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Protocol on cultural cooperation [2011] EUTSer 8; OJ L 127, 14.5.2011, p. 1418-1426


Protocol on cultural cooperation

Official Journal L 127 , 14/05/2011 P. 1418 - 1426

Joint Declaration concerning the Republic of San Marino

1. Products originating in the Republic of San Marino shall be accepted by Korea as originating in the EU Party within the meaning of this Agreement.

2. The Protocol Concerning the Definition of "Originating Products" and Methods of Administrative Cooperation shall apply mutatis mutandis for the purpose of defining the originating status of the above-mentioned products.


Joint Declaration concerning the revision of the rules of origin contained in the Protocol concerning the Definition of "Originating Products" and Methods of Administrative Cooperation

1. The Parties agree to review the rules of origin contained in the Protocol concerning the Definition of "Originating Products" and Methods of Administrative Cooperation and discuss the necessary amendments upon request of one of the Parties. While discussing the amendments to the Protocol concerning the Definition of "Originating Products" and Methods of Administrative Cooperation, the Parties shall take into account the development of technologies, production processes, price fluctuations and all other factors, which might justify the changes to the rules of origin.

2. Annex II to the Protocol concerning the Definition of "Originating Products" and Methods of Administrative Cooperation will be adapted in accordance with the periodical changes to the HS.


Joint Declaration on the Explanatory Notes

The Parties agree to the necessity to establish Explanatory Notes to this Protocol. The Notes shall be implemented by the Parties in accordance with their internal procedures.


| – – – – – – – – rohkem kui 0,33 liitrit, kuid alla 1 liitri | 5 | 0 | |

70109055 | – – – – – – – – 0,15 liitrit ja rohkem, kuid mitte üle 0,33 liitri | 5 | 0 | |

70109057 | – – – – – – – – alla 0,15 liitri | 5 | 0 | |

– – – – – – muud, nimimahuga | | | |

70109061 | – – – – – – – 0,25 liitrit ja rohkem | 5 | 0 | |

70109067 | – – – – – – – alla 0,25 liitri | 5 | 0 | |

– – – – – farmaatsiatoodete jaoks, nimimahuga | | | |

70109071 | – – – – – – üle 0,055 liitri | 5 | 0 | |

70109079 | – – – – – – kuni 0,055 liitrit | 5 | 0 | |

– – – – – muude toodete jaoks | | | |

70109091 | – – – – – – värvitust klaasist | 5 | 0 | |

70109099 | – – – – – – värvilisest klaasist | 5 | 0 | |

7011 | Elektrilampide ja elektronkiiretorude jms avatud klaaskolvid, sh ümmarguse (klaaspirnid) ja toruja kujuga, furnituurita, nende klaasosad | | | |

70111000 | – elektrivalgustuse tarvis | 4 | 0 | |

70112000 | – elektronkiiretorude tarvis | 4 | 0 | |

70119000 | – muud | 4 | 0 | |

7013 | Klaasist laua- ja kööginõud, tualett- ja kontoritarbed, sisekujunduses kasutatavad klaasesemed jms klaastooted (v.a rubriikidesse 7010 ja 7018 kuuluvad) | | | |

70131000 | – klaaskeraamikast | 11 | 0 | |

– jalaga joogiklaasid, v.a klaaskeraamilised | | | |

701322 | – – pliikristallist | | | |

70132210 | – – – käsitsi töödeldud | 11 | 0 | |

70132290 | – – – mehhaniseeritult töödeldud | 11 | 0 | |

701328 | – – muud | | | |

70132810 | – – – käsitsi töödeldud | 11 | 0 | |

70132890 | – – – mehhaniseeritult töödeldud | 11 | 0 | |

– muud joogiklaasid, v.a klaaskeraamilised | | | |

701333 | – – pliikristallist | | | |

– – – käsitsi töödeldud | | | |

70133311 | – – – – graveeritud või muul viisil dekoreeritud | 11 | 0 | |

70133319 | – – – – muud | 11 | 0 | |

– – – mehhaniseeritult töödeldud | | | |

70133391 | – – – – graveeritud või muul viisil dekoreeritud | 11 | 0 | |

70133399 | – – – – muud | 11 | 0 | |

701337 | – – muud | | | |

70133710 | – – – karastatud klaasist | 11 | 0 | |

– – – muud | | | |

– – – – käsitsi töödeldud | | | |

70133751 | – – – – – graveeritud või muul viisil dekoreeritud | 11 | 0 | |

70133759 | – – – – – muud | 11 | 0 | |

– – – – mehhaniseeritult töödeldud | | | |

70133791 | – – – – – graveeritud või muul viisil dekoreeritud | 11 | 0 | |

70133799 | – – – – – muud | 11 | 0 | |

– klaasesemed laua katmiseks (v.a joogiklaasid) või köögis kasutamiseks (v.a klaaskeraamilised) | | | |

701341 | – – pliikristallist | | | |

70134110 | – – – käsitsi töödeldud | 11 | 0 | |

70134190 | – – – mehhaniseeritult töödeldud | 11 | 0 | |

70134200 | – – klaasist, joonpaisumiskoefitsiendiga kuni 5 × 10-6 kelvini kohta temperatuurivahemikus 0 °C kuni 300 °C | 11 | 0 | |

701349 | – – muud | | | |

70134910 | – – – karastatud klaasist | 11 | 0 | |

– – – muud | | | |

70134991 | – – – – käsitsi töödeldud | 11 | 0 | |

70134999 | – – – – mehhaniseeritult töödeldud | 11 | 0 | |

– muud klaastooted | | | |

701391 | – – pliikristallist | | | |

70139110 | – – – käsitsi töödeldud | 11 | 0 | |

70139190 | – – – mehhaniseeritult töödeldud | 11 | 0 | |

70139900 | – – muud | 11 | 0 | |

70140000 | Klaasist signalisatsioonitarbed ja optilised elemendid (v.a rubriigis 7015 nimetatud), optiliselt töötlemata | 3 | 0 | |

7015 | Kellaklaasid jms klaastooted, prilliklaasid (nägemist korrigeerivad või mittekorrigeerivad), kumerad, nõgusad vm, optiliselt töötlemata; õõnsad klaaskerad ja nende segmendid eelnimetatud toodete valmistamiseks | | | |

70151000 | – prilliklaasid nägemist korrigeerivatele prillidele | 3 | 0 | |

70159000 | – muud | 3 | 0 | |

7016 | Sillutuskivid, ehitusplaadid, tellised, tahvlid, viimistlusplaadid jms tooted pressitud või vormitud klaasist, armeeritud või armeerimata; klaaskuubikud jms klaasist pisidetailid (alusel või aluseta, kasutamiseks mosaiikides vms dekoratiivotstarbel); vitraažklaas jms klaastooted; kärg- ja vahtklaas plaatide, tahvlite jms kujul | | | |

70161000 | – klaaskuubikud jms klaasist pisidetailid, alusel või aluseta, kasutamiseks mosaiikides vms dekoratiivotstarbel | 8 | 0 | |

701690 | – muud | | | |

70169010 | – – vitraažklaasid jms klaastooted | 3 | 0 | |

70169080 | – – muud | 3 MIN 1,2 EUR/100 kg/br | 0 | |

7017 | Laboratooriumides, hügieenis ja farmaatsias kasutatavad klaastooted (gradueeritud või gradueerimata, kalibreeritud või kalibreerimata) | | | |

70171000 | – sulatatud kvartsist vm sulatatud ränimuldadest | 3 | 0 | |

70172000 | – muust klaasist, mille joonpaisumiskoefitsient temperatuurivahemikus 0 °C kuni 300 °C on kuni 5 × 10-6 kelvini kohta | 3 | 0 | |

70179000 | – muud | 3 | 0 | |

7018 | Klaasist helmed, tehispärlid, vääris- ja poolvääriskivide klaasimitatsioonid jms klaasist pisiesemed, tooted nendest (v.a juveeltoodete imitatsioonid); klaassilmad (v.a silmaproteesid); klaaskujukesed jm jootelambiga töödeldud klaasdekoratiivtooted (v.a juveeltoodete imitatsioonid); mikroklaaskuulid diameetriga kuni 1 mm | | | |

701810 | – klaasist helmed, tehispärlid, vääris- ja poolvääriskivide klaasimitatsioonid jms klaasist pisiesemed | | | |

– – klaasist helmed | | | |

70181011 | – – – lõigatud ja mehaaniliselt lihvitud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

70181019 | – – – muud | 7 | 0 | |

70181030 | – – tehispärlid | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– – vääris- ja poolvääriskivide klaasimitatsioonid | | | |

70181051 | – – – lõigatud ja mehaaniliselt lihvitud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

70181059 | – – – muud | 3 | 0 | |

70181090 | – – muud | 3 | 0 | |

70182000 | – mikroklaaskuulid diameetriga kuni 1 mm | 3 | 0 | |

701890 | – muud | | | |

70189010 | – – klaassilmad; klaasist pudukaubad | 3 | 0 | |

70189090 | – – muud | 6 | 0 | |

7019 | Klaaskiud (sh klaasvatt) ja tooted sellest (näiteks klaasniit, klaasriie) | | | |

– kamm- või kraaslindid, heie, lõng ja tükeldatud kiud | | | |

70191100 | – – tükeldatud kiud pikkusega kuni 50 mm | 7 | 0 | |

70191200 | – – heie | 7 | 0 | |

701919 | – – muud | | | |

70191910 | – – – filamentkiust | 7 | 0 | |

70191990 | – – – staapelkiududest | 7 | 0 | |

– õhuke riie (vuaal), villak, matid, madratsid, plaadid jms lausmaterjalid | | | |

70193100 | – – matid | 7 | 0 | |

70193200 | – – õhuke riie (vuaal) | 5 | 0 | |

70193900 | – – muud | 5 | 0 | |

70194000 | – heidest riie | 7 | 0 | |

– muu riie | | | |

70195100 | – – laiusega kuni 30 cm | 7 | 0 | |

70195200 | – – laiusega üle 30 cm, labasekoeline, pindtihedusega alla 250 g/m2, lõngadest üksiklõnga joontihedusega mitte üle 136 teksi | 7 | 0 | |

70195900 | – – muud | 7 | 0 | |

701990 | – muud | | | |

70199010 | – – mittetekstiilkiud lahtiselt või flokina | 7 | 0 | |

70199030 | – – tihendid ja torude isolatsioonimähised | 7 | 0 | |

– – muud | | | |

70199091 | – – – tekstiilkiududest | 7 | 0 | |

70199099 | – – – muud | 7 | 0 | |

702000 | Muud klaastooted | | | |

70200005 | – kvartsist reaktsioonitorud või hoidikud paigutamiseks difusiooni- või oksüdatsiooniahjudesse pooljuhtmaterjalide tootmisel | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– termospudelit


1. For the purposes of Article 1, manufacture includes harvesting, trapping, producing, breeding and disassembly.

2. For the purposes of Article 1(g), ascertainable means "established in accordance with the Customs Valuation Agreement".

3. For the purposes of Article 5.1(b), the value of non-originating material can be acquired by deducting from the ex-works price of the product the value of originating material, including self-produced originating material used in producing the resulting non-originating material.

4. The value of originating material that is self-produced includes all the costs incurred in the production of the material and an amount for profit equivalent to the profit added in the normal course of trade.

5. For the purposes of Article 6, "simple" describes activities which need neither special skills nor machines, apparatus or equipment especially produced or installed for carrying out the activity. However, simple mixing does not include chemical reaction. Chemical reaction means a process, including a biochemical process, which results in a molecule with a new structure by breaking intramolecular bonds and by forming new intramolecular bonds, or by altering the spatial arrangement of atoms in molecule.

6. For the purposes of Article 10, neutral elements, for example, will include:

(a) energy and fuel;

(b) plant and equipment;

(c) machines and tools; and

(d) goods which do not enter and which are not intended to enter into the final composition of the product.

7. For the purposes of Article 11, identical and interchangeable materials means materials being of the same kind and commercial quality, possessing the same technical and physical characteristics, and which cannot be distinguished from one another for origin purposes, once they are incorporated into the finished product.

8. For the purposes of Article 11, specific "period" will be determined in accordance with the relevant domestic laws and regulations of each Party.

9. Only for the following specific reasons, the preferential treatment may be refused without verification of the proof of origin as the proof can be considered as inapplicable when:

(a) the requirements on direct transport of Article 13 have not been fulfilled;

(b) the proof of origin is produced subsequently for goods that were initially imported fraudulently;

(c) the proof of origin has been issued by an exporter from a non-party to this Agreement;

(d) the importer fails to submit a proof of origin to the customs authorities of the importing Party within the period specified in legislation of the importing Party.

10. For the purposes of the Joint Declaration concerning the Principality of Andorra, the customs authorities of the Principality of Andorra shall be responsible for the application of the Joint Declaration in the Principality of Andorra.

11. For the purposes of the Joint Declaration concerning the Republic of San Marino, the customs authorities of the Italian Republic shall be responsible for the application of the Joint Declaration in the Republic of San Marino.



on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters

Article 1


For the purposes of this Protocol:

(a) customs legislation shall mean any legal or regulatory provisions applicable in the territories of the Parties, governing the import, export and transit of goods and their placing under any other customs regime or procedure, including measures of prohibition, restriction and control;

(b) applicant authority shall mean a competent administrative authority which has been designated by a Party for this purpose and which makes a request for assistance on the basis of this Protocol;

(c) requested authority shall mean a competent administrative authority which has been designated by a Party for this purpose and which receives a request for assistance on the basis of this Protocol;

(d) personal data shall mean all information relating to an identified or identifiable individual;

(e) operation in breach of customs legislation shall mean any violation or attempted violation of customs legislation.

Article 2


1. The Parties shall assist each other, in the areas within their competence, in the manner and under the conditions laid down in this Protocol, to ensure the correct application of customs legislation, in particular by preventing, investigating and combating operations in breach of that legislation.

2. Assistance in customs matters, as provided for in this Protocol, shall apply to any administrative authority of the Parties which is competent for the application of this Protocol. It shall not prejudice the rules governing mutual assistance in criminal matters. Nor shall it cover information obtained under powers exercised at the request of a judicial authority, except where communication of such information is authorised by that authority.

3. Assistance to recover duties, taxes or fines is not covered by this Protocol.

Article 3

Assistance on request

1. At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall provide it with all relevant information which may enable it to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, including information regarding activities noted or planned which are or could be operations in breach of customs legislation.

2. At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall inform it:

(a) whether goods exported from the territory of one of the Parties have been properly imported into the territory of the other Party, specifying, where appropriate, the customs procedure applied to the goods;

(b) whether goods imported into the territory of one of the Parties have been properly exported from the territory of the other Party, specifying, where appropriate, the customs procedure applied to the goods.

3. At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall, within the framework of its legal or regulatory provisions, take the necessary steps to ensure special surveillance of:

(a) natural or legal persons in respect of whom there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are or have been involved in operations in breach of customs legislation;

(b) places where stocks of goods have been or may be assembled in such a way that there are reasonable grounds for believing that these goods are intended to be used in operations in breach of customs legislation;

(c) goods that are or may be transported in such a way that there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are intended to be used in operations in breach of customs legislation;

(d) means of transport that are or may be used in such a way that there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are intended to be used in operations in breach of customs legislation.

Article 4

Spontaneous assistance

The Parties shall assist each other, at their own initiative and in accordance with their legal or regulatory provisions, if they consider that to be necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly by providing information obtained pertaining to:

(a) activities which are or appear to be operations in breach of customs legislation and which may be of interest to the other Party;

(b) new means or methods employed in carrying out operations in breach of customs legislation;

(c) goods known to be subject to operations in breach of customs legislation;

(d) natural or legal persons in respect of whom there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are or have been involved in operations in breach of customs legislation;

(e) means of transport in respect of which there are reasonable grounds for believing that they have been, are, or may be used in operations in breach of customs legislation.

Article 5

Delivery, notification

At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall, in accordance with legal or regulatory provisions applicable to the latter, take all necessary measures in order:

(a) to deliver any documents; or

(b) to notify any decisions,

emanating from the applicant authority and falling within the scope of this Protocol, to an addressee residing or established in the territory of the requested authority.

Requests for delivery of documents or notification of decisions shall be made in writing in an official language of the requested authority or in a language acceptable to that authority.

Article 6

Form and substance of requests for assistance

1. Requests pursuant to this Protocol shall be made in writing. They shall be accompanied by the documents necessary to enable compliance with the request. When required because of the urgency of the situation, oral requests may be accepted, but must be confirmed in writing immediately.

2. Requests pursuant to paragraph 1 shall include the following information:

(a) the applicant authority;

(b) the measure requested;

(c) the object of and the reason for the request;

(d) the legal or regulatory provisions and other legal elements involved;

(e) indications as exact and comprehensive as possible on the natural or legal persons who are the target of the investigations;

(f) a summary of the relevant facts and of the enquiries already carried out.

3. Requests shall be submitted in an official language of the requested authority or in a language acceptable to that authority.

4. If a request does not meet the formal requirements set out above, its correction or completion may be requested; in the meantime precautionary measures may be ordered.

Article 7

Execution of requests

1. In order to comply with a request for assistance, the requested authority shall proceed, within the limits of its competence and available resources, as though it were acting on its own account or at the request of other authorities of that same Party, by supplying information already possessed, by carrying out appropriate enquiries or by arranging for them to be carried out. This provision shall also apply to any other authority to which the request has been addressed by the requested authority when the latter cannot act on its own.

2. Requests for assistance shall be executed in accordance with the legal or regulatory provisions of the requested Party.

3. Duly authorised officials of a Party may, with the agreement of the other Party involved and subject to the conditions laid down by the latter, be present to obtain in the offices of the requested authority or any other concerned authority in accordance with paragraph 1, information relating to activities that are or may be operations in breach of customs legislation which the applicant authority needs for the purposes of this Protocol.

4. Duly authorised officials of a Party involved may, with the agreement of the other Party involved and subject to the conditions laid down by the latter, be present at enquiries carried out in the latter’s territory.

Article 8

Form in which information is to be communicated

1. The requested authority shall communicate results of enquiries to the applicant authority in writing together with relevant documents, certified copies or other items.

2. This information may be in computerised form.

3. Original documents shall be transmitted only upon request in cases where certified copies would be insufficient. These originals shall be returned at the earliest opportunity.

Article 9

Exceptions to the obligation to provide assistance

1. Assistance may be refused or may be subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions or requirements, in cases where a Party is of the opinion that assistance under this Protocol would:

(a) be likely to prejudice the sovereignty of a Member State of the European Union or that of Korea which has been requested to provide assistance under this Protocol; or

(b) be likely to prejudice public policy, security or other essential interests, in particular in the cases referred to under Article 10.2; or

(c) violate an industrial, commercial or professional secret.

2. Assistance may be postponed by the requested authority on the ground that it will interfere with an ongoing investigation, prosecution or proceeding. In such a case, the requested authority shall consult with the applicant authority to determine if assistance can be given subject to such terms or conditions as the requested authority may require.

3. Where the applicant authority seeks assistance which it would itself be unable to provide if so requested, it shall draw attention to that fact in its request. It shall then be for the requested authority to decide how to respond to such a request.

4. For the cases referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the decision of the requested authority and the reasons therefor must be communicated to the applicant authority without delay.

Article 10

Information exchange and confidentiality

1. Any information communicated in whatsoever form pursuant to this Protocol shall be of a confidential or restricted nature, depending on the rules applicable in each Party. It shall be covered by the obligation of official secrecy and shall enjoy the protection extended to similar information under the relevant laws of the Party that received it and the corresponding provisions applying to European Union authorities.

2. Personal data may be exchanged only where the Party which may receive them undertakes to protect such data in at least an equivalent way to the one applicable to that particular case in the Party that may supply them.

3. The use, in judicial or administrative proceedings instituted in respect of operations in breach of customs legislation, of information obtained under this Protocol, is considered to be for the purposes of this Protocol. Therefore, the Parties may, in their records of evidence, reports and testimonies and in proceedings and charges brought before the courts, use as evidence information obtained and documents consulted in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol. The competent authority which supplied that information or gave access to those documents shall be notified of such use.

4. Information obtained shall be used solely for the purposes of this Protocol. Where one of the Parties wishes to use such information for other purposes, it shall obtain the prior written consent of the authority which provided the information. Such use shall then be subject to any restrictions laid down by that authority.

Article 11

Experts and witnesses

An official of a requested authority may be authorised to appear, within the limitations of the authorisation granted, as an expert or witness in judicial or administrative proceedings regarding the matters covered by this Protocol, and produce such objects, documents or certified copies thereof, as may be needed for the proceedings. The request for appearance must indicate specifically before which judicial or administrative authority the official will have to appear, on what matters and by virtue of what title or qualification the official will be questioned.

Article 12

Assistance expenses

The Parties shall waive all claims on each other for the reimbursement of expenses incurred pursuant to this Protocol, except, as appropriate, for expenses to experts and witnesses, and those to interpreters and translators who are not public service employees.

Article 13


1. The implementation of this Protocol shall be entrusted on the one hand to the customs authorities of Korea and on the other hand to the competent services of the European Commission and the customs authorities of the Member States of the European Union as appropriate. They shall decide on all practical measures and arrangements necessary for its application, taking into consideration the rules in force in particular in the field of data protection. They may recommend to the competent bodies amendments which they consider should be made to this Protocol.

2. The Parties shall consult each other and subsequently keep each other informed of the detailed rules of implementation which are adopted in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol.

Article 14

Other agreements

1. Taking into account the respective competences of the European Union and the Member States of the European Union, the provisions of this Protocol shall:

(a) not affect the obligations of the Parties under any other international agreement or convention;

(b) be deemed complementary to agreements on mutual assistance which have been or may be concluded between individual Member States of the European Union and Korea; and

(c) not affect the European Union provisions governing the communication between the competent services of the European Commission and the customs authorities of the Member States of the European Union of any information obtained under this Protocol which could be of interest to the European Union.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, the provisions of this Protocol shall take precedence over the provisions of any bilateral agreement on mutual assistance which has been or may be concluded between individual Member States of the European Union and Korea insofar as the provisions of the latter are incompatible with those of this Protocol.

3. In respect of questions relating to the applicability of this Protocol, the Parties shall consult each other to resolve the matter in the framework of the Customs Committee set up under Article 6.16 (Customs Committee) of this Agreement.


e jm vaakuumnõude klaaskolvid | | | |

70200007 | – – viimistlemata | 3 | 0 | |

70200008 | – – viimistletud | 6 | 0 | |

– muud | | | |

70200010 | – – sulatatud kvartsist vm sulatatud ränimuldadest | 3 | 0 | |

70200030 | – – klaasist, joonpaisumiskoefitsiendiga kuni 5 × 10-6 kelvini kohta temperatuurivahemikus 0 °C kuni 300 °C | 3 | 0 | |

70200080 | – – muud | 3 | 0 | |



7101 | Looduslikud ja kultiveeritud pärlid, töödeldud või töötlemata, sorteeritud või sorteerimata, niidile lükkimata ning raamistamata ja kinnitamata; looduslikud ja kultiveeritud pärlid, ajutiselt niidile lükitud nende transpordi hõlbustamiseks | | | |

71011000 | – looduslikud pärlid | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– kultiveeritud pärlid | | | |

71012100 | – – töötlemata | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71012200 | – – töödeldud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

7102 | Teemandid, töödeldud või töötlemata, raamistamata ning kinnitamata | | | |

71021000 | – sorteerimata | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– tööstuslikud | | | |

71022100 | – – töötlemata, üksnes lahtisaetud, murtud või jämedalt eeltöödeldud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71022900 | – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– mittetööstuslikud | | | |

71023100 | – – töötlemata, üksnes lahtisaetud, murtud või jämedalt eeltöödeldud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71023900 | – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

7103 | Vääriskivid (v.a teemandid) ja poolvääriskivid, töödeldud või töötlemata, sorteeritud või sorteerimata, nöörile lükkimata, raamistamata ning kinnitamata; sorteerimata vääris- ja poolvääriskivid (v.a teemandid), transpordi hõlbustamiseks ajutiselt nöörile lükitud | | | |

71031000 | – töötlemata, üksnes lahtisaetud või jämedalt eeltöödeldud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– muul viisil töödeldud | | | |

71039100 | – – rubiinid, safiirid ja smaragdid | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71039900 | – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

7104 | Tehislikud ja taastatud vääris- ning poolvääriskivid, töödeldud või töötlemata, sorteeritud või sorteerimata, nöörile lükkimata, raamistamata ja kinnitamata; sorteerimata tehislikud ja taastatud vääris- ning poolvääriskivid, transpordi hõlbustamiseks ajutiselt nöörile lükitud | | | |

71041000 | – piesoelektriline kvarts | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71042000 | – muud, töötlemata, üksnes lahtisaetud või jämedalt eeltöödeldud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71049000 | – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

7105 | Puru ja pulber looduslikest või tehislikest vääris- või poolvääriskividest | | | |

71051000 | – teemandipuru ja -pulber | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71059000 | – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |


7106 | Hõbe (sh kulla või plaatinaga pinnatud hõbe), survetöötlemata, pooltöödeldud või pulbrina | | | |

71061000 | – pulber | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– muud | | | |

710691 | – – survetöötlemata | | | |

71069110 | – – – prooviga vähemalt 999/1000 | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71069190 | – – – prooviga alla 999/1000 | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

710692 | – – pooltöödeldud | | | |

71069220 | – – – prooviga vähemalt 750/1000 | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71069280 | – – – prooviga alla 750/1000 | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71070000 | Hõbedaga plakeeritud mitteväärismetallid, töötlemata või pooltöödeldud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

7108 | Kuld (sh plaatinaga pinnatud kuld), survetöötlemata, pooltöödeldud või pulbrina | | | |

– mitte mündikuld | | | |

71081100 | – – pulber | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71081200 | – – muul survetöötlemata kujul | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

710813 | – – muul pooltöödeldud kujul | | | |

71081310 | – – – plokid, kangid, vardad, traat ja profiilid; plaadid; lehed ja ribad paksusega üle 0,15 mm, arvestamata mis tahes alusmaterjali | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71081380 | – – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71082000 | – mündikuld | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71090000 | Kullaga plakeeritud töötlemata või pooltöödeldud mitteväärismetallid või hõbe | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

7110 | Plaatina, survetöötlemata, pooltöödeldud või pulbrina | | | |

– plaatina | | | |

71101100 | – – survetöötlemata või pulbrina | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

711019 | – – muud | | | |

71101910 | – – – plokid, kangid, vardad, traat ja profiilid; plaadid; lehed ja ribad paksusega üle 0,15 mm, arvestamata mis tahes alusmaterjali | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71101980 | – – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– pallaadium | | | |

71102100 | – – survetöötlemata või pulbrina | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71102900 | – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– roodium | | | |

71103100 | – – survetöötlemata või pulbrina | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71103900 | – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– iriidium, osmium ja ruteenium | | | |

71104100 | – – survetöötlemata või pulbrina | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71104900 | – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71110000 | Plaatinaga plakeeritud mitteväärismetallid, hõbe ja kuld, töötlemata või pooltöödeldud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

7112 | Väärismetallide või väärismetalliga plakeeritud metallide jäätmed ja jäägid; muud väärismetalle või väärismetalliühendeid sisaldavad jäätmed ja jäägid, mida kasutatakse peamiselt neist väärismetallide eraldamiseks | | | |

71123000 | – väärismetalle või väärismetalliühendeid sisaldav tuhk | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– muud | | | |

71129100 | – – kullast, sh kullaga plakeeritud metallidest, v.a muid väärismetalle sisaldavad pühkmed | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71129200 | – – plaatinast, sh plaatinaga plakeeritud metallidest, v.a muid väärismetalle sisaldavad pühkmed | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71129900 | – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |


7113 | Juveeltooted ning nende osad väärismetallist või väärismetalliga plakeeritud metallist | | | |

– väärismetallist, muu väärismetalliga pinnatud või plakeeritud või mitte | | | |

71131100 | – – hõbedast, muu väärismetalliga pinnatud või plakeeritud või mitte | 2,5 | 0 | |

71131900 | – – väärismetallist, muu väärismetalliga pinnatud või plakeeritud või mitte | 2,5 | 0 | |

71132000 | – väärismetalliga plakeeritud mitteväärismetallist | 4 | 0 | |

7114 | Hõbesepa- ja kullassepatooted ning nende osad väärismetallist või väärismetalliga plakeeritud metallist | | | |

– väärismetallist, muu väärismetalliga pinnatud või plakeeritud või mitte | | | |

71141100 | – – hõbedast, muu väärismetalliga pinnatud või plakeeritud või mitte | 2 | 0 | |

71141900 | – – väärismetallist, muu väärismetalliga pinnatud või plakeeritud või mitte | 2 | 0 | |

71142000 | – väärismetalliga plakeeritud mitteväärismetallist | 2 | 0 | |

7115 | Muud tooted väärismetallist või väärismetalliga plakeeritud metallist | | | |

71151000 | – plaatinast traatvõrgu- või võrekujulised katalüsaatorid | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

711590 | – muud | | | |

71159010 | – – väärismetallist | 3 | 0 | |

71159090 | – – väärismetalliga plakeeritud metallist | 3 | 0 | |

7116 | Tooted looduslikest või kultiveeritud pärlitest, vääris- või po


on cultural cooperation

The Parties,

AFTER HAVING RATIFIED the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions adopted in Paris on 20 October 2005 (the "UNESCO Convention"), which entered into force on 18 March 2007, according to the procedure set in Article 15.10.3 (Entry into force), intending to effectively implement the UNESCO Convention and to cooperate within the framework of its implementation, building upon the principles of the Convention and developing actions in line with its provisions;

RECOGNISING the importance of the cultural industries and the multi-faceted nature of cultural goods and services as activities of cultural, economic and social value;

RECOGNISING that the process supported by this Agreement adds up to a global strategy aimed at promoting equitable growth and the reinforcement of economic, trade and cultural cooperation between the Parties;

RECALLING that the objectives of this Protocol are complemented and supported by existing and future policy instruments managed in other frameworks, with a view to:

(a) REINFORCING the capacities and independence of the Parties’ cultural industries;

(b) PROMOTING local/regional cultural content;

(c) RECOGNISING, protecting and promoting cultural diversity as a condition for a successful dialogue between cultures; and

(d) RECOGNISING, protecting and promoting cultural heritage, as well as promoting its recognition by local populations and recognising its value as a means for expressing cultural identities;

STRESSING the importance of facilitating cultural cooperation between the Parties, and for that purpose to take into account, on a case by case basis, inter alia, the degree of development of their cultural industries, the level and structural imbalances of cultural exchanges and the existence of schemes for the promotion of local/regional cultural content,


Article 1

Scope, objectives and definitions

1. Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Agreement, this Protocol sets up the framework within which the Parties shall cooperate for facilitating exchanges regarding cultural activities, goods and services, including inter alia, in the audiovisual sector.

2. The exclusion of audiovisual services from the scope of Chapter Seven (Trade in Services, Establishment and Electronic Commerce) is without prejudice to the rights and obligations derived from this Protocol. For any issue relating to the implementation of this Protocol, the Parties shall have recourse to the procedures provided under Articles 3 and 3bis.

3. While preserving and further developing their capacity to elaborate and implement their cultural policies, with a view to protecting and promoting cultural diversity, the Parties shall endeavor to collaborate with the aim of improving the conditions governing their exchanges of cultural activities, goods and services and redressing the structural imbalances and asymmetrical patterns which may exist in exchanges.

4. For the purposes of this Protocol:

cultural diversity, cultural content, cultural expressions, cultural activities, goods and services, and cultural industries have the same meaning as defined and used in the UNESCO Convention; and

artists and other cultural professionals and practitioners means natural persons that perform cultural activities, produce cultural goods or participate in the direct supply of cultural services.



Article 2

Cultural exchanges and dialogue

1. The Parties shall aim at fostering their capacities to determine and develop their cultural policies, developing their cultural industries and enhancing exchange opportunities for cultural goods and services of the Parties, including through entitlement to benefit from schemes for the promotion of local/regional cultural content.

2. The Parties shall cooperate to foster the development of a common understanding and enhanced exchange of information on cultural and audiovisual matters through a dialogue, as well as on good practices in the field of intellectual property rights protection. This dialogue will take place within the Committee on Cultural Cooperation as well as in other relevant forums as and when appropriate.

Article 3

Committee on Cultural Cooperation

1. No later than six months after this Protocol is applied, a Committee on Cultural Cooperation shall be established. The Committee on Cultural Cooperation shall comprise senior officials from within the administration of each Party who have expertise and experience in cultural matters and practices.

2. The Committee on Cultural Cooperation shall meet within the first year after this Protocol is applied, and thereafter as necessary and at least once a year, to oversee the implementation of this Protocol.

3. By derogation from the institutional provisions of Chapter Fifteen (Institutional, General and Final Provisions), the Trade Committee shall have no jurisdiction over this Protocol and the Committee on Cultural Cooperation shall exercise all functions of the Trade Committee as regards this Protocol, where such functions are relevant for the purposes of implementing this Protocol.

4. Each Party shall designate an office within its administration that shall serve as a Domestic Contact Point with the other Party for the purposes of implementing this Protocol.

5. Each Party shall establish a Domestic Advisory Group(s) on cultural cooperation, comprised of cultural and audiovisual representatives active in the fields covered by this Protocol, to be consulted on issues related to the implementation of this Protocol.

6. A Party may request consultations with the other Party in the Committee on Cultural Cooperation regarding any matter of mutual interest arising under this Protocol. The Committee on Cultural Cooperation shall thereafter promptly convene and make every attempt to arrive at a mutually satisfactory resolution of the matter. In doing so the Committee on Cultural Cooperation may seek the advice of either or both Parties’ Domestic Advisory Group(s) and each Party may seek the advice of its own Domestic Advisory Group(s).

Article 3bis

Dispute settlement

Unless the Parties agree otherwise, and only in case the matter referred to in Article 3.6 of this Protocol has not been satisfactorily addressed through the consultation procedure set out therein, Chapter Fourteen (Dispute Settlement) shall apply to this Protocol subject to the following modifications:

(a) All the references in Chapter Fourteen (Dispute Settlement) to the Trade Committee shall be understood as referring to the Committee on Cultural Cooperation;

(b) For the purposes of Article 14.5 (Establishment of the Arbitration Panel), the Parties shall endeavour to agree on arbitrators having necessary knowledge and experience on the subject matters of this Protocol. In the event that the Parties are unable to agree on the composition of the arbitration panel, the selection by the lot, as set out in Article 14.5.3, will take place from the list established under subparagraph (c) and not from the list established under Article 14.18 (List of Arbitrators);

(c) The Committee on Cultural Cooperation shall, promptly after its establishment, establish a list of 15 individuals who are willing and able to serve as arbitrators. Each Party shall propose five individuals to serve as arbitrators. The Parties shall also select five individuals who are not nationals of either Party and who shall act as chairperson to the arbitration panel. The Committee on Cultural Cooperation will ensure that the list is always maintained at this level. Arbitrators shall have knowledge and experience on the subject matter of this Protocol. In serving as arbitrators, they shall be independent, serve in their individual capacity and not take instructions from any organisation or government with regard to matters related to the dispute, and shall comply with Annex 14-C (Code of Conduct for Members of Arbitration Panels and Mediators);

(d) In selecting obligations to suspend pursuant to Article 14.11.2 (Temporary Remedies in case of Non-compliance) in a dispute arising under this Protocol, the complaining Party may only suspend obligations arising from this Protocol; and

(e) Notwithstanding Article 14.11.2, in selecting obligations to suspend in disputes other than those arising under this Protocol, the complaining Party may not suspend obligations arising from this Protocol.

Article 4

Artists and other cultural professionals and practitioners

1. The Parties shall endeavour to facilitate, in conformity with their respective legislation, the entry into and temporary stay in their territories of artists and other cultural professionals and practitioners from the other Party, who cannot avail themselves of commitments undertaken on the basis of Chapter Seven (Trade in Services, Establishment and Electronic Commerce) and who are either:

(a) artists, actors, technicians and other cultural professionals and practitioners from the other Party involved in the shooting of cinematographic films or television programmes; or

(b) artists and other cultural professionals and practitioners such as visual, plastic and performing artists and instructors, composers, authors, providers of entertainment services and other similar professionals and practitioners from the other Party involved in cultural activities such as, for example, the recording of music or contributing an active part to cultural events such as literary fairs and festivals, among other activities,

provided that they are not engaged in selling their services to the general public or in supplying their services themselves, do not on their own behalf receive any remuneration from a source located within the Party where they are staying temporarily, and are not engaged in the supply of a service in the framework of a contract concluded between a legal person who has no commercial presence in the Party where the artist or other cultural professional or practitioner is staying temporarily and a consumer in that Party.

2. The entry into, and temporary stay in territories of the Parties under paragraph 1, when allowed, shall be for a period of up to 90 days in any 12 month period.

3. The Parties shall endeavour to facilitate, in conformity with their respective legislation, the training of, and increased contacts between, artists and other cultural professionals and practitioners such as:

(a) theatrical producers, singer groups, band and orchestra members;

(b) authors, composers, sculptors, entertainers and other individual artists;

(c) artists and other cultural professionals and practitioners participating in the direct supply of circus, amusement park and similar attraction services; and

(d) artists and other cultural professionals and practitioners participating in the direct supply of ballroom or discotheque services and dance instructors.




Provisions related to audiovisual works

Article 5

Audiovisual co-productions

1. For the purposes of this Protocol, a co-production means an audiovisual work produced by producers of both Korea and the EU Party into which those producers have invested in accordance with the terms of this Protocol [1].

2. The Parties shall encourage the negotiation of new and implementation of existing co-production agreements between one or several Member States of the European Union and Korea. The Parties reaffirm that the Member States of the European Union and Korea may grant financial benefits to co-produced audiovisual works as defined in relevant existing or future bilateral co-production agreements to which one or several Member States of the European Union and Korea are parties.

3. The Parties, in conformity with their respective legislation, shall facilitate co-productions between producers from the EU Party and Korea, including through entitlement for co-productions to benefit from respective schemes for the promotion of local/regional cultural content.

4. Co-produced audiovisual works shall be entitled to benefit from EU Party scheme for the promotion of local/regional cultural content referred to in paragraph 3 in the form of qualification as European works in accordance with Article 1(n)(i) of Directive 89/552/EEC as amended by Directive 2007/65/EC, or by its subsequent amendments for the purposes of the requirements for the promotion of audiovisual works as provided for by Articles 4.1 and 3i.1 of Directive 89/552/EEC as amended by Directive 2007/65/EC, or by its subsequent amendments [2].

5. Co-produced audiovisual works shall be entitled to benefit from Korean schemes for the promotion of local/regional cultural content referred to in paragraph 3 in the form of qualification as Korean works for the purposes of Article 40 of the Promotion of Motion Pictures and Video Products Act (Act No. 9676, May 21, 2009), or its subsequent amendments and of Article 71 of the Broadcasting Act (Act No. 9280, Dec. 31, 2008), or its subsequent amendments and Notice on Programming Ratio (Korea Communications Commission Notice No. 2008-135, Dec. 31, 2008), or its subsequent amendments. [3].

6. The entitlement for co-productions to benefit from the respective schemes for the promotion of local/regional cultural content referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 shall be granted on the following conditions:

(a) The co-produced audiovisual works are realised between undertakings which are owned and continue to be owned, whether directly or by majority participation, by a Member State of the European Union or Korea respectively and/or by nationals of a Member State of the European Union or nationals of Korea respectively;

(b) The representative director(s) or manager(s) of the co-producing undertakings have the nationality of a Member State of the European Union and Korea respectively and can demonstrate their domicile therein;

(c) Participation of producers from two Member States of the European Union will be necessary for each co-produced audiovisual work, other than animation works. With respect to animation works participation of producers from three Member States of the European Union will be necessary. The proportion of financial contribution of a producer or producers of each Member State of the European Union shall be no less than 10 percent;

(d) The minimum respective financial contributions to a co-produced audiovisual work other than animation works, of the producers of the EU Party (taken together) and the producers of Korea (taken together) may not be less than 30 percent of the total production cost of the audiovisual work. With respect to animation works this contribution may not be less than 35 percent of the total production cost;

(e) The contribution of each Party’s producers (taken together) includes effective technical and artistic participation and a balance is ensured between the two Parties’ contributions. In particular, in co-produced audiovisual works other than animation works the technical and artistic contribution of each Party’s producers (taken together) shall not vary by more than 20 percentage points compared to their financial contribution and cannot in any case represent more than 70 percent of the overall contribution. With respect to animation works the technical and artistic contribution of each Party’s producers (taken together) shall not vary by more than 10 percentage points compared to their financial contribution and cannot in any case represent more than 65 percent of the overall contribution;

(f) Participation of producers from third countries that have ratified the UNESCO Convention in a co-produced audiovisual work is accepted to a maximum of 20 percent, where possible, of the total production costs and/or the technical and artistic contribution to the audiovisual work.

7. The Parties reaffirm that the entitlement for co-productions to benefit from their respective schemes for the promotion of local/regional cultural content referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 ensures reciprocal benefits, and that the co-productions fulfilling the criteria of paragraph 6 are awarded the status of European/Korean works referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 respectively without any conditions additional to those of paragraph 6.

8. (a) The entitlement for co-productions to benefit from the respective schemes for the promotion of local/regional cultural content referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 is established for a period of three years following the application of this Protocol. Upon advice from the Domestic Advisory Groups, six months before the expiry, the Committee on Cultural Cooperation will coordinate in order to assess the results of the implementation of the entitlement in terms of enhancement of cultural diversity and mutually beneficial cooperation on co-produced works.

(b) The entitlement will be renewed for a duration of three years and shall thereafter be automatically renewed for further successive periods of the same duration, unless a Party terminates the entitlement by giving notice in writing at least three months before the expiry of the initial or any subsequent period. Six months before the expiry of each renewed period, the Committee on Cultural Cooperation will conduct an assessment on similar terms as described in subparagraph (a).

(c) Unless the Parties decide otherwise, termination of such entitlement shall not prevent the co-productions from benefiting from the respective schemes for the promotion of local/regional cultural content referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 under the conditions of paragraph 6, if the date of the first broadcasting or projection of such co-productions in the respective territories is prior to expiry of any relevant period.

9. Throughout the duration of the entitlement for co-productions to benefit from the schemes for the promotion of local/regional content referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5, the Parties, notably through the Domestic Advisory Groups will regularly monitor the implementation of paragraph 6 and report any problem that may arise in this respect to the Committee on Cultural Cooperation. The Committee on Cultural Cooperation may review at the request of a Party, the entitlement for co-productions to benefit from the schemes for the promotion of local/regional content referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 and/or the criteria referred to in paragraph 6.

10. With prior notice of two months, a Party may suspend the entitlement to benefit from its scheme(s) for the promotion of local/regional cultural content referred to in paragraphs 4 or 5, if the rights reserved for co-produced works under these paragraphs are adversely affected as a result of the other Party’s modification of the relevant legislation referred to in these paragraphs. Before proceeding to such suspension, the notifying Party shall discuss and review with the other Party in the Committee on Cultural Cooperation the nature and impact of the legislative changes.

Article 6

Other audiovisual cooperation

1. The Parties strive to promote audiovisual works of the other Party through the organisation of festivals, seminars and similar initiatives.

2. The Parties shall facilitate, in addition to the dialogue referred to in Article 2.2 of this Protocol, cooperation in the area of broadcasting with an aim to promote cultural exchange through activities such as:

(a) promoting exchange of information and views on broadcasting policy and regulatory framework between competent authorities;

(b) encouraging cooperation and exchange between the broadcasting industries;

(c) encouraging exchange of audiovisual works; and

(d) encouraging visits to and participation in international broadcasting events held in the territory of the other Party.

3. The Parties shall endeavour to facilitate the use of international and regional standards in order to ensure compatibility and interoperability of audiovisual technologies, thereby contributing to strengthening cultural exchanges. They shall cooperate towards this objective.

4. The Parties shall endeavour to facilitate rental and leasing of the technical material and equipment, such as radio and television equipment, musical instruments and studio recording equipment, necessary to create and record audiovisual works.

5. The Parties shall endeavour to facilitate the digitalisation of audiovisual archives.

Article 7

Temporary importation of material and equipment for the purpose of shooting audiovisual works

1. Each Party shall encourage as appropriate the promotion of its territory as a location for the purpose of shooting cinematographic films and television programmes.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions on trade in goods in this Agreement, the Parties shall, in conformity with their respective legislation, examine and allow the temporary importation of the technical material and equipment necessary to carry out the shooting of cinematographic films and television programmes by cultural professionals and practitioners from the territory of a Party into the territory of the other Party.


Promotion of cultural sectors other than audiovisual

Article 8

Performing arts

1. The Parties, in conformity with their respective legislation, shall facilitate through appropriate programmes increased contacts between practitioners of performing arts in areas such as professional exchanges and training including, inter alia, participation in auditions, development of networks and promotion of networking.

2. The Parties shall encourage joint productions in the fields of performing arts between producers of one or several Member States of the European Union and Korea.

3. The Parties shall encourage the development of international theatre technology standards and the use of theatre stage signs, including through appropriate standardisation bodies. They shall facilitate the cooperation towards this objective.

Article 9


The Parties, in conformity with their respective legislation, shall facilitate exchange with and dissemination of publications of the other Party through appropriate programmes in areas such as:

(a) organisation of fairs, seminars, literary events and other similar events related to publications, including public reading mobile structures;

(b) facilitating co-publishing and translations; and

(c) facilitating professional exchanges and training for librarians, writers, translators, booksellers and publishers.

Article 10

Protection of cultural heritage sites and historic monuments

The Parties, in conformity with their respective legislation and without prejudice to the reservations included in their commitments in the other provisions of this Agreement, shall encourage, in the framework of appropriate programmes, exchanges of expertise and best practices regarding the protection of cultural heritage sites and historic monuments bearing in mind the UNESCO world heritage mission, including through facilitating the exchange of experts, collaboration on professional training, awareness of the local public and counselling on the protection of the historic monuments and protected spaces and on the legislation and implementation of measures related to heritage, in particular its integration into local life.

[1] In the case of Korea, there is a recognition procedure for co-productions, conducted by the Korean Communications Commission for broadcasting programmes, and the Korean Film Council for films. This recognition procedure is limited to technical check aimed at ensuring that the co-production fulfils the criteria set in paragraph 6. Recognition will be granted to any co-production fulfilling these criteria.

[2] Amendments of the legislation shall be without prejudice to the application of paragraph 10.

[3] Ibidem.



With respect to the cross-border supply of insurance services as committed in the lists of commitments in Annex 7-A (List of Commitments), namely insurance of risks relating to:

(a) maritime shipping and commercial aviation and space launching and freight (including satellites), with such insurance to cover any or all of the following: the goods being transported, the vehicle transporting the goods and any liability arising therefrom; and

(b) goods in international transit,

the Parties confirm that where a Member State of the European Union requires that such supply be made by suppliers established in the European Union, a Korean financial service supplier may supply such services through its establishment to any other Member State of the European Union without being established in the Member State of the European Union where the service is supplied. For further clarification, such supply includes the production, distribution, marketing, sale and delivery of the financial services.

Consultations shall continue between the European Commission and those Member States of the European Union which retain such a requirement of establishment in the European Union to take further steps towards the facilitation of the supply of these services in their territories. The EU Party welcomes Korea’s proposal to hold consultations in the future with a view to reaching agreement thereon.

This Understanding shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement.



In the course of the negotiations of this Agreement, the delegation of Korea explained to the delegation of the European Union the Korean government’s intention on its postal reform plan.

In this context, Korea has drawn to the attention of the delegation of the European Union the following aspects of its postal reform plan:

Korea intends to expand gradually the exceptions to the Korean Postal Authority’s monopoly to increase the scope of private delivery services that are permitted. This will be done through amendments to the Postal Service Act, related laws, or their subordinate regulations.

(a) After these amendments are enacted, the scope of Korean Postal Authority’s letter-posts will be clearer through the redefinition of its concept, and the exceptions to the letter-posts monopoly will be extended based on objective standards such as weight, price or a combination thereof.

(b) In determining the nature and extent of such amendments, Korea will consider various factors, including domestic market conditions, the experience of other countries with postal liberalisation, and the need to ensure universal service. Korea plans to implement these amendments within the next three years from the date of signature of this Agreement.

In applying these reformed criteria Korea will provide non-discriminatory opportunities to all the postal and express delivery service suppliers in Korea.

Korea will also amend Article 3 of the Enforcement Decree of the Postal Services Act, thereby expanding the exceptions to the Korean Postal Authority monopoly to include all international document express delivery services by the entry into force of this Agreement. For greater certainty, international and domestic express delivery services of all documents are not subject to the postal service monopolies in the Member States of the European Union.

[1] This Understanding is non-binding and not subject to Chapter Fourteen (Dispute Settlement).



The following understanding was reached between the delegations of Korea and the European Union during the course of negotiations regarding specific commitments on telecommunications services in this Agreement:

If a Party conditions the granting of a licence to supply public telecommunications services to a person of the Party in which a person of the other Party holds an equity interest on a finding that the supply of such services would serve the public interest, the Party shall ensure that it: (i) bases any such finding and the procedures for making such a finding on objective and transparent criteria; (ii) employs a presumption in favor of finding that granting a licence to a person of the Party in which a person of the other Party holds an equity interest would serve the public interest; and (iii) develops any such procedures consistent with Article 7.22 (Transparency and Confidential Information), Article 7.23 (Domestic Regulation) and Article 7.36 (Resolution of Telecommunications Disputes).

This Understanding shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement.


olvääriskividest (looduslikud, tehislikud või taastatud) | | | |

71161000 | – looduslikest või kultiveeritud pärlitest | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

711620 | – looduslikest, tehislikest või taastatud vääris- või poolvääriskividest | | | |

– – valmistatud täielikult looduslikest vääris- või poolvääriskividest | | | |

71162011 | – – – kaelakeed, käevõrud jm ainult lükitud looduslikest vääris- ja poolvääriskividest tooted, kinniste ja muude lisanditeta | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71162019 | – – – muud | 2,5 | 0 | |

71162090 | – – muud | 2,5 | 0 | |

7117 | Juveeltoodete imitatsioonid | | | |

– mitteväärismetallist, väärismetalliga pinnatud või mitte | | | |

71171100 | – – manseti- ja kraenööbid | 4 | 0 | |

711719 | – – muud | | | |

71171910 | – – – klaasdetailidega | 4 | 0 | |

– – – klaasdetailideta | | | |

71171991 | – – – – kullatud, hõbetatud või plaatinaga pinnatud | 4 | 0 | |

71171999 | – – – – muud | 4 | 0 | |

71179000 | – muud | 4 | 0 | |

7118 | Mündid | | | |

711810 | – ametlikku kurssi mitteomavad mündid (v.a kuldmündid) | | | |

71181010 | – – hõbedast | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71181090 | – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

71189000 | – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72 | GRUPP 72 - RAUD JA TERAS | | | |


7201 | Toormalm ja peegelmalm kangide, plokkide või muude esmasvormidena | | | |

720110 | – legeerimata toormalm fosforisisaldusega kuni 0,5 % massist | | | |

– – mangaanisisaldusega vähemalt 0,4 % massist | | | |

72011011 | – – – ränisisaldusega kuni 1 % massist | 1,7 | 0 | |

72011019 | – – – ränisisaldusega üle 1 % massist | 1,7 | 0 | |

72011030 | – – mangaanisisaldusega vähemalt 0,1 %, kuid alla 0,4 % massist | 1,7 | 0 | |

72011090 | – – mangaanisisaldusega alla 0,1 % massist | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72012000 | – legeerimata toormalm fosforisisaldusega üle 0,5 % massist | 2,2 | 0 | |

720150 | – legeeritud toormalm; peegelmalm | | | |

72015010 | – – legeeritud toormalm, mis sisaldab vähemalt 0,3 %, kuid mitte üle 1 % massist titaani ja vähemalt 0,5 %, kuid mitte üle 1 % massist vanaadiumi | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72015090 | – – muud | 1,7 | 0 | |

7202 | Ferrosulamid | | | |

– ferromangaan | | | |

720211 | – – süsinikusisaldusega üle 2 % massist | | | |

72021120 | – – – kuni 5 mm graanulitega, mangaanisisaldusega üle 65 % massist | 2,7 | 0 | |

72021180 | – – – muud | 2,7 | 0 | |

72021900 | – – muud | 2,7 | 0 | |

– ferrosiliitsium | | | |

72022100 | – – ränisisaldusega üle 55 % massist | 5,7 | 0 | |

720229 | – – muud | | | |

72022910 | – – – magneesiumisisaldusega vähemalt 4 %, kuid mitte üle 10 % massist | 5,7 | 0 | |

72022990 | – – – muud | 5,7 | 0 | |

72023000 | – ferrosilikomangaan | 3,7 | 0 | |

– ferrokroom | | | |

720241 | – – süsinikusisaldusega üle 4 % massist | | | |

72024110 | – – – süsinikusisaldusega üle 4 %, kuid mitte üle 6 % massist | 4 | 0 | |

72024190 | – – – süsinikusisaldusega üle 6 % massist | 4 | 0 | |

720249 | – – muud | | | |

72024910 | – – – süsinikusisaldusega kuni 0,05 % massist | 7 | 0 | |

72024950 | – – – süsinikusisaldusega üle 0,05 %, kuid mitte üle 0,5 % massist | 7 | 0 | |

72024990 | – – – süsinikusisaldusega üle 0,5 %, kuid mitte üle 4 % massist | 7 | 0 | |

72025000 | – ferrosilikokroom | 2,7 | 0 | |

72026000 | – ferronikkel | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72027000 | – ferromolübdeen | 2,7 | 0 | |

72028000 | – ferrovolfram ja ferrosilikovolfram | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– muud | | | |

72029100 | – – ferrotitaan ja ferrosilikotitaan | 2,7 | 0 | |

72029200 | – – ferrovanaadium | 2,7 | 0 | |

72029300 | – – ferronioobium | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

720299 | – – muud | | | |

72029910 | – – – ferrofosfor | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72029930 | – – – ferrosilikomagneesium | 2,7 | 0 | |

72029980 | – – – muud | 2,7 | 0 | |

7203 | Rauamaagi jm käsnrauasaaduste otsesel redutseerimisel saadud raud, tükkidena, graanulitena vms kujul; raud minimaalse puhtusega 99,94 % massist, tükkidena, graanulitena vms kujul | | | |

72031000 | – rauamaagi otsesel redutseerimisel saadud raud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72039000 | – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

7204 | Malmi ja terase jäätmed ja jäägid; praagitud raua või terase valuplokid ümbersulatamiseks | | | |

72041000 | – malmijäätmed ja -jäägid | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– legeerterase jäätmed ja jäägid | | | |

720421 | – – roostevabast terasest | | | |

72042110 | – – – niklisisaldusega vähemalt 8 % massist | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72042190 | – – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72042900 | – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72043000 | – tinutatud malmi või terase jäätmed ja jäägid | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– muud jäätmed ja jäägid | | | |

720441 | – – treimis-, höövli- ja raielaastud, freesimisjäätmed, saepuru, viilmed, lõikmed ning stantsimisjäätmed, pakettidena või mitte | | | |

72044110 | – – – trei-, höövli- ja raielaastud, freesimisjäätmed, saepuru ja viilmed | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– – – lõikmed ja stantsimisjäätmed | | | |

72044191 | – – – – pakettidena | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72044199 | – – – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

720449 | – – muud | | | |

72044910 | – – – purustatud (tükeldatud) | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– – – muud | | | |

72044930 | – – – – pakettidena | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72044990 | – – – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72045000 | – praagitud valuplokid ümbersulatamiseks | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

7205 | Graanulid ja pulber toormalmist, peegelmalmist, rauast või terasest | | | |

72051000 | – graanulid | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– pulbrid | | | |

72052100 | – – legeerterasest | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72052900 | – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |


7206 | Raud ja legeerimata teras valuplokkidena või muude esmasvormidena (v.a rubriigi 7203 raud) | | | |

72061000 | – kangid | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72069000 | – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

7207 | Pooltooted rauast või legeerimata terasest: | | | |

– süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist | | | |

720711 | – – täisnurkse (k.a ruudukujulise) ristlõikega, laiusega alla kahekordse paksuse | | | |

– – – valtsitud või pidevvalust | | | |

72071111 | – – – – automaaditerasest | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

– – – – muud | | | |

72071114 | – – – – – paksusega kuni 130 mm | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72071116 | – – – – – paksusega üle 130 mm | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72071190 | – – – sepistatud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

720712 | – – muud, täisnurkse (v.a ruudukujulise) ristlõikega | | | |

72071210 | – – – valtsitud või pidevvalust | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72071290 | – – – sepistatud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

720719 | – – muud | | | |

– – – ümmarguse või hulknurkse ristlõikega | | | |

72071912 | – – – – valtsitud või pidevvalust | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72071919 | – – – – sepistatud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

72071980 | – – – muud | Tollimaksuvaba | 0 | |

720720 | – süsinikusisaldusega vähemalt 0,25 % massist | | | |

– – täisnurkse (k.a ruudukujulise) ristlõikega, laiusega alla kahekordse paksuse | | | |


During the negotiations on Chapter Seven (Trade in Services, Establishment and Electronic Commerce) of this Agreement, the Parties discussed regulations relating to zoning, urban planning and environmental protection which are applicable in Korea and in the European Union at the time of signature of this Agreement.

The Parties share the understanding that, in so far as regulations, including regulations relating to zoning, urban planning and environmental protection, constitute non-discriminatory and non-quantitative measures affecting establishment, they are not subject to scheduling.

Based on the common understanding above, the Parties confirm that specific measures maintained by Korea in the following Acts are not subject to scheduling:

- Seoul Metropolitan Area Readjustment Planning Act

- Industrial Cluster Development and Factory Establishment Act

- Special Act on the Improvement of Air Environment in the Seoul Metropolitan Area

The Parties confirm their right to introduce new regulations relating to zoning, urban planning and environmental protection.

This Understanding shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement.


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