162; A/RES/45/127 (14 December 1990)
Computerization of Criminal Justice [1990] UNGA 161; A/RES/45/109 (14 December 1990)
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice [1990] UNGA 160; A/RES/45/120 (14 December 1990)
Promotion of International Cooperation in the Humanitarian Field [1990] UNGA 159; A/RES/45/102 (14 December 1990)
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture [1990] UNGA 158; A/RES/45/143 (14 December 1990)
Need to Ensure a Healthy Environment for the Well-Being of Individuals [1990] UNGA 157; A/RES/45/94 (14 December 1990)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [1990] UNGA 156; A/RES/45/124 (14 December 1990)
Law of the Sea [1990] UNGA 155; A/RES/45/145 (14 December 1990)
Instrumental Use of Children in Criminal Activities [1990] UNGA 154; A/RES/45/115 (14 December 1990)
Women and Literacy [1990] UNGA 153; A/RES/45/126 (14 December 1990)
Respect for the Right of Everyone to Own Property Alone as Well as in Association with Others and its Contribution to the Economic and Social Development of Member States [1990] UNGA 152; A/RES/45/98 (14 December 1990)
Follow-Up to the Guiding Principles for Developmental Social Welfare Policies and Programmes in the Near Future, and the Negative Social Consequences of Alcohol Use [1990] UNGA 151; A/RES/45/134 (14 December 1990)
Human Rights and Scientific and Technological Developments [1990] UNGA 150; A/RES/45/92 (14 December 1990)
Importance of the Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination and of the Speedy Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for the Effective Guarantee and Observance of Human Rights [1990] UNGA 149; A/RES/45/130 (14 December 1990)
United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of Their Liberty [1990] UNGA 148; A/RES/45/113 (14 December 1990)
Implementation of the International Plan of Action on Aging and Related Activities [1990] UNGA 147; A/RES/45/106 (14 December 1990)
Effective Implementation of International Instruments on Human Rights, Including Reporting Obligations Under International Instruments on Human Rights [1990] UNGA 146; A/RES/45/85 (14 December 1990)
Implementation of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons and the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons [1990] UNGA 145; A/RES/45/91 (14 December 1990)
Alternative Approaches and Ways and Means Within the United Nations System for Improving the Effective Enjoyment of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [1990] UNGA 144; A/RES/45/96 (14 December 1990)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [1990] UNGA 143; A/RES/45/136 (14 December 1990)
Achievement of Social Justice [1990] UNGA 142; A/RES/45/86 (14 December 1990)
International Cooperation in Combating Organized Crime [1990] UNGA 141; A/RES/45/123 (14 December 1990)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the League of Arab States [1990] UNGA 140; A/RES/45/82 (13 December 1990)
The Situation in the Middle East [1990] UNGA 139; A/RES/45/83[A] (13 December 1990)
The Situation in the Middle East [1990] UNGA 138; A/RES/45/83[B] (13 December 1990)
The Situation in the Middle East [1990] UNGA 137; A/RES/45/83[C] (13 December 1990)
Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [1990] UNGA 136; A/RES/45/77 (12 December 1990)
Question of Antarctica [1990] UNGA 135; A/RES/45/78[B] (12 December 1990)
Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security [1990] UNGA 134; A/RES/45/80 (12 December 1990)
Question of Antarctica [1990] UNGA 133; A/RES/45/78[A] (12 December 1990)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [1990] UNGA 132; A/RES/45/79 (12 December 1990)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Preparation of Societies for Life in Peace [1990] UNGA 131; A/RES/45/81 (12 December 1990)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1990] UNGA 130; A/RES/45/74[B] (11 December 1990)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1990] UNGA 129; A/RES/45/73[B] (11 December 1990)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1990] UNGA 128; A/RES/45/73[J] (11 December 1990)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1990] UNGA 127; A/RES/45/74[D] (11 December 1990)
Questions Relating to Information [1990] UNGA 126; A/RES/45/76[A] (11 December 1990)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1990] UNGA 125; A/RES/45/72 (11 December 1990)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1990] UNGA 124; A/RES/45/74[G] (11 December 1990)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1990] UNGA 123; A/RES/45/73[F] (11 December 1990)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [1990] UNGA 122; A/RES/45/71 (11 December 1990)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1990] UNGA 121; A/RES/45/73[A] (11 December 1990)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1990] UNGA 120; A/RES/45/73[D] (11 December 1990)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peace-Keeping Operations in All Their Aspects [1990] UNGA 119; A/RES/45/75 (11 December 1990)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1990] UNGA 118; A/RES/45/73[C] (11 December 1990)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1990] UNGA 117; A/RES/45/73[G] (11 December 1990)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1990] UNGA 116; A/RES/45/73[E] (11 December 1990)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1990] UNGA 115; A/RES/45/73[I] (11 December 1990)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1990] UNGA 114; A/RES/45/74[F] (11 December 1990)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1990] UNGA 113; A/RES/45/74[A] (11 December 1990)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1990] UNGA 112; A/RES/45/73[K] (11 December 1990)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1990] UNGA 111; A/RES/45/74[C] (11 December 1990)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories [1990] UNGA 110; A/RES/45/74[E] (11 December 1990)
Science and Peace [1990] UNGA 109; A/RES/45/70 (11 December 1990)
Questions Relating to Information [1990] UNGA 108; A/RES/45/76[B] (11 December 1990)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1990] UNGA 107; A/RES/45/73[H] (11 December 1990)
Question of Palestine [1990] UNGA 106; A/RES/45/67[B] (6 December 1990)
Question of Palestine [1990] UNGA 105; A/RES/45/67[A] (6 December 1990)
Question of Palestine [1990] UNGA 104; A/RES/45/67[C] (6 December 1990)
International Peace Conference on the Middle East [1990] UNGA 103; A/RES/45/68 (6 December 1990)
The Uprising (Intifadah) of the Palestinian People [1990] UNGA 102; A/RES/45/69 (6 December 1990)
Scientific and Technological Developments and Their Impact on International Security [1990] UNGA 101; A/RES/45/60 (4 December 1990)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa [1990] UNGA 100; A/RES/45/56[B] (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 99; A/RES/45/58[J] (4 December 1990)
Israeli Nuclear Armament [1990] UNGA 98; A/RES/45/63 (4 December 1990)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1990] UNGA 97; A/RES/45/59[B] (4 December 1990)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa [1990] UNGA 96; A/RES/45/56[A] (4 December 1990)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1990] UNGA 95; A/RES/45/59[C] (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 94; A/RES/45/58[P] (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 93; A/RES/45/58[D] (4 December 1990)
Study on the Role of the United Nations in the Field of Verification [1990] UNGA 92; A/RES/45/65 (4 December 1990)
Urgent Need for a Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [1990] UNGA 91; A/RES/45/51 (4 December 1990)
Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water [1990] UNGA 90; A/RES/45/50 (4 December 1990)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1990] UNGA 89; A/RES/45/62[C] (4 December 1990)
Chemical and Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons [1990] UNGA 88; A/RES/45/57[C] (4 December 1990)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1990] UNGA 87; A/RES/45/62[B] (4 December 1990)
Implementation of General Assembly Resolution 44/104 Concerning the Signature and Ratification of Additional Protocol I of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) [1990] UNGA 86; A/RES/45/48 (4 December 1990)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1990] UNGA 85; A/RES/45/62[A] (4 December 1990)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1990] UNGA 84; A/RES/45/62[G] (4 December 1990)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1990] UNGA 83; A/RES/45/59[E] (4 December 1990)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [1990] UNGA 82; A/RES/45/52 (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 81; A/RES/45/58[A] (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 80; A/RES/45/58[O] (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 79; A/RES/45/58[H] (4 December 1990)
Chemical and Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons [1990] UNGA 78; A/RES/45/57[A] (4 December 1990)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1990] UNGA 77; A/RES/45/59[A] (4 December 1990)
Prohibition of the Development and Manufacture of New Types of Weapons of Mass Destruction and New Systems of Such Weapons [1990] UNGA 76; A/RES/45/66 (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 75; A/RES/45/58[N] (4 December 1990)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [1990] UNGA 74; A/RES/45/54 (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 73; A/RES/45/58[L] (4 December 1990)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [1990] UNGA 72; A/RES/45/55[B] (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 71; A/RES/45/58[F] (4 December 1990)
Chemical and Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons [1990] UNGA 70; A/RES/45/57[B] (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 69; A/RES/45/58[B] (4 December 1990)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1990] UNGA 68; A/RES/45/62[E] (4 December 1990)
Science and Technology for Disarmament [1990] UNGA 67; A/RES/45/61 (4 December 1990)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [1990] UNGA 66; A/RES/45/64 (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 65; A/RES/45/58[I] (4 December 1990)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1990] UNGA 64; A/RES/45/62[D] (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 63; A/RES/45/58[M] (4 December 1990)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [1990] UNGA 62; A/RES/45/55[A] (4 December 1990)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1990] UNGA 61; A/RES/45/59[D] (4 December 1990)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in South Asia [1990] UNGA 60; A/RES/45/53 (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 59; A/RES/45/58[E] (4 December 1990)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1990] UNGA 58; A/RES/45/62[F] (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 57; A/RES/45/58[C] (4 December 1990)
Cessation of All Nuclear-Test Explosions [1990] UNGA 56; A/RES/45/49 (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 55; A/RES/45/58[K] (4 December 1990)
General and Complete Disarmament [1990] UNGA 54; A/RES/45/58[G] (4 December 1990)
November 1990
Rationalization of Existing United Nations Procedures [1990] UNGA 53; A/RES/45/45 (28 November 1990)
Consideration of the Draft Articles on the Status of the Diplomatic Courier and the Diplomatic Bag Not Accompanied by Diplomatic Courier and of the Draft Optional Protocols Thereto [1990] UNGA 52; A/RES/45/43 (28 November 1990)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [1990] UNGA 51; A/RES/45/46 (28 November 1990)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its 42nd Session [1990] UNGA 50; A/RES/45/41 (28 November 1990)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [1990] UNGA 49; A/RES/45/44 (28 November 1990)
Observer Status of National Liberation Movements Recognized by the Organization of African Unity and/or by the League of Arab States [1990] UNGA 48; A/RES/45/37 (28 November 1990)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its 23rd Session [1990] UNGA 47; A/RES/45/42 (28 November 1990)
Consideration of Effective Measures to Enhance the Protection, Security and Safety of Diplomatic and Consular Missions and Representatives [1990] UNGA 46; A/RES/45/39 (28 November 1990)
Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Armed Conflicts [1990] UNGA 45; A/RES/45/38 (28 November 1990)
United Nations Decade of International Law [1990] UNGA 44; A/RES/45/40 (28 November 1990)
Additional Protocol on Consular Functions to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations [1990] UNGA 43; A/RES/45/47 (28 November 1990)
Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic [1990] UNGA 42; A/RES/45/36 (27 November 1990)
Question of Montserrat [1990] UNGA 41; A/RES/45/27 (20 November 1990)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [1990] UNGA 40; A/RES/45/16 (20 November 1990)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [1990] UNGA 39; A/RES/45/34 (20 November 1990)
Question of the United States Virgin Islands [1990] UNGA 38; A/RES/45/31 (20 November 1990)
Question of Tokelau [1990] UNGA 37; A/RES/45/29 (20 November 1990)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing-Territories [1990] UNGA 36; A/RES/45/20 (20 November 1990)
Question of New Caledonia [1990] UNGA 35; A/RES/45/22 (20 November 1990)
United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa [1990] UNGA 34; A/RES/45/19 (20 November 1990)
Question of Bermuda [1990] UNGA 33; A/RES/45/24 (20 November 1990)
Question of Guam [1990] UNGA 32; A/RES/45/32 (20 November 1990)
Question of Western Sahara [1990] UNGA 31; A/RES/45/21 (20 November 1990)
Question of the Cayman Islands [1990] UNGA 30; A/RES/45/26 (20 November 1990)
The Situation in Central America [1990] UNGA 29; A/RES/45/15 (20 November 1990)
Question of American Samoa [1990] UNGA 28; A/RES/45/30 (20 November 1990)
Activities of Foreign and Other Interests which are Impeding the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Territories Under Colonial Domination and Efforts to Eliminate Colonialism, Apartheid and Racial Discrimination in Southern Africa [1990] UNGA 27; A/RES/45/17 (20 November 1990)
Question of the Turks and Caicos Islands [1990] UNGA 26; A/RES/45/28 (20 November 1990)
Question of Anguilla [1990] UNGA 25; A/RES/45/23 (20 November 1990)
Thirtieth Anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [1990] UNGA 24; A/RES/45/33 (20 November 1990)
Question of the British Virgin Islands [1990] UNGA 23; A/RES/45/25 (20 November 1990)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [1990] UNGA 22; A/RES/45/18 (20 November 1990)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [1990] UNGA 21; A/RES/45/35 (20 November 1990)
Development of Public Information Activities in the Field of Human Rights [1990] UNGA 20; A/RES/45/99 (14 November 1990)
The Situation in Afghanistan and its Implications for International Peace and Security [1990] UNGA 19; A/RES/45/12 (7 November 1990)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace [1990] UNGA 18; A/RES/45/14 (7 November 1990)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity [1990] UNGA 17; A/RES/45/13 (7 November 1990)
Question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte [1990] UNGA 16; A/RES/45/11 (1 November 1990)
October 1990
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [1990] UNGA 15; A/RES/45/9 (25 October 1990)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of American States [1990] UNGA 14; A/RES/45/10 (25 October 1990)
Tenth Anniversary of the University for Peace [1990] UNGA 13; A/RES/45/8 (24 October 1990)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [1990] UNGA 12; A/RES/45/7 (23 October 1990)
Observer Status for the International Committee of the Red Cross, in Consideration of the Special Role and Mandates Conferred Upon it by the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 [1990] UNGA 11; A/RES/45/6 (16 October 1990)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Latin American Economic System [1990] UNGA 10; A/RES/45/5 (16 October 1990)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee [1990] UNGA 9; A/RES/45/4 (16 October 1990)
The Situation in Cambodia [1990] UNGA 8; A/RES/45/3 (15 October 1990)
Electoral Assistance to Haiti [1990] UNGA 7; A/RES/45/2 (10 October 1990)
September 1990
Admission of the Principality of Liechtenstein to Membership in the United Nations [1990] UNGA 6; A/RES/45/1 (18 September 1990)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1990] UNGA 5; A/RES/44/244 (17 September 1990)
Question of Namibia [1990] UNGA 4; A/RES/44/243A (11 September 1990)
Question of Namibia [1990] UNGA 3; A/RES/44/243B (11 September 1990)
June 1990
Emergency Assistance to the Islamic Republic of Iran [1990] UNGA 2; A/RES/44/242 (28 June 1990)
May 1990
Second United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries [1990] UNGA 1; A/RES/44/241 (17 May 1990)
December 1989
Effects of the Military Intervention by the United States of America in Panama on the Situation in Central America [1989] UNGA 345; A/RES/44/240 (29 December 1989)
Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to Romania [1989] UNGA 344; A/RES/44/239 (28 December 1989)
Economic and Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries [1989] UNGA 343; A/RES/44/222 (22 December 1989)
Future Needs in the Field of Population, Including the Development of Resource Requirements for International Population Assistance [1989] UNGA 342; A/RES/44/210 (22 December 1989)
Assistance to the Palestinian People [1989] UNGA 341; A/RES/44/235 (22 December 1989)
Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Coercion Against Developing Countries [1989] UNGA 340; A/RES/44/215 (22 December 1989)
Implementation of General Assembly Resolutions 42/186 and 42/187 [1989] UNGA 339; A/RES/44/227 (22 December 1989)
International Cooperation in the Field of the Environment [1989] UNGA 338; A/RES/44/229 (22 December 1989)
Second Industrial Development Decade for Africa [1989] UNGA 337; A/RES/44/237 (22 December 1989)
Prevention and Control of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (Aids) [1989] UNGA 336; A/RES/44/233 (22 December 1989)
Possible Adverse Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Islands and Coastal Areas, Particularly Low-Lying Coastal Areas [1989] UNGA 335; A/RES/44/206 (22 December 1989)
Developing Human Resources for Development [1989] UNGA 334; A/RES/44/213 (22 December 1989)
Second United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries [1989] UNGA 333; A/RES/44/220 (22 December 1989)
Large-Scale Pelagic Driftnet Fishing and its Impact on the Living Marine Resources of the World's Oceans and Seas [1989] UNGA 332; A/RES/44/225 (22 December 1989)
Report of the Trade and Development Board [1989] UNGA 331; A/RES/44/219 (22 December 1989)
Trends in the Transfer of Resources to and from the Developing Countries and Their Impact on the Economic Growth and Sustained Development of Those Countries [1989] UNGA 330; A/RES/44/232 (22 December 1989)
United Nations Pledging Conference for Development Activities [1989] UNGA 329; A/RES/44/208 (22 December 1989)
Trade Embargo Against Nicaragua [1989] UNGA 328; A/RES/44/217 (22 December 1989)
International Cooperation for the Eradication of Poverty in Developing Countries [1989] UNGA 327; A/RES/44/212 (22 December 1989)
Tenth Anniversary of the Adoption of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action for Promoting and Implementing Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries [1989] UNGA 326; A/RES/44/223 (22 December 1989)
Target for World Food Programme Pledges for the Period 1991-1992 [1989] UNGA 325; A/RES/44/230 (22 December 1989)
International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology [1989] UNGA 324; A/RES/44/216 (22 December 1989)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Southern African Development Co-Ordination Conference [1989] UNGA 323; A/RES/44/221 (22 December 1989)
Commodities [1989] UNGA 322; A/RES/44/218 (22 December 1989)
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction [1989] UNGA 321; A/RES/44/236 (22 December 1989)
Specific Action Related to the Particular Needs and Problems of Land-Locked Developing Countries [1989] UNGA 320; A/RES/44/214 (22 December 1989)
Patterns of Consumption and Qualitative Indicators of Development [1989] UNGA 319; A/RES/44/234 (22 December 1989)
Towards a Durable Solution of External Debt Problems [1989] UNGA 318; A/RES/44/205 (22 December 1989)
World Decade for Cultural Development [1989] UNGA 317; A/RES/44/238 (22 December 1989)
Comprehensive Triennial Policy Review of Operational Activities for Development of the United Nations System [1989] UNGA 316; A/RES/44/211 (22 December 1989)
Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind [1989] UNGA 315; A/RES/44/207 (22 December 1989)
Traffic in and Disposal, Control and Transboundary Movements of Toxic and Dangerous Products and Wastes [1989] UNGA 314; A/RES/44/226 (22 December 1989)
UN Conference on Environment and Development [1989] UNGA 313; A/RES/44/228 (22 December 1989)
Report of the Secretary-General on General Assembly Resolution 42/165 [1989] UNGA 312; A/RES/44/231 (22 December 1989)
Fortieth Anniversary of Multilateral Technical Cooperation for Development Within the United Nations System [1989] UNGA 311; A/RES/44/209 (22 December 1989)
International Cooperation in the Monitoring, Assessment and Anticipation of Environmental Threats and in Assistance in Cases of Environmental Emergencies [1989] UNGA 310; A/RES/44/224 (22 December 1989)
Pattern of Conferences [1989] UNGA 309; A/RES/44/196B (21 December 1989)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations [1989] UNGA 308; A/RES/44/192A (21 December 1989)
Financing of the United Nations Transition Assistance Group [1989] UNGA 307; A/RES/44/191 (21 December 1989)
Working Capital Fund for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1989] UNGA 306; A/RES/44/204 (21 December 1989)
Programme Planning [1989] UNGA 305; A/RES/44/194[III] (21 December 1989)
Pattern of Conferences [1989] UNGA 304; A/RES/44/196C (21 December 1989)
Questions Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1989] UNGA 303; A/RES/44/201A (21 December 1989)
Programme Planning [1989] UNGA 302; A/RES/44/194[IV] (21 December 1989)
United Nations Pension System [1989] UNGA 301; A/RES/44/199 (21 December 1989)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1989] UNGA 300; A/RES/44/202C (21 December 1989)
Programme Planning [1989] UNGA 299; A/RES/44/194[I] (21 December 1989)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1988-1989 [1989] UNGA 298; A/RES/44/193B (21 December 1989)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [1989] UNGA 297; A/RES/44/187 (21 December 1989)
Implementation of General Assembly Resolution 41/213 [1989] UNGA 296; A/RES/44/200A (21 December 1989)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1989] UNGA 295; A/RES/44/197B (21 December 1989)
Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission [1989] UNGA 294; A/RES/44/190 (21 December 1989)
Implementation of General Assembly Resolution 41/213 [1989] UNGA 293; A/RES/44/200C (21 December 1989)
Questions Relating to the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1989] UNGA 292; A/RES/44/201B (21 December 1989)
Current Financial Crisis and Financial Emergency of the United Nations [1989] UNGA 291; A/RES/44/195A (21 December 1989)
Unforeseen and Extraordinary Expenses for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1989] UNGA 290; A/RES/44/203 (21 December 1989)
Programme Planning [1989] UNGA 289; A/RES/44/194[VI] (21 December 1989)
Pattern of Conferences [1989] UNGA 288; A/RES/44/196A (21 December 1989)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations [1989] UNGA 287; A/RES/44/192B (21 December 1989)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1989] UNGA 286; A/RES/44/202B (21 December 1989)
Financing of the United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group [1989] UNGA 285; A/RES/44/189 (21 December 1989)
Programme Planning [1989] UNGA 284; A/RES/44/194[II] (21 December 1989)
Programme Planning [1989] UNGA 283; A/RES/44/194[VII] (21 December 1989)
Programme Planning [1989] UNGA 282; A/RES/44/194[V] (21 December 1989)
United Nations Common System [1989] UNGA 281; A/RES/44/198 (21 December 1989)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1990-1991 [1989] UNGA 280; A/RES/44/202A (21 December 1989)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1989] UNGA 279; A/RES/44/197A (21 December 1989)
Current Financial Crisis and Financial Emergency of the United Nations [1989] UNGA 278; A/RES/44/195B (21 December 1989)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [1989] UNGA 277; A/RES/44/188 (21 December 1989)
Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations [1989] UNGA 276; A/RES/44/192C (21 December 1989)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1989] UNGA 275; A/RES/44/197C (21 December 1989)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1988-1989 [1989] UNGA 274; A/RES/44/193A (21 December 1989)
Implementation of General Assembly Resolution 41/213 [1989] UNGA 273; A/RES/44/200B (21 December 1989)
Integration of Women in Development [1989] UNGA 272; A/RES/44/171 (19 December 1989)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1989] UNGA 271; A/RES/44/183 (19 December 1989)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon [1989] UNGA 270; A/RES/44/180 (19 December 1989)
Preparation of the International Development Strategy for the Fourth United Nations Development Decade [1989] UNGA 269; A/RES/44/169 (19 December 1989)
Special Assistance to the Front-Line States [1989] UNGA 268; A/RES/44/181 (19 December 1989)
Plan of Action to Combat Desertification [1989] UNGA 267; A/RES/44/172B (19 December 1989)
Emergency Assistance to Somalia [1989] UNGA 266; A/RES/44/178 (19 December 1989)
Special Economic Assistance to Chad [1989] UNGA 265; A/RES/44/176 (19 December 1989)
Personnel Questions [1989] UNGA 264; A/RES/44/185C (19 December 1989)
Personnel Questions [1989] UNGA 263; A/RES/44/185A (19 December 1989)
Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States [1989] UNGA 262; A/RES/44/170 (19 December 1989)
Living Conditions of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory [1989] UNGA 261; A/RES/44/174 (19 December 1989)
Personnel Questions [1989] UNGA 260; A/RES/44/185D (19 December 1989)
Assistance to Democratic Yemen [1989] UNGA 259; A/RES/44/179 (19 December 1989)
Joint Inspection Unit [1989] UNGA 258; A/RES/44/184 (19 December 1989)
Personnel Questions [1989] UNGA 257; A/RES/44/185B (19 December 1989)
Special Plan of Economic Cooperation for Central America [1989] UNGA 256; A/RES/44/182 (19 December 1989)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Djibouti [1989] UNGA 255; A/RES/44/177 (19 December 1989)
Plan of Action to Combat Desertification [1989] UNGA 254; A/RES/44/172A (19 December 1989)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research [1989] UNGA 253; A/RES/44/175 (19 December 1989)
Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000 [1989] UNGA 252; A/RES/44/173 (19 December 1989)
Respect for the Privileges and Immunities of Officials of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies and Related Organizations [1989] UNGA 251; A/RES/44/186 (19 December 1989)
Respect for the Principles of National Sovereignty and Non-Interference in the Internal Affairs of States in Their Electoral Processes [1989] UNGA 250; A/RES/44/147 (15 December 1989)
Scientific and Technological Developments and Their Impact on International Security [1989] UNGA 249; A/RES/44/118B (15 December 1989)
Situation of Refugees in the Sudan [1989] UNGA 248; A/RES/44/151 (15 December 1989)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1989] UNGA 247; A/RES/44/117B (15 December 1989)
International Literacy Year [1989] UNGA 246; A/RES/44/127 (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 245; A/RES/44/116N (15 December 1989)
Question of Antarctica [1989] UNGA 244; A/RES/44/124B (15 December 1989)
Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [1989] UNGA 243; A/RES/44/120 (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 242; A/RES/44/116K (15 December 1989)
Status of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide [1989] UNGA 241; A/RES/44/158 (15 December 1989)
Cessation of All Nuclear-Test Explosions [1989] UNGA 240; A/RES/44/105 (15 December 1989)
Implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances [1989] UNGA 239; A/RES/44/140 (15 December 1989)
Assistance to Voluntary Returnees and Displaced Persons in Chad [1989] UNGA 238; A/RES/44/153 (15 December 1989)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1989] UNGA 237; A/RES/44/117F (15 December 1989)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1989] UNGA 236; A/RES/44/119B (15 December 1989)
International Conference on the Plight of Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Southern Africa [1989] UNGA 235; A/RES/44/136 (15 December 1989)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1989] UNGA 234; A/RES/44/117D (15 December 1989)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region [1989] UNGA 233; A/RES/44/125 (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 232; A/RES/44/116P (15 December 1989)
Education for Disarmament [1989] UNGA 231; A/RES/44/123 (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 230; A/RES/44/116B (15 December 1989)
Enlargement of the Commission on Human Rights and the Further Promotion of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [1989] UNGA 229; A/RES/44/167 (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 228; A/RES/44/116M (15 December 1989)
Assistance to Refugees and Displaced Persons in Malawi [1989] UNGA 227; A/RES/44/149 (15 December 1989)
Chemical and Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons [1989] UNGA 226; A/RES/44/115 (15 December 1989)
International Conference on Indo-Chinese Refugees [1989] UNGA 225; A/RES/44/138 (15 December 1989)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1989] UNGA 224; A/RES/44/117A (15 December 1989)
Compliance with Arms Limitation and Disarmament Agreements [1989] UNGA 223; A/RES/44/122 (15 December 1989)
Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance [1989] UNGA 222; A/RES/44/131 (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 221; A/RES/44/116S (15 December 1989)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1989] UNGA 220; A/RES/44/119 (15 December 1989)
Human Rights and Mass Exoduses [1989] UNGA 219; A/RES/44/164 (15 December 1989)
Torture and Inhuman Treatment of Children in Detention in South Africa and Namibia [1989] UNGA 218; A/RES/44/143 (15 December 1989)
Reduction of Military Budgets [1989] UNGA 217; A/RES/44/114B (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 216; A/RES/44/116G (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 215; A/RES/44/116E (15 December 1989)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1989] UNGA 214; A/RES/44/119G (15 December 1989)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1989] UNGA 213; A/RES/44/117 (15 December 1989)
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture [1989] UNGA 212; A/RES/44/145 (15 December 1989)
Human Rights and Scientific and Technological Developments [1989] UNGA 211; A/RES/44/133 (15 December 1989)
Assistance to Student Refugees in Southern Africa [1989] UNGA 210; A/RES/44/157 (15 December 1989)
Measures to Improve the Situation and Ensure the Human Rights and Dignity of All Migrant Workers [1989] UNGA 209; A/RES/44/155 (15 December 1989)
Urgent Need for a Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty [1989] UNGA 208; A/RES/44/107 (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 207; A/RES/44/116U (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 206; A/RES/44/116I (15 December 1989)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa [1989] UNGA 205; A/RES/44/113A (15 December 1989)
Human Rights in the Administration of Justice [1989] UNGA 204; A/RES/44/162 (15 December 1989)
Chemical and Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons [1989] UNGA 203; A/RES/44/115C (15 December 1989)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space [1989] UNGA 202; A/RES/44/112 (15 December 1989)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements on the Strengthening of the Security of Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [1989] UNGA 201; A/RES/44/110 (15 December 1989)
Chemical and Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons [1989] UNGA 200; A/RES/44/115A (15 December 1989)
Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security [1989] UNGA 199; A/RES/44/126 (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 198; A/RES/44/116Q (15 December 1989)
Reduction of Military Budgets [1989] UNGA 197; A/RES/44/114A (15 December 1989)
Question of Antarctica [1989] UNGA 196; A/RES/44/124A (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 195; A/RES/44/116C (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 194; A/RES/44/116J (15 December 1989)
International Assistance for the Economic Rehabilitation of Angola [1989] UNGA 193; A/RES/44/168 (15 December 1989)
Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Periodic and Genuine Elections [1989] UNGA 192; A/RES/44/146 (15 December 1989)
International Covenants on Human Rights [1989] UNGA 191; A/RES/44/129 (15 December 1989)
Effective Implementation of International Instruments on Human Rights, Including Reporting Obligations Under International Instruments on Human Rights [1989] UNGA 190; A/RES/44/135 (15 December 1989)
Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan [1989] UNGA 189; A/RES/44/161 (15 December 1989)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1989] UNGA 188; A/RES/44/117C (15 December 1989)
Summary or Arbitrary Executions [1989] UNGA 187; A/RES/44/159 (15 December 1989)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1989] UNGA 186; A/RES/44/119H (15 December 1989)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East [1989] UNGA 185; A/RES/44/108 (15 December 1989)
Scientific and Technological Developments and Their Impact on International Security [1989] UNGA 184; A/RES/44/118A (15 December 1989)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1989] UNGA 183; A/RES/44/119C (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 182; A/RES/44/116L (15 December 1989)
Situation of Human Rights in Chile [1989] UNGA 181; A/RES/44/166 (15 December 1989)
Global Programme of Action Against Illicit Narcotic Drugs [1989] UNGA 180; A/RES/44/141 (15 December 1989)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [1989] UNGA 179; A/RES/44/137 (15 December 1989)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1989] UNGA 178; A/RES/44/119E (15 December 1989)
Assistance to Refugees in Somalia [1989] UNGA 177; A/RES/44/152 (15 December 1989)
Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly [1989] UNGA 176; A/RES/44/117E (15 December 1989)
Human Rights Based on Solidarity [1989] UNGA 175; A/RES/44/148 (15 December 1989)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1989] UNGA 174; A/RES/44/119D (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 173; A/RES/44/116R (15 December 1989)
Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [1989] UNGA 172; A/RES/44/163 (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 171; A/RES/44/116F (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 170; A/RES/44/116D (15 December 1989)
Status of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [1989] UNGA 169; A/RES/44/144 (15 December 1989)
Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water [1989] UNGA 168; A/RES/44/106 (15 December 1989)
Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in El Salvador [1989] UNGA 167; A/RES/44/165 (15 December 1989)
Question of Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [1989] UNGA 166; A/RES/44/160 (15 December 1989)
Assistance to Refugees and Returnees in Ethiopia [1989] UNGA 165; A/RES/44/154 (15 December 1989)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in South Asia [1989] UNGA 164; A/RES/44/109 (15 December 1989)
Indivisibility and Interdependence of Economic, Social, Cultural, Civil and Political Rights [1989] UNGA 163; A/RES/44/130 (15 December 1989)
International Action to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking [1989] UNGA 162; A/RES/44/142 (15 December 1989)
Israeli Nuclear Armament [1989] UNGA 161; A/RES/44/121 (15 December 1989)
World Conference on Human Rights [1989] UNGA 160; A/RES/44/156 (15 December 1989)
Guidelines for the Regulation of Computerized Personal Data Files [1989] UNGA 159; A/RES/44/132 (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 158; A/RES/44/116O (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 157; A/RES/44/116H (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 156; A/RES/44/116T (15 December 1989)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa [1989] UNGA 155; A/RES/44/113B (15 December 1989)
Implementation of General Assembly Resolution 43/62 Concerning the Signature and Ratification of Additional Protocol I of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco) [1989] UNGA 154; A/RES/44/104 (15 December 1989)
Chemical and Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons [1989] UNGA 153; A/RES/44/115B (15 December 1989)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons [1989] UNGA 152; A/RES/44/111 (15 December 1989)
General and Complete Disarmament [1989] UNGA 151; A/RES/44/116A (15 December 1989)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1989] UNGA 150; A/RES/44/119F (15 December 1989)
Humanitarian Assistance to Refugees and Displaced Persons in Djibouti [1989] UNGA 149; A/RES/44/150 (15 December 1989)
Human Rights and Scientific and Technological Developments [1989] UNGA 148; A/RES/44/134 (15 December 1989)
International Conference on Central American Refugees [1989] UNGA 147; A/RES/44/139 (15 December 1989)
Elaboration of a 2nd Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Aiming at the Abolition of the Death Penalty [1989] UNGA 146; A/RES/44/128 (15 December 1989)
Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th Special Session [1989] UNGA 145; A/RES/44/119A (15 December 1989)
Dissemination of Information on Decolonization [1989] UNGA 144; A/RES/44/102 (11 December 1989)
Programme of Activities in Observance of the 30th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [1989] UNGA 143; A/RES/44/100 (11 December 1989)
Question of Anguilla [1989] UNGA 142; A/RES/44/94 (11 December 1989)
Question of the United States Virgin Islands [1989] UNGA 141; A/RES/44/99 (11 December 1989)
Question of American Samoa [1989] UNGA 140; A/RES/44/97 (11 December 1989)
Question of Bermuda [1989] UNGA 139; A/RES/44/92 (11 December 1989)
Credentials of Representatives to the 44th Session and to the 16th Special Session of the General Assembly [1989] UNGA 138; A/RES/44/5A (11 December 1989)
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Transmitted Under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [1989] UNGA 137; A/RES/44/83 (11 December 1989)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations [1989] UNGA 136; A/RES/44/85 (11 December 1989)
Question of the British Virgin Islands [1989] UNGA 135; A/RES/44/95 (11 December 1989)
Question of Tokelau [1989] UNGA 134; A/RES/44/90 (11 December 1989)
Offers by Member States of Study and Training Facilities for Inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories [1989] UNGA 133; A/RES/44/87 (11 December 1989)
Restructuring and Revitalization of the United Nations in the Economic and Social Fields [1989] UNGA 132; A/RES/44/103 (11 December 1989)
Question of the Turks and Caicos Islands [1989] UNGA 131; A/RES/44/93 (11 December 1989)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples [1989] UNGA 130; A/RES/44/101 (11 December 1989)
Question of New Caledonia [1989] UNGA 129; A/RES/44/89 (11 December 1989)
Question of the Cayman Islands [1989] UNGA 128; A/RES/44/91 (11 December 1989)
Credentials of Representatives to the 44th Session and to the 16th Special Session of the General Assembly [1989] UNGA 127; A/RES/44/5B (11 December 1989)
Activities of Foreign Economic and Other Interests which are Impeding the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Namibia and in All Other Territories Under Colonial Domination and Efforts to Eliminate Colonialism, Apartheid and Racial Discrimination in Southern Africa [1989] UNGA 126; A/RES/44/84 (11 December 1989)
United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa [1989] UNGA 125; A/RES/44/86 (11 December 1989)
Question of Guam [1989] UNGA 124; A/RES/44/98 (11 December 1989)
Question of Western Sahara [1989] UNGA 123; A/RES/44/88 (11 December 1989)
Question of Montserrat [1989] UNGA 122; A/RES/44/96 (11 December 1989)
Popular Participation in its Various Forms as an Important Factor in Development and in the Full Realization of All Human Rights [1989] UNGA 121; A/RES/44/53 (8 December 1989)
Elderly Women [1989] UNGA 120; A/RES/44/76 (8 December 1989)
Alternative Approaches and Ways and Means Within the United Nations System for Improving the Effective Enjoyment of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [1989] UNGA 119; A/RES/44/63 (8 December 1989)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories [1989] UNGA 118; A/RES/44/48F (8 December 1989)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories [1989] UNGA 117; A/RES/44/48C (8 December 1989)
Use of Mercenaries as a Means to Violate Human Rights and to Impede the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1989] UNGA 116; A/RES/44/81 (8 December 1989)
Development of Public Information Activities in the Field of Human Rights [1989] UNGA 115; A/RES/44/61 (8 December 1989)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1989] UNGA 114; A/RES/44/47E (8 December 1989)
Importance of the Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination and of the Speedy Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for the Effective Guarantee and Observance of Human Rights [1989] UNGA 113; A/RES/44/79 (8 December 1989)
Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peace-Keeping Operations in All Their Aspects [1989] UNGA 112; A/RES/44/49 (8 December 1989)
United Nations Development Fund for Women [1989] UNGA 111; A/RES/44/74 (8 December 1989)
World Social Situation [1989] UNGA 110; A/RES/44/56 (8 December 1989)
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice [1989] UNGA 109; A/RES/44/72 (8 December 1989)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories [1989] UNGA 108; A/RES/44/48D (8 December 1989)
Question of a Convention on the Rights of the Child [1989] UNGA 107; A/RES/43/112 (8 December 1989)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1989] UNGA 106; A/RES/44/47H (8 December 1989)
International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [1989] UNGA 105; A/RES/44/46 (8 December 1989)
Implementation of the International Plan of Action on Aging and Related Activities [1989] UNGA 104; A/RES/44/67 (8 December 1989)
National Experience in Promoting the Co-Operative Movement [1989] UNGA 103; A/RES/44/58 (8 December 1989)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1989] UNGA 102; A/RES/44/47K (8 December 1989)
Protection and Security of Small States [1989] UNGA 101; A/RES/44/51 (8 December 1989)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1989] UNGA 100; A/RES/44/47A (8 December 1989)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1989] UNGA 99; A/RES/44/47F (8 December 1989)
Implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women [1989] UNGA 98; A/RES/44/77 (8 December 1989)
Guiding Principles for Developmental Social Welfare Policies and Programmes in the Near Future and Follow-Up Action to the Interregional Consultation on Developmental Social Welfare Policies and Programmes [1989] UNGA 97; A/RES/44/65 (8 December 1989)
Status of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid [1989] UNGA 96; A/RES/44/69 (8 December 1989)
National Institutions for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights [1989] UNGA 95; A/RES/44/64 (8 December 1989)
Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination [1989] UNGA 94; A/RES/44/80 (8 December 1989)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1989] UNGA 93; A/RES/44/47D (8 December 1989)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [1989] UNGA 92; A/RES/44/73 (8 December 1989)
Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination [1989] UNGA 91; A/RES/44/52 (8 December 1989)
Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat [1989] UNGA 90; A/RES/44/75 (8 December 1989)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories [1989] UNGA 89; A/RES/44/48B (8 December 1989)
Implementation of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons and the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons [1989] UNGA 88; A/RES/44/70 (8 December 1989)
International Year of the Family [1989] UNGA 87; A/RES/44/82 (8 December 1989)
International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women [1989] UNGA 86; A/RES/44/60 (8 December 1989)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1989] UNGA 85; A/RES/44/47B (8 December 1989)
Human Rights and Scientific and Technological Developments [1989] UNGA 84; A/RES/43/111 (8 December 1989)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories [1989] UNGA 83; A/RES/44/48G (8 December 1989)
Social Welfare, Development and Science and Technology [1989] UNGA 82; A/RES/44/54 (8 December 1989)
Right to Development [1989] UNGA 81; A/RES/44/62 (8 December 1989)
Effects of Atomic Radiation [1989] UNGA 80; A/RES/44/45 (8 December 1989)
Questions Relating to Information [1989] UNGA 79; A/RES/44/50 (8 December 1989)
Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination [1989] UNGA 78; A/RES/44/68 (8 December 1989)
International Cooperation in Combating Organized Crime [1989] UNGA 77; A/RES/44/71 (8 December 1989)
Achievement of Social Justice [1989] UNGA 76; A/RES/44/55 (8 December 1989)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1989] UNGA 75; A/RES/44/47C (8 December 1989)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories [1989] UNGA 74; A/RES/44/48E (8 December 1989)
Improvement of the Situation of Women in Rural Areas [1989] UNGA 73; A/RES/44/78 (8 December 1989)
Policies and Programmes Involving Youth [1989] UNGA 72; A/RES/44/59 (8 December 1989)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1989] UNGA 71; A/RES/44/47G (8 December 1989)
Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories [1989] UNGA 70; A/RES/44/48A (8 December 1989)
Monitoring of Information on Effective Measures and Alternative Methods of Implementing the Plans, Strategies and Programmes of Action in the Social Field at the National Level [1989] UNGA 69; A/RES/44/66 (8 December 1989)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1989] UNGA 68; A/RES/44/47J (8 December 1989)
Twentieth Anniversary of the Declaration on Social Progress and Development [1989] UNGA 67; A/RES/44/57 (8 December 1989)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [1989] UNGA 66; A/RES/44/47I (8 December 1989)
Financing of the United Nations Observer Group in Central America [1989] UNGA 65; A/RES/44/44 (7 December 1989)
Judgement of the International Court of Justice of 27 June 1986 Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua [1989] UNGA 64; A/RES/44/43 (7 December 1989)
Question of Palestine [1989] UNGA 63; A/RES/44/41A (6 December 1989)
Question of Palestine [1989] UNGA 62; A/RES/44/42 (6 December 1989)
Question of Palestine [1989] UNGA 61; A/RES/44/41B (6 December 1989)
Question of Palestine [1989] UNGA 60; A/RES/44/41C (6 December 1989)
Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its 22nd Session [1989] UNGA 59; A/RES/44/33 (4 December 1989)
Measures to Prevent International Terrorism which Endangers or Takes Innocent Human Lives or Jeopardizes Fundamental Freedoms and Study of the Underlying Causes of Those Forms of Terrorism and Acts of Violence which Lie in Misery, Frustration, Grievance and Despair and which Cause Some People to Sacrifice Human Lives, Including Their Own, in an Attempt to Effect Radical Changes [1989] UNGA 58; A/RES/44/29 (4 December 1989)
Progressive Development of the Principles and Norms of International Law Relating to the New International Economic Order [1989] UNGA 57; A/RES/44/30 (4 December 1989)
The Situation in the Middle East [1989] UNGA 56; A/RES/44/40A (4 December 1989)
Peaceful Settlement of Disputes Between States [1989] UNGA 55; A/RES/44/31 (4 December 1989)
The Situation in the Middle East [1989] UNGA 54; A/RES/44/40B (4 December 1989)
Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [1989] UNGA 53; A/RES/44/37 (4 December 1989)
International Criminal Responsibility of Individuals and Entities Engaged in Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs Across National Frontiers and Other Transnational Criminal Activities [1989] UNGA 52; A/RES/44/39 (4 December 1989)
United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law [1989] UNGA 51; A/RES/44/28 (4 December 1989)
Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its 41st Session [1989] UNGA 50; A/RES/44/35 (4 December 1989)
International Convention Against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries [1989] UNGA 49; A/RES/44/34 (4 December 1989)
The Situation in the Middle East [1989] UNGA 48; A/RES/44/40C (4 December 1989)
Draft Code of Crimes Against the Peace and Security of Mankind [1989] UNGA 47; A/RES/44/32 (4 December 1989)
Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [1989] UNGA 46; A/RES/44/38 (4 December 1989)
Consideration of the Draft Articles on the Status of the Diplomatic Courier and the Diplomatic Bag Not Accompanied by Diplomatic Courier and of the Draft Optional Protocols Thereto [1989] UNGA 45; A/RES/44/36 (4 December 1989)
November 1989
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1989] UNGA 44; A/RES/44/27D (22 November 1989)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1989] UNGA 43; A/RES/44/27K (22 November 1989)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1989] UNGA 42; A/RES/44/27F (22 November 1989)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1989] UNGA 41; A/RES/44/27I (22 November 1989)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1989] UNGA 40; A/RES/44/27G (22 November 1989)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1989] UNGA 39; A/RES/44/27B (22 November 1989)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1989] UNGA 38; A/RES/44/27C (22 November 1989)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1989] UNGA 37; A/RES/44/27E (22 November 1989)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1989] UNGA 36; A/RES/44/27L (22 November 1989)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1989] UNGA 35; A/RES/44/27J (22 November 1989)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1989] UNGA 34; A/RES/44/27H (22 November 1989)
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa [1989] UNGA 33; A/RES/44/27A (22 November 1989)
Law of the Sea [1989] UNGA 32; A/RES/44/26 (20 November 1989)
Convention on the Rights of the Child [1989] UNGA 31; A/RES/44/25 (20 November 1989)
African Alternative Framework to Structural Adjustment Programmes for Socio-Economic Recovery and Transformation [1989] UNGA 30; A/RES/44/24 (17 November 1989)
United Nations Decade of International Law [1989] UNGA 29; A/RES/44/23 (17 November 1989)
The Situation in Kampuchea [1989] UNGA 28; A/RES/44/22 (16 November 1989)
Enhancing International Peace, Security and International Cooperation in All its Aspects in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations [1989] UNGA 27; A/RES/44/21 (15 November 1989)
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Establishment of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [1989] UNGA 26; A/RES/44/19 (14 November 1989)
Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic [1989] UNGA 25; A/RES/44/20 (14 November 1989)
Return or Restitution of Cultural Property to the Countries of Origin [1989] UNGA 24; A/RES/44/18 (6 November 1989)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity [1989] UNGA 23; A/RES/44/17 (1 November 1989)
The Situation in Afghanistan and its Implications for International Peace and Security [1989] UNGA 22; A/RES/44/15 (1 November 1989)
Special Session of the General Assembly to Consider the Question of International Cooperation Against Illicit Production, Supply, Demand, Trafficking and Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, with a View to Expanding the Scope and Increasing the Effectiveness of Such Cooperation [1989] UNGA 21; A/RES/44/16 (1 November 1989)
October 1989
Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action on Science and Technology for Development [1989] UNGA 20; A/RES/44/14D (26 October 1989)
Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action on Science and Technology for Development [1989] UNGA 19; A/RES/44/14B (26 October 1989)
Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action on Science and Technology for Development [1989] UNGA 18; A/RES/44/14E (26 October 1989)
Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action on Science and Technology for Development [1989] UNGA 17; A/RES/44/14A (26 October 1989)
Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action on Science and Technology for Development [1989] UNGA 16; A/RES/44/14C (26 October 1989)
Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [1989] UNGA 15; A/RES/44/13 (25 October 1989)
Achievements of the International Year of Peace [1989] UNGA 14; A/RES/44/11 (24 October 1989)
Operation Lifeline Sudan [1989] UNGA 13; A/RES/44/12 (24 October 1989)
The Situation in Central America [1989] UNGA 12; A/RES/44/10 (23 October 1989)
Question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte [1989] UNGA 11; A/RES/44/9 (18 October 1989)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference [1989] UNGA 10; A/RES/44/8 (18 October 1989)
Observer Status for the Council of Europe in the General Assembly [1989] UNGA 9; A/RES/44/6 (17 October 1989)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the Latin American Economic System [1989] UNGA 8; A/RES/44/4 (17 October 1989)
Cooperation Between the United Nations and the League of Arab States [1989] UNGA 7; A/RES/44/7 (17 October 1989)
Emergency Assistance to Antigua and Barbuda, the British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Montserrat and Saint Kitts and Nevis [1989] UNGA 6; A/RES/44/3 (12 October 1989)
The Uprising (Intifadah) of the Palestinian People [1989] UNGA 5; A/RES/44/2 (6 October 1989)
September 1989
Death Sentence Passed on a South African Patriot [1989] UNGA 4; A/RES/44/1 (28 September 1989)
April 1989
Question of Palestine [1989] UNGA 3; A/RES/43/233 (20 April 1989)
March 1989
Financing of the United Nations Transition Assistance Group [1989] UNGA 2; A/RES/43/232 (1 March 1989)
February 1989
Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission [1989] UNGA 1; A/RES/43/231 (16 February 1989)
December 1988
Personnel Questions [1988] UNGA 330; A/RES/43/224[D] (21 December 1988)
Proposed Programme Budget Outline for the Biennium 1990-1991 and Use and Operation of the Contingency Fund [1988] UNGA 329; A/RES/43/214 (21 December 1988)
Pattern of Conferences [1988] UNGA 328; A/RES/43/222[E] (21 December 1988)
Personnel Questions [1988] UNGA 327; A/RES/43/224[A] (21 December 1988)
Pattern of Conferences [1988] UNGA 326; A/RES/43/222[A] (21 December 1988)
Pattern of Conferences [1988] UNGA 325; A/RES/43/222[D] (21 December 1988)
Personnel Questions [1988] UNGA 324; A/RES/43/224[C] (21 December 1988)
United Nations Pension System [1988] UNGA 323; A/RES/43/227 (21 December 1988)
Pattern of Conferences [1988] UNGA 322; A/RES/43/222[C] (21 December 1988)
Financial Emergency of the United Nations [1988] UNGA 321; A/RES/43/220 (21 December 1988)
Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [1988] UNGA 320; A/RES/43/229 (21 December 1988)
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements, and Reports of the Board of Auditors [1988] UNGA 319; A/RES/43/216 (21 December 1988)
Pattern of Conferences [1988] UNGA 318; A/RES/43/222[B] (21 December 1988)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1988] UNGA 317; A/RES/43/223[B] (21 December 1988)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1988] UNGA 316; A/RES/43/223[A] (21 December 1988)
Current Financial Crisis of the United Nations [1988] UNGA 315; A/RES/43/215 (21 December 1988)
Respect for the Privileges and Immunities of Officials of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies and Related Organizations [1988] UNGA 314; A/RES/43/225 (21 December 1988)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1988-1989 [1988] UNGA 313; A/RES/43/218[A] (21 December 1988)
Financing of the United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group [1988] UNGA 312; A/RES/43/230 (21 December 1988)
Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations [1988] UNGA 311; A/RES/43/223[C] (21 December 1988)
Joint Inspection Unit [1988] UNGA 310; A/RES/43/221 (21 December 1988)
Questions Relating to the Programme Budget for the Biennium 1988-1989 [1988] UNGA 309; A/RES/43/217 (21 December 1988)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1988-1989 [1988] UNGA 308; A/RES/43/218[B] (21 December 1988)
United Nations Common System [1988] UNGA 307; A/RES/43/226 (21 December 1988)
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1988-1989 [1988] UNGA 306; A/RES/43/218[C] (21 December 1988)
Personnel Questions [1988] UNGA 305; A/RES/43/224[B] (21 December 1988)
Programme Planning [1988] UNGA 304; A/RES/43/219 (21 December 1988)
Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force [1988] UNGA 303; A/RES/43/228 (21 December 1988)
Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon [1988] UNGA 302; A/RES/43/207 (20 December 1988)
Examination of Long-Term Trends in Economic and Social Development [1988] UNGA 301; A/RES/43/194 (20 December 1988)
Responsibility of States for the Protection of the Environment [1988] UNGA 300; A/RES/43/212 (20 December 1988)
International Year of Shelter for the Homeless [1988] UNGA 299; A/RES/43/180 (20 December 1988)
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction [1988] UNGA 298; A/RES/43/202 (20 December 1988)
Special Economic Assistance to Chad [1988] UNGA 297; A/RES/43/205 (20 December 1988)
Transport and Communications Decade in Africa [1988] UNGA 296; A/RES/43/179 (20 December 1988)
Preparation for an International Development Strategy for the 4th United Nations Development Decade [1988] UNGA 295; A/RES/43/182 (20 December 1988)
International Conference on Money and Finance [1988] UNGA 294; A/RES/43/187 (20 December 1988)
Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000 [1988] UNGA 293; A/RES/43/181 (20 December 1988)
United Nations University [1988] UNGA 292; A/RES/43/200 (20 December 1988)
Special Assistance to Front-Line States [1988] UNGA 291; A/RES/43/209 (20 December 1988)
Fulfillment of the Target for Official Development Assistance [1988] UNGA 290; A/RES/43/197 (20 December 1988)
Strengthening Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries in Food and Agriculture [1988] UNGA 289; A/RES/43/190 (20 December 1988)
Report of the Committee on the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy [1988] UNGA 288; A/RES/43/192 (20 December 1988)
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Creation of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [1988] UNGA 287; A/RES/43/183 (20 December 1988)
Assistance to Benin, the Central African Republic, Democratic Yemen, Djibouti, Ecuador, Madagascar and Vanuatu [1988] UNGA 286; A/RES/43/211 (20 December 1988)
Operational Activities for Development [1988] UNGA 285; A/RES/43/199 (20 December 1988)
Trade Embargo Against Nicaragua [1988] UNGA 284; A/RES/43/185 (20 December 1988)
Emergency Assistance to Somalia [1988] UNGA 283; A/RES/43/206 (20 December 1988)
Development of the Energy Resources of Developing Countries [1988] UNGA 282; A/RES/43/193 (20 December 1988)
International Cooperation for the Eradication of Poverty in Developing Countries [1988] UNGA 281; A/RES/43/195 (20 December 1988)
Report of the Trade and Development Board [1988] UNGA 280; A/RES/43/188 (20 December 1988)
Special Economic and Disaster Relief Assistance [1988] UNGA 279; A/